Military Road Segment

Military Road Segment

Nl'S l;orm l0-900 OMI] No. 1021-0018 (ltcv. l0-90) United States Departnrentof the Interior National Park Service National@ister of Historic Places @istration Form Thb fcnn b fr ule in nofinating or rqueging delcrminatirN fa indh'itual pr(perticsand distrids Secinstruclir$ in lrw to CdnpHe lhc Natbnal Rcgincr d Hiroric Phc 'x" Rcgisrarix Fo(m (l,latifiial Regi{cr Buletin 164). Omrplctecach ircrnby ma*ing i|l tlE appopriat€ box d by enteringth. infqrnatih requ.sed. lf any irem dc rn apP|ytothePropcrtybcingdocufFnt€d'entcr''N/A"for"notaPplhabb''Fqfunc1id!s.architecluralc|assif|cali'l,matcriab,andarasofsigni|ran@,enlerq|lytand $rbcalegfiiesf|qn the ios1rua1ix6.Phce additbnal entris and narratit! iems od ontinualirr sh€ets(NPS Fanr l0-9ma). Us a t)?cwriler, u,ord pro(ls, cr @mpuler, to qnpbte all itcms l. Name of Property historic name Military Road Segment other names/sitenumber NeHBS # DO09:0684-001 2. Location street & number 82nd and Fort Streets not for publication [N/A] citv or town Omaha vicinity IN/A] state Nebraska code NE county Douglas code 055 zip code 68128 3. State/ Federal Agency Certification As the desigratedauthority undcr thc NationalHisroric Prcs€rvation Acr of 1986,as amended.I hcrcbycertify that this [x] nomination [] request for deierminationof eligibility meclslhe documcntationsrandards for registeringproperties in lhe NationalRcgister of Historic Placcsand meets the proceduraland professionalrcquirements s€t forth in 36 CFR Parr 60. ln my opinion,rhc properly[x] rnccts doesnot mect the National RcgistcrCritcria. I recommendthat rhis properly bc considcredsignificant U nationally[x] srarcwidell locauy. (l lSce continuationshect fo. additional qpmments.) 'cert NovemberI 1993 Signature ifying official Date Director. NebraskaState Historical Societv State or Federal agency and bureau ln my opinion, thc property [] meetsn docsnol meetthc Narioral Rcgist€rcritcria. ([ lSee conrinuationsheer for addirionalcomments.) Signature of certifying official/Title Date State or Federal agency and bureau 4. National Park Service Certification I, hereby certify that this property is: I J entered in the National Register. [ ]Seecontinuation sheet. [ ] determined eligible for the National Register [ ] Seecontinuation sheet. [ ] determined not eligible for the National Register. [] removed from the National Register. [ ] other,(explain): Signatureof Keeper Dateof Action M;litary Road Scsrncnt Douslas. Ncbraska Na rne of P ropcrt r Countv and State 5. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Nrlrnber of Resources within Property (Check as many boxcsas apply) (Check only one box) (f)o not include previously listed resourcesin thc count.) [ ] private [ ] building(s) Contributing Noncontributing [x] public-local [ ] district buildings [ | public-State Ix] site sites [ ] public-Federal [ | structure structures [ ] object objects Total Name of related multiple property listing Number of contributing resources previously listed (Enter "N/A" if property is not part of a multiple property listing.) in the National Register N/A N/A 6. Function or Use Historic Functions Current Functions (Enter categoriesfrom instructions) (Enter categoriesfrom instructions) Transportation Vacant/Not in use Architectural Classification Materials (Enter categoriesfrom instructions) (Enter categoriesfrom instructions) N/A f oundation N/A walls N/A roof N/A other N/A Narrative Description (Describethe historic and current condition of theproperty on one or morecontinuation sheets.) Irtilitary RoadScgnrcnl Douglas,Ncbraska \anre of Propcrtv (lounty and State E. Statemtnt of Significance ApplicableNational RegisterCriteria Areas of Significance (Mark "x" in one or more boxcsfor the crileria qualiffing the property (Entercategorics from instructions) for National Registcr listing) Transportation. Militarv. Exploration/Scttlement [*l A Property is associatedwith eventsthat have madea significantcontribution to the broad patt.ernsof our history. tl Property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. I I C Propertyembodies the distinctive characteristicsof a type, period, or method of constructionor rcpresentsthe rvork of a Period of Significance master,or possesseshigh artistic values,or representsa significant and distinguishable I 856- 1858 entity whosecomponents lack individual distinction. t I D Property has yielded.or is likely to yield information important in prehistor-v-or Significant Dates history. 