oJct'l(r)cerco 06og (T)1(D)om)c oJo)'lomC(mCo (IDCAOemo [email protected]/lorpolscoo o.olc€lo (I)o. 2563 12.06.2018 - rd oqo:slo' (,ld 6cdqtQ' olruo1 ciJcGlo oq.udl q4i. rnfl. m:colod qgfl . a,sa.rgp1 crgcorggoE <Oloon. cU. qoile nool (m.looaoemq. oJlcmcoaru6nDlcrdclo tg@;l. .s.ffu16 GGOI(rulclJo C!6,oJ OnOt ) "O.oOoA. @;1. oI. Grodqoorjloco0 "O) cru.oulc(I)oro" €cilcFli "O) cQor.,glo1+jl$6rB-. c6,@@Bdlci oo45)gE crbdlnu-oc(r) au196,(ald3Beo m;ocdloxorq. pJ)conqo Ooororcoj@@(moil(ri (UioA 6Jd.Hd .rclojl cro)ojlne.oilajhqGrBc: 6n1l) @aBto oauoil "4oorgc. 6ntl) roc€oo cule)oeocm cuoc.,JCD6GDoA, €cilm). o{o (ruc(o) "4soa(r\tl6eos fiuoooG66, a,g.6D@'1, @ejl(or @1.sa8, ouoo6@orDc6rrJose)c6tr- oc"€c6m(i crudcjlcru" qf., gs@rjl "Oo8.dl.5)-asA cns.gce! oLormocorm" <olorotos &gcq)erqosco)ccm" pc .uceloi cnsqf cr[olDoc6c0@c; eJ36t oro3m{oi. mt.mtoccncoacooile;. elgcroeL oriep nilolaeam mroloJle,od @"i6o1ejli6re-. escocD o6flc ocurcsilernn*ooag|qo oor-lrplcrn .,soa occ(r)sdoco(a fitcoolqil€6rB". mi) pe (rDdacd cDut€'cro mjl) pc (rud6)cd Groojlagcocogc(ro.so Gro6mcffooojl Gogo('o.,so B(o6rDo(ro@ot (r)cidjlco oic(r)ccfiu6rqtco ojlo(ro(r) otelotasd (I)(f,6io)oilc(r)cocu6rolcco fiDo6nrrur-doilc!@oGrom6DJ(rr!@c(orcdd6ma. oilarrurn .JnDoilaod o4o(oflco3O6In(m- oiluooocolccoc? "k",-*. rDepa*nidnt i;ri. :':..ir,'.r of 1lounSm j'.(Jcr ,., rl.:.lilf.'l., "- , Tollrism Prqiectj 5a niti6rieit f rcim'25lhjMdfpol twffi&-.:::' 5r]! g& w! Connructron of Handraik in the Walkway at I Thiruvananthapurnm Entin€€rin8 3/6norc 64@@ Veli Tourin vlllage DeDartm€nt EE, F /D. Euildin8 Renovation and Upgradation ol Covemment Divirion. 2 Thiruvananihapuram 2300000 Guert Houre Block at Po.mudi vanol6 Clean Denination ompaign 2OI617 Thiruvananthapurdm DTPC Tnvandrum t74&2016 38925000 Plan tund of KIITJ for 201617 Thiruvananthapumm K]TT' l74A-2016 35000000 Ele.trifiatiofl work at Akkulam Chlld.€f,t 5 Thiruvananthapuram K!LTRON 234a-2016 2422390 Kovalam Tolritm zone watle Management ThiruvananthapuI:m 25{8-20t6 ,lO530OO ProSramm€ 2Ol&17 Renovation of old Toil€t blo<k&Conn.uction ste€l Induttfier 7 of Jeptic Tank and other work in Thiruvananthapu.6m 29{4-2016 t892000 Kerala Ltd Niihasandhi Audiiorium Additional lightinS of toulhem ride of .Ha6our I rhanShumugham beach in Thiruvananthapuram €ngineering 5t9t2016 200moo Dev€lopm€nt of Sree Padmanabha Aranmula 9 tabarimala ar a spiritual cjrcult In Kenla uMel Thiruvananthapuram t9{9-2016 944426c€o Jwaderh Da6han scheme ParticiDatlon in Incredible lndia Tourin l0 invenoB tummit Ne,\l'/ Delhi bv Kemla Thiruvananthapur"m KTIL (TRK[) 23€9-2016 2694ffi Tourirm lnhastructure Ltd IKTIL) Renovation work of e)dnihg Toilet Blo.k state Nirmithi ll Thirwananthapurim (Sulabh) at Vell Toudet villaPe lnonotg 700048 Renovation wort( of exirtinS pay and ur€ comfort nadon and repairinS wod6 of ttate Nirmithi t2 Thiruvananthapu.am exirtinS conoete road and providing cover t+tG20l6 477330 rlab for ride dmin at Var'ila Rstoration of Stone Pillar area. patlway extenriorr maintainance of 600r€ cate and Jt.te Nlrmithi Thiruvananthapulam l8-tG20t6 2000000 filling up of rand in exirting Childr€n'r play Kendra area in veli Tou.irt villaPe Renovation work of exirting pond at Veli ttate