THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE True Champions! 3 FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY Valderrama Golf Club and the 1999 World Golf Championship . 5 GAZING IN THE GRASS Fairway Grass Selection 9 PERSONALITY PROFILE He Just Never Stopped 15 TALES FROM THE BACK NINE It's a lie! . 20 GREEN SECTION SO Far, So Good. 26 NOTES FROM THE NOER FACILITY Even The Weather Was Perfect This Year 29 TDDL A Day in the life of a Diagnostician. 37 MISCELLANY Value of University Research and Extension. 43 GOLF IN THE FLATLANDS In Pursuit of a Golf Course 44 GCSAA From Start to Finish, 2000 GCSAA Conference Was Tops!. 47 THE EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK A Pathetic Winter . 55 WISCONSIN SOILS REPORT Soil Cation Balance. 58 JOTTINGS FROM THE GOLF COURSE JOURNAL Made In Wisconsin . 62 POA TRIVIA .... 64 ABOUT THE COVER . AB a way of introducing the Wisconsin "Live with intention. Agricultural Statistics Service survey of the Walk to the edge ... Wisconsin turfgrass industry, we take note Listen hard. of those many manufacturers who add so Practice wellness. much to our businesses and to our State's Play with abandon .. economy. They are discussed in a little Laugh! PAST PRESIDENT more detail in Jottings From The Golf Choose with no regret. Scott Scholler Course Journal. We salute Dr. John Stier Continue to learn ... North Shore Golf Club and his role in getting the survey initiated, Appreciate your friends. W6788 Windward Drive and we compliment Jen Sarnerdyke for yet Do what you love. Greenville, WI 54942 another wonderful cover. Live as if this is all there is. ]) - Author unknown THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE True Champions! , By Kris Pinkerton, Golf Course Superintendent, Oshkosh Country Club was glad to be as if life had not dealt them the rotten hand that had Ion the road come their way. First I glanced at a couple, then read again. Even at each one more intently. The following are some 65 mph, Orlando excerpts of their situation: could not fade into A five-year old from Utah had leukemia which led to the background "pokes" and "yucky'' medicine. But she endured them fast enough. As my with courage and acceptance, and has been cancer first Amateur Tour free for a year. experience out of An eight-year old boy from West Virginia had "cystic state, it was not a fibrosis, but that has not kept him from earning the good one. In fact, President's Physical Fitness Award." An accomplish- to remove any ment I once also tried to achieve. doubt, I played In California, a seven-year old had an "aneurysm and badly. stroke. She had to re-learn to sit-up, walk, talk and As our truck even swallow. Now she dances, sings and tells jokes." rolled onto the Finally a courageous young man of nine whose com- interstate, I set- bination of "chemotherapy and determination helped tled back and him beat undifferentiated abdominal sarcoma. Now began to read the he's overcoming another type of cancer, t-cell lym- newspaper that I phoma." had specifically Each child's situation brought me back to earlier in saved to pass time the day. While we were preparing to leave the hotel, a on the way home. new friend stopped to say good-bye. In a positive way, While reading, I without chuckling, he mentioned that I must surely be tried to let the weekend pass into a bad memory. Yet disappointed with the weekend. I was! But I also having shanked at the first tee, almost hitting the tent responded that I was going to take inspiration from a where the gal was seated finalizing registration, was Vince Lombardi quote, which stated that it's not if you too much! I scanned the front page, then flipped to the get knocked down, but whether or not you get up financial section. The market seemed as unpredictable again. as my swing. I continued on reading the paper, looking The children whose stories that I read epitomize for people who were more miserable than 1. Maybe that quote. During the weekend in Orlando, I had Dennis Rodman or Mike Tyson had done something effectively erased all hopes of being invited back next else stupid that would make me feel better about year. Compounded with the fact that I basically myself after my dismal performance in the tourna- shanked my confidence all the way to hell and back. ment. However these kids who are real champions made my As I read through the paper, reacquainting myself problems seem minuscule. In fact, after some thought, with the events of the world that exist outside of golf, I felt a little embarrassed about my own self-pity. I came upon a double full page ad, something about These kids made me want to get back up again. kids being true