Ftir Housdhdid Removftt: Phone 8Î1 COAL! COAL! Burt's Padded Vans Hall & Walker 7.15 P NDORA ST. f Prompt Attention. Experienced Men 1232 Government Street Residence Phone R71S. TELEPHONE 83, VOL. 51. VICTORIA, B. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1911. NO. 138! CtiOLKRA ON LINER. 8tt*-'rag<* Passenger on Italian DUKE DF CONNAUGHT TO-DAY’S BASEBALL Strainer Prom Genoa. L COURT OF SEAMEN MO New York. June 14. —A ship with a true NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE « ase of cholera came to port to-day. Til* TO COME IN OCTOBER At Seattle—First inning: Tacoma. Italian line'steamship Europe, from Genoa Seattle, 5. PROMOTERS HEARD und Naples, dropped anchor off quanar- APPEALS PROPOSED FIREMEN STRIKE Second iniflng: No rune. _r~ tlne and reported that a steerage .passen­ RECIPROCITE BILL Batterlee — Higgins and Burns; ger named A gestion Tavolla was on Wlggs and Shea." hoard suffering from "cholera. The pa­ tient Is on the way to recover)' The New Governor-General Will At Portland—First Inning: Spokane, ACTION IS PROMISED Europe, with Its 7.1 Cabin and *>3 steer­ RESOLUTIONS DISCUSSED Arrive Three Weeks Later INAUGURATED AT PORTS 0; Portland. 0. M’CUMBER OPPOSES age iwssengera. will be held at quarantine Second Inning: Spokane. 0; Port­ AT FRIDAY’S MEETING for the pr fwml. Tavolla Is from Calabria AT THE CONFERENCE Than Originally Planned IN UNITED KINGDOM land, 2. and on June 6. four days after leaving Batteries—Bonner and Hasty; Ton- PROPOSED AGREEMENT 1 Naples, reported 111. fteson and Bradley. The,xuxal Italian cqmmJaajoncr on hoard - AMERICAN tfAWE — ni n 1 j i, reported that the man passed through Ottawa. June 14.—Word has been re- nÛflS bubmitted to v.'OUnvll rat'll stage of the disease, mvl preserved Uniformity of Naturalization At Philadelphia — H. EV •eived here that His Royal Highness Signal for Cessation of Work Declares Farmers, of ■- United -Laws Within the Empire the Duke of Cdnnàffgfit. fait Ma V next 4ih4e*g«r v-.vr. r*TT-TW»- and Project Wrrs’ txptatncd' ’o^im'TssToner Poty- Th* patient «m *> governor-general. lwttt Hail ‘for Quebec on Continent"Will Be Philadelphia ____ .. removed to Satpburn1 Island and the States Will Suffer If tha on the Empress of Britain on October 7. IlHtl.rivs Walsh and Suliiva Modification May Be Made Europe will bi* dlslnf vt d. Favored Given To-night Bender and Thomas. The steamer Berlin, which a Tlvedyes- arriving at Quebec probably October 1?. Measure Passes terday. was released at quarantine this This Is tFiree weeks later than Kara At New York-*------ - «. H. morning, the eteerng passengers and th< been originally planned. The govern­ Detroit ... .. .. ............3 12 J New York stewards having been taken to Hoffman'i London. June 14.—Th# official peport ment will arrange a reception for His London. June 1*.—The strike of se^ ............ 5 7 1 Washington. D. C„ June 14.—With The principal function bf last night Batteries — Lively. Summers and •nesting of the city council was the Island The crew will remain on board of Monday's session of the Imperial Highness oo hi» arrival at the ancien men and firemen was launched officialv the prospect of dally sessions beginning the Berlin under observation of the ship's Case), Stanage; Ford and Sweeney. hearing of the promoters of the. har conference, w hen a discussion * took capital. 1 at Liverpool and at some other ports at noon and Continuing as long as th-» surgeon No n>W css*» have developed. At Boston— R. H. E. hor rèHwRV scheme. After conduct­ place on the proposed Imperial, Court of the British Isles and Europe this senators who wish to be heard have Cleveland ....................................... 16 1 ing the routine bustness of the meet­ of Appeals, ha* now been published. U T BOAT HKIZKD. morning. Th«* first big steamers to be anything to say, the senate to-day be­ EIGHTEEN HUNDRED IDLE. Boston ........................................... 6 12 2 ing the council called upon the pro­ Two resolutions dealing with the mat­ tied up are the trans-Atlantlc liners. gan the long discussion of the Can­ Batteries Mitchell. West and‘Land; moters to produce their proposition, ter were brought forward by Australia Alleged to Have Been Fishing Within the The crews of the Teutonic and Empress adian reciprocity bill. HenatAr Mr- Montreal,' .lun« 14.—E1ght»en hundred Karger and Nunamaker. which was done. and New Zealand, the former urging Three-Mile Limit. of Ireland, numbering 350 and 300 men Cuinber of North Dakota, took the floor men from the Canadian Car and Foun- At Washington - R, H. E. ....... ........... ... ...... e_____ __ dries Companies' and the Montreal car that the present functions of the judi­ respectively, refused to sign. Immediately after the senate assem-~’ Aft«r examining the plans of the St. Louis ........................................... 