For Value—Shop The Ads TOWNSHIP First With The News! The Largest And Best Shops And Keep Astride All The Activities Services In The Area Are Our Of The Town With Your Advertisers. Patronize Them! Home-Town Paper VOL. IX.—No. 34 FORDS, N. J., THURSIDAY, JUNE 26, 1947 PRICE THREE CENTS Fireworks Still Banned, -250 Years Efficient Guardians at School • Crossings Have Their Annual Day of Fun Chief Warns Merchants N.J., County WOODBRIDGE — In answer to a number of inquiries received Old, Church at police headquarters from Sewer Use Township shop keepers, Police Chief George E. Keating warned One hundred and that the sale of fireworks is Plans Fete nine youngsters,'- all prohibited under State law. Bill'Argued _ ^i members of the Jun- Merchants found selling fire- ior Police Patrol, rep- works of any description will be Trinity lo Commence 9- resenting a» public arrested and fined, the police Trainer Efforts to Get Mouili Observance in grammar schools in head declared. $8,700 Balked; Says the Township and Sept., Rector States St. James School, at- T i e -1 n Unauthorised tended the annual WOODBRIDGE —Preparations picnic at Palisades Ultimatum Goes WOODBRIDGE — Tax Collec- for the 250th anniversary of the Park arranged by tor Michael J. Trainer is deter- Trinity Episcopal Church are now mined to collect, $8,700—$4,350 underway and, according to the Captain Benjamin To Cabin Ownersfrom the County and a like amount rector, Rev. William H. Schmaus. Parsons. from the State^—which he i.claims festivities^ covering- a period of Transported by bus, is due the Township for unauthor- nine months, are being planned. the children enjoyed Town is Determined to ized hook-ups to the Iselin trunk The first program is scheduled all the rides and ate Prosecute All Who sewer. in September and others will fol- box luncheons. On The Iselin sewer was built back low until May 16, 1948. the way home they Permit Immorality in 1930 and it was assessed against All organizations of the church were served ice cream the residents of- the district who will take part, and the community and soda at one of WOODBRIDGE.— Over 90 per benefited by its construction. as a whole will be invited to parti- the roadside stands. cent of the cabin owners in the Meanwhile the County connected cipate in the v'arious events. Rev. At the left of the pic- Township have cooperated in ad- into the sewer for Roosevelt Hos- Schmaus has invited all living ture is Charles Mc- hering to Township and State pital and Kiddie Keep Well Camp former rectors to preach sermons Gettig-an, janitor of laws, Police Chief George E. Keat- and the State, for the Veterans' at the local church during the Port Reading: School, ing told cabin owners at a con- Home at Menlo Park. The use of months ,-of the celebration. and Captain Parsons. ference held Tuesday at police the sewer by these institutions Meanwhile, _ v'arious repairs and At the right is Mar- headquarters. Also attending the limits the gallonage residents of replacements are being made to session were Police Commissioner the Township can use in the Rail- ready the church and the rectory tin Braun, principal way Valley Joint Sewer. of Port Keading Herbert B. Rankin, Township At- to receive guests. The rectory will torney Leon E. McElroy, Recorder be re-painted and the fence also School, and James On June 5, Mr. Trainer sent the will receive a new coat of paint. Catano, janitor of Arthur Brown and James S. Wight, following letter to the Board of St. Agnes unit is planning to erect Sewaren School. attorney for the cabin owners. Freeholders: "There appears on a bronze tablet bearing the names The police head said he would the books of this Department a of the 52 rectors who have served insist on proper registration of charge of $4,350 against the Coun- the church since 1698. guests and that each guest register ty of Middlesex, concerning con- his true name. It will be the res- nection of Roosevelt Hospital and The young people's group is ponsibility of the cabin owners to the Kiddie Keep Well Camp with, planning to imbed the old mill- the Iselin Trunk Sewer. stone in concrete and place a mar- secure proper identification. All ker at the spot. The millstone lias the owners present promised "Inasmuch as there is but a been used as a back door step at AA—Beacon 'S Potter's Crossing All Tavern Licenses .Renewed whole-hearted cooperation. small balance outstanding against; the rectory for years and was part Raids conducted to date, mostly this account, and due ttt the fact of Jonathan Dunham's Grist Mill under the leadership of Detective that the above named institutions which stood on the rectory site in Of Liquor—•'Plans for Unit HereResident is Fined By Board at