Nimithi t4 Thiruvananthapurarn Tourin villase l9-l&20t6 6118822 Making retaining wall with covenng rlab of State Nirmithi exirting <anal from Avaduthuira D€vi T€mple T]'iruvananthapt|ram l9-lG20l6 909,{no io near 6reen villa houte .t Kovalam Annual M.intenance contract for the repak l6 and maintenance workt at Covemment Cuert Thiruvananthapuram nx,/D BuildinSt 2GtG20l6 165000@ Electrifi.ation work at Va.kala Eead Temple Thiruvananthapuram KTITRON road and Balimandiram. V.rkala HeliDad ant/2o16 2904m0 : iDat€'of# ion,ro.:r,..!. : AJ A;otnl afi#1 ". llffiffiE :;"iitr;e ConJtruction of Bathroom, Maintenanc€ wo.k of Toilel3 and laying cobbb none Stat€ Nirmithi t8 Thiiuvanadthapuram 8 1/2016 3 792 balan<e area of exining toil€t near light houre Electrification work at kappil beach and boat l9 Thiruvananthapuram KETTRON 8 tnorc 3000000 Variour work at Varkala beach - 1. conrtruction of Cloak room with toilet blo.k State Nimilhi 20 rite dwelopment and connruction of Thiruvananthapuram a tno16 3208000 compond wall at propose 3. connruction.rea cf cloak room with toilei blo.k etc Renovation work of exining rhop with Toilet Thlruvananthapuram 23-11-2016 r60000 block of DTPC at Ponmudl B.lance work in 6ovemmeni 6uen Houte. 22 Thiruvananthapuram FVD Buildingj 2+11-2016 1573740 lmprovement of t€cond app.oach road from 23 Ch:O/OOO to O/80O Xm balance work for Thiruvdnanthapuram nVD Roade 27-ll-2016 3880000 Exp€nret for the r€le.tion of Conruhantr and 24 Thiruvananthapurdm KTIT GRKT) 1AU20t5 3850@O prepa.ation of proie.t reportr, DPR e Repair. Upsradatiorl Maintenanca Annual Contract and Upke€ping lhe premirer of Thiruvananthapuram FU./D Buildingt 1A2nol6 134500@ Govemmeni Guert Hou€. Kovalam Connruciion of Toil€r blocL R€novation work of €xining reitauEnt and landtapin8 Thiruvananlhapuram DTPC Tdv6ndrum 7n2not5 2379000 work at e{ning rertau.ant iniludinS yard Renovatlon work and rite dev€loDment of 27 Thiruvananthapurdm DTrc Trivandrum 2+t2-20t6 816000 exining toilet block of DTrc at Aruviklara Renovation work and rite develooment of Thiruvananthapuran 2A-t2-2016 8t6000 exirting toilet blod of DTPC at Arivikka.a Conn.uction ofToilet Elock n€ar Neyyar 29 Thiruvananthapuram DTPC Trivandrum 2a-12-2016 890583 Dam Monltoring of Proiedr under Department of Departmeni of 30 Tourism by ttrenStheoing the Dirtrict Officer Thiruvananthapuram 4ino17 10010000 and Directorate ofTourism 2Ol&17 3t Ebdnficaiion of Kovalam Bea.h Surroundingt Thiruvananthapumrn KETTRON ro noll t2463ooo Beautification wo*r and Electrification work Stare Nimithi 32 Thiruvananthapurdm 11Ano17 2421036 Connruction of Compound wall near beach stare Nimithi 33 Thiruvananthapuram 114t2017 622434 area, Veli Tourist villnA€ UrSent r€pair and m.intenance workr at FYD Jp€<ial 34 ThiruvdnanthapuEm 1741-2017 29800000 Kerala Hout€, Mumbai Euildinse Divition Kovalam Jamudra Beach Dertination 35 Thiruvananthapuram KTDC anno17 30005695 *D6aE:dt tgffi; "ftffi'&,.ii Akkulam Tourin Vlllage 2nd Phare Thiruvananthapuram DTrc T.ivandrum 't543-2017 49300000 Propolal for Development of rod pa.k at 37 lrattinpuram Newatinkara, Thiruvananttupuram 1543-20t7 26619369 Thiruvananthapllram Propotal for th€ implementalion of lP bared rrirveillance