1858 Criteria Considerations (Mark "x" in all the boxesthat apply.) Property is: Significant Person (Completeif Criterion B is markedabove) I I A owned by u religiousinstitution or usedfor religiouspurposes. N/A tl B removed from its original location. Cultural Affiliation II c a birthplace or a grave. N/A tl D a cemetery. tl E a reconstructed building, object, or structure. II F a commemorative property. Architect/ Builder I1 G less than 50 years of age or achieved Beckwith, Captain Edward significance within the past 50 years. Narrative Statementof Significance (Explain the significanceof the property on one or more continuation sheets.) 9. Major Bibliographical References Bibliography (Cite the books, articles,and other sourcesused in preparingthis form on one or more continuation sheets.) Previous documentation on file (NPS): Primary Location of Additional Data: preliminarydetermination of individual listing Ix] State Historic PreservationOffice (36 CFR 67) has beenrequested. [ ] Other Stateagency previouslylisted in the National Register [ | Federalagency previouslydetermined eligible by the National [x] Local government Register [ ] University designateda National Historic Landmark [ ] Other recordedby Historic American Buildings Survey Name of repository: # DouglasCounty SurveyorsOffice recordedby Historic American Engineering Record# Militarv Road Scsnrcnt Douglas. Ncbraska Name of Propcrty- C'ount1and Statc 10. Geographical Data Acreage of Property 2.78acres. UTM Rcferences(Place additional UTM referenceson a continuation sheet) Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 1. t4 747555 4577040 3. 2. 4. [ ] Seecontinuation sheet. Verbal Boundary Description (Describethe boundariesof the propertyon a continuationsheet.) Boundary Justification (Explain why the boundarieswere selectedon a continuation sheet.) 11. Form Prepared By name/title Greg Miller, Preservation Historian and Terry Steinacher, Prcservation Archeologist organization NebraskaState Historical Societv date Julv 1993 street& number 1500R Street telephone (402\ 47I-4775 crtv or [own Lincoln state Nebraska zip code68501 Additional Documentation Submit thc followingircms with thc complctcdform: Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreageor numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photograpbs of the property. Additional items (Chechwith thc SHPOor FPO for any additionalitems) Property Owner (Complererhis itcn al thc rcquesrof thc SHPOor FPO.) name County of Douglas- Board of Commissioners street& number 1819Farnam telephone G02) 444-7025 city or town Omaha state Nebraska zip code 68183 PiFrrort Rcductbtr Act Sl.lcocal: This information is bcing collecled for applications to thc i-_ationalRcgistcr of Hisloric Placcsto nominatc propcrticsfo. Iistingor detcrmineeligibility fo. listing,to list properties,and to amendcxisting listings. Rcsponsc to this rcquc.t is rcquircdto obtain a bcncfit in acco.dancci|ith thc NationalHisto.ic PrescrvationAct, as amcndcd(16 U.S.C.470 ct scq.). BstiE.tcd Burda! Slrtcocnt: Public rcporling burdcn for this forrn is cstifiatcd to avcragc 18.1 hours pc. rcsponscincluding thc timc for rcvic*ing instructions,gathcring and maintainingdata, and completingand rcvicwi0gthe form. Dircct commcntsrcgaading this burdencstimarc or any aspcct of this form to thc Chicf, Administrative ScrviccsDivision, National Park Scrvice, P,O. Box 37127, Washington, DC 20013-7127iand the Officc of Man.gcmcntard Budgct,Papcrwork Reductions Projcct (1024-0018),Washinglon, DC 20503. \PS lrorm l0-900-a OIl l] \.r l():{ - 0()l8 (8 - 8fr) United States Departnrent of the lnterior National Park Service National@ister of HistoricPlaces GontinuationSheet Military Road Segment Nameof Property Douglas,Nebraska Section 7,8 Page 1 County and State Description This segmentof the Military Road is located on thc east side of Little Papillion Creek near its junction with Thomas Creek. The road, at this location, descendedfrom the uplands down into the creek valley along a narrow, ridge-like, toe slope. The segment is orientated along a norlhwest to southwest alignment. The northern, eastern and most of the southern sides of the site are surrounded by urban development. To the south and west a small, open, cultivated field still remains undeveloped. The current and an earlier, now abandoned, segment of Military Avenue is located along the northeast edge of the site. The ridge line segmentof the Military Road relatesto the earliestdevelopment and layout of the route tn 1856.The segmentwas probablyin usethrough the 1860s.The road wasoriginally utilized for movement of suppliesfrom the MissouriRiver landings to the frontier military poststo the west. This preserved segment of road was improved through excavation of the slope providing a flatter surface and decreasingthe angle of descent. Spoil piles from the excavation are still present, with the mosl prominent along the northeast side of the cut. Near the top of the upland

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