Tuesday*® SessionSergeant Fred Linn, have been are enjoying the benefits of tiip. 1670. held, Chief Keating said, "by my sewer, it would be appreciated if orders." you would make whatever arrange- Committee in Charge Threatened to Beat "These orders remain standing," Merrill Mosher, senior warden, Group Which Meets Each a good man and has a nice family. Three Club Licenses one scarlet fever case, one Ger- ment is necessary for the payment His people and friends just can't man measles case and two chicken the Chief declared. of the County's share." is general chairman of the celebra- Tuesday'in Amboy to Motlier-in-Law; 3 Four Package Store Meanwhile 15 persons were ar- tion committee and he is being understand him. During his 90 pox cases. The report of Mrs. Her- Referred to Hayes mine Lins, township child hygiene rested over the week-end in raids assisted by the following: His- Provide Local Help days at the workhouse where he Drivers Also Fined Permits Also Issued The letter, Mr. Trainer was in- toriographer, Melvin F. Church; nurse, listed 250 home visits and on the Green Shutters Cabins, is.fed. prison fare he has a-chance Garden State Cabins and a private formed, was referred to Edmund finance, James S. Wight, Dr. C. WOODBRIDGE—Would you ill- RARITAN TOWNSHIP--A fine RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Thirty also noted the vaccination of 140 A. Hayes, County Counsel. H. Rothfuss, Allen Bennett and to work up resentmenti against of $10 and probation for six tavern licenses, four package store pupils at Our Lady of Peace home in the Iinman Avenue sec- treat a sick man? tion of Colonia. A similar letter was sent La Clarence R. Davis; publicity, Eric Woufd you throw him into jail? those "who p.ut him in jail." Re- months was the punishment meted permits and three club licenses Chruch. G. Davis, James A. Compton; were renewed by the Board of Arrested with Minor Eugene T. Urbaniak, Deputy At- Would you feed him indiffer- sult, he takes a few on his release. to- LeRoy Jackson, 39, Potter's As the result of the Garden torney General, Department of " grounds and buildings, William ently Commisisoners at a meeting held Bidyard, Mercer Brunn, William John didn't mean to get. drunk Crossing section Monday when he Tuesday in the municipal build- State raid, Joseph Cistrelli, 24. Institution and Agencies. In reply Thompson. Hardly! You would call a doc- again but he didn't realize that 416 Amity Street, Elizabeth, was Mr. Urbaniak wrote: "We have tor, who would prescribe medicine, apepared before Recorder Chris- ing. League to Help the first jMhk awakened the old held for the grand jury after had considerable correspondence The rectory of Trinity Church nourishing food and rest. tian J. Jorgensen on a complaint An ordinance, vacating the pub- being arrested by Sgt. Linn and on this case and I regret to ad- - was Johnathan Dunham's home Let's take the case of John Doe, cFavin5"°for alcohol. First thing of atempted assault. lic's rights to Floyd and Jean Teen Age Group Patrolman Michael Sasso when he vise you- that we are unable to pay and when it was built it was con- however. He does not receive treat- | (Continued on Page 6) The recorder'heard testimony to Streets, Naomia, Cruthers and was found with a minor girl. The the amount demanded for several sidered the finest home in Wood- ment we would accord what we call Greylock Avenues, all in' the Oak latter was held for the juvenile reasons. In the first place, no bridge. ' Daily's History of Wood- the effect that Johnson had threat- Tree section, was adopted on final RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Activi- an ill man. For in the opinion of ties of the OAK Tree Teenage authorities. Fined $50 each as dis- specific appropriation has ever bridge, wrirten in 1873, comments: most of -us John Doe is what is ened to beat Mrs. Ida Clyde, his reading. orderly persons were William C. been made by the Legislature to "It was standing two years ago, prospective mother-in-law,.also of Club were discussed at a meeting ommonly called a "drunk" and In the only sales of land, Stan- of the United Civic League of Damato, 25, 106 Frost Street, cover this item, and secondly, it and looked, so weird and strange he usually winds up in the county Potter's Crossing for alleged in- Brooklyn and Elizabeth Reilly, 21, would appear to be an assessment that some were glad to see- the ley E. Kebel purchased three lots North Raritan Townchip at a workhouse. terference in his affairs. for $400 and Michael Dotsko meeting at the Oak Tree Firehouse 7503 Juniper Valley Road, Middle by a municipality against the Stats builders reconstructing it, • while Village.
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