INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics.) Abagast, Lodowick, pensioner of the Ball, William, 195, 196 Revolution, 39 Banquit, William, pensioner of the Accut, Andrew, 174 Revolution, 30 ACKLEY, 74 Barber, Robert, 3, 4, 5 Ackley, Sarah, marriage of, to Wil- Barbour, Alfred M., to Roger A. liam Watson, 1783. 74 Pryor, 1860, 175 Adamstown, 13 Barley Sheaf, The, 22 Admiral Vernon, The, changed to the Barratt, Hon. Norris Stanley, Out- General Warren, 26; mentioned, line of the History of Old St. 3, 4, 5, 24 Paul's Church, Philadelphia, by, Alexander, Alexander, petition of notice of, 192 widow of, for a pension, 1790, 276, Bartlett, J. Gardner, The English 277 ; wounded at Gulph Mills, 276 Ancestry of Peter Talbot of Dor- Alexander, Catherine, petition of, for chester, Mass., notice of, 93 a pension, 1790, 276. 277 Bartram, John, 76, 219, 220, 225 Allen, A., 142 Bartram, Mrs. John, Alexander Gar- Allen, John, 63, 141 den to, 1765, 76, 77 Allen, Joseph, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, Bartram, William, 77 54, 55, 57 Bate, Abraham, pensioner of the Rev- Allen, William, 64, 142, 201 olution, 267; wounded at Battle Allison, Francis, 196 of Brandywine, 267 "American Engravers upon Copper Battersby, John, pensioner of the and Steel," by Mantle Fielding, no- Revolution, 168, 169 tice of, 94 Bayley, John, 196 Amicable Library Company, meetings Beale, Joseph, 22 of, 200, 204; advertisements of, Beale, William, 22 203, 204; union of with Union Beasaw, Nicholas, pensioner of the Library Company, 204 Revolution, 156 ANDERSON, 71 Beaso, Nicholas, pensioner of the Anderson, Andrew, Jr., 71 Revolution, 29, 30 Anderson, Hannah, 71 Beats, Joshua, 70 Anderson, John, pensioner of the Beatty, Rev. Charles, 225 Revolution, 35 Becket, William, Excerpts from No- Anderson, Mary, 71 tices and Letters concerning Inci- Anderson, Phebe, 71 dents at Lewes Town, Delaware, Anderson, Robert, pensioner of the 89 ; letter of, 89 Revolution, 40, 41 Bedworth, William, pensioner of the Armitt, John, 206 Revolution, 43 Armstrong, Gen. John, 149, 342 Beeling, Joshua, pensioner of the Arnold, Gen. Benedict, 60 Revolution, 351; wounded at the Assembly Library in the State House, Battle of Brandywine, 351 216-219 Beers, George Louis, The English- Association Library, meetings of, 200, Speaking Peoples. Their Future 202; list of subscribers, 201; cata- Relations and Joint International logue of books, 202; advertisement Obligations, by, notice of, 93 for lost books, 203; officers of, 205, Belzons, , Thomas Sully pupil 206; with Union Library Company, of, 100 205; with Library Company of BENZELSTIERNE, 285 Philadelphia, 207 Best, Abraham, pensioner of the Rev- ASTON, 23 olution, 42, 43; wounded at the Aston, deorge, owns property in Cain Battle of Germantown, 42 Township, 23; mentioned, 3, 4, 5, Bethlehem Bach Choir, The, by Ray- 24, 26 mond Walters, notice of, 189 Asylum Company, advertisement of Bettle, William, 196 sale of land, 285 BIDDLE, 310, 311 Atlee, Mrs. , 62 Biddle, Mrs. Chapman, presents Atlee, William, Secretary of the Jul- "Washington Correspondence with iana Library Company, 231 Clement Biddle" to the Historical Asilum, The Story of Some French Society of Pennsylvania, 310 Refugees and Their Azilum, 1793- Biddle, Col. Clement, Selections from 1800, by Louise Welles Murray, the Correspondence of, 310 ; corre- notice of, 92 spondence of with Washington, presented to Historical Society of Baird, John, 174 Pennsylvania, 310; biographical, Baird, William, 174 310, 311 ; Revolutionary services Baker, H. Preston, 22 of, 310, 311 ; marriage, 311; death. 