ANNUAL REP ORT O O OO O STATE OF NEW YORK T R ANS M T E T T H E L E G I S L A UR E JANUARY 5 1 8 I T D O T , " ALBANY’ W E PARS NS AND COM PANY PRI E E D, O , NT RS . 1 875. STATE OF NEW Y R O K. N o . 5 . I N S E NAT E , Januar 1 2 1 8 7 5 . y , ANNUAL REPORT OF THE T R E AS U R E R O F T H E S T AT E O F NEW YO R K. STATE OF NEW YORK ’ TREASURER s OFFICE , A AN Januar 1 1 87 5 LB Y, y , . n W AM Donsnnmn Lieu n n - Ho . ILLI n, te a t Governor I herewith transmit my annual report for the fiscal year ending m 30 1 4 S e 87 . pte ber , s fu u Re pect lly yo rs, A RA N THOM S I ES, R E P O R T . ’ TnFAsURFR s OFFICE, A ANY Januar 1 1875 LB , y , . ursuan re ur m n s of law I s u mi m nnua P t to the q i e e t , b t y a l report, giving a summary of receipts and disbursements from the several fun u n s a mm n n 1st 18 3 and ds d ri g the fi c l year co e ci g October , 7 , n m 30th 1 8 4 I m n s win e nd 7 . i g Septe ber , also give a state e t ho g the n n of r asu on of nu 1875. co ditio the t e ry the first day Ja ary, Balance in treasury on the morning of 1st 1 873 t 6 445 997 95 October , , as per repor , $ , , Receipts during the fiscal yearcom mencin l et 18 3 and g October , 7 , n n m 3 th 18 4 35 579 548 39 0 7 . e di g Septe ber , , , 42 025 546 3 $ , , 4 a m n s u n the s m r 32 182 978 83 P y e t d ri g a e pe iod, , , l nc in u as 9 842 567 51 Ba a e treas ry per ledger $ , , iv n . rece m un . Deduct a o t stole by C H Phelps, late in 304 957 91 g clerk , n in r a u 9 537 609 60 Actual bala ce t e s ry $ , , CONDITIONOF THE TREASURY ON M N N AN AR 1 18 5 THE OR I G OF J U Y 7 . a n in asu as b 1st 1874 9 842 567 51 B la ce tre ry, per ledger, Octo er , , $ , , s u n 2 815 422 42 Receipt d ri g October $ , , N mb 590 325 87 do ove er , D 320 624 89 do ecember , 18 Pa m n s u n 1 072 507 82 13 568 940 69 y e t d ri g October $ , , $ , , N m 3 169 560 01 do ove ber . , , m 4 11 66 D . 2 9 6 do ece ber , 7 , 49 Ba n in a ur as l er nu r 1 1875 5 047 261 20 la ce tre s y, per edg , Ja a y , , $ , , u m un s n . e receiv Ded ct a o t tole by C H Ph lps, late 91 A ua aan e in re sur 4 742 303 29 ct l b l c t a y $ , , R E C E I P T S . G N RA UND E E L F . a tax 21 034 112 89 St te $ , , NON-RESIDENT TA"ES State tax arrears Interest on arrears Redemption of land sold for taxes ’ Expenses Commissioners land office Fees Secretary of State Fees Comptroller Fees Clerk Court of Appeals Rent General Fund land Sales General Fund land Cayuga inlet Sales Natural History ’ Peddlers license ’ Interest on Treasurers deposits Sing Sing prison Auburn prison Clinton prison Salt duties Auction duties Bushwick Railroad Company $17 94 Staten Island Shore Railroad Com pany Syracuse and Onondaga Railroad Com pany $28 78 84 8 ANNUA E RT THE A E R S RE L R PO OF ST T T EA U R. Brought forward $28 78 84 Kingston and Rondout Railroad Com pany Ne w Ne w nand f York, Have Hart ord Rail road Company Greene Railroad Company Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroad Company Valley Railroad Company Oswego and Syracuse Railroad Com pany 116 82 U a n n and u u nn tic , Che a go S sq eha a Valley Railroad Company 140 76 Syracuse and Binghamton Railroad Company Harlem Extension Railroad Company Southfield Branch Railroad Company Sterling Mountain Railroad Company Dunkirk and FredoniaRailroad Com pany m n N. v Ra a Y . Ele ated ilroad Co p y . West Side Elevated Railroad Com pany Lake Champlain and Moriah Railroad Company 53 26 Central City Syracuse Railroad Com pany Fifth Ward Syracuse Railroad Com pany Syracuse NorthernRailroad Company Adirondack Railroad Company Wa w V Rai m n r ick alley lroad Co pa y, Troy and Bennington Railroad Com pany Rochester City and Brighton Railroad Company 24 04 Greenwich and Johnsonv il le Railroad Company 10 07 Albany and Susquehanna Railroad Company Carried forward 78 84 ANNUA RE R O HE A E E L PO T F T ST T TR AS URER . 