RC Drive 1 -4 Marines Mop Today; Goat' Within Reati Up; March. Back By SSgt. Jim DiBernardo As of today, the Red Cross From over the horizon they came - a swarm of HMM-161 fund drive is pau. "whirly-birds" carrying battle-ready Brigade Marines to the Though results are not com- shore of northern Oahu across the sea and inland over the plete, Maj. G. H. Benskin, Sta- beach. tion fund drive coordinator, Yesterday was "D" Day for Operation "Dirt Road." estimated Tuesday that at Landing, off-loading and into least $1000 has been collected the air again, the choppers lion landing teams to partici- for Station, with some depart- churned busily overhead as pate in the three-week exer- cise. ments lacking final reports. HELPING HANDS Col. J. M. Rouse (c), Brigade-Station legal they returned to the USS Val- - After a day and night of think we may equal last officer, receives an assist from BrigGen. C. A. Youngdale, Bri- ley Forge well at sea to pick-up "I maneuvering against the "ene- year's mark, or at least come gade CG (I), and Col. W. R. Campbell, Station Commander, another load of 1/4 Marines. my," 1/4 Marines had the situa- close to it," he said. in pinning on his new eagles. The Colonel was promoted Tuesday One-four was the first of awfully tion in hand and, if all goes Maj. B. B. Ferrell, Brigade morning in the General's office. the three 4th Marine battal- well, they will begin a 58-mile gave an approximate chairman, tactical march toward K-Bay figure of $2400 contributed. at 11 a.m. today. They will He said tnat 2,4 was sched- start from Dillingham Air uled to conduct a ''fast and Force base, center of the am-. hard" fund drive upon their re- phibious exercise area. turn Wednesday to K-Bay from iJperations "Steel Gate" and The aggressors are actually 'Desert Winds." Their dead- a company of Marines from the Regiment commanded line will be extended for a by Capt. VOL. 12 -No. 14 Marine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii April 5, 1963 short period. Robert Miller, HqCo. Road One-four is also making In the Dirt scenario Choirs Visit Station they final collections from afar constitute an enemy force which during their participation in invaded north- Oahu Operation "Dirt Road" on ern and was posing a military northern Oahu and Kauai. /political threat to K-Bay Chaplains Tell Easter Activities the "Oahu Pacific Missile Range Facili- Government." Services and activities for scheduled for Protestants in day. Confessions are from In answering that govern- ty chairman, LCdr. J. W. Fitz- Messhall #1 at 7 p.m. Mon- 4:30 to 6 Easter Week (Apr. 8.131 have p.m. ment's request for outside as- gerald, turned in a final report day evening. Families are Following Confession Fri- sistance in combating the of $97 Tuesday afternoon. been announced by Catholic urged to bring "pot luck" day, the Good Friday Liturgy, threat, the U.S. a Navy Final figures will be pub- and Protestant chaplains on and invite a single Marine Scripture Reading and Holy sent Task Force spearheaded by the lished in next week's Wind- the Air Station. from the congregation to Communion are set for 3 p.m. USS Valley Forge and includ- ward Marine. A family-style dinner is join them. in the Catholic Chapel. The Holy Saturday Vigil ing the LST Holmes County and The Lamb of God Choir Light Service and Eucharistic a battalion landing team of Thirteen Competed from Honolulu will sing dur- Service begin at 8 p.m. Con- Marines. ing and after the dinner. fessions are from 4 to 6 p.m. One-four, which 1 o a de d PMR Trio Selected for 'Hard Hats'; Tuesday, 45 coeds from the Mass will be spoken Easter aboard the "Forge" last Mon- University of California at Sunday at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m., day, commenced a vertical as- Other Petty Officer Rates Due Soon Berkeley will present a spe- with confession before Mass. (See lstBn Plans, Page 8) cial concert in Trinity Chapel Three PMRF first class petty Cartney were both stationed at at 7:30 p.m. As the Treble SecNav Guests Here Clef Society, they are touring officers have been selected for Point Mugu, Calif., with PMR's promotion to chief petty offi- the Islands during Easter cer. headquarters prior to their K- Week. West Coast Editors and Publishers Bay assignments. J01 Goode These advancements are a A Maundy Thursday Can- reported here in May, 1960, dlelight Communion Serv- To MCAS Wednesday result of the trio passing Fleet - Visit Brigade, ice is scheduled for 7:30 s ide rating examinations held and assists in Public Informa- Some 15 editors and pub- Brigade Commander, BrigGen. tion functions. p.m., with a Good Friday in February. worship service planned for lishers of newspapers in the C. A. Youngdale. 