368 Index. 369 811; Gen. Nathaniel Greene to, Brayman, John, pensioner of the 312 ; to Gen. Anthony Wayne, 1778, Revolution, 35, 36 313: George Washington to, Brewer, Capt.-Lieut. Jonathan, 173 1784, 313-318; 1785, 322-327; British in Philadelphia, treatment of 1786, 327-331; 1787, 331-336; prisoners by, 60, 61 1788, 337-343; George A. Wash- Brooke, Roger, Survey of Philadel- ington to, 1785, 321 phia and Lancaster Turnpike, by, Biddle, John, 310 Biddle, Sarah, 310 Brooks, Lawrence, pensioner of the Revolution, 158 BINGHAM, 236 Brown, Henton, to James Pemberton, Bingham, Mrs. , death of, 183 1766, 285 Bingham, William, President, Phila- Brown, John, raid of at Harper's delphia and Lancaster Turnpike Ferry, 175 Company, 236; interest of in same Brown, Robert, Justice, Gloucester and letters concerning, 237-241 Co., N. J., 69 Bird-in-Hand, 13, 15, 16 Browne, John Coats, obituary notice Black Horse Tavern, 24, 26 of, 280 Blackman, Nehemiah, 50, 53, 57 Bryan, Hon. George, Samuel Bryan Blockley and Merion United Library to, 1785, 286 Company, 232; officers and meet- Bryan, George Jr., Samuel Bryant to, ings of, 232, 233 1790, 288 Bonaparte, Joseph, in Philadelphia Bryan, Samuel, to Hon. George and Bordentown. by Charlemagne Bryan, 1785, 286: to George Tower, LL.D., 289; biographical, Bryan, Jr., 1790, 28$ 291; character, 291, 292; King of Buck Tavern, 27 Naples, 292; King of Spain, 292; Budd, Henry, Thomas Sully by, 97 sails for America in the brig "Com- Buffington, Richard, 3, 4, 5 merce," 293, 295: arrives in New Bunker Hill, 145 York incognito, 296: reported to BURD, 62, 66, 67, 68, 147, 152 be General Carnot, 296; assumes Burd, , Edward Burd to, 1771, title of Comte de Survilliers, 297; 67, 68 visits Commodore Lewis at Amboy, Burd, Edward, Letters of. by Thomas 297; recognized as former King of Spain, 298; sets out for Washing- Lynch Montgomery, 62, 141; to ton, 299; in Philadelphia, 299; in James Burd, 1765-1786, 62-66; Baltimore, 299; arrives inp Lan- 141-155 : to William Dewer, 1771, caster, 301; visits Mr. Slaymaker, 66, 67, 68; to Burd. 1771, 301; purchases Point Breeze near 67, 68; to Sproat, 68; to Bordentown, 302 ; lives temporarily jcmwa.j.u Shippen, 1792, 133; en- in Philadelphia, 302, 307; builds lists in army, 1775, 143; in camp house at "Point Breeze," 302, 303; at Prospect Hill, 1775, 144; men- Frances Wright describes visit to, tioned, 66 303, 304; description of house of, Burd, James, Edward Burd to, 1765- and collections, 304, 305, 306; 1786, 62-66, 141-155; to Capt. house destroyed by fire, 306; letter William Woodward, 1759, 186 of, to William Snowden, 1820. 306, Burd, Col. James, 62, 66, 67, 68 307; rebuilds house, 307: children Burd, Sarah Shippen, 62 of, visit Bordentown, 308; travels Burr* Hudson, 49 with family, 308; owns land near Burroughs, Joseph, Gloucester Co. Watertown, N. Y., 308; friends, vs., 72; mentioned, 71 308, 309; returns to Europe, 1832, Bush, Solomon, pensioner of the Rev- 309; resides in England, 309 olution, 1785, 31 Butler, Gen. , 337 Bonaparte, Lucien, 291 Bonaparte, Napoleon, sails from France, 293-295; mentioned, 291, Cadwalader, Brig.