Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1993-11-17 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1993). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2675. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2675 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ·•I-•I~ >; ·i.&J NEWS 1-3 PERSPECTIVES 4-5 SPORTS 6-7 DIVERSIONS 8-9 CALENDAR 12 CHUCKLES 11 By Amy Helmes ''Part of our mission is to help people dents what they have to believe "We're not just saying students The Xavier Newswire in, the professors work to show can believe anything they want." have their own op~ons abo~t things." alternative interpretations. Xavier students agree that AccordingtothreeSGAsena­ In addition, Hill said the de­ their theology classes are more tors who recently attended a con­ -Dr. Brennan Hill, partment sees itself as part of a liberal than what they're used ference of Jesuit universities, Theology Department Church that is in dialogue with to. Xavier has a reputation for hav­ other religions, learning from a Brian Beirneschu said he was ing an extremely liberal theol­ variety of different faiths. shocked at the subject matter ogy department. What are Also, the theology taught at that was discussed in his theol­ Xavierfaculty and students' say­ Xavier gets involved with the ogy classes. ing about theology at Xavier? process ofliberating others from "You don't expect to hear "If liberal is meant as trying injustice, poverty, and oppres­ such openness about sexuality to use the latest insights coming sion, and having an awareness in theology classes. You exp~t out of theological disciplines, of the lack of freedom that others the traditional thinking. My then in that sense yes, we are have. classes have seemed to take a liberal," said Dr. William Madgesadded thatsomestu­ more realistic view of the world Madges, professor of theology dents may find their theology than the Church has, and are at Xavier. classes to be liberal simply be­ more open to issues we have to Although Madges found it cause they are used to religious face," said Beirneschu. difficult to respond to such a educationthatformspeopleinto Senior Joe McHalec said the general label, he says Xavier's a particular way of thinking. unique course offerings allow theology department may be "I would say that we teach for more liberal discussions in more recognized because of the the official position but we may the classroom, such as the AIDS professorswhohavewrittenex­ raise questions about adaptation seminar he recently took tensively on cutting edge issues. Dr. Brennan Hill Dr. Paul Knitter ornewunderstandings," he said. Most students asked viewed For example, Madges cited Lately, the Vatican has been their classes as liberal because the works of Dr. Paul Knitter trying to crack down on Catho­ the professors expressed their who is very interested in the better known, but he imagines tion of liberal thinking in its lic schools who are not teaching views on subjects that were views of other world religions. that other Jesuit universities are roots is to be free to think about theofficialChurchdoctrines. Hill against traditional Catholic be­ Dr. Christina Gudorf as well, addressing similar issues. and to critique things. Part of said this papal involvement is liefs. Others stated they were wrote on ethical issues from a After meeting Catholic theo­ our mission is to help people currently creating tension in able to think about important feminist perspective and logians from other Jesuit uni­ have their own opinions about many university theology de­ issues in ways they never had women's roles in the Christian versities, Dr. Brennan Hill said things." partments and has the potential before. tradition during her years as a that Xavier's. theology depart­ According to Hill, the theol­ for creating serious dilemmas in "A student's independent professor at Xavier. ment is fairly typical of other ogy department may be seen as · the future. thought and personal synthesis Madges said possibly the schools. liberal becalise there is not an "There are boundaries or cer­ is emphasized more than strict name recognition is what makes "I consider myself a liberal attempt to indoctrinate stu­ tain interpretations which are dogmaordoctrine,"saidsopho-· Xavier's theology deparbnent educator," said Hill. ''The no- dents. Rather than telling stu- outside of tradition," said Hill. more Bob Loparo. ) The Xavier Newswire - Wednesday, November 17, 1993 - Page 2 Safety Campus debating required service Notes By Kathleen Earley November 11, 7:30 a.m. The Xavier Newswire A suspect was soliciting A committee of students and money in Brockman park­ Grenada British Televi­ professors met recently for pre­ sion will be on hand to film ing lot. A non-stuqent was liminary discussionsaboutmak­ arrested who had two mis­ Dave Coleman's Creative ing volunteer service a part of Dating Workshop on Nov. demeanor warrants out for Xavier's academic curriculum. his arrest. 30 in the University Center The committee, organized by Theater. the Academic Vice President's. The television company November 9, 11:20 p.m. office, included students plans to produce a docu­ Stephen Zralek, Nicole A student reported that mentary from the work­ she was assaulted by her Hartman, Renee Richland, as shop and will interview well as faculty members Dr. roommate in the Xavier members of the audience Dennis Long, George Russell Village. She did not wish to on film for the project. and John LaRocca, S.J. the variety of backgrounds of said service should not be a ~ All students and friends press charges. Currently,Zralek, whoisalso people. We were able to discuss quirement because dialogue be­ are invited to attend the SGA president, is looking at the our different viewpoints thor­ tween students and professors Creative Dating Workshop, Please report any suspicious different options available for oughly," she said. would not be as meaningful. which will start at 7:30 p.m. activities on campus to Safety studentsconcemingservice. He Dr. Dennis Longwasalso part "I think it's a meaningful ex­ said we could either make com­ and run for a little more and Security at x-1000. of the first meeting about com­ perience when faculty and stu­ than one our: munity service a requirement munity service. As a professor dents have .an opportunity to The documentary will be or offer it as an optional class. of. social work, he said the no­ discuss the service and reflect shown in England and Zraleksaid seI'Vice could be a tion of community service is on the experience," Long said. eventually across most of beneficial part of the curricu­ Attention useful if it is grounded in mean­ He also said service should Europe. Please call the Stu­ lum, bu the is not sure of the best ingful ·experience.· Long. said be performed not only through way to enact the proposal. dent Activities office for suchexperiencecanbeachieved the departmentof social work, more information. Nomination applica­ Hartman said if service were through discussions between but also through other concen­ tions for the Bishop included in thecorecurriculfun, studen~.and professors. He also trations on campus. many students would benefit. ·Fenwick Teacher of the However, she.said she is hesi­ Year award are avail­ tant to force 5ervice oh sfudents. able at the Information Richland, a senator for SGA, Desk, cdfulhuterinfor­ · saidcommunityserviceisagreat .. idea, although she refrained~~:- ma tion desk, and .1': . from disclosing her co111pl~je Kaplan McDonald Library. opinion on the issue. She said The deadline for service should atleast be an aca­ • I demic choice. UJ\·es \'OU -l reasons to start nominations is Decem­ She also said the committee v < ber 1, 1993. At Kaplan, you d'l?n't meetingwasveiyeffective. 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