NEWS ELECTRIC BOAT EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA CHRISTENS SUBMARINE ILLINOIS MORE THAN 7,000 ATTEND SHIPYARD CEREMONY FirstFIRST LADY Lady MICHELLE MichelleOBAMA LINES UP THE Obama BOTTLE JUST BEFORE Is The CHRISTENING Ship’s THE VIRGINIA-CLASS Sponso SUBMARINE ILLINOIS (SSN-786). WITH HER ON THE CHRISTENING PLATFORM ARE ELECTRIC BOAT PRESIDENT JEFF GEIGER, SECRETARY OF THE NAVY RAY MABUS, AND ADM. JAMES CALDWELL JR., DIRECTOR OF NAVAL NUCLEAR PROPULSION. OCTOBER / NOVEMBER 2015 nder a picture postcard October sky, First Lady Michelle Obama let go a powerful swing to break a bottle of sparkling wine against the submarine Illinois (SSN-786) at the Groton Ushipyard Oct. 10. More than 7,000 employees, family members and guests attended the christening of the 13th submarine of the Virginia Class. Most of them observed the event from a grandstand on the north side of Graving Dock 3, where the submarine was berthed. The grandstand was installed to accommodate the large turnout for Mrs. Obama. The event marked the fourth time a First Lady has chris- tened a submarine in the shipyard. The first was Mamie Eisenhower (USS Nautilus; Jan. 21, 1954), followed by Jacqueline Kennedy (USS Lafayette; May 8, 1962), and Hillary Clinton (USS Columbia; Sept. 24, 1994). On the VIP platform affixed to the submarine’s hull were representatives from the Connecticut, Rhode Island and Illinois congressional delegations; Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner; Adm. James Caldwell Jr., director of Naval Nuclear Propulsion; and Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, who delivered the principal address. Before the start of the program, attendees were enter- tained by the Blues Brotherhood, a Blues Brothers tribute band. The selection of the band was a nod to Mrs. Obama’s Chicago roots. Electric Boat President Jeff Geiger, who hosted the event, referenced the christening and launch 61 years ear- lier of USS Nautilus from the South Yard Ways. “That ship was a historic and groundbreaking develop- ment for the U.S. Navy,” he said. “It signaled the begin- ning of a continuous period of innovation and technical development that is embodied by the Illinois. “The rigorous technical discipline and unyielding qual- ity standards required to design and build the world’s first nuclear vessel represent the fundamental values Electric Boat has built upon to provide the submarines our Navy needs for our nation’s defense,” Geiger said. “We, in turn, are part of a larger team that comprises our construction partners from Newport News Shipbuilding, our supplier base, and the United States Navy. “The submarine I’m standing on is a reflection of this team, whose innovation, ingenuity and unrelenting work ethic is unmatched by any one or any organization, anywhere.” 2 | ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS | OCT / NOV 2015 NEWS CONTENTS 2 Illinois Christening Introduction 4/5 Michelle Obama Remarks 6 A Note from Jeff Geiger 6 Excerpts from Remarks by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus 7 Excellence in Writing – Policies and Procedures at EB 8 Ranks of Distinguished Shipbuilders Grow By 174 9 General Dynamics Reports Third-Quarter 2015 Results 10 Marine Systems News 11 Electric Boat Leadership Pool Deepens 12 Lifting & Handling Tems Learns Hows Strengths Within Can Prevent Catastrophes 14 EB Business Ethics and Conduct 14 Retirees 15 Service Awards 16 October 2015 Incentive Scorecard ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS is published by the Public Affairs Dept. 75 Eastern Point Road Groton, CT 06340 DAN BARRETT, Editor LINDA RUTAN, Contributing Editor BOB GALLO, GARY SLATER, GARY HALL, Photography Phone (860) 433-8202 Fax (860) 433-8054 Email [email protected] ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS | OCT / NOV 2015 | 3 MICHELLE OBAMA REMARKS want to start by thanking Jeff (Geiger) christen the Illinois – my home state. The for that very kind introduction. And I entire experience of serving as your spon- want to thank both Jeff and Matt (Mul- sor has been beyond meaningful, and so herin) for their companies’ efforts not fascinating. I’ve learned so much about the Ijust to build this submarine, but for every- incredible power and technology of this sub- thing they do to strengthen our Navy and marine. And I’ve been awed by the extraor- our economy. dinary skill and character of those who will I also want to thank Secretary Mabus; operate it. Admiral Caldwell; Governor Rauner; Sena- And the fact is that very few folks in this tors Reed, Whitehouse, Blumenthal, and country understand the details of what you Murphy; Representatives Kelly, Langevin, all are doing every single day. So today, I and Courtney. Thank you all for your want to take a