0 s o PQ -J «4-l o a) < W w o H l-H o H P - H 0 H Q o o H H H > TT O 00 61) -a E o 1 u V *© o H © o to V5 61) c #© s u a o s- * APPENDIX CHARTS/FORMS (0 O <D o 3 UJ o 00 O Hi f (0 CO 3 3 p «J 0> u o H u W t-i H •f-H O a •I-H % O o J3 • i-H .9 I u H U c > c 2 e e G > > V >• as Character Analysis Characteristics of Characteristics of Shared (Name) Characteristics (Name) CHART OF SEQUENCE OF EVENTS TOPIC OR ISSUE: Event 1 Event 2 -^^- Event 3 ^^^ Event 4 .^^L, Event 5 ^^B Conclusion _^H_ COMPARE AND CONTRAST CHART People/Events How Alike? How Different? COMPARE AND CONTRAST CHART Explorers or Pioneers DEBATE AN ISSUE Choose a topic to be debated and divide the class into two groups- PRO and CON. Each side prepares logical arguments to support its side and anticipates the arguments of the opponent. Issue: PRO/Why? CON/Why? Conclusion DECADE CHART List specific facts to be remembered about the decade chosen and then write a descriptive paragraph about each decade. Decade Decade Decade Facts Facts Facts DESCRIPTIVE PARAGRAPH Choose a person(s) from the chapter of the CD-ROM that you are viewing and write words that you think describe that person. Then write a descriptive paragraph about the person. You may also use the profile chart to compare and contrast two or more people. Use a separate chart for each person if you are comparing more than one person. Person: Descriptive Words: Descriptive Paragraph: Developing Questions Name of Section/Chapter. Questions About Chapter Answers: This chart can be used to compare two people and their shared characteristics. Write a descriptive paragraph comparing the two. Dialogue Form for CD-ROM Title of Section/Chapter: Summary (What are the most important ideas in this section?): Interpretation (What feelings did you get from the text and visual images?): Evaluation (Why was, or was not, the text and visual images meaningful to you? How useful was the information? Explain.): n o © «3 > o «3 ;. o 2 © <U S- > o ••* ft .2 42 o u a CO o o sn a •i-H u i o C0 L I- < u 8. '53 1 two a s u a PQ o x a O o u a o (50 o U c (U o I -4-> •i-H T3 »—< O U c q 'to O c oo (U PL, • • S © 88 rt 13 a J3 a S o o < O I O *—' H S o o - a- X W Q i. V S3 o o a* "a X Explorers/Pioneers Write a paragraph about an explorer or pioneer you would have liked to meet. Give reasons why you chose that person. Then write a letter to the person explaining why you would like to have met him/her. Personal Characteristics of the Person: In the CD-ROM you will meet people who went beyond the places where they lived or what they thought. Write a paragraph about a place or idea that you would like to explore. Why? FACTS ABOUT NEVADA Time Period or Decade Geography Economy Population Resources NOTE: This chart can also be used to describe a specific section of the state. VI O Vl VI U u VI Q o VI W c H .2 *t» PQ c o o O to (0 tf O 0) ^ s U H o -J S-i o -d 4o^> A PO cu -o a> • • £ •o o «2 <w 0 0 y QA «> 5/5 1—1 T3 Herringbone Chart HELP WANTED Throughout the history of the state, employers have advertised for employees. Choose one or more jobs discussed in the CD-ROM and create a Help Wanted ad. Use the "Help Wanted" section of a newspaper as a guide for this activity JOB DESCRIPTION CREATE AN AD «§ GO T3 O O a co « C o CO P4 PQ VI 3 <D H CO < ID H •c m< < 0) VI to s u o o o o ac3 S-H •i-H <u GO <4H O O a> CD 6 H s- O a 2 Before viewing a section of the CD-ROM, list all the students know (K) about the section to be viewed. Next, ask them what (W) they would like to find out after the topic. Lastly, list what was learned (L). This activity could be extended for students who would like to know more (research) about the topic. K-W-L Chart -K- -W- -L- What we already KNOW: What we WANT to find What we LEARNED: out: LEARNING LOGS Have students keep an ongoing record, in a notebook of folder, of important information they have learned. They may also write questions about information they are unsure of or want to discuss at a later date. Key vocabulary words or concepts can also be kept in the learning log. How? Why? Where? When? What? Who? Question Vocabulary/Concepts 1. LEVELS OF COMPREHENSION I Literal Interpretive Applied I Getting information Reading between directly from the lines of text text (facts). Types of Questions When did Nevada What