1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENAT~ 1331 lives ·for their fellow men;· to the Committee favorable consideration of legislation out­ H. R. 4387. An act to authorize relief of on House Administration. lawing :...lcoholic-beverage advertising over authorized certifying officers of terminated By Mr. WOOD: _ the air and through the channels of inter­ war agencies in liquidation by the Treasury H. R. 7109. A bill to amend. section 3282 ·of state comm~rce, and bearing a total of 50 Department; and title 18 of the United States Code to lengthen signatures; to the Committee 0~1 Interstate H. R. 6212. An act to amend section 5 of the periods of limitation applicable to certain and Foreign Commerce. the Federal Firearms Act. offenses affecting, or which might affect, the CALL OF THE ROLL national security; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. McMAHON. I suggest the absence By Mr. TAYLOR: SENATE of a quorum. H. J. Res. 410. Joint resolution establish­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ ing a Federal Motor Vehicle Commission tary will call the roll. for the purpose of making uniform, laws per­ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1950 taining to operation, ownership and control. The roll was called, and the following of motor vehicles; to the Committee on Inter­ (Legislative day of Wednesday, January Senators answered to their names: state and Foreign Commerce. 4~ 1950) Aiken Hill Murray By Mr. JAVITS: Anderson Hoey Myers H. Res. 456. Resolution to condemn the The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Benton Holland