________________________________ Air-conditioning & Ventilation Engineers _______________________________ A Profile A business succeeds not because It is big or because it has been long established but because there are people in it, who lived it, sleep it, dream it and build great future plans for it. MISSION, VISION & VALUES. Mission: The mission of HTL AIRCON is dedication to the highest quality to customer service delivered with a sense of warmth friendliness, individual pride & company sprit Vision: To raise the bar in Indian air conditioning installation standards through well researched practices & material. We will earn our customer enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by integrity, team work, quality standards & innovation of HTL People. Values: We take responsibility for QUALITY We deliver CUSTOMER SATISAFACTION We provide LEADERSHIP as a company & as individuals We act with INTEGRITY in all we do. We value our TEAM We regard our supplier as essential member air-conditioning systems of various magnitudes and experience of 2 ½ years of 2 ½ experience systemsof various magnitudes air-conditioning and of System7 yrsacoveringfor Execution Designing, as almostDealer Co (2yr),from M/s.Batliboi M/s.Voltas Ltd Aircon Ltd M/s.Carrier (1& yr), commenced experienceof Mr.Lavinder Air-conditioning Duggal’s expansevast College, Engineering infrom Govt. Jabalpur having cleared 1992. Mr.Lavinderof DuggalB.E. (Hons) The graduateMechanical a is main promoter, History Brief INTRODUCTION air-conditioning systems of various magnitudes and experience of 2 ½ years of 2 ½ experience systemsof various magnitudes air-conditioning and of System7 yrsacoveringfor Execution Designing, as almostDealer Co (2yr),from M/s.Batliboi M/s.Voltas Ltd Aircon Ltd M/s.Carrier (1& yr), commenced experienceof Mr.Lavinder Air-conditioning Duggal’s expansevast College, Engineering infrom Govt. Jabalpur having cleared 1992. Mr.Lavinderof DuggalB.E. (Hons) The graduateMechanical a is main promoter, Brief History Brief INTRODUCTION Chapter –Introduction 1 Chapter –Introduction 1 Chapter Project 4 our –Gallery Chapter 3 Stages –of Services Chapter 2 F –A Qs Chapter 3 Stages –of Services Chapter 2 F –A Qs Chapter Project 4 our –Gallery Bibliography CHAPTER1 R hhhhy 11graphy M/s.M/s. BlueBlue StarStar LtdLtd forfor systemsystem air-conditioningair-conditioning andand coldcold room.room. Also we take thisthis opportunityopportunity inin informinginforming thatthat M/s.M/s. HTLHTL AIRCONAIRCON PVTPVT LTDLTD dealsdeals inin world class fully importedimported DAIKIN,DAIKIN, TRANE,LTRANE,L GG && SAMSUNGSAMSUNG Air-conditionersAir-conditioners for projects and residenceresidence requirementsrequirements basedbased atat Mumbai,Mumbai, NaviNavi MumbaiMumbai && Pune.Pune. Our sister concern M/sM/s DELTADELTA AIRCONAIRCON PVTPVT LTDLTD isis thethe distributordistributor –Western–Western IndiaIndia for TRANE (USA) UNITARY products & chillers till 120 TONs. The Set Up ExperienceExperience Mr. LavinderLavinder SinghSingh DuggalDuggal -- ManagingManaging DirectorDirector 1717 yearsyears Mr. Ashok Nayak - Director Operation.Operation. 1212 yearsyears Mr. S.S. P.P. KukretiKukreti -- DirectorDirector forfor serviceservice (Andheri/Navi(Andheri/Navi Mumbai)Mumbai) 1212 yearsyears Mr. Tejas Bodawala - Director (Delta(Delta AirconAircon Pvt.Ltd)Pvt.Ltd) 1212 yearsyears Mr. Santosh Kilor - Branch Manager (Pune) 10 years Mr. Vishal Jadhav - Branch Manager (Navi Mumbai) 6 years Mr. Harsh Deep Singh - VRV Head (Andheri) 6 yearsyears Mr.Mr. HarpreetHarpreet UppalUppal -- NonNon VRVVRV HeadHead (Navi(Navi Mumbai)Mumbai) 55 yearsyears Mr. Sharad Malusare - PlanningPlanning EngineerEngineer 11 yearyear Mr. Jayesh Khot - Planning & Design Engineer 111 yearsyears Mr. Garjeet Singh. - Project Engineer 9 years Mr. Manish Dubey - Service Incharge (Mumbai) 11 years Mr. Satish Rao - Service Incharge (Navi Mumbai) 9 yearsyears Mr.Mr. IlyasIlyas ShaikhShaikh -- PlanningPlanning && TrainingTraining ManagerManager 88 yearsyears Mr. Venkatesh - Quality Surveyor 8 years To firm up an appointment please contact :: MUMBAIUMBAI OFFICEOFFICE :: NAVINAVI MUMBAIMUMBAI OFFICE:OFFICE: 38, Nand Ghanshyam Ind.Est,, 28,28, KukrejaKukreja Plaza,Plaza, Opp Sun Pharma,Behind Paper Box, SectorSector –– 1111 Off.Off. MahakaliMahakali CavesCaves RoadRoad CBDCBD BelapurBelapur Andheri (East),st), MumMum –– 400093400093 NaviNavi MumbaiMumbai -- 400614400614 Ph - 42174747 (30 lines) PhPh –– 4102033341020333 (30(30 lines)lines) Mr. Lavinder Duggal at 9820073753 Mr. S.P Kukreti at 9820072963 [email protected] [email protected] Mr.Mr. AshokAshok NayakNayak atat 98338770349833877034 [email protected] PUNE Office: SURATSURAT OFFICE:OFFICE: 204, Yash shreeshree Bldg,Bldg, ShopShop NoNo 3,3, SatyaSatya GuruGuru