caused the Why would you prefer become a state? Yellow Fever to live in Nevada today epidemic in the than in the pioneer WTio was Kit Nevada Territory? days? Explain. Carson? How were the Bidwell How do you feel about What caused the fire expedition's supplies Nevada's liberal in Virginia City? different from...? divorce laws? Explain. Why? Where is the Great What is your opinion Basin located? List Compare and contrast of early settlers who its physical two early pioneer took their children on characteristics. trails. such dangerous expeditions? Give Explain why the reasons. Dormer Party failed. Defend the early miners in their attempts to form labor unions. Give your reasons. Create a new state seal and justify your choices of things included. Based on Richard J. Vaca and Jo Anne L. Vaca, Content Area Reading, Harper Collins College Publishers, N.Y., N.Y., p.233 Modified from Susan Davis Lenski, Mary Ann Wham, and Jerry L. Johns, Reading and Learning Strategies for Middle and High School Students. Kendall-Hunt Publishing Co. 1999. MAIN IDEA MAP Section/Subsection: After each section or subsection of the CD-ROM, students can fill out this chart and use it to write a summary. Supporting Details Supporting Details MAP AVER Where? When? What? Who? • • •** « 0) 0 Q •• • • Oft "S « 41 Q ft MOTIVES CHART Throughout the history of the state, individuals or groups of people have acted in certain ways (ACTIONS) for specific reasons (MOTIVES). Group/Individual Action(s) Motive(s) Consequences NOTE: As an extension of this activity, students could research or discuss the consequences of the actions and motives of the group or individual. My Family's Journey Questionnaire What did they know or imagine about the land they were coming to? How did their expectations or dreams compare with reality or what they encountered? How did the new environment compare with that in the "old country"?; both geographically and culturally? en t-i sn OX) u -J ca H < o u o H C/3 WO g o 0 Nevada Riches: The Land and People of the Silver State Amalgamation pan (a*mal«ga«ma*tion pan) - heavy Astronomer (as-tron'o-mer) - one that specializes in pure copper pans used to recover gold through astronomy. amalgamation, the process of separating gold Astronomy (as'tron«0'my) - the branch of physics that and silver from their ores by mixing them with mercury studies celestial bodies and the universe. Amendment (a-mend-ment) -in public bodies; Any Atlatl (aWa'tl) - a spear-throwing device usually alternation made or proposed to be made in a bill consisting of a stick fitted with a thong or socket to or motion by adding, changing, substituting, or steady the butt of the spear during the throw. omitting Bactrian camel (bac*tri'an canrvel) - the two-humped Anasazi (a*na*sa*zi) - Native American people camel. inhabiting southern Colorado and Utah and Barometers (baTom«e«ters) - instruments for northern New Mexico and Arizona from about A.D. measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially 100 and whose descendants are the present-day in weather forecasting. Pueblo peoples. Bermy (misspelled from berme or berm) - a flat trail Ancestral (an*ces«tral) - of, relating to, or evolved from that runs parallel to a river, stream or ditch. an ancestor or ancestors. Blister Copper (blis*ter cop«per) - an almost pure Antimony (an«ti'mo«ny) - a metallic element having copper produced in an intermediate stage of four allotropic forms, the most common of which is copper refining a hard, extremely brittle, lustrous, silver-white, crystalline material. Blue Pills (Purgative) - a laxative. Apprenticed (ap-pren«ticed) - bound by legal Boondocks (boon'docks) - rural country; the agreement to work for another for a specific backwoods. amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, Botany (bot«an«y) - the science or study of plants. an art, or a business. Buckaroos (buc«ka«roos) - a hired man, especially in Archeologist (ar«che*ol*0'gist) - one who studies the western United States, who tends cattle and prehistoric people and their culture. performs many of his duties on horseback. Aristocrat (a-ris'to'crat) - a member of a ruling class Buffalo Chips (buf*fa«lo chips)- dry dung of the buffalo, or of the nobility.
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