R. I, Jewish Historical Associat ion 11 130 Sessions Street Providence, RI 02906 Support Jewish Read By More Than Agencies 40,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY fN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS VO LUME LXVIII , NUMBER 29 THURSDAY, JUNE 11 , 1981 .;30~ PJ;R_ GOPY Israel Chastised For Attack On Iraqi Reactor , l I Whil e Israel proudly defends its destruc­ The Iraqi news agency, reporting the at­ tion of an atomic. reactor in Iraq this week, tack after the Israeli announcement, said U.S. and Arab governments, fri ends and foes nine aircraft had been involved. American alike, are condemning the raid and calling for military sources sa id the bombing was by sa nctions. American-made F-4 Phantoms, escorted by A surpri sed State Department said the at­ F-15s. tack was .. a very seri ous development and a , Begin said the attack had been timed for a so urce of utmost concern." In its harshest Sunday to reduce _the likelihood of injuring criticism yet of Israel, it also said Israel may the French, Italian and Brazilian experts who have violated a 1952 aid agreement with the had been working on the reactor. U.S. barring the use of American-made war­ Although France had insisted that the planes ~ac~~1tress~on . reactor was intended onl y for research, Israel The Reagan Administration announced said the reactor had been designed to Wednesday the suspension of shipment of produce atomi c bombs. four jet fighters because of the possible vio­ The target fo r the bombs would be Is rael, lation. · Begin said , because Iraq's Saddam Hussein Pri me Minister Menachem Begin has had asserted after an apparent attack by defended Israel' s att ack on the reactor near Iranians against the reactor last fall that the Baghdad as a n act o f "supre me a nd target ,'.vas being constructed "against Israel legitimate self-defense:· carried out to pre­ .alone. vent Iraq from launch ing "anothe r Although Israel has denied possessing SHALOM AWARD - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Leavitt, (third and fourth from left,) received holocaust" against the Jews. Israeli military nuclear weapons, CIA reports state that Israel's Shalom Award at a Tribute Reception In their honor held In behalf of State of sources said the raid killed as many as three Israel has a lread y produced nuclear Israel Bonds at the Ledgemont Country Club. (Left to right:) Tribute Committee co• people. weapons. A critical motivation for the attack chairman Major General Leonard Holland; Philip J. Macktez, Tribute Committee co• Israeli citizens were jubilant about the at- ' on the Iraqi reactor was the beli ef that the chairman, who made the presentation; Harold and Erma Leavitt; Yvonne and Sidney tack, and there was wide support in offi cial Iraqi regime would not be deterred from a Dressler, general chairmen of the Rhode Island Israel Bond Executive Committee; and circles. The opposition Labor Party contends first strike with nuclear weapons, Iraq might Melvin Frank, general vice chairman, Rhode Island Israel Bonds Executive Committee. the timing was linked to the June 30 Knesset be similarly hit. Not shown: Ellie Frank, general vice chairman. elections. It is estimated that it would take Iraq Arab governments have condemned the about three years to rebuild the training re­ bombing as an act of terrorism, and Iraq has . actors in Iraq, reportedly without the capac­ requested meetings of the Arab League and . ity to produce weapons, were not hit in the House Unit Approves Honorary U.S. the United Nations Security Council. · attack. · An Arab oil cutoff appears unlikely in the Israel' s statement condemned France and Citizenship For Raoul Wollenberg wake of the attack, although members of Italy for assisting" the Iraqi tyrant" in return Kuwait's assembly have urged such sanc­ for oil. him. WASHINGTON - A subcommittee of tions. It is expected that Saudi Arabia would Condemned By U.S.,. Egypt This is only the second time Congress has the House of Representatives voted last week not go along with such a moved the oil glut The Reagan Administratio1\ has been pur­ granted honorary citizenship to a foreigner. to confer honorary United States citizenship would in any event minimize the impact of suing improved relations with Iraq, and I I on Raoul Wallenberg, a Swede credited with The only other such grant was to Winston an embargo. negotiations had already begun. A statement l Churchill. saving the lives of 100,000 Hungarian Jews at An editorial in The New York Times, by Reagan and Secretary of State Alexander Sen. Claiborne Pell of R. I. has introduced the end of World War II. expressing views similar to those of daily Haig said the attack "cannot but seriously a companion resolution in the Senate, and i Proponents of the measure say they newspapers across the country, condemned add to the ·already tense situation in the hopes the Senate Foreign Relations Commit- . believe Wallenberg, who disappeared after · the attack