AVERAOB daily J o n U U lA T lO N IH * (er the msoth e< UetsSer, 1984 Foreoaot e« D. A Wi Bartfftrt 5,442 Moamar of the Aadlt ft ttf ittitn ndr oftd colder toftlght; Ttan- Barsftft St CUmdstiomi day fair with rising tetBpeifttora, VOL. LIV., NO. 89. (Ctaeelled Advcrtlelftg m Pag* 14.) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1934 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE raKEE CE? Huge Gold Shipment Completed Under Floodlights GREAT SHRINE NAMES FOUR BODY FOUND IN GRAVE GATHERING TO REASONS FOR BEUHp FA^ WOES IS DISTELHURST CHILD Sphinx Temple’ of Hartford, Lack of Virgiii Land, the Identification Made by De»> To Be Host Here — Fam- Machine Age, Mass Pro- Board to Coordinate tist Wbo Filled One o f ou Aleppo Band Coining dnetion and Decline Government Groups Little Girrs Teeth — Six from Boston for Pkrade. Foreign Markets Factors. ' ^ • V • Washington, Nov. 14.—(AP>— A<,>llc Works Administrator: Governor Year Old GbiU Had Been committee to coordinate all the lend- Myers of the Farm Credit Adminis- Sphinx Temple, Order of the Vye- Ih a detailed analysis of the prob- I - tration; Chairman Fahey of the Fed- lems existing in the farming tndua- ing actlvtUes of the government was Kidnaped and Murdered. tic Shrine, of Hertford, will be host V . .X* era. Home Loan Bank Boa.d; Ches- appointed today by Preaident Roose- ter C. Davis, Farm Administrator; # to Shrlnen from Boston, Providence, try National Master Louie J. Taber > - C - ^ ^ T.. -- velt. George , N. Peek, president of the Hertford, Bridgeport, New London in bis address before the annual coD' t' ’ Nasbvine, Tenn., Nov. 14— (AP) ^ ' i- The move was Interpreted as a Export-Import Bank; Lynn P. Tal- and Springfield in Manchester Sat- ventlon of the NaUonal Orange in V,.,. iJsrA" start on consolidation of Federal —So sure were investigators that .-I-,. ley, president of the Ckimmodlty urday, Dec. 1 In a gigantic parade, session in Hartford today pointed ,.V 9 agencies with a view to absorbing Credit Corporation; Leo T. Crowley, th'i body found in a shallow gravft out four specific causes for the emergency units as the recovery chairman ol the Federal Deposit In- yesterday afternoon Is that of farmer's woes. They are: ^ ... campaign permits. surance Corporation; Jesse H. Jones, Dorothy Ann Distelhurst, missing 1. The disappearance of th > Ameii Secretary Morgenthau heads the chairman of the Reconstruction can frontier—with no more new committee. Finance Corporation; Marriner 8 . kindergarten student, that her lands, virgin prairies or llmitleaa Mr. Roosevelt said at his regular Bccles, governor of the Federal Re- forests to lure the unemployed and press conference that the future pro- serve Board; and James A. Moffett, to become a refuge for those dis- gram for the emerRcncy recovery Housing Admlniatfator. couraged or discontented with life in units probably w*ould not be definite- The Preaident said in response to the older sections. ly decided until about the first of the inquiry that be knew of no specisd 3. The numhlne age, with its de- year. new move to increase public control velopment and multiplying out of all In the glare o f floodlights illuminating the front o f the San Francisco mint at the right, the last of a He said it would probably be de- over public utilities. proportion to the past accomplish- aeries of shipments wras made by night In the tran.sfer of three-quarters of a billion dollars in gold to the termined also whether any more He added the subject of public ments of human hands, ceasing a de- funds would be asked for the Home iitUtUcs was under study by a special Denver mint. Here you ace the string of armored trucks carrying the bullion, flanked by autos contain- cided shock to old institutions. ing heavily-armed guards, about to leave for the railroad yards to put the gold on trains for Denver. Owrncrs Loan Corporation. committee appointed some time ago. 3. The development of the cor Yesterday it announced new ap- • The Reconstruction Oirporatlon porate structure In business and in plications would not be received aa has ample funds for ita needs, but finance, with Its resultant conse- more money already bad been re- the relief administration and public quences of mass production, chain quested than It had. works miist ask (Congress for more dietributlon and high pressure ad- It was understood this work would money if they continue fully opera- vertising. NATIONAL GRANGE OPENS ROBERT EATON be turned over as soon as possible tive through the wrlr.ter. 4. The decline, and in some in- tp private institutions., Approximately $350,000,000 ia stances the loss, of foreign markets. It apparently was the Intention available to the relief administra- Special emphasis is placed upon PASSES AWAY of the administration to close its tion. Officials estimated