-Gen. John, to 292, 301 Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, Bond, Thomas, pensioner of the Rev- 1777, 79 olution, 37; wounded at Egg Har- Cadwalader, Richard McCall, obitu- bour, 37 ary notice of, 362 Bone, Samuel, prisoner of war, 72 Cady, John, 174 Bonham, Ephraim, 196 Cain, James, pensioner of the Revo- Bonsall, Jesse, Librarian of Darby lution, 42 Library* 221 Caldwell, Andrew, proprietor of The Bonsall, Joseph, Secretary of Darby Hat, 14, 15 Library, 221; to Peter Collinson, Caldwell, Nicholas, pensioner of the 220 Revolution, 32 Book Notices. 92, 187, 363 Caldwell, William J., 15 Boude, Thomas, Manager, Philadel- Cain Township, 22, 23 phia and Lancaster Turnpike Campbell, Alexander, pensioner of the Company, 236 Revolution, 159 Boudinot, Elias, 61, 320, 323, 325 Campbell, Capt. Robert, petition of Bowger, Leban, pensioner of the widow of, for a pension, 270 Revolution, 261 Caret, James, accompanies Joseph Boyd, Andrew, Treasurer of Chester Bonaparte to America, 296; de- County, 346 scribes arrival of Joseph Bonaparte Bradford, Thomas, circulating li- in New York, 296 brary, kept by, 216 Carey, Edward S., to Thomas Sully, Brannon, James, pensioner of the 119 Revolution, 1785, 4S Carey, Henry C, 124 VOL. XL1I.—24 370 Index. Carney, John, pensioner of the Revo- Continental Road, 11 lution, 350 Conway, Brig.-Gen. Thomas, to Su- Carraghan, Thomas, pensioner of the preme Executive Council of Penn- Revolution, 163; wounded at Bat- sylvania, 1777, 79, 80 tle of Brandywine, 163 Cook, William, pensioner of the Revo- Caruthers, James, pensioner of the lution, 168, X69 Revolution, 346, 348; wounded at Cooney, John, pensioner of the Revo- Battle of Green Springs, 348 lution, 36 Casaday, William, 71 Cooper, Hugh, State of New Jersey Cat Tail Run, 13 vs., 70; charged with keeping Chambers, Joseph, petition of, for a goods taken from the British, 70 pension for Ann McKnight, 1788, Cooper, John, Judge of Quarter Ses- 274, 275 sions, Gloucester Co., N. J., 69; Champion, Thomas, Justice, Glou- Justice, Gloucester Co., N. J., 69 cester Co., N. J., 69 Cooper, Joseph, Member of Assembly, Chattin, James, 70, 71, 195, 196 Gloucester Co., N. J., 69 Cherry, Robert, pensioner of the Rev- Cooper, Marmaduke, 74 olution, 349 ; wounded at Fort Lee, Copley Collection, The Historical So- 349 ciety of Pennsylvania, 356 Chester, Penna., description of, 233 Copple, Nicholas, pensioner of the Chester County Orphan's Court Rec- Revolution, 164; wounded at Bat- ords, 344-352 tle of Germantown, 164 Chester Library, founded, 233; Di- Cordell, John, Chaplain, 173 rectors of, 234; meetings of, 234 CORNELL, 311 Cheyney, Richard, 27 Cornell, Hon. Gideon, 311 Chilton, Alexander 'W., The History Cornell, Rebekah, 311 of Europe from 1862 to 1914, by, Cornish, Andrew, 3 notice of, 189 Council of Safety of Pennsylvania, City Hospital Report, 1799, 284 Brig.-Gen. John Cadwalader to, City Library, 216 1777, 79 Clampfer, William, 195, 196 Cowman, Attwood, 196 Clark, Elijah, Clerk of Gloucester Cowpland, Christian, pensioner of Co., N. J., 69 the Revolution, 347, 348; wounded Clark, Capt. Oliver, 173 at Battle of Brandywine, 348 Clark, Peter, pensioner of the Revo- Cox, Isaac, 70 lution, 36 Cozens, Benjamin, 70 Clark, Thomas, 21 Craig,-Capt.
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