rS W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 22, 1961 Averaie Dally Net Preae Run The Weather PAGB TWENTY-FOUR lEngntofl Ijgyalb roreeaat of V. 8. Weather B «N a « Ver Um Weak Ended Mareh 11, IM l Chance of oocaalonal Usht ralB or drlude tanight and early Fri­ 13,317 day. Law tanlght la 80s. Fartly OPEN TOMORROW Msesber ef the Audit cloady Friday, n g h '48 to M. TILL Bu « m of drenlatleii Manchester— A City of Village Charm m a in s t r e e t MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1961 (Classified Adverttstag on Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS MANCHESTER ^ 9:00 P. A\. VOL. LXXX, NO. 146 (TWENTY PAGES) & Legal Wrangle State News VERY M UCH SOI Roundup SPRING May Issue Policy T O THE ; 6 3 Men Arraigned Over Road Mix On 156 Counts of POINT.♦♦♦ Hartford, March 23 (A»)—-AtDl*-Seal "alon. and in consjrf^y Damage to Autos legal dispute is underway with," among others State High­ way Commissioner Howard S. Statement on Laos Tonight which involves a road resur­ Ivei, Dickinson, treasurer and sec­ Willimantic, March 23 (^ ) unmistakably facing material in wide use by retary of Dix-Seal, and other of­ —.Three young men have the State Highway Depart­ ficers of the corporation, obtained been arraigned on a tothl 156 ment and several Connecticut the patent unlawfully. These allegations and all others counts of shattering carT! spring . towns, including at least two made by the defendants were de­ windshields and splattering in the Greater Hartford area. nied "categorically, emphatically paint over the vehicles. Marines, Ship Units unmistakably Dix-Seal Corporation of West and specifically" by Dix-Seal’s at­ Circuit Court Judge George E, Hartford, which holds a patent for torney today. Kinmouth Jr. yesterday continued the material, a hot bituminous con A lly. I. Jordan Kunik of New the cases to April 6 under 85.000 Crete mix, has initiated a patent York City, who Is alsrf a vice bond each. Moving in Far East Infringement suit in the U.S. Dis­ president of Dix-Seal, said all the The three with Individual trict Court, New Haven. allegations would be denied in an I charges are: ..AM S ^ 4 1« A J A m 4 a* ae^stsaf AS*_ 1 . __ _ The defendants are New Haven answer to the defendants’ counter­ Robert F. Nascih, 19. Windham i Trap Rock Company of. New claims. Rd.. 69 counts of windshield shat- j Washington. March 23 {/P)— President Kennedy’s news (right): a Haven and Materials Service Inc. Specifically he made these com­ tering and two counts of paint ^ conference will be carried live by radio and television net­ of Windsor Locks. ments on the charges: splashing. i works at 6 p.m. EST today. chic, semi- Their answers to Dix-Seal’i 1. "The invention was made by Kenneth J. Tallier, 18 Windham I All major radio and TV networks are expected to carry Dickinson on his own time' on a complaint allege that the patient Rd.. 51 counts of windshield shat- the conference. fitted suit of was fraudulently obtained and that prlvate company's property. EJven tering and two counts of paint' the rightful "equitable owner" is the testimony taken in pre-trial ; splashing. delicate gray, the state of Connecticut. They al­ dispositions contradicts the alle­ Jerome A. Filek, 17. Williman- Washington, March 23 (/P)— Republican congressional (left): lege tire road material and applica- gation I that the patient belongs to llc. 30 ^counts of windshield shat­ leaders pledged today to stand behind President Kennedy in bound with satin tlort process was developed by a the .state I. tering and two counts of paint whatever decision he makes in the grave situation in Laos. "collectors Item" fomrer state highway department 2. Tliere was no state law in splashing. engineer. Howard K. Dickinson of effect St the time o f the invention The three have also been charg­ and skirt-lined Wethersfield, while the latter which made an employe's inven­ ed by State Police with nine counts Washington, March 28 ( ^ — President Kennedy apparent­ slender, elegant worked for the department. State tion the property^f the state. A of willfully damaging automobiles ly began speeding U.S. military units toward crisis rack^ for shape retention, time, facilities and funds were law has since berfn T>asaed to thus in Lebanon and Columbia. Southeast Asia today in the crucial hours of a diplomatic used, it is claimed. They were arrested March 4 sliowdown with Russia over the embattled kingdom of Laos. and beautiful sizes 10 to 20 Materials serrice charges that (Continued on Page Nineteen) after a 10-month Investigation by Kennedy is expected to issue a mhjor U.S. policy statement police. black patent on the Laotian crisis at a news conference tonight (6 p.m. 49 to 40 EST). Eisenhower Plan Changed ^ Meanwhile, the President awaited some reaction from So­ 39.99 Hartford. March 23 m — The State Motor ^Vehicle department’s viet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to an urgent appeal from 1499 daily rewrd of automobile acci­ Britain for agreement to a cease-fire in the civil war in Laos. dents S5T)f last midnight and the Given a cease-fire, the western powers would accept a Com­ U.S. Urges UN Start totals on thesame date last year: munist backed proposal for an intefnational conference on 1960 1961 Accidents ....8.544 8,357 test.) Laos. Killed ............. 