Apt,Apt, Opp Bharat Petrol Pump, Majura Gate, Surat - 395001 B.T Kawde Rd, Ghorpadi Ph – 0261 -6545333 PunePune –– 411001411001 Mr.Mr. TejasTejas Bodawala.Bodawala. atat 98338770169833877016 /9879113130/9879113130 Ph – 020-2672023020-26720230 // 3131 [email protected] Mr. SantoshSantosh KilorKilor atat 9823993564.9823993564. [email protected] [email protected] y 2 h R p E a r T g P 1 A 1 FF AA QQ ss ?? H R C 1 1. Who are we? We are A.C. Solution providers Air conditioning TurnkeyTurnkey ContractorsContractors DealersDealers ofof DaikinDaikin forfor entireentire rangerange ofof Splits,Splits, Cassettes,Cassettes, DuctedDucted packagepackage unitsunits && VRVVRV Systems.Systems. Together we can form aa completecomplete TEAMTEAM forfor Heating,Heating, VentilationVentilation && Air-conditioning Solutions providers DesignDesign andand ExecutionExecution ofof HVACHVAC SystemsSystems forfor entireentire gamutgamut ofof Air-conditioning applicationsapplications OurOur Mission:Mission: ToTo deliverdeliver thethe bestbest serviceservice withinwithin ourour Client’s budgetbudget && scheduleschedule 2. What can us as Air-conditioning consultantsconsultants dodo forfor you?you? We can Plan your project Estimate your project Prepare Drawings, Tenders Consultancy of HVAC Execution / Supervision of HVAC projects 3. How long will it take to execute the Air-conditioningAir-conditioning system?system? On an average 1,000 to 3,000 Sq.ft 3-4 Weeks 3,000 to 5,000 Sq.ft 4-5 WeeksWeeks 5,0005,000 toto 20,00020,000 Sq.ftSq.ft 5-65-6 WeeksWeeks 20,000 to 40,000 Sq.ft 6-8 WeeksWeeks 40,00040,000 toto 60,00060,000 Sq.ftSq.ft 8-108-10 WeeksWeeks 60,00060,000 && overover Sq.ftSq.ft 10-1210-12 WeeksWeeks Well, these are just benchmarks. We have the expertise & experience of Executing 10,000 Sq.ft in 10 days & 50,000 Sq.ftSq.ft inin 4545 daysdays flat.flat. 4. How much will this cost you? Not too much The Average air-conditioning project in Mumbai/Pune costscosts betweenbetween Rs.25,Rs.25, 000000 toto Rs.30,000Rs.30,000 perper TRTR forfor ConventionalConventional Rs 55,00055,000 toto Rs.Rs. 70,000/-70,000/- perper TRTR HPHP forfor VRV.VRV. 5. What are the typical problems you should look out for? WorkWork Timings:Timings: IfIf thethe workwork teamteam isis notnot allowedallowed toto workwork inin twotwo shifts.shifts. Changes:Changes: DesignDesign changeschanges mademade duedue toto changechange inin requirementsrequirements midmid way.way. Confusions:Confusions: DifferentDifferent peoplepeople overover viewingviewing thethe samesame aspectsaspects differently.differently. Your problems are ours anyway, so leave them to us to handle. 6. What would some of our services comprise?comprise? We would provide HVAC system proposal with basis of designs & heat loads Produce construction drawings Various activities bar chart Preparations of BOQ’s Liasoning with other agencies Execution of AC system Coordination of Installation Testing, Commissioning & handing over 7. Why would you choose us over others?others? Not because WeWe areare CreativeCreative YoungYoung DynamicDynamic Having installed base of 30,000 + Tons of Air-conditioning ButBut becausebecause wewe areare goodgood atat whatwhat wewe do.do. && TRUSTWORTHY 8. What surprises can you expect?expect? Riots in the city hold up work! The plant making grills can burn down! The Air-conditioning Company may go on strike! ButBut atat thethe endend wewe knowknow wewe areare responsibleresponsible andand NONO EXCUSES.EXCUSES. And finally We understand If a work is worth doing It is worth doing it well OUR REPUTATION IS BUILT ON SATISFIED CUSTOMERS y 3 h - p R a r E g T 1 P STAGES OF SERVICES RENDERED 1 A Stage I:: -- Pre-DesignPre-Design Stages:Stages: R 1 1. Take Architects/Owners instructions and prepare report and H C 3 Approximate estimated Cost for air-conditioningconditioning works.works. 2.2. VisitVisit andand inspectinspect sitesite ifif required.required. 3.3. OnOn ApprovalApproval ofof preliminarypreliminary report,report, prepareprepare preliminarypreliminary layout.layout. Stage II:: -- PreliminaryPreliminary Design:Design: 1. Preparation of the H V A C Scheme layout, drawings and details in co-ordination with Architectural & Structural Drawings. 2. Preparation of proper Heat load estimates of various floors with different zones/areas. 3. Detailed layouts indicated Plant Rooms, detailed duct design, piping design and Air-distribution management. Stage III:- Co-ordination : 1. Progress-check meetings on a regular basis at site, with all other agencies working at site (In Consultation with Architect/Owners). 2. Inspection/Supervision of technical requirement fulfillment of works. 3. Commissioning of A.C. System 4. Certification of Bills (If required) 4
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