moment to share that story remarks. Thank you for your support of our with people all across America, particularly men and women in uniform. right now, as you prepare to take this sub out And of course, I want to thank the military for its first sea trials in a few months. family members who are here today for all Now, the last time I was with you, as you FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA that you all are doing for your service mem- heard, the Illinois looked a little different. bers and for each other every single day. It was split up into four different modules, Since this crew was stood up, 16 babies spread across three states. And I was stand- have been born — way to go! Sixteen! So I ing in front of one of those modules as we know you all have had some sleepless nights laid the keel. over the past couple of years. And today, here we are, just 16 months later, But here’s what makes our military fam- standing on top of this marvelous submarine, ily members so special: you’ve hosted three stories tall, weighing nearly 8,000 tons, baby showers for every single one of those longer than a football field. And it’s really a babies, because you know that most folks technological wonder. It is full of technolo- are far from home, away from grandma and gies like a photonics mast, full of high-reso- grandpa, uncles and aunts, and everyone else lution and infrared cameras. It has the most who you’re close to. So you want to make advanced stealth, sonar, and communications sure that everyone has a sense of family here systems, and enough high-definition screens with the Illinois. That means dropping every- to put Best Buy out of business. thing to take care of a spouse who has been And all of this truly is a testament to the injured. It means hosting movie nights and talent and skill of the folks who built this date nights, and organizing a fall festival. boat – the folks from General Dynamics And of course, it means putting in a lot of Electric Boat, the folks from Huntington hours to prepare for events like today. Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuild- And I know that so often, your service as ing – and to all of the welders, the machin- family members goes unrecognized – that ists, the metalworkers, the electricians, and folks across the country don’t always see the everyone else in this community, in the com- courage and strength and dedication of our munities throughout the country who applied military spouses and our military children. their particular genius to make this ship a So I want to take a moment to thank you reality. You all are amazing, and we can’t all for everything that you’re doing for each thank you enough. So congratulations. other and for this country. I know these ser- And of course, in order to operate the amaz- vice members, these sailors couldn’t do what ing submarine, we need a crew with superior they do without you. So I want us to take a talent, superior courage, superior skill. And it moment just to give our service members’ is clear that the crew of the Illinois more than families a round of applause. meets that standard. In fact, our submariners I couldn’t be more excited to be here to and all of our sailors are some of the brightest, 4 | ELECTRIC BOAT NEWS | OCT / NOV 2015 most highly trained, most courageous folks in this country, hands down. Just to be accepted to serve on this subma- rine – or any submarine for that matter – you have to have some of the highest scores on your initial aptitude tests. I’ve also heard that this crew’s enlisted advancement rates are remarkable. You’ve distinguished yourselves as one of the highest-performing commands in the entire Navy. And I’m not going to lie, but I love that my adopted boat is the over- achiever of the fleet. I like that. So proud. And I am just blown away by the things you all can do. You are trained in everything from advanced engineering to oceanogra- phy to nuclear physics. You know how to operate some of our most high-tech naviga- tion systems, surrounded by a web of touch- screens and panels and buttons that would make most people’s heads spin. And whether you’re a lab tech who knows the ins and outs of a nuclear reactor, or a THE CREW OF ILLINOIS STANDS TOPSIDE AS SECRETARY OF THE NAVY RAY MABUS DELIVERS radioman, a sonar technician, or anyone THE CHRISTENING ADDRESSS. else, the truth is that you are developing Because when you are hundreds of feet want to ensure that you get the education, technical skills and expertise that few peo- below the surface of the ocean, when you’re the health care, and the support of a grateful ple in the civilian world can compete with, surrounded by constant threats, when you’re nation when you leave here.
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