Moon Yellowstone & Grand Tetons 9Th Edition Index

Moon Yellowstone & Grand Tetons 9Th Edition Index

420 Teton 188, 196, 203; Old Faithful and West cave: 308 421 Yellowstone 115; South Grand Teton 231, 252 Cave Falls: 196 Moon Yellowstone & Grand bobby socks trees: 101 Cave Falls Road: 197 Boiling River Hot Springs: 70 Celestine Pool: 95 Boy Scout Antler Auction: 271, 288 cell phones: 409 GRAND TET0N 9E YELLOWSTONE & Tetons 9th edition Index Bozeman: 393-394 Chain of Lakes: 153-155, 164; map 154 Bradley Lake: 236-238, 252, 254, 255; map 238 Chain of Lakes Trail: 164 INDEX Breccia Peak: 358 Chapel of the Transfiguration: 232 A Beauty Pool: 100 Beaver Pond Loop: 58 Bridge Bay: 161 Chico Hot Springs: 70 Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness: 64 Bridger Gondola: 277 Chief Joseph Scenic Byway: 344 Bechler Falls: 196 INDEX Absaroka Mountains: 35, 57-58, 65 Bridger-Teton National Forest: 193-194, 202, 275, children, activities for: 234 Abyss Pool: 149, 172 Bechler Ranger Station: 196, 200 Bechler River: 196-197, 200 278, 280 children, traveling with: 410 accessibility: 409-410 YELLOWSTONE & Bechler River Trail: 113 Brink of the Lower Falls: 36, 144, 156 Chittenden Trail: 153 GRAND TET0N 9E Aerial Tram: 33, 273, 275, 277 Brink of the Upper Falls: 146, 156 Christian Pond: 197 air travel: 389, 393, 395, 396 Beck Lake Bike Park: 344 Beehive Basin: 319 Buffalo Bill Center of the West: 341 Chromatic Pool: 100 Alaska Basin: 306, 308 Buffalo Bill Dam: 343-344 Cirque Trail: 278 Albright Falls: 200 Beehive Geyser: 100 beer/breweries: Gateways 324; Jackson Hole 291, Buffalo Bill Museum: 341 Cistern Spring: 102 Albright Peak: 246 Buffalo Bill Reservoir: 346 Citizen 33 Brewery: 310 Albright Visitor Center: 45, 51, 71 294, 310 Berry Fire: 187 Buffalo Bill Scenic Byway: 341, 344 Claw Lake: 333 Amphitheater Lake: 39, 238-239; map 239 Buffalo Bill State Park: 343, 346 Clay Butte Lookout: 330 Anemone Geyser: 100 bicycling: general discussion 400; Canyon and Lake Country 166; Gateways 315, 320, 333-334, Buffalo River Valley: 197 Clear Lake: 158 animals: 375, 376, 377, 378, 379 Buffalo River Valley Road: 202 Cleopatra Terrace: 52 Antelope Flats: 40, 227-228 344; Jackson Hole 275, 280-281, 306, 308- 309; North Grand Teton 187, 190, 202; North Bunsen Peak: 54, 58-59 Clepydra Geyser: 97 Antelope Flats Road: 236, 250 Bunsen Peak Loop: 66 Cliff Geyser: 100 antler auction: 271, 288 Yellowstone 65-66; Old Faithful and West Yellowstone 105, 113-115; South Grand Teton Bunsen Peak Trail: 69 climate: 367-368, 369, 404 Arch Park: 51 bus travel: 393, 395, 396 climbing: general discussion 230, 406; Jackson Artist Point: 35, 37, 144, 146, 172 231, 250 Big Sky: 315, 318-328; map 318 Hole 280; South Grand Teton 231, 248-249 Artist Point Trail: 158 Cody: 341-357; maps 342, 343 Artists Paintpots: 41, 101-102 Big Sky Classical Music Festival: 323 C Cache-Game Trails: 281 Cody Bowl Overlook: 278 Aspen Ridge-Boulder Ridge Loop: 246 Big Sky Resort: 322 Calcite Springs: 56, 64, 143 Cody Firearms Museum: 341 ATMs: 408 Billings: 394-395 camping: general discussion 207, 400, 403; Cody Gunfight: 348 auto travel: 389-394, 395, 396, 397, 398-399 Bin 22: 38, 291 Canyon and Lake Country 150, 168, 169, 176- Cody Mural Historic Site: 341, 343 Avalanche