9 Brought forward 78 84 Re nsse laer and Saratoga Railroad Company 579 53 Rome Watertown and Ogd e nsburgh Railroad Company 381 32 Brighton and O nondaga Valley Rail m n road Co pa y . w and onR m n Moha k Ili ailroad Co pa y, Brooklyn City Railroad Company Montgomery and Erie Railroad Com pany w N R m n . C Broad ay, Y , ailroad o p a y, Herkimer and Mohawk Railroad Com pany Troy and Lansingburgh Railroad Company 58 47 Syracuse and Chenango Railroad Com pany Elmira and Horseheads Railroad Com pany Utica and Black River Railroad Com pany 107 38 Rochester and Pine Creek Railroad Company m i W e n and k n Ja a ca, ood Hav Broo ly Railroad Company Atlantic and Great Western Railroad Company 164 83 n and n an Brookly , Bath Co ey Isl d Railroad Company 15 78 m rr n and Harle Bridge, Mo isa ia Ford ham Railroad Company 31 69 n nst wn and svi Fo da, Joh o Glover lle Railroad Company 25 85 Monticello and Port Jervis Railroad Company Av enue C Railroad Company and s and Fl t Gr Street, Pro pect Park a bush Railroad Company n s n R m an Troy a d Bo to ailroad Co p y, r f w 3 8 11 11 Car ied or ard $ , 84 ' 2 N . en Doc . "S . o 0 ANNUA RE R F TEE A E REA L PO T O ST T T SURER. u f w 3 811 11 Bro ght or ard $ , Ne w York and Canada Railroad Com pany Sixth Avenue Railroad Company Ne w York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company Troy and Albia Railroad Company Skaneateles Railroad Company A n A nu m n tla tic ve e Railroad Co pa y, Flushing and North Side Railroad Company 93 40 Ne w York and Harlem Railroad Com pany Wallkill Valley Railroad Company Dun A n V and kirk , llega y alley Pitts burgh Railroad Company South Side Railroad Company Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad Company 355 78 Dr D w and y ock , East Broad ay Bat tery Railroad Company 257 73 Elmira and Weedsport Railroad Com pany 21 25 m ff r n and n n a u El ira, Je e so Ca a d ig a Railroad Company Chemung Railroad Company / Cooperstown and Susquehanna Val ley Railroad Company 23 08 North Second street and Middle Vil lage Railroad Company Ogd ensburgh and Lake Champlain Railroad Company 333 34 uff Ne w and l a B alo, York Philade phi Railroad Company B uffalo Creek Railroad Company Forty-second street and Grand street Ferry Railroad Company Erie Railroad Company A n n and M un vo , Ge esee o t Morris Railroad Company f w 21 33 82 Carried or ard $ , 7 84 HE A E R A E 11 ANNUAL REPORT OF T ST T T E SUR R. Brought forward 82 84 n v I a and A ns ailr a Ge e a, thac the R o d Company Crosstown Raih oad Company Ne w w and M n York , Os ego idla d Railroad Company 323 00 Coney Island and BrooklynRailroad Company Watervliet Turnpike Railroad Co ri V R a m n Schoha e alley ailro d Co pa y, u n n m n So ther Ce tral Railroad Co pa y, Park Av enue Railroad Company n P N and a i r Ce tral ark, orth E st R ve Railroad Company Clove Branch Railroad Company New s n and M n rea York, Bo to o t l Railroad Company 69 77 Bleecker street and Fulton Ferry Railroad Company 102 29 Grand street and Newtown Railroad Company 32 21 w in s on and racus Ne York, K g t Sy e Railroad Company Long Island Railroad Company Albany Railroad Company Broadway and Seventh Avenue Rail road Company 300 50 i a C ift n and Bin am n i Ut c , l o gh to Ra l road Company m Eighth Av enue Railroad Co pany " Ninth Av enue Railroad Company .
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