July 2018 • Volume 11, Number 7 Scenes from last years Living Skies Come Alive International Fireworks Competition at Moosomin Regional Park. At left, spectators watch the fi reworks going off across Moosomin Lake from the beach at Moosomin Regional Park. At right, Canadian and Chinese fi reworks teams with the Stargate, which shoots fi reworks in a 180 degree radius over 200 feet. Canada vs USA in international fi reworks competition: Living Skies Come Alive August 4-5 August 4 and 5—the Saturday and lot of walking because it goes right down LVRQHRIWKHWRSVL[LQFRPSDQLHVLQ and I had a fellow a few years ago that Sunday of the August long weekend, will to the beach, they pick everyone up right the United States. KHOSHG PH ZLWK WUDF FRQWURO +H VDLG be the ninth annual Living Skies Come at the store and take you home, so it is a Layne: I was actually talking to them he was sitting there out on the beach and Alive Fireworks competition. Fireworks WRWDOO\KDVVOHIUHHZD\WRFRPHWRWKHÀUH this morning. Our Canadian competitor kids were running around with lighted DUHVKRWRͿDFURVV0RRVRPLQ/DNHIURP ZRUNV7KHFRVWLVDQGWKDWLQFOXGHV VD\V KH KDV VSHQW D VLJQLÀFDQW DPRXQW bracelets and you could tell there were the main beach. your bus ticket and entry into the park. of money to improve the quality of his the moms and dads and grandparents There is a whole weekend of events Laurie: We just encourage people to show, and our American competitor has and he said ‘what a phenomenal event SODQQHGDURXQGWKHÀUHZRUNVIURPNLGV give Taylor Charters a call if they are in- EHHQ LQ EXVLQHVV IRU \HDUV KDV GRQH to have a totally family event’ and I’ve games to pancake breakfasts to a sand- terested. WKH ÀUHZRUNV IRU 6XSHU %RZOV DQG KDG RWKHUV VD\ LW LV D GLͿHUHQW HQYLURQ castle building contest, to performances the World Cup opening ceremonies. ment than Craven and Dauphin—this is by Sask Express, to performances by 7KHUHZHUHORQJOLQHXSVIRUIRRGODVW They are bringing in aspects of the show DGLͿHUHQWW\SHRIDWPRVSKHUH³WKLVLVD 6KLIW\0RUJDQDQG6WXFNRQ5HGEHIRUH \HDU³GR \RX KDYH PRUH IRRG ERRWKV IURPGLͿHUHQWFRXQWULHVLQFOXGLQJ6SDLQ family event. DQGDIWHUWKHÀUHZRUNV 6HHSDJHV WKLV\HDU" China, and Japan. Every country or area Laurie: We just really encourage peo- IRUPRUHGHWDLOVRQWKLV\HDU·VÀUHZRUNV Laurie: Yes, there will be six including KDVDGLͿHUHQWVRUWRIDQDVSHFWRQKRZ ple to come early and enjoy the day and weekend.) the store. We’ve got wraps, burgers, hot WKH\VKRRWRͿWKHLUS\URWHFKQLFVDQGGH JHW SDUNLQJ HDUO\'RQ·W ZDLW XQWLO Editor Kevin Weedmark sat down with dogs, mini doughnuts, cotton candy, ice sign and the choreography of the show, pm to show up. /D\QH0F)DUODQHDQG/DXULH5HQQHEHUJ cream treats, butter chicken, pizza, and DQGWKH\DUHEULQJLQJDOORIWKDWWR0RR RI WKH ÀUHZRUNV FRPPLWWHH WR ÀQG RXW Tim Hortons will be there again. somin. I truly believe this is going to be :KDWWLPHVKRXOGSHRSOHDUULYH" more about this year’s show. Layne: There’s lots of variety and more the biggest and best show ever. People Laurie: We see the majority of people booths than ever before. should not miss this show. FRPLQJDWSP +RZ LV WKH ÀUHZRUNV ZHHNHQG FRP Laurie: The food booths will be open /D\QHSPKDVEHHQWKHSHDN LQJWRJHWKHU" IURPDPSP7KH\DUHDOOJRLQJWREH :KDWHOVHLVJRLQJRQWKDWZHHNHQG" SHULRGRIWLPHIRUSHRSOHFRPLQJLQ%XW Laurie: It is coming along great. set up in one place this year across from Laurie: There will be pancake break- we’re really optimistic that bringing in Layne: I would say we have had more the store in the grassy area so it will be fasts both mornings, a sand castle build- other shows such as Sask Express earlier committee meetings than ever before, we easy to get to, and picnic tables will be LQJ FRQWHVW IRU WKH NLGV IURP RQ will encourage people to come earlier. have done more planning to try to