12th Naval District, headquar- "Skyhawks" of MAG -13 will Donning the Navy's "hard AMI McCartney came to 12:15 p.m. tered in San Francisco, will stage a SATS demonstration on hat" will be JOI Joseph C. Kaneohe Bay in October, The Easter Sunrise Service visit the Air Station and Bri- on the runway afterwards. At Goode, ou May 16, followed 1960, and is assigned to the will be held again at Pyramid gade next Wednesday. '2:10 p.m., B-Med will display by AM1 Robert J. McCartney Heli- Recovery Department's Rock this year. Due to Operation "Dirt medical equipment used in in July and SF1 Walter W. copter Maintenance Division. Wouters in November. The Catholic Chapel has set Road," the normal Brigade air- support of the FMF in the Thirteen PMR Navy men SF1 Wouters, one of the fa- Masses for Monday, Tuesday ground demonstration at Fort field. :ompeted in the February ex- cility's four "flying scuba div- and Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. Hase will not be staged. The visit will conclude with aminations. The results for ers," has been here since Octo- and 4:30 p.m., with Confes- Instead, visitors will tour sev- a personnel and equipment dis- first, second and third class ber, 1962. He reported to the sion before services. eral units and their displays. play with 4th Marines, ServBn., advancements are expected local facility from the Naval Holy Thursday Liturgy, Following a lunch at the Offi- and 3/12 in Theater #2, plus this month. Torpedo Station, K e y p or t, Mass and Holy Communion cers' Club, the newsmen will a showing of the movie "Force Chiefs-to-be Goode and Mc- Wash. take place at 7 p.m. Thurs- be briefed at Kansas Tower by in Readiness." ilil!liullll ,.,!!'f,ii'11.111iicili11111,11111illligi1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ilthIAli,'.1Hilglii.1,, WELCOME HOME-Marines of 2d Bn , 4th Marines wave a hearty aloha after a six-week deployment as aggres:ors in Operations "Steel Gate" and "Desert Winds" in Southern California. The BLT arrived at Pearl Harbor aboard the USS Lenawee Wednesday morning. SSgt. Conrad Beadle (right photo), H-2/4. receives a special welcome home at ship- side from his children (I to r) Paula, Chuck and Wendy. The battalion left Feb. 21 by air lift for Camp Pendleton and MCB 29 Palms to oppose the 1st Marine Division and 3d MAW during amphibious maneuvers. 2 Windward Marino April 5, 1%3 Lt McConnell Marks KBay Aloha Today Navy Lt. William J. McCon- Camp Smith Services-The gates of Camp H. M. Smith, home of FMFPac Hqs, will be open to the public twice during nell, K-Bay's Station Chaplain Easter week. for the past 26 months, leaves FMFPac Chaplain Capt. R. F. McComas, USN, will conduct today for new duties as Chap- Holy Thursday services in the Camp Chapel at 7 p.m. Apr. 11. lain, Naval Hospital, Ports- Featured in the 90-minute service will be the Camp Smith mouth, Va. Choir's presentation of Dubois' "The Seven Last Words of Christ." Replacing Father McConnell * * * will be LtCdr. Leo D. Ward DIG THOSE CRAZY HATS Mrs. Julia Campbell, wife of Col. Constancy is Virtue The four children of SSgt. Frank - who has been serving as Chap - W. R. Campbell, MCAS CO, talks with the +cp three hay creators Mikolajczak, HMM-161, will receive recognition for their Sun- during the 0-Wives lun:heon at the Club Tuesday. They are lain for the 3d Battalion, 4th day School record at Trinity Chapel Sunday. (I to r): Mesdames Georgia Buehl, Mrs. Campbell, Lois Dahl and Marines Between them, the children represent a total of 31 years Monica Donnelly. (See story below.) Father McConnell has serv- consecutive attendance with 16-year-old Machaelyn and 14-year- having nine years apiece. Frank, 10, and Pamela, 9 ed all his Navy tire with the old Sherrlyn 8, have seven and six years, respectively. Fond Aloha Conveyed Corps and has nothing Marine Other students of Sunday School will receive awards for but "praise" for the Corps. six months and one-year attendance. 0-Wives Honor Station's First Lady He came to K-Bay from the 3d * * * Division on Okinawa. Nothing But Cooperation - When MajGen. James M. Mas- With Scrapbook; Special Skit Given He attended Latin School ters Sr. takes over the 3d Marine Division on Okinawa in May, it By Irene Peterson and St. Clements Hall in Bos- will mark the first time in history that a brother team has com- a Marine Division. Sometimes a luncheon will just wing its way together, and ton and graduated from Bos- manded Tuesday's gathering was the perfect example - with good ton's St.
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