champions. I scanned the ad quickly I looked at those pictures for a long time that day in and continued on. However, I returned to the ad and the truck. When we stopped for the evening, I had a read it more thoroughly, passing time and avoiding new perspective on the hierarchy of what life throws at conversation with Todd. I did not feel like talking, but us. I could not have held a greater admiration for those more importantly, he might ask me how I shot ...for the who face infinitely more difficult challenges than I, twenty ninth time that day. each and every day. I am also much more grateful for The advertisement honored children who have over- my family, friends and our collective health. These true come or continue to face monumental health prob- champions have admirable spirit. As the sun rises lems, every day of their lives. Along with short details every day, their battle is not for recognition or acco- of their ordeals, were pictures of each child, all smiling lades, but for life itself. * THE GRASS ROOTS MARCH/APRil 2000 Don't GI'~~r:C4a\lght in a Sa~~p! Rely on Wolosek for the Highest Quality Golf Course Mixes. Don't let large concrete, aggregate and foundry sand producers throw together by..products or reject materials for your golf course! Wolosek is a company dedicated to formulating and producing golf course, greenhouse and nursery materials. Our guarantee is to deliver top quality products on time and at affordable prices. Kiln,dried Sterilized Topdressing Sand 80/20 Topdressing Mix Construction Mixes Bunker Sand Reed Sedge Peat Cart Path Aggregate Bark, Boulders & Decorative Stone Call Dan Wolosek for custom on..site blending. Wolosek, delivering exactly what you need to keep you out of the "sand trap." (715) 423,3909 3531 Plover Road, Hwy. 54 East • Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 54494 Fax (715) 423..4215 LANDSCAPING & GOLF COURSE MATERIALS SOIL AND SAND PRODUCERS SINCE 1966. FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY Valderrama Golf Club and the 1999 World Golf Championship By Charles Oeepek, Grounds Superintendent, GE/Marquette Medical Systems Editor's Note: This feature ways, green, tees and roughs. The mowed. He had banned all golf carts should be entitled "From Across greens and approaches are from the course after October 4th, the Atlantic" since Charlie Penncross. The fairways and tees are and all play after the 21st. On day 1, Ocepek's story took place in Spain. Bermuda. The bunkers were filled October 25th, we were unable to roll Charlie experienced a dream with white crushed marble. the greens because of the excessive come true, as this interesting arti- On Monday,October 25th, at 5:30 moisture. Due to the rain, we had to cle demonstrates. A self-described a.m. Mr. Patino held a meeting with edge and shovel up all 98 bunkers. golf nut, Charlie, a 1972 Penn all of the course maintenance crew When the rain stopped, the greens State grad, recently has worked members to discuss the plans for the began to dry out. We began cutting part-time for Wayne Otto for the day's activities and to layout the the greens with the Toro 1000 privilege of playing golf at schedule of activities leading up to machines in a double cut pattern. Ozaukee on Mondays. He was and during the tournament. Green This was followedwith a cleanup cut Wayne's assistant for couple of cutting was scheduled for 5:30 a.m., with the Toro 500 mower. The years in the late 1960s. Danny well before dawn. Lights had been greens were checked with a stimp- Quast got Charlie to roll Medina's installed in the trees surrounding the meter. They read from 10.0 to 10.8 greens for the PGA last summer. greens. The cutting heights for the feet before we started rolling. The That led to a trip to Spain you will tournament were 0.145 inches for mowing crews cut twice around the want to read about here. the greens, 9 millimeters for the fair- perimeter of the fairways and then Thanks to Charlie for writing it. ways and 8 millimeters for the tees. double cut the fairways to avoid tak- And special thanks to Jake Renner The plan was to cut the greens and ing the mowers into the rough. All for suggesting that he do so!It close- approaches with the Toro 1000 clippings were dumped into contain- ly resemhles a journal of tourney machines. The fairways were to be ers placed on patios, strategically activities from the golf course shop. cut with the Toro 3200Dmachines in located alongside the cart paths to In addition to Ozaukee, Charlie a double cut pattern. The tempera- prevent any traffic in the rough by has worked at The Springs and at ture was from 70 to 75 degrees F.
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