ISSUE 22, 2018 ' - / 2ausa CREDITS EDITOR EDITORIAL Andrew Winstanley DESIGN Nick Withers 5 NEWS 6 FEATURES EDITOR Daniel Gambitsis POLITICS AND NEWS EDITOR COMMUNITY Cameron Leakey COMMUNITY EDITOR Emelia Masari 10 ARTS & LIFESTYLE EDITORS Rushika Bhatnagar & Chris Wong SCIENCE EDITOR ADVANCING Nandita Bhatnagar & Naomi Simon- Kumar VISUAL ARTS EDITOR & ORIGINAL DESIGN ANIMAL Daphne Zheng PUZZLES Courtesy of Puzzles, Riddles and Quizzes Society RIGHTS SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM Uvini Panditharatne CONTRIBUTORS 12 MEET Thomas Carr, Cameron Leakey, Lachlan Mitchell, Kat Tokareva, Keera Ofren, Sarah Tribble, Sheuk-Yeeng Tang, Mary CAMERON 16 Gwendolon, Sophia Santillan, Astrid Cro- sland, Emelia Masari, Brian Gu, Daniel Gambitsis, Orlando Kwok-Cameron, Rushika Bhatnagar AND JOY COVER ARTIST Kaye Kennedy ILLUSTRATORS 20 ARTS & Kaye Kennedy, Jenn Cheuk, Youngi Kim CALL FOR WRITERS AND ILLUSTRATORS! Flick us an email at [email protected] REVIEWS 23 if you’re interested in contributing. FIND US ONLINE www.craccum.co.nz COLUMNS CraccumMagazine @craccum 34 SCIENCE EDITORIAL OFFICE 4 Alfred Street, Private Bag 92019, Auckland PUZZLES ADVERTISING 36 Aaron Haugh [email protected] THE ARTICLES AND OPINIONS CONTAINED 38 WITHIN THIS MAGAZINE ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE STAFF, AUSA OR PRINTERS. • Great discount off the RRP on most items in store* ubiq.co.nz • We buy and sell second-hand textbooks* - instant cash if you sell • Over 100,000 books in stock* - no waiting weeks for books to arrive • Open Monday to Saturday or buy securely from our website 24/7 100% Student owned - your store on campus *See in store for details 3 ' / 4 ausa ' EDITORIALEDITORIAL DUDE, WHERE’S MY EDITORIAL So: It’s that time of year again. End of eight words for the document so far. “My Conversations with a Travelling year crunch time. I. Love. It. Salami Salesperson” could have been I’m currently at a “Mental Health an all-timer. I don’t know how all of you fare with Hui”, hosted by none other than Green time management. I’m pretty bad at Party wunderkind - and University of it. I’ve literally never been on time for Auckland Alumni - Chloe Swarbrick. Anyway, this is usually the time in the anything in my entire life. I’m a regular Chloe’s apparently been holding them editorial where I try to pivot towards forty five minutes to an hour late to on campuses around the country. Good making a legitimate point. almost all of my lectures. It’s not great. for Chloe. And look! I’m doing it now. So you can imagine that this is a I have a plate of the five dollar vegan tendency that does not mesh well with lunch in front of me. They only charged I’m very aware that it’s kinda silly to end-of-semester deadlines. me four dollars for the plate, because complain about doing hard work. I have they were running low on rice. Howev- had three months in which I could have I have around thirty thousand words er, they had not run out of rice before been doing the groundwork for getting worth of essays due at the end of this they got to me - meaning I essentially my stuff done - I’m pretty sure I could month. That’s three six thousand word got free rice. Score. have started writing most of my essays essays, and then also a twelve thousand back in the first week of classes and word dissertation on top of that. I’m at three hundred and sixty nine made decent headway. / words now. Firstly: Sixty nine is the sex Now: Last semester, when I only had number, so, #nice. Secondly, writing all On the other hand, I am currently writ- eighteen thousand words due, I stayed the numbers out as individual words is a ing this while surrounded by students awake for four days straight in order to really effective way of padding out word giving lengthy - and very passionate, get everything handed in on time. The count. I should remember that for when and very sincere - testimonials about sleep I had when I handed everything in I have to hand in my essays? I do want how this whole dumb cycle of work and was the single most blissful experience good grades though. stress and deadlines and pressure and of my life up until that point.