1' 1,-ri ' y--'rr M — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. June 25. 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER SPORTS K IT <N’ C A R LY LE ®by Larry Wright Long line of cars Teachers map Red Sox salvage I HOMES I APARTMENTS FOR SALE FOR RENT means cheap gas summer agenda one vs. Yankees 2 Foil Baths — Flreolaced BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECtORY living room, rec room, Available July 1. Lovely 5 ...p a g e s ... page 11 page 15 garage and a fabulous lot room apartment (2br). ................. ] In Bower School district! 2nd floor of 2-family CARPENTRY/ Jg^RTOCaLANEOUS S120's. We guarantee our house. Heat, hot water CHILDCARE homes! Blanchard & Ros- and '/] of garage Included. REMODELIND ELECTRICAL I SERVICES setto.Real Estate 646- $525. Reference and secur­ 2482.0 ity deposit required. Carpentry and remodel­ Dumas Electric— Having Middle-aged or older cou­ ing services — Complete Electrical Problems? Bing, Bang, Boom! ple preferred. 646-8588 af­ home repairs ond remo­ Need a large or a smalt Owners need a quick sale. ter 5pm. will do babysitting In my deling. Quality work. Ref­ Repair? We Specialize In O 8i O Londscoplna. Voca­ Reduced over$S,000 and Licensed Manchester erences, licensed and In­ Residential Work. Joseph tion cuttings, hedge trim- ready tor on offer. 3 One bedroom. No pets. home. (Verplanck School sured. Call 6464165. Dumas. Fully Licensed. miong, Prunings, flower bedrooms, IV7 baths, new $400. Available July 1st. Area). Call 646-3793. Free Estimates. 6464253. & shrub plantings. Free furnace, newer root. 528-0776. estimates.. Call 6SF2436 Lovely treed I'/j acre lot. Certified nurses aide NEATIN8/ after 5;3ftMVt. Now being offered at Manchester - 2 bedroom, would like to babysit 1 Hrralh Manchester — A City of Village Charm $129,900. Jackson 8, Jack- 2nd floor, heat and ap­ child In my home full Independent Construc­ E!DPLUMRIN8 Odd Jobs-Polntlng, win­ son Real Estate, 647-8400 pliances, no pets, secur­ time. 6494684. tion Co. General Contrac­ dow cleaning, hedge or 646-8646.0 ity. $575 a month. Call tors, custom home build­ Fogorty Brothers — Ba­ /lawn cutting. Coll Mark 646-3979. ing and remodeling, throom remodeling; In- 649-5695 anytime. $135,000 — 3 Bedroom Licensed daycare pro­ siding, excovotlon. etc. stollatlon water heaters, Thursday, June 26,1986 25 Cents Colonial, large fireplaced Two bedroom, two baths, vided. Have full time op­ Call 4564865 or 456-7215. gorbage disposals; faucet Bookeepine fullchorge 14 living room, hardwood appliances Included, ening for child, 2 years or repairs. 6494539. Vlsa/M- years experience for floor, oak molding, newer townhouse unit. $600 a older In Manchester Remodelino/Corpentry asterCard accented. small business. Write C & ............... ..... ; ^ r kitchen, IV2 baths, vinyl month. 1 month security. home. Loving family en­ Work. Additions, decks N Bookeeping, 47 Teresa vironment. I am mother siding. Desirable neigh­ No pets. High St., Vernon. 0 and repairs. Call David There's someone out Rd., Manchester, CT. borhood. 3 oorches.647- 649-9404 or 647-1340. with professional child­ Cormier, 6494236. ren's librarian expe­ there who wonts to buy Ferris quits 4th race 8030. your power tools. Find A. Henry Personalized 474 Main Street, 3 room rience. Lunch and 2 Lawn Core-Complete CARS I MOTORCYCLES/ apartment. $400 monthly. snacks provided. 647-0536. that buyer with a low<ost lawn core and landscap­ FOR SALE IMOPEDS Five Family. Beautiful Utilities not Included. No PAINTIIIfl/ ad In Classified. 643-7ni. ing. Free estimates, fully ■•V, modern units In on Infla­ PAPERiNO tion hedging business appliances. Security. Call Insured, all work guaran­ 1981 Plymouth Horizon - 1981 Hondo - CB 650 cus­ zoned location! Must See! 646-2426 weekdays 9 to 5. THE EASY W AY to find a iMiSCEUANEOUS teed, senior citizens dis­ TC 32.2. Sporty with re- tom. King and queen “We guarantee our cosh buyer for no-longer- Nome your own price — J SERVICER counts. 647-1349. movoble moon roof. seats. Like new. Plexafer- over Cummings fight houses" Blanchard 8, Ro- 4 Room, second floor. needed household Items Is Father and son. Fast, Stondord with low mi­ rlng. $1500. 649-1634. setto Real Estate 646-2482. Appliances, heat and hot with o wont od. Dial dependable service. Spring Cleon Up Done. leage. 871-1288 or 742-9057. water. $475 a month, one 643-2711 to place your Pointing, Paperhanging Odd lobs. Trucking. Pointing done. Trees cot For Sale-1975 Honda By George Loyng on Friday. Cummings became Execunve colonial — lo­ month security. Adults Qulck-octlon od. 8> Removal. Coll 646-5761. Home repairs. You name down. Attics and cellars 1972 Plymouth Duster- CB750F. New battery, Herold Reporter angry during the conversation. cated on Thayer Road. preferred. Call 649-1362 It, we do It. Free esti­ cleaned. Yards cleaned needs good tune-up. Ask­ Ferris said, and threatened to Mint condition resident of mates. Insured. 