Peak: 160 birds/bird-watching: general discussion 379; Canyon and Lake Country 148, 158; Gateways 178; Gateways 327, 333, 337-338, 343, 353, 355, Cody Rodeo: 348 332; Jackson Hole 273; North Grand Teton 190; 358; Jackson Hole 275, 301-302, 306, 311; North Colonnade Falls: 200 B North Yellowstone 56; South Grand Teton 233, Grand Teton 188, 196, 197, 216-218; North Colter Bay: 38, 187, 188, 194-195, 202, 203, 209; Back Basin: 102 234, 236 Yellowstone 65, 81-83; Old Faithful and West maps 188, 189 backpacking: general discussion 207, 405-406; Biscuit Basin: 100, 114 Yellowstone 104, 113, 115, 129-130, 132; South Colter Bay Lakeshore Trail: 38, 194-195 Canyon and Lake Country 164, 166; Jackson Biscuit Basin Overlook: 107-108 Grand Teton 231, 248, 252, 260, 262 Colter Bay Visitor Center: 182, 184, 207, 210 Hole 280, 308; North Grand Teton 188, 200; Black Canyon of the Yellowstone: 57, 61, 62, 65; Canary Spring: 36, 52, 54 Colter’s Hell: 341 North Yellowstone 65; Old Faithful and West map 62 canoeing: see paddle sports Continental Divide: 109, 113, 150, 163, 358 Yellowstone 113; South Grand Teton 231, 248 Black Dike: 187 Canyon and Lake Country: 135-179; map 139 Cooke City: 36, 47 Bannock Indian Ford: 64 Black Dragon’s Cauldron: 146 Canyon Village: 35, 143-144, 146, 151, 153, 155- Corbet’s Cabin: 278 Bannock Trail: 69, 306 Blackfoot Basin: 306 156, 158 Cottonwood Creek: 254 Barronette Peak: 58 Black Growler: 41, 103 Canyon Visitor Education Center: 138 Crackling Lake: 102 Barronette Trail: 69 Black Opal Pool: 100 Caribou-Targhee National Forest: 304, 306 Craig Pass: 150, 162-163 Basin Creek: 332 Black Sand Basin: 100-101 car travel: 389-394, 395, 396, 397, 398-399 Craig Thomas Discovery & Visitor Center: 33, 224- Basin Lakes: 306 Blacktail Deer Creek: 60-61, 68 Cascade Canyon: 39, 41, 228, 230, 240, 244 225, 234, 256 Basin Lakes National Recreation Trail: 332, 334 Blacktail Deer Creek Trail: 61, 65 Cascade Canyon Trail: 244 Crail Ranch Meadow: 320 Bearpaw Lake: 252 Blacktail Plateau Drive: 66 Cascade Corner: 196 Crail Ranch Museum: 315 Beartooth Basin Summer Ski Area: 330, 334 Blacktail Plateau Trail: 69 Cascade Lake: 113, 153, 155, 164 Crane Lake: 333 Beartooth Butte: 333 Blacktail Pond: 56, 60 Cascade Picnic Area: 155 cross-country skiing and snowshoeing: Canyon Beartooth Highway: 36, 71, 330 Blacktail Ponds Overlook: 234, 236 Casper Ridge: 278 and Lake Country 171; Gateways 315, 322, 347; Beartooth Lake: 333 Bliss Pass: 65 Castle Geyser: 100 Jackson Hole 286, 309; North Grand Teton Beartooth Pass: 36, 330, 333, 334, 390 boating: general discussion 167, 206-207; Canyon Cathedral Group: 228 209; North Yellowstone 69-71; Old Faithful Beartooth Rally: 335 and Lake Country 150, 166, 168; Gateways Cathedral Rock: 59 and West Yellowstone 116, 118; South Grand Beauty Lake: 333 343, 346; Jackson Hole 275, 282; North Grand Cattleman’s Bridge: 190, 207 Teton 255 422 Crystal Falls: 156 F Golden Gate: 54 Hidden Lake: 244 423 culture, local: 386-387 Fairy Falls: 37, 105-107 golf: Gateways 315, 322, 334, 347; Jackson Hole hiking: general discussion 19, 37-39, 230, 234, Cunningham Cabin Historic Site: 233 Fairy Falls Trail: 106 285, 309 401, 403-405; Canyon and Lake Country 143- currency: 408 Falling Ice Glacier: 41, 187, 230 