AQUATICS property_id site_id property_name site_name site_coord_E site_coord_S control_type control_method estimated_completion_date infestation_total_area BAY OF PLENTY 83009 1-8 Lake Okataina Various locations 1900728 5777471 Lagarosiphon Major/Aquatic weed boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 - 83008 1 Lake Rerewhakaaitu Homestead Arm 1904619 5755094 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 2 83005 1 Lake Rotoehu Otautu Bay 1911387 5786951 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 3 83005 2 Lake Rotoehu Kennedy Bay 1911277 5785350 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 2 83006 1 Lake Rotoiti Gisborne Point 1902461 5782748 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 7 83006 2 Lake Rotoiti Te Ruato Bay 1901196 5782208 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 2 83006 3 Lake Rotoiti Hauparu Bay 1899766 5783157 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 83006 4 Lake Rotoiti Cherry Bay 1898350 5784505 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 83006 6 Lake Rotoiti Okawa Bay 1892204 5783339 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 83006 7 Lake Rotoiti Te Weta Bay 1894125 5785153 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 83006 10 Lake Rotoiti Otaramarae Boat Ramp 1895846 5787499 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 4.5 83006 12 Lake Rotoiti Okere Inlet 1893587 5786500 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 2 83006 13 Lake Rotoiti Kakaho Bay 1896148 5785728 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 0.5 83006 16 Lake Rotoiti Hot Springs 1903092 5782663 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 0.5 83007 2 Lake Rotoma Whangaroa Bay Boat Ramp 1913750 5782321 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 2 83007 3 Lake Rotoma Matahi Boat Ramp 1915918 5780940 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 1.5 83003 2 Lake Rotorua Kawaha Point 1884247 5777076 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 15 83004 1 Lake Tarawera Boat Shed Bay 1897166 5766826 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 0.5 83004 2 Lake Tarawera The Landing 1895646 5765894 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 0.25 83004 3 Lake Tarawera Stoney Point 1897384 5767467 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 0.5 83004 4 Lake Tarawera Humphries Bay 1897468 5770397 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 0.5 83004 5 Lake Tarawera Hot Water Beach 1900680 5761490 Lagarosiphon Major boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 2 CANTERBURY aerial_herbicide / 94037 1-6 Lake Benmore Sites to be identified - Joint Meridian Energy/LINZ Programme 1370892 5064750 Lagarosiphon Major diver_control 30/06/2012 - OTAGO 95001 1 Lake Dunstan Sites to be identified - Joint Contact Energy/LINZ Programme 1298901 5000266 Lagarosiphon Major aerial_herbicide 30/06/2012 - Sites to be identified - Lake Wanaka Lagarosiphon Committee to approve final aerial_herbicide / 95002 1 Lake Wanaka programme 1293453 5044171 Lagarosiphon Major diver_control 30/06/2012 - CONTRIBUTIONS property_id site_id property_name site_name site_coord_E site_coord_S control_type control_method estimated_completion_date infestation_total_area BAY OF PLENTY 83013 1 Lake Wherowhero Adjacent to Lake Wherowhero 1958615 5696602 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 6.5 MARLBOROUGH 92001 2 Wairau River Upper Wairau Valley 1597922 5375451 Broom/Gorse ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 5 OTAGO 95001 22 Lake Dunstan Foreshore 1301871 5004210 Rabbits TBC 30/06/2012 10 SOUTHLAND 96005 3 Aparima River Aparima River - mid to upper reaches 1222338 4894406 Nodding Thistle ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 96010 1 Oreti River Mid Oreti River 1240705 4912939 Broom/Gorse ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 150 96001 1 Upukeroroa River Upukeroroa Above SH94 Bridge 1188461 4957536 Broom/Gorse ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 10 TASMAN 91004 1 Anatoki River Upstream of One Spec Road 1576599 5473571 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 1 91011 1 Aorere River Above Gillies Road Bridge to SH60 Bridge 1568830 5490163 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 0.5 91014 1 Dry Creek - upper Takaka All Dry Creek 1582580 5467883 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 1 91009 2 Dry River Upper Dry River 1586679 5476710 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 1 91012 1 Kaituna River Carter Road Bridge to Aorere Confluence 1564598 5492271 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 1 91016 1 Parapara River All Parapara River 1572491 5489560 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 1 91015 1 Pariwhakaoho River All Pariwhakaoho River 1575635 5482078 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 1.5 91008 1 Rameka Creek From Gorge to Takaka River Confluence 1586780 5472979 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 1 91002 1 Takaka River Downstream of Gorge 1583513 5458233 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 25 91002 2 Takaka River Upstream of the Gorge 1582977 5457924 Broom/Gorse ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 5 91003 1 Upper Buller River Murchison