VOL. XXXJV-fM®. 1756 HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1958 PRICE 10 CENTS Plans Flight To Meet Son Marine Sailing Home This Chess Game ’Is No Breeze Recalled Td Beirut Believed Victim Of Nazis Home Setback jji d visa, probably in "toe next I . Jew days. Samuel Levenstein, 48, o n bb westminsaT'avErme/-wtnf(bf ClTtldreir were- incarcerated- Itt an—‘- S .fiy 1®5# o l:sifld to be reunited with11 I <other prison. a g|n he gave up for dead at the Levenstein said, dieil ® To Be Waived h-ands-of-t-he-N zals more than 151 in 1943 and years ago. Publld hearing on a resolu- |j§||lne2"hisrft?eedom when Ameri- K A building contractor, Leven- I tion to provide relief for twelve stein-said he received a- telegram!. .can forces took over the a r e a . l j home owners on Irvington av- la&l week frnrp Poland with the I f g pouhtryJTnT947 T; I enue whose homes were con- npsaage, "lion Is all right. Letterrrarra- tJtrs- sint^-fani-i-PiTieci— I structed in 1951 in violation of ollowsT’ The telegram wasaTTrm-tion tAm-i—the—pemalnd&r o^f- K- | deed restrictions will be held -A d a m " which is not_his his family met death, at the hands t ( Tuesday, August 19 at 8 p.m. ■ ■ Levensteln said he? o f the' Nazis I in the Municipal Building, it the telegram by ai; Levensteirii re-marrled throe i L { was announced at a meeting phone call to P6-. years ago atid will be accompan- |ipf I o f the Township Committee and. .. 4 .iea:dfl'hls 1rip . by hte1 wife..- |M I Tuesday night. Levensteln . .disclosed his son. now 28, arrived Jn Poland from i The violations were disclosed Russia about .five week; j at the July 15 meeting by Joseph /having been there sine Pays Triple For Hinkes, of 857 Irvington avenue, •Vtaeiher he was released or es ' w ho said that while preparing caped Levensteln was Unable U >1 $25 Bad (heel to sell his h om e. It was found say. • i his property and eleven others levensteln said he and his i Irvington avenue were set family;1,'including his wife, -two s ick from the street line 25 feet daughters and two /sons, were * stead of 30 feet as called for arrested in Cracow, Poland, by 17 Check Thief Fined, l the German Gestapo in 1942. 1 the deeds. The resolution, pre- ired.by Township Attorney Sid- Levensteln and wife were F Held For Forgery j ty Birnbaum, would waive the -sont-to-a concentratlontcamp-ln 11 if $25. He will also be I required to make restitution lor Pleading guil4y-to -t hie wtriptAun. Birrjbaum__said the ,the amount o f the check. blank checks fro/n the -foot setback is In conform ity Kamine Parses State L eroy Walker, 24, of 318 M ag­ his former employer, : Continued on Page 8 Zimmerman Photo Bar Examinations nolia avenue,, Elizabeth, was bertj president o f Sunri Buhl L. Custer, high school principal, seated, md nr, Wayne Branom, Superintendent of fined $225 for drunken driving on Route 22 about a Schools working on high school class schedules fa; double session in the coming chool year made |July .11" and $55 for driving w ith­ Joseph N, .Ferriero, 4 necessary by additions to School under construction. out a license. He pleaded 25-Year Award To istrate He Anyone.-Idr "ohbss”? If y ou p 7- | to both charges. ; On a plea o f guilty to reckless iday nigjit| - think regular chess, is rough ,! subjects they, wish . and theJeach day. The telephone seems Kraft Mechanic driving July 9, Pius Henry Smith, Named Instructor A t n turned c consider the “ gam e” played these | schedule is constructed according to ring almost incessantly. 24, of 212 Stiles street, Elizabeth, , face charges I John W. Berkowitz, mechanic hot Summer weeks by Euhl ,L. to the students' registration. The There Is also the task ofehedk- was fined $55 and his license was Engineering College forged checks | first class at the Kraft Foods Guster, high school principal, fast that ^college prep students ing l a hundreds o f Items o f revoked for one month, ^ M ila n t in Hillside, was honored N EW ARK~£tephen E. and DrT W ayne T. Branpm, Su often salget siihjecta in other school supplies, text books, cashed! July 18 for 25 years of service perintenflent Of Sohpols 1ft p r e j ski, o f 22l Silver avenue 20 the [ with the company. courses, and vice versa, coim,[equipment and’ other materials, pSrati'oir for September's double Plan Benefit Dance side, has been promoted Adler" | The award, a ’ specially en- session at the high school. plicates the problem o f schedule! The way it is now figured, I graved gold watch, was present* Photo abbve, showing chart building. meet in For Firemen’s Fund k College of Engineer- 1 ed by W alter Staslewicz, plant and “peg” board, Illustrate com ­ Then there Is tHe. matter of the afternoon fo r seniors and plans for a benefit dance Oc­ rding to D r.