iecority in Kanakakunnu 38 rynem Thiruvananthapuram ulccs tid. 1643-2017 1355.4389 Palace and premite5 in Thiruvananthapu.am Dirtrict Pilgrim HeriiaSe Circuit at 39 Kulansara.Kazhakkottam. Thiruvananthapu.am t6-03-20t7 49500000 ThiruvananthaDuram P.opotal for renoration of Pon4 Mandapam 40 and Connruction of Heritage thopt at Thiruvananthapuram DTPC Trivandrum 25{3-20t7 l2tmooo shanchumucham b€adl Connru<tion of new Gu€tt Houee at Ponmudi 4l (Phare-ll) Thiruvananthapuram nvD Euildingt 2543-2017 40r00000 Pilgrim Heritag€ Clrorit at Kolathukara, 42 Thiruvananthapuram 25.03-2017 23900000 Thi.uvananthapuram tp€cial r€palr and lmprovement v,,ork at 43 C,ovemment Cuett Houle building B-Block at Thiruvan€nthaputam PrrD &rildingt 25n3-20t7 9253089 EE,PWD Electrical Providing Cabla N€w Pan€l Eoardr, Re.rlring 44 lnnallation €t( of Gov€mm€nt 6uen Hou€, Thiruvananthapuram 2743-2017 2415@O R€formulation of Touritm Proredr ai veli 45 Thiruvananrhaputam KTIT (TRKL) 2943-2017 1900000 Toudn villase Proporal for Connruction of Drain at Steel Industrieg 45 Nithagandhi Auditodum at Kanakakkunnu Thiruva^anthaput!m 5t4nol7 r@3r85 Kerala Ltd Palac€ In Thlnrvananthapurdm Repla.lng of old central A/C plant in Thiruvananthapuram nVD Euildinsr 1945-2017 5700000 Gov€mment Gre( Hout€. Kovalam Additional block of Covt Gren House. 48 Thirrlvananthapu.am n D Buildingt 1945-2017 200@ooo Ponmudi- Electrifi cation Wo*t Proposal for UpgGdation and R€novation of 49 Thiruvananthapuram KTDC 20.05-2017 4t038000 Hotel Chaithram. ThamDanoor Plan Fund 201718 - Kerala Inditute of 50 Thiruvananthapurdm KITTJ t60G2017 40000000 Tolritm and T6vel Studie, (KmS) Iourirm De\,/elopment prciect at Aniyoor in 5l Thiruvananthapuram t9ry-2017 30000000 IhiruvananrhaDuram Dinri.t Denination Develophent of Thekkan Depanment of 52 Thiruvananthapuram 204G20v 10450000 turirhumala in Thiruvananthapuram Development and BeauiiJioiion of Lowe. Thiruvananthapuram DTPC Trivandrum 20 2017 20797544 Janatorium. Ponmudi 6 -t JLg. *-{iw8 :]qlfi H*"sF tuoporal for Veliswimming Pool and Part 54 Thiruvanan!hapuram DTrc Tdvandrum 2t-06-2017 247ffiO Clean Deriination Campai8n lmplementation Thiruvananthdpuram 22-M-20t7 6770oo0o durin€ 2Ol7-2018 Dev€lopm€nt of denination facilitier at Thi.uvananthapuram DTPC Trivandrum 2447-2017 8000000 Manvila. Thiruvananthapuram Development of Ponmudi- Renovation of15 57 Thiruvananthapurah KTDC 3/4/2017 32000000 Cottass ol KTDC Rerponrible Tourirm lnitiative Plan propo€l Thiruvananthapuram 1tlanot7 45000000 2017-14 Mitdon Kovalam Tourirm Zone Wane Managenent 59 Thiruvananthapuram v4a-2017 5168000 Prosramme- 2Ol7l8 Revamping of Kovalam Beadr Ughting 5ynem 60 Thiruvananthapuram XICADC 2644-2017 to42626 at Kovalam - Maintenance work 51 Madavoor Para - Dertination DeveloDment Thiruvananthapuram KAL GRKU 26-0B-2017 70000000 Aruvikka.a Toudim ProJect Thiruvananthapu.am 26.09-20t7 t7000000 D€partment of Earier fie€ K€..|a Touritm Thiruvananthapuram 26'09-20t7 90000@0 Providing FIower Tob on the Exliting Ea.th Jtat€ Nirmithi Embankm€nt Area near Jooryakanthi Thi.uvananthapuram l9-tG20t7 5822672 Audithodum at Krnakakkunnu Palace Installation of Chjldr€n't PIay
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