Connacht GAA Tain League 2015(Adult) Dates- . Round 1- 31st January 2015 . Round 2- 7th February 2015 . Round 3- 14th February 2015 . Round 4- 28th February 2015 . Round 5- 11th April 2015 . Semi-Finals- 18th April 2015 . Finals- 25th April 2015 Connacht GAA Tain League Groups Division 1 Division 2* 1. Oran Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 2. Abbeyknockmoy 1. Cluainin Iomaint 1. Western Gaels 1. Castlebar Mitchels 3. Tooreen 2. Tourlestrane 2. Westport 2. Tremane 4. Athleague 3. Sylane 3. St Marys Carrick 3. Ml Breathnachs 5. Ballyhaunis 4. St. Dominics 4. Salthill/Knocknacarra 4. Ballinasloe 5. Annaghdown 5. Skehana 5. Longford Slashers 6. Roscommon Gaels 6. Ballinamore Rules & Regulations 1. First Named team has home advantage except in semi-finals and finals of the competition. 2. Referees to be appointed by Connacht GAA however each club is expected to provide a linesman for each fixture. 3. Games to be played on or before the date set. 4. If games are to be changed, it must be on the agreement of both clubs with correspondence sent to [email protected] with the details of the agreed fixture. Any unfulfilled games not played prior to the final round of league fixtures will be declared null and void. 5. Format for deciding League & Round Robin Format- In accordance with Rial 6.20 T.O 2013 Results to be notified to the Connacht GAA Office immediately after the match by the designated home team, (first team listed), via email to [email protected] or by text to 0876290210 Connacht GAA Tain League 2015(Adult) Division 1 Home Team Away Team Date Time Round Venue Referee Ballyhaunis BYE 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Ballyhaunis GAA Tuairín Áth Liag/Athleague 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Tooreen HC Abbeyknockmoy Oran Hurling Club 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Abbeyknockmoy Ballyhaunis Tuairín 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Ballyhaunis GAA Oran Hurling Club BYE 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Rockfield,Oran Áth Liag/Athleague Abbeyknockmoy 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Athleague Tuairín BYE 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Tooreen HC Abbeyknockmoy Ballyhaunis 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Abbeyknockmoy Oran Hurling Club Áth Liag/Athleague 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Rockfield,Oran Áth Liag/Athleague BYE 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Athleague Tuairín Abbeyknockmoy 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Tooreen HC Ballyhaunis Oran Hurling Club 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Ballyhaunis GAA Oran Hurling Club Tuairín 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Rockfield,Oran Abbeyknockmoy BYE 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Abbeyknockmoy Áth Liag/Athleague Ballyhaunis 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Athleague Top Team in Group Runner up in Group 25/4/2015 14:00 Final Connacht GAA Tain League 2015(Adult) Division 2- Group 1 Home Team Away Team Date Time Round Venue Referee Cluainin Iomaint St. Dominics 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Glencar/Manorhamilton Hurling Tuarloistreáin/Tourlestrane BYE 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Tourlestrane Annaghdown Sylane 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Sylane Cluainin Iomaint 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Sylane Tuarloistreáin/Tourlestrane Annaghdown 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Tourlestrane St. Dominics BYE 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 St. Dominics St. Dominics Sylane 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 St. Dominics Annaghdown BYE 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Cluainin Iomaint Tuarloistreáin/Tourlestrane 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Glencar/Manorhamilton Hurling Annaghdown Cluainin Iomaint 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Tuarloistreáin/Tourlestrane St. Dominics 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Tourlestrane Sylane BYE 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Sylane Sylane Tuarloistreáin/Tourlestrane 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Sylane St. Dominics Annaghdown 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 St. Dominics Cluainin Iomaint BYE 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Glencar/Manorhamilton Hurling Connacht GAA Tain League 2015(Adult) Division 2- Group 2 Home Team Away Team Date Time Round Venue Referee Western Gaels Carrick Hurling Club (St Marys) 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Enniscrone/Kilglass Salthill-Knocknacarra Roscommon Gaels 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Salthill-Knocknacarra Skehana Westport GAA 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Skehana Community Development Pitch Carrick Hurling Club (St Marys) Salthill-Knocknacarra 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Carrick Hurling Club (St Marys) Westport GAA Western Gaels 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Westport Roscommon Gaels Skehana 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Lisnamult Westport GAA Salthill-Knocknacarra 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Westport Western Gaels Skehana 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Enniscrone/Kilglass Carrick Hurling Club (St Marys) Roscommon Gaels 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Carrick Hurling Club (St Marys) Skehana Carrick Hurling Club (St Marys) 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Skehana Community Development Pitch Salthill-Knocknacarra Western Gaels 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Salthill-Knocknacarra Roscommon Gaels Westport GAA 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Lisnamult Skehana Salthill-Knocknacarra 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Skehana Community Development Pitch Western Gaels Roscommon Gaels 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Enniscrone/Kilglass Westport GAA Carrick Hurling Club (St Marys) 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Westport Connacht GAA Tain League 2015(Adult) Division 2- Group 3 Home Team Away Team Date Time Round Venue Referee Mícheál Breathnach Flipadeoiri Longfort 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Páirc an Chnoic Ballinamore Hurling Club Tremane 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Ballinamore Hurling Club Ballinasloe GAA Castlebar Mitchels Hurling 31/1/2015 14:00 Round 1 Ballinasloe Flipadeoiri Longfort Ballinamore Hurling Club 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Michael Fay Park Castlebar Mitchels Hurling Mícheál Breathnach 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Munnelly Park, Castlebar Tremane Ballinasloe GAA 7/2/2015 14:00 Round 2 Tremane GAA Pitch Castlebar Mitchels Hurling Ballinamore Hurling Club 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Munnelly Park, Castlebar Mícheál Breathnach Ballinasloe GAA 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Páirc an Chnoic Flipadeoiri Longfort Tremane 14/2/2015 14:00 Round 3 Michael Fay Park Ballinasloe GAA Flipadeoiri Longfort 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Ballinasloe Ballinamore Hurling Club Mícheál Breathnach 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Ballinamore Hurling Club Tremane Castlebar Mitchels Hurling 28/2/2015 14:00 Round 4 Tremane GAA Pitch Ballinasloe GAA Ballinamore Hurling Club 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Ballinasloe Mícheál Breathnach Tremane 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Páirc an Chnoic Castlebar Mitchels Hurling Flipadeoiri Longfort 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Munnelly Park, Castlebar Connacht GAA Tain League 2015(Youth) Dates- . Round 1- 14th March 2015 . Round 2- 21st March 2015 . Round 3- 28th March 2015 . Round 4- 4th April 2015 . Round 5- 11th April 2015 . Finals(Semi & Final)- 18th April 2015 Connacht GAA Tain League Groups Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Cluainin Iomaint Cois Fharraige Westport Oran Caiseal Gaels Skehana St. Mary’s Carrick Abbeyknockmoy Easkey Four Roads Sylane Ballinasloe Mountbellew/Moylough Tooreen St. Dominic’s Ballyhaunis Padraig Pearses Kiltormer Ml. Breathnachs Rules & Regulations 1. First Named team has home advantage except in semi-finals and finals of the competition. 2. Referees to be appointed by Connacht GAA however each club is expected to provide a linesman for each fixture. 3. Games to be played on or before the date set. 4. If games are to be changed, it must be on the agreement of both clubs with correspondence sent to [email protected] with the details of the agreed fixture. Any unfulfilled games not played prior to the final round of league fixtures will be declared null and void. 5. Format for deciding League & Round Robin Format- In accordance with Rial 6.20 T.O 2013 Results to be notified to the Connacht GAA Office immediately after the match by the designated home team, (first team listed), via email to [email protected] or by text to 0876290210 Home Team Away Team Date Time Round Venue Referee Mountbellew/Moylough Easkey (U12 A) 14/3/2015 14:00 Round 1 Mountbellew Cluainin Iomaint Caiseal Gaels 14/3/2015 14:00 Round 1 Glencar/Manorhamilton Hurling Caiseal Gaels Mountbellew/Moylough 21/3/2015 14:00 Round 2 Charlestown Easkey (U12 A) Cluainin Iomaint 21/3/2015 14:00 Round 2 Easkey Easkey (U12 A) Caiseal Gaels 28/3/2015 14:00 Round 3 Easkey Cluainin Iomaint Mountbellew/Moylough 28/3/2015 14:00 Round 3 Glencar/Manorhamilton Hurling Cois Fharraige Tuairín 14/3/2015 14:00 Round 1 Four Roads/Na Ceithre Boithre Pádraig Pearses 14/3/2015 14:00 Round 1 Four Roads Hurling Club Skehana BYE 14/3/2015 14:00 Round 1 Skehana Community Development Pitch Skehana Cois Fharraige 21/3/2015 14:00 Round 2 Skehana Community Development Pitch Pádraig Pearses BYE 21/3/2015 14:00 Round 2 Pairc an Phiarsaigh Tuairín Four Roads/Na Ceithre Boithre 21/3/2015 14:00 Round 2 Tooreen HC Cois Fharraige BYE 28/3/2015 14:00 Round 3 Pádraig Pearses Tuairín 28/3/2015 14:00 Round 3 Pairc an Phiarsaigh Four Roads/Na Ceithre Boithre Skehana 28/3/2015 14:00 Round 3 Four Roads Hurling Club Cois Fharraige Four Roads/Na Ceithre Boithre 4/4/2015 14:00 Round 4 Skehana Pádraig Pearses 4/4/2015 14:00 Round 4 Skehana Community Development Pitch Tuairín BYE 4/4/2015 14:00 Round 4 Tooreen HC Four Roads/Na Ceithre Boithre BYE 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Four Roads Hurling Club Pádraig Pearses Cois Fharraige 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Pairc an Phiarsaigh Tuairín Skehana 11/4/2015 14:00 Round 5 Tooreen HC Sylane Westport GAA 14/3/2015 14:00 Round 1 Sylane Kiltormer BYE 14/3/2015 14:00 Round 1 Kiltormer St.
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