49 40 This last minute move on the Injured ......... 4.902 , 4,625 feat.) diplomatic front '^vas made by African Aid Project Britain after consultation 'with the Tight Secrecy United State*. It kept open the Mother Acquitted road tor a negotiated settlement Hartford. March 23 ifPi — Mrs. and put the next step up to Blankets News United Nations, N. Y., M a rc h f‘This should be a great adventure Joan Gronwoldt of Granby ha.s 38 UP)—The United States today in human cooperation, and it is Coach at White House Khrushchev. been acquitted of the manslaugh­ Meanwhile, the reported mili­ called on the United Nations to one to which the American admin­ ter slaying of her two infant chil­ Charles (Bud) Wilkinson. University of Oklahoma football coach and newly appointed special consult­ work out an African development istration is wholeheartedly dedi­ ant to the Pre.sidenl on youth fitnc.s.s, poses today at the 'White House with Pre.,ident Kennedy. The tary moves underscore K en n ey’s Of U.S. Forces dren on grounds of temporary in­ determination to deal with the program that "is by, of and for the cated.” sanity. 44-year:old Wilkinson conferred with Kennedy on formulation of plans to get the Youth Fitne.ss Pro­ Africans.” A t the same time it ' It is up to the United Nations, gram started. ) A P Photofax). , Communist challenge threat by Washingfton, March 23 (IP)—One Superior Court Judge Charles force if diplomacy falls. of the tightest secrecy blankets urged exclualoi^of the Cold War he added, to draw up plans aimed S. House yesterday committed the at making the 1960s "a historic One of the tightest secrecy since the Korean W ar was thrown from the African continent. attractive. 28-year-old housewife decade of progress in Africa.” clampdowns since the Korean War about all official Information con­ The U.S. views were outlined by to the ^Norwich .State Hospital Chief Delegate Adlai E. Steven­ Stevenson wa ^ enlarging on a Armed Forces'Internaliorial Conference shut off Pentagon information on cerning U.S. military forces today help-to-Afrlca proposal laid before after a“"3-hour trial—possibly the military moves. as the diplomatic crisis over Laos son before the .main political com­ shortest homicide trial in the his­ mittee of the U.N. General As­ the assembly last fall by President Not only would sources- at De­ deepened. Eisenho^^’er. But Stevenson noted tory of the court. fense Headquarters supply ho orig­ Pentagon public .relations of­ sembly. He was the first Speaker House ordered the woman con­ on the problem of aiding in the there had been many changes in On Alert MasisBritain Accepts Reds’ inal Information, but there was ficials bb'viously were under the the world in the last six months — fined until the court is satisfied only a crisp "no comment” on dis­ strictest orders against providing development of the newly Inde­ she is no longer psychiotic. pendent African nations. and also in the United States. patches from Southeast Asia any original informaUS8)_oc. dis­ Psychiatrists had testified she In Argentina which Indicated stiffening of the cussing in any way a welter of "Only Africans can develop At- Soui-ces close to the. U.S. delega­ was depressed and potentially sui­ tion said the new administration Laos Peace Talk Plan U.S. military stand. rumors and eyewrltnesa reports r lc i lit the last analysis," Steven­ cidal as a result of the death of her Bueno.s Aires, Argentina, March which came from within the son told the 99-nation committee. plans considerable changes in the Pierre Salinger, White House (left): designed two children, Susan, 3, and Ste­ 23 UP' — Argentine Army and United States and overseas. He called attention to President Eisenhower program, which never phen, 1. London, Marcii 23 f.'Pi—Britain to-^- Russell replied this was a ques- press secretary, was asked wheth­ Kennedy's foreign aid program an­ reached the resolutipn stage. The Police said the woman shot the Air Force units were on an alert da.v accepted Russia's proposal for lion "above my head." er he had any comment on what a Although dispatches from Hong with a cowl nounced in Washington yesterday delegation has been circulating a two children with a .22 caliber re­ basis tbday after Uie co:in try's an international conference on He said the note presented by reporter referred to as reports Kong described in apparent de­ tail the hasty departure of the big (right): and said that the U.S.
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