that would the fact that for two centuries the ITS NINE DAY CONFERENCE books on the Home Owners Loan last until March at the present rate Western frontier was the safety ' •• f , ........... Corporation writh action upon exist- ‘of expenditure. valve of the nation, absorbing the IN 7 ^ YEAR ing applications for the $3,000,000,- . The public works administration pressure of growing population, of Arkansas and Tennessee En- FIRST LADY BUSY 000 fund. haa only a few million dollars in un- lack of adjustment and of discon- Other members of the inter-de- allotted funds. A large amount has Dorothy N.B.BIdMida tent; but pow losing the greatest partmental committee named by the been allotted but bad not actually corrective force and the most im- roN a, Members; Over Former Internal Revenue Preaident are Secretary Ickes, Pub- been disbursed. mother, Mra. A. E. D istelh u ^ was ceremonial and dinner. The program portant asset of any people—un- CONFERENCE will begin at 2 p. m. on that date. informed today. limited public domain with rich and Aleppo Band Oomlng fertile soil. 1,000 Grangers Arrive _ Collector Dies at North J. (Carlton Loser, district attor* The gathering of Shrlnere from The Fanner the Foundation ney general, said that Mrs. Distel- Massachusetts wdll bring to Man- Truer words were never spoken chester for the first time, the fam- for the Opening Session. | But Rnds Time to TeH How Haven Home After Illness MOVE MADE TO SCRAP hurst's brother. Lonie Hamilton, than by National Master Taber bad broken the newm to her. ous Aleppo Band of Boston, one of when, in discussing the forces that the leading Shrine bands of the Unit- Loser revealed that the child's make a powerful nation, be reminds She Spends Thne in of Several Weeks. body found hastily buried near thft ed States. One of the elaborate fea- all that "Modem civilixation, with Hartford, Nov. 14.— (A P )—To the | tures of the day will be the appear- snappy strains of "Dixie'', Arkansas ' EMERGENCY AGENCIES (County Tubercylosis Hospital in ft lU congested cities, its skyscrapers secluded spot had been gagged. A ance here of Welter Smith of Bos- and ita network of railways and and Tennessee were welcomed today | White Hoiue. ton, comet soloist, who will ploy New Haven, Nov. 14 — (AP) — rag approximately a foot long was highways, becomes possible only be- to the fold of the National Grange Robert O. Ekiton twice internal foimd in the mouth. several solos accompanied by the cause the farmer has learned to pro- as the organization’s convention gpt Observers at Capital See "This would indicate that the massed bends of Boston, Providence duce enough for his family and a St. Louis, Nov. 14.— (A P )— The revenue collector, under Republican FREE EVANGELIST •nd Hartford numbering over 100 under way for nine days of delibera- admi^stratlons and later superin- child was abducted and murdered,'* pieces. urplua to spare." Continuing, be tion and ceremonies. Nation’s busy Fifst Lady oune to the prosecutor continued, a d d l^ rignificantly saya:r- tendent of the Capital in Hartford, New Signs of a Bosmess Nathan B. Richards, Potentate of The convention was the first Na- SL Lkiuls today for another typical- that he was pushing an Investiga* "In 1776 it took the labor of more tional gathering at which the two died at his home In North Haven IN FEDERAL COURT tion on the theory that it wras Sphinx Temple of Hartford la gen- than 90 people In the country to feed ly active day in behalf o f charity, eral chairman of the Shrine cere- southern states were represented. early today in Ws 78th year. He Dorothy Ann wbo wras kidnaped and themselves and the limited popula- but mute on the subject of politics. Revival — Grounds for monial aseisted by a large local com- They were added to the Orange roll had been ill a number of weeks. slain. tion In towm; 150 years later 30 peo- Mrs. Roosevelt presided this mittee of Sbriners. Plana now being during the year, bringing to 34 the Kidnaped and SWn ple In the country were feeding number of states now under the morning at a conference o f the wo- Colenel Bob Eaton's philosophy Belief. Judge Decides Tbat Man perfected call for a public exhibition themselves and 70 people In the city, of life was one-of laughter and song. “That is the line we are worlUng of patrol drills In Center Park at 2 Grange banner. men's committee of the 1934 Mobili- vUIage and town, and at the same "Don't take yourself loo damn on now,” Loser declared, and ex- p. m., weather permitting, and a The delegates convening at 10:30 zation for Human Needs and this pressed the opinion that the 6-year- time producing an unconsumed sur- afternoon was the principal speaker seriously," was Its sum and sub- Wbo Worked Kidnaping parade of the various colorful units a.
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