-Robert W. manager. Also present was w . tober 10 at the Hillside Elks :en, president, Brubaker, foreman o f the main­ plexity of the task. Three hun­ homogeneous g r o u p i n g s and juniors, and in the morning, for Club were made at a meeting of pupskl hqlds both his tenance department. dred individual classes and spe­ making provision f or accelerated cnpv,nmf,rPfl freshmen: A Hactassah Me:r :]e! cial' duty assignments must be groups, which further compli* _ „ . • , , S , s .,*• the Honorary FMBA Monday, B ^and master degrees In Tribute was paid to Berkowitz for his years of service, as he scheduled fo r 60 teachers on the cates the problem. / r CaPeUa cheir and band are ^ night in Uncle Tom's Tavern. eledtrical engineering from New- On Water Group school faculty, with over 6,0001 Added Woe scheduled the first period after Louis A;-- Dlsehler, president, ark College of Engineering. A joined the more than 1;000 Kraft and Henry G. Groh, dance chair­ member o f the Institute o f Radio NEWARK— Carrol M. Shanks, | employees who have received 25- individual cIA^asSiilStehtSTC&ir' ■ Tn 1{®&Sm5lifr 1,281 students enrolled. session day and some teachers Two-A-Day Football man, said proceeds will go into Engineers, the American Insti­ f th$ Statewide Com- year awards. The award program the Fire Department deiath and Remembering ‘Moves’ slated- to be used partially in! Because varsity football prac- tute, of Electrical Engineers andmd ' mlttee for the Water R eferen -! was established by K raft in 1945; Continuing the chess com-1 both sessions, as well as students, tics WB1 take place after 3 p n , retirement fund. ■ the American Society bf Me*4e- 1 dum, this week announced the I awards, accompanied by* a serv- up- appointment o f Mrs. David Beck- ice citation certificate signed by parison, Mr. Custer .said this requiring scheduling lor under* ft W^1 be confined to seniors and chanlcal Engineers, ■ Mr. Scrup- skl’s field of specialization is er o f Hillside Chapter o f Hadas- j J. C, Loftls, president, are given week It is necessary for facts] class subjects who would norm-j Juniors. Sophomore and fresh- Arthur Kamine, son of Mr. and W ILLIAM BAlN B RipG E j digital . computers. Frioi his Sah, as a member of her grou p,! for ten years o fserv ice and each and figures to be retained men­ any be pursuing advansad’ w ork wen football will be at Iff a.m Mrs. Samuel Kamine, o f 251 Funeral services were held Library facilities w ill he .simil­ association with NCE, M up- which in affirmative vote five years thereafter. tally for as hisny as 15 “moves” | with the morning group,- the Conklin avenue, owners of the Sunday evening, at the Gtowhey arly split, -with sophomores -and ski worked with the IBM Cor- jn the November 4 N ew Jersey. Berkowitz lives at 288 In advance. Serious interruptions complexity is still m ore con­ Coronet Swedt Shoppe at Liberty j Funeral Home, 1070 North Broad freshmen using the library in poration as a technical engineer, water .referendum. patrlck street. of the w ork at this time, Mr, founded. and. Hillside avenues, has been street, for William Bainbrldge, them drning and seniors k fflfO fir Custer said, could result In er­ And there are many interrup­ notified that hp has passed t ® | S S 1210 irs In the afternoon. rors being made which would tions.-There is an almost con­ State Bap examiwation -hfld inj died Saturday Luncheon will be served from throw the entire schedule awry stant stream of students, ..par­ June. He will be sworn in Aug-1 Hospital, New ItefTI^- Boxing Notables At B’nai B’rith Panel Forum before It is completed. ents, prospective teachers, prac­ ust 7 by Justice Harry Heher of j illness. Interment was Mond lasses and others At Hillside High, Mr. Custer tice teachers, salesmen etc. com the State Supreme CourJ, Tran- j in Hollywood Memorial Park, ting but remaining for ac­ said, students register for the • ing and going through the offices ton. “T- ” - - T-- | Union. tivities. K a m in e took his 'jn gdaw Mr. Bainbridge was born in the bprden of the high I course at Colorado University.: England and had resided In Hill- school arrangements is on the He studied law at the N.Y.U.
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