* #content that everyone gets drawn into Guess what? I’m now at four hundred at this time of year is absolutely ripping This is all to say: Wow, I don’t know and twenty words. Four hundred and their brain in two, and they need more what the fuck I’m meant to write for this twenty is the weed number. #weed help dealing with it. editorial and I don’t really have the time #lads to fuck around thinking of something good to write. I don’t really know what I feel about I’m currently DM’ing someone on that - give me a week to marinate on it Typically my editorials have to be instagram who is a sales manager for and I’ll have a definitive answer in time around six hundred words. That doesn’t a boutique salami company. Maybe for my next editorial. really seem like a lot - particularly for an that would have been a good basis for a arts student, particularly one with the column. Ah well, too late now. In the meantime: I am at seven hundred word count looming in front of him that words, which is 7/8ths of eight hundred I just described. Next week is the last week of the year words, so I’m calling this editorial done. for us, so I kinda just have to accept that That being said, I’m looking at word any new ideas that come into my brain count for this document now, and it says have to be thrown into the bin - there’s I’m only up to two hundred and sixty just not enough time. That being said, ausa 5 NEWSNEWS NEWSNEWS POLYTECHNICS IN FINANCIAL CRISIS A recent cabinet paper presented by ed of public tertiary institutions. financial monitoring of some institutes. Education Minister Chris Hipkins reveals The TEC has also been improving its that a majority of New Zealand’s poly- According to the cabinet report enrol- financial monitoring as previously the technics and technological institutes are in ment statistics from earlier this year show TEC “had insufficient information to financial strife. Seven of the polytechnics that enrolment has fallen a larger amount identify the short term cash-flow issues”. and tech institutes are at a high financial than what was previously expected. The TEC also has plans to look at infor- risk while ten others are expected to face There has been 1071 fewer domestic full mation including student application and deficits. time student enrolments this year than acceptance rates and compare cash-flow last. This represents a decline of 2.9%. forecasts to actual results. Three institutes - Unitec, Whitireia and Furthermore, there have been 436 fewer Tai Poutini, which have been previously foreign students, a decline of 6.1%. This The TEC is also engaging in monitoring bailed out by the government, are con- may have contributed to the poor finan- certain institutions governance much sidered to be at an extreme financial risk. cial situation. more closely, particularly those which In response, the Government has already are considered to be at higher risks of announced a $50 million loan to Unitec According to education consultant, Dave short-term issues. This is largely due in as well as giving Whitireia $15 million and Guerin, Polytechnics and Tech institutes response to governance failures at Unitec providing a further $33 million bailout for have not had any significant funding and Whitireia – as evident by the extreme Tai Poutini. The four other institutes of increases such 2010. In contrast, New financial situation. the seven classified as at high financial risk Zealand universities have. may also be in need of financial support The government is planning to develop from the government in the next eighteen Guerin also stated; "I think what you are a new system for organising and funding months. seeing is regardless of enrolment decreases polytechnics and has indicated that it and some bad management calls, if there wants the sixteen polytechnic and tech It is currently forecasted that ten polytech- funding had kept up with inflation more institutes to work together as a collabora- nics and tech institutes, are set to make a of them would have been okay." tive system. deficit this year. According to the current forecasts the six remaining institutes are The Tertiary Education Commission, - Thomas Carr not likely to make the 3% surplus expect- TEC, has been forced to increase its ANTI-VACCINATION BILLBOARD TO BE REMOVED The Advertising Standards Authority would you RISK it?" situated on a direct cited as ‘false’ and ‘inflammatory content’. have responded to 151 complaints about path towards Middlemore Hospital. an anti-vaccination billboard in South Despite this setback, Spokesperson Truly Auckland, declaring that the billboard The overwhelming number of instanta- Godfrey says that WAVES NZ adamantly will be torn down. The furore over the neous complaints centred not only on the stands by their message: parents would be billboard began the same day it was erect- anti-vaccination message being put out totally distrusting of vaccinations if they ed, with the decision coming just a day there, but the naivety of it being so close knew ‘what was really inside them’. There after the advertisement was put in place. to one of the largest hospitals in the coun- are no plans to repeat the advert – yet.
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