643-0304. and lunk removed. 647- Air, 6 cylinder, running. after 6pm. Commercial Painting $500 Coll 649-6161. ing $350. Call 742-9633. Democrat William Ferris of withdraw Manchester's support 7 spacious rooms. Must be CARPENTRY/ Contractors-lnterlor and 7607 after 5pm. seen! We guarantee our Vernon-2 Bedroom Town- Hawkes Tree Service — Glastonbury this morning dropped for his candidacy in the 4th REM0DEUN6 exterior pointing. 20 years Hondo 1980-5 speed, excel­ District, which comprises Man­ homes! Blanchard 8, Ros- house for rent near Henry In business. Fully Insured. Bucket Truck 8i Chipper. Need A Good Tenant? out of the 4th Senatorial District setto Real Estate, 646- Stump Removal. Free Es­ lent condition, $2,000. Coll race in the wake of a fight with chester, Glastonbury. Bolton, He­ Park on South St. Referen­ Free Estimates. 742-8628. Zimmer management will 649-6238. I MISCELLANEOUS 2482.01 ces, security deposit. Forrond Remodeling — timates. Special consider­ find o well qualfled, good AUTOMOTIVE Theodore R. Cummings, the party bron and Columbia. Boyle Real Estate Co. Cabinets, roofing, gut­ ation for Elderly and Han­ paving tenant for your I chairman in Manchester. When the two met again Tuesday One year old U81R Con­ 649-4800. Evenings after ters, room additions, Just because you don't dicapped. 647-7553. rental property In East of ITRUCKS/VANS At the heart of the dispute was night. Ferris said. Cummings temporary. 3 bedrooms, 6:30 ask for John, 659-2187 decks, all types of remo­ use an Item doesn't meon the River area. Many PIck-up truck cap. 6 feet FOR SALE by 8 feet. 295-0072 days. the heated race between two apologized to him for becoming large family rrom, living or Dick 871-7670. deling and repairs. F REE the Item hoe lost Its value. Delivering clean farm years of experience. Very I angry. However. Ferris said he estimates. Fully Insured. Why not exchange It for $99.00, or best offer. □ candidates for the Democratic rrom, and dining room. loom; Svords $75 plus tax. reasonable fees. Call for became so “ disappointed” by what Seperdte office or den. 2Vj 5 Rooms-Heat, hot water, Telephone 643-6017, after cosh with on od In Classi­ Also sand, stone, and particulars. 6464778 or 1976 Ford, 4 wheel drive, nomination for the Hartford baths, fireplace, etc. gas for cooking, 3rd floor. 6pm, 6474509. fied? 643-2711. grovel. Call 643-9504. 8724115. Ask for Uso. snow plow, 60,000 miles. County high sheriff’s post, Ferris had happenend that he decided to $212,000.U8iR Realty, 643- Reliable middle aged $4,000. 649-9404 ond 647- Tires mounted on Tovoto said. Ferris, the Democratic chair­ pull out of the race. 2692.0 adults preferred. No Pets. 1340. wheels. Size 75R-14. All man in Glastonbury, said Cum­ Ferris denied that there had Security, references. 646- steel belted. $99.00. Call been any earlier deal under which 643-6832.0 mings last week threatened to Manchester - $139,900. 6113. CAMPERS/ withdraw the support of Manches­ Ferris would throw Glastonbury’s ‘Cheney Home’. Solid 5-5 ter’s delegation from his candi­ delegates behind Rioux in ex­ OFFICE/RETAIL 107 ^MISCELLANEOUS h 1 i CARS TRAILERS \ I two family home In desir­ 3 Rooms-Cleon, quiet, 1st I Auto Luggage Rack — dacy if he did not arrange to have a change for the withdrawal of '0 . _ f , • able area. Small, quiet floor apartment. Heat, FURNITURE EQUIPMENT o for s a le i^ 'M or s a le l£lJlI | '! 51x84 Chrome stainless number of Glastonbury delegates Manchester Director Cassano street, some remodeling appliances. Prefer retired Garage For Rent. $35 a steel. Suitable for van or already completed. Wir­ lady or older married back AI Rioux of Newington, the from the race earlier this month. Cash Register — Unitrex month. Coll 643-5549 or large wagon. $35.00. 646- Cummings this morning sub­ ing updated, many other couple. No pets. Security, 2000. 1984 model. Elec­ New twin mattress used 647-1242. 3067.O candidate Cummings supports for Improvements made. 3 references. 646-6113. tronic, digital and compu­ tew times. Original $159. sheriff. stantiated Ferris’s account of the events, but said Ferris did not car detached garage, pos­ Kino - Sized bed. Firm terized. Mint condltlV)n. Now $75. Older boxsprlng 1978 Pontloc Grand Prix. "W e all know the realities of sible room for expansion. 1 bedroom apartment. mattress. Two twin box politics ... (but) we in Glastonbury WILLIAM FERRIS mention some important points $99.00. Call 643-9649.D free. Coll 649-1433.4pm- Air condition, power TOWN OF ANDOVER Attic has hardwood Heat plus utilities. $400 a springs. Frame. Excellent 8pm.o do not force our delegates to vote ... "disappointed" discussed during their Friday floors. Coll today for a month.
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