as " an act of inexcusable and short­ area. Available evidence suggest U.S. tee can hold hearings soon. He said the U.S. his arrest by Soviet troops in Budapest in sighted aggression." provided equipment was employed in possi- - has an obligation to Wallenberg and his 1945, is alive in a Soviet prison. Conferring Israel Could Not Wait hie violation of the applicable agreement un­ family. "Certainly our country owes it to the honorary U.S. citizenship may give The $275 million facility, being built by der which it was sold to Israel." A violation of Raoul Wallenberg to try to secure for him the Washington more leverage, they say, in seek­ France and Italy, was near completion and the aid agreement could jeopardize Israel's same life and liberty he brought to so many ing his release. scheduled to begin operation within several military assistance. Wallenberg printed thousands of false others," Pell said. months, according to Begin. Israel could not The Egyptian government has also con­ \ Swedish passports and slipped them to Jews The Soviet Union claims that Wallenberg, , demned the raid, calling it an " irresponsible whom they arrested in 1945, died while in wait to attack later, he said, because Baghdad awaiting shipment to Nazi extermination would have been blanketed with radiation. (Continued on page 2) camps. prison, but Lantos believes he is alive The bill, sponsored by Rep. Tom Lantosof because inde pendent witnesses have California, also calls on the Soviet Union to described seeing a Swedish prisoner in Soviet reveal Wallenberg's whereabouts and to free prisons. ' Brown University To Host AJC­ Sponsored Elder Seminar, July 19-26 NEW YORK (JTA)- Two northeast un­ week-lohg sessions at each university are iversities will be the sites of an Elder scheduled for July 19-26 and July 26-Aug. 2, Seminar, a new summer program of Jewish Siegman said. studies, sponsored by the Ameri can Jewish Siegman said the Elder Seminar program Congress, according to Henry Siegman, is designed for people 55 and over. He said AJCongress executive director. the Jewish community " has provided The week-long sessions will be held at generously for the health, welfare and leisure Brown University in Provide nce and needs of older people but has failed to Maryland University in Coll ege Park. The provide them with serious intellectual al)d cultural programs." ~inside:---­ He said the all-inclusive cost for the week, including accommodations at student dor­ Guardian Angels mitories and three kosher meals daily, is $175 per person. He said seminar participants will Keeping Watch page 7 have access to all campus athletic and cultural facilities. Deadline for registration is Bob Kerzner, June 15. Greyhound Trainer Courses at Maryland university will in­ AT TEMPLE BETH-EL BOND TRIBUTE- Dorothy Ann Wiener, seated, was honored at page 8 clude women in Jewish literature; main con­ Temple Beth-El's reception In behalf of State of Israel Bonds at which she was presented the cepts of Jewish law; and languages of the 30th Anniversary Medal of the Israel Bond Organization. Seated (left to right) are Rabbi Burt Alpert, Preparing Jews - Yiddish, Ladino, Aramaic and Leslie Y. Gutterman, sphitual leader of Temple Beth-El; Edward Goldlng, president ot others. Courses at Brown university wi ll in­ the temple; Mn. Wiener and Maurice Hendel, co-chalrmal'i cf !he Tribute Committee. For Maccabiah Games clude readings in Jewish wisdom literature; Standing (left to rlghti ara Sidney and Yvonne Dressler, general chairmen of the Rhode page 9 the wonders of Jewish literature; and history Island Israel Bonds Executive Committee; Geraldine Foster and 1uest speaker Ari Rath, of Jewish ideas and institutions. editor and managing editor of "The Jerusalem Post." 2 - THE RHODE ISMND HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE II, 1981 Thatcher, Facing IRA Pressures, Obituaries Asked Carrington Not To See Ptrafat LONDON (JTA) - Mrs. Margaret opponent of concessions to the IRA. The BENJAMIN DORN ALEX HURWITZ Thatcher the British Prime Minister, is arguments she has been using would make CRANSTON -,-- Benjamin Dorn, 82, of Inducted Into URI Hall Of Fame belie ved to have asked her Foreign her vulnerable to accusations of incon­ 41 Beeckman Ave., died Thursday, June 4 at EAST PROVIDENCE - Alex Hurwitz, Secretary, Lord Carrington, not to meet sistency, if Carrington were seen consorting home. He was the husband of the late Edith 74, or 35 Arthur Ave., a manufacturing Palestine Liberation Organization leader with Arafat while she prohibits concessions to (Block) Dom. representative for various companies, died Yasir Arafat this summer despite recent IRA hunger strikers. A member of the Independent Taxi Own­ Thursday, June 4. He was pronounced dead declarations by both her and Carrington that This is believed to be one of the factors ers Associatio n of Boston, he owned a taxi on arrival at Rhode Island Hospital.
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