make there for everyone to sit down and enjoy. Saturday, kids games both days, pon- We hope people will come early and en- it better than ever before. We are encour- toon boat rides both days, a Sask Express joy the entire event. The earlier you can aging people to take the bus to avoid the $UH \RX H[SHFWLQJ VLPLODU FURZGV WR show 4-4:45 pm each day, a beef dip sup- come the better, because we can guar- WUDFFRQJHVWLRQ ODVW\HDU" per both days, beer gardens of course, antee the earlier you bring your car out Laurie: It’s hard to tell. China was just WKHWZREDQGV6KLIW\0RUJDQRQWKH6DW the quicker you are going to get out after +DYH\RXDGGHGEXVFDSDFLW\" such a big draw for everybody. I think XUGD\DQG6WXFNRQ5HGRQ6XQGD\DQG the show. We will have transportation to Layne: Yes, there will be two buses run- people really wanted to see what they WKHQWKHGUDZLVDOZD\VDELJRQH take people down from the parking to ning and if there is enough demand then could bring and it was a huge success. VRDPLQLPXPHDFKGD\ the beach, as we’ve had in the past. they’ll make two trips with each bus. It’s We are hoping U.S.A. will bring a lot of Layne: We are attempting to make perfect for people that don’t want to do a people out as well. The company coming it a truly family entertainment event Continued on page 11 • Custom design • Engraving Services Fashions for all Women • Professional Goldsmithing • Custom Lazering SUMMER SALES • Watch Repair • Sublimation Are on Throughout The Store! • Trophies & Awards ALIA CAPRIS $ 99 $ 99 NOW 19. & 29. Discover. ALL OTHER CAPRIS & SHORTS $ 99 NOW 49. 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TO 5:30 P.M. • MOOSOMIN, SK • (306) 435-3040 WWW.GLASSERSTV.COM • WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GLASSERSTV 7:1c July 2018 Plain and Valley 3 Jess Moskaluke nominated for six CCMAs Rocanville’s Jess Moskaluke is your fans. You never know how nominated for six awards at this something is going to be per- year’s Canadian Country Music ceived until you release it, so it’s Awards. really rewarding when it works.” Another of Canada’s top coun- Moskaluke says response to try stars—Brett Kissel—also has her new album “Past the Past” six nominations, the CCMAs an- has been positive. nounced. “I was worried that people In some categories Moskaluke would be confused at the amount and Kissel are vying for the same of breakup songs on that album, award. given that I’ll be happily married Moskaluke is one of three at the end of next month, but the women nominated in the album album is called ‘Past the Past’ for of the year category. a reason,” she says. “And the re- CCMA president Tracy Martin sponse to that has been incredible VD\VWKDWLVVLJQLÀFDQW in the most vulnerable of ways. “We’ve had a huge year in People are reaching out telling Canada for females,” she said of me their individual stories about the country genre. each song, and as a songwriter, She says this year’s CCMA there’s really no better feeling. Awards telecast will “organi- And as a person who’s lived FDOO\µ UHFRJQL]H WKH LQÁXHQWLDO those stories, it’s very encourag- women from various generations ing to know that you’re not alone of song. Shania Twain is hosting in your experiences.” the event, while Terri Clark will What’s it like being a rising be inducted into the hall of fame, country star living in the small and then there’s Moskaluke, the community of Rocanville? 28-year-old rising star from Ro- “I’m sure it’s managed just like canville whose career has been Jess Moskaluke has been nominated for album of the year and anyone in the music business liv- on a steady upward trajectory, ing anywhere else in the world,” helped by a number of CCMA female artist of the year, along with four other awards.
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