Goodwin Lake: 278, 280 144, 151-164; Gateways 315, 319-320, 332-333, Custer Gallatin National Forest: 334 Goose Lakes: 107, 115 344; Jackson Hole 275, 277-278, 280, 306, 308; GRAND TET0N 9E fauna: 375, 376, 377, 378, 379 YELLOWSTONE & customs regulations: 408 Firehole Canyon Drive: 94 Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone: 17, 35, 36, 37, North Grand Teton 187, 189, 190, 192-199; Cygnet Lake: 187 Firehole Falls: 95 41, 57, 143-144, 146, 156, 158; maps 144, 155 North Yellowstone 57, 58-65; Old Faithful INDEX Firehole Lake Drive: 94 Grand Geyser: 100 and West Yellowstone 104-113; South Grand D Firehole River: 35, 95, 109, 115, 116 Grand Loop Road: 35, 50, 54, 56, 93-94, 142-143 Teton 231, 236-240, 242, 244-248, see also Firehole River Loop: 100 Grand Prismatic Overlook: 105-107 backpacking Daisy Geyser Basin: 100 INDEX Darby Canyon: 308 fish/fishing: general discussion 167, 379, 407- Grand Prismatic Spring: 17, 34, 35, 37, 41, 98, 106, Historic Fort Yellowstone: 51 Darby Wind Cave: 308 408; Canyon and Lake Country 148, 150, 170; 107 history: 379-385 YELLOWSTONE & Deadman’s Bar: 207, 253 Gateways 319, 322, 332, 334, 343, 346; Jackson Grand Targhee Bike Park: 308 Holly Lake: 244 GRAND TET0N 9E Deadman’s Point Island: 196 Hole 282, 284; North Grand Teton 188, 190, Grand Targhee Resort: 306, 309, 311 Home of the Champions Rodeo: 335 Death Canyon: 40, 228, 230, 246; map 245 208-209; North Yellowstone 57, 68-69; Old Grand Teton: 38, 39, 228, 230, 231, 249 horseback riding: Canyon and Lake Country Death Canyon Trail: 246 Faithful and West Yellowstone 115-116; South Grand Teton Brewing: 294 166; Gateways 320, 344, 346; Jackson Hole DeLacy Creek: 162-163 Grand Teton 231, 253-254 Grand Teton Music Festival: 288 281, 309; North Grand Teton 187, 202-203; Delacy Creek Trail: 162, 163, 166 Fishing Bridge: 34, 40, 148, 158, 160-161 Grand Teton National Park, map of: 6-7 North Yellowstone 66; Old Faithful and West Devil’s Stairs Trail: 306 Fishing Bridge Museum and Visitor Center: 138, Grand View: 146, 156, 189-190, 196-198; map 198 Yellowstone 115 disabilities, travelers with: 409-410 148, 172 Grand View Point Trail: 192, 196-198, 197 hot springs: general discussion 41, 70; Canyon Ditch Creek: 254 Fishing Cone: 149 Granite Canyon: 230, 247-248; map 247 and Lake Country 150; Jackson Hole 284; Dogshead Trail: 163, 166 Flagg Canyon: 192-193 Granite Hot Springs: 284, 286 North Yellowstone 51-52, 54 dogsledding: 287 Flagg Ranch: 190, 192-193; map 194 Grant’s Pass: 109, 113 Howard Eaton: 109-110 Doublet Pool: 100 Flagstaff Road: 202 Grant Village: 149; map 161 Huckleberry Mountain Lookout: 193-194 Downtown Red Lodge Historic District: 330, 332 flora: 374-375 Grant Visitor Center: 138, 172 Huckleberry Ridge: 194 Dragon’s Mouth Spring: 146 45th Parallel: 51 Grassy Lake: 196, 208 Hummock Trail: 320 Draper Museum of Natural History: 341 Fountain Flat Drive: 94, 105, 107 Grassy Lake Road: 185-186, 196, 197, 202, 209 Hurricane Pass: 244 Dubois: 357-358 Fountain Flat Road: 114 Greater Yellowstone, map of: 8-9 Duck Lake: 161-162 Fountain Geyser: 97 Great Fountain Geyser: 97-98 I Dunanda Falls: 200 Fountain Paint Pot: 34, 41, 94, 95, 97, 107 Grebe Lake: 113, 153, 155, 164

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