0 8 6 rompant »ndh*«ln» «ereral of the 1 are pow on .ink- h! T.irrot enrt cial commission of the privy council Ottawa. June 14.—Canadian authorities Despite the yecent efforts of strike bled and vigorously opposed the me*, Washington ....................................1,3 12 1 promoter* mlvoretr thr proportion Ville SI Peal, demandingflrmandine -ni Inrreale of to be Invested In such an imperial have seised the American fishing boat .1 leaders to bold her up. the Olympic, of sure. Not more than a dozen Republi­ the Nelson, Mitchell. Crlety two cent» pvr hour. court of appeal and New Zealand D. Atwood, owned by J. A. Young A Co., the White Star line, the largest steamer Batterie»— cans were in their seats, while only the council decided to think over the of Boston. It Is alleged that the boat had and Clarke: Johnson and Street. maintaining that no fcuch court would afloat, got away from Southampton on half as many Democrat# were présent. matter until Friday, when they would been fishing Inside the three-mile limit off FATAL EX« LOSION. be satisfactory unless It Included rep­ h»r« Balden trip for New York early NATIONAL LEAGUE Comparatively few speeches are ex­ lirohahly be In â position to express resentatives of the overseas dominions. coast of the Maritime provinces for a definite opinion either for or against Port William. Ont.. June ft.—John several yearr • his ;ift -moon. At Pittsburg— R. H. E. pected from senators favoring the nv»a- In Us prepent stage, It Is declared, the Hon. Egerton Les Batchelor, minis­ This afternoon the International Sea­ Boston 3 4 3 sure. They *ay they do not want to Keeetnw, 45, was fatally Injured In an delay the vole by talking. ............. request of the company amounts to attempt to start the operation of x hidv ter of state for external affair* of the men's Union issued a proclamation Pittsburg r. -rrrrrt . 4-41 1 no lees than blanket charter to use Ing picture machine, which exploded, al­ Common wealth, spoke of the recent stating that the signal for an Interna­ Batteries—Mattel n and Kltng; Fern­ Senator McCumber of North Dakota city property perpetuity, and it I» pro­ most blowing the top of hie head off. anomalous position whereby the privy tional strike would be given throughout and Gibson. opposed the reciprocity agreement on bable that considerable modification council took appeals from the United the United Kingdom. France. Belgium. the ground that It would Injure th* will have to be made before Anything cANADfXN foresters. Kingdom. The privy council findings Holland and Scandinavia at 9 o'clock KING GEORGE STAMPS. American farmer. definite is settled between the parties. were those of a board rather than a to-night. "I believe this treaty." said Senator While It Is true that only a small frac­ Toronto. June .14.—The f anàillàti Order Havelock Wilson, leader of the strlk ! Ottawa. Juné 14 —tt, Is stated at The MedJtïlbe.r, MÛ? made law will not only tion of the route Is city property the of Foresters opened Its thirty-second con­ Premier Asquith said some consider­ at Southampton, in a speech last night, Post Office department that the King postpone for many y«>ar* the consum­ street ends and the amenity of the vention her»? to-day with five hundred ed that a drawback, others an advant­ asserted thgt 1M(M men would go out George stamps will not be on sale for a mation of a hope Indulged In by farm­ delegatee present. Causeway are involved, so that it will age. One never knew whether the immediately. couple of months yet. The die* have ers of the country, a hope held out to he readily understood why the council privy council judgment was unanimous Tom Maim, a union official, has arrtv- not been cast.though the design has them by every speaker and writer who J. J. HILL'S HOLIDAY. Is desirous of sleeping over the pro­ or not. ed^ar Liverpool to conduct the strike been approved. sought to secure and hold their votes position before subscribing to it. or. as lx>rd Loreburn, Lord Chancellor, ex­ iign for the policy of the country, but that New York. June 14 — James J. HHt Is TO MARCH AT HEAD OF the case may be, knocking U. plained at length the nature of the Even thi# morning there was some INVITED TO CHICAGO. Its. logical result wotild be to destroy In New York to-day on ht» way foç his present jurisdiction. Whatever form doubt that the Olympic would sail on the policy Itself. I nyist, therefore. re-_J H F*. Robertson. the company's annual vacation tn Canada, ife will of final court of appeal was desired by CORONATION PROCESSION lime, but a settlement with her deck­ (.itawa. June 14.—An Invitation bos been pudiatc all T have advocated for yean solicitor.
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