Section 1543478 5373007 Old Man's Beard aerial_herbicide 30/04/2012 6 91003 2 Upper Buller River Tophouse to Howard Junction 1581297 5376506 Broom/Gorse ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 0.1 91005 1 Waingaro River From the confluence of Takaka River 1583805 5474238 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 1.5 91010 1 Wainui River Wainui Falls to Estuary 1594707 5480390 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 0.5 WEST COAST 93001 2 Buller River Lower Buller River 1509219 5367966 Old Man's Beard aerial_herbicide 30/04/2012 1 93001 2 Buller River Lower Buller River 1509219 5367966 Old Man's Beard ground_herbicide 30/04/2012 0.5 93004 1 Grey River Upstream of Ikamatua 1492803 5315756 Broom/Gorse ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 0.1 93002 1 Maruia River Boundary Rd Bridge upstream to Maruia Headwaters 1535682 5334325 Broom/Gorse ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 93005 1 Otira River Railway bridge to Otira township 1484559 5260737 Broom ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 5 NASSELLA property_id site_id property_name site_name site_coord_E site_coord_S control_type control_method estimated_completion_date infestation_total_area 94095 2 Clarence River Waiautoa to SH1 1675543 5332085 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 350 94003 6 Hurunui River Mandamus River confluence to the sea 1588264 5256819 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 40 94096 2 Kahutara River Lower Kahutara River 1646281 5304054 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 6 94054 2 Kowai River North Branch - Douglas Road to Lawcocks Road 1580184 5217563 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 30 94001 2 Lottery River Blairlogie to Mason River confluence 1607018 5282674 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 75 94040 4 Mason River Wandle Bridge to Waiau River confluence 1615367 5297744 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 150 94004 7 Waiau River Manuka Island to the Sea 1601480 5278544 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 1300 94052 1 Waipara River Laidmore Ford to the sea 1581737 5227717 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 10 92002 1 Awatere River Donalds Creek confluence to the sea 1607193 5388216 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 90 92007 2 Ure River Blue Mountain to SH1 1692483 5360448 Nassella Tussock grubbing_mechanical 30/09/2011 1 RABBITS property_id site_id property_name site_name site_coord_E site_coord_S control_type control_method estimated_completion_date infestation_total_area 94055 1 Ahuriri River Upstream of SH8 Road Bridge 1352663 5069272 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 175 94085 1 Hapuku River Above SH1 Bridge to Sea 1660178 5314407 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 80 94003 4 Hurunui River Mid Hurunui (Downstream of SH7 & Hurunui Rd) 1588264 5256819 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 350 94014 2 Maerewhenua River Central Maerewhenua River 1413305 5025253 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 60 94014 4 Maerewhenua River Lower Maerewhenua River 1414291 5027598 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 40 94087 1 Otekaieke River Entire Otekaieke River 1407580 5033175 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 150 94088 2 Tasman River Upper Tasman River 1371504 5135700 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 4500 94046 2 Tekapo River Patterson Ponds to Maryburn Confluence 1394066 5108366 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 2350 94046 3 Tekapo River Maryburn Confluence to Lake Benmore 1394190 5119055 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 1750 94094 1 The Triangle Block The entire Triangle Block 1392250 5118006 Rabbits TBC 30/06/2012 449 94023 1-15 Lake Pukaki Various locations 1394190 5119055 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 - 94080 1 Waitaki River Lower Waitaki River 1444020 5024654 Rabbits shooting 30/06/2012 170 TERRESTRIAL property_id site_id property_name site_name site_coord_E site_coord_S control_type control_method estimated_completion_date infestation_total_area WAIKATO 82005 2 Lake Maraetai Lake Foreshore 1842885 5750058 Pampas Grass boat_herbicide 30/03/2012 5 BAY OF PLENTY 83012 1 Rereatukahia Stream Sapphire Springs to Tauranga Harbour 1854390 5835986 Pampas Grass ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 83012 1 Rereatukahia Stream Sapphire Springs to Tauranga Harbour 1854390 5835986 Wild Ginger ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 83012 1 Rereatukahia Stream Sapphire Springs to Tauranga Harbour 1854390 5835986 Wolly Nightshade ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 1 CANTERBURY 94055 2 Ahuriri River Downstream of SH8 Road Bridge 1364086 5071427 Gorse aerial_herbicide 30/03/2012 25 94012 2 Ashburton River South Branch, upstream of Hakatere 1452022 5172247 Broom/Gorse ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 5 94039 1 Ashley River Upstream of Ashley River from Whistler River confluence 1535494 5222284 Broom ground_herbicide 30/03/2012 40 94026 1 Boyle River Upstream of Hope confluence 1548912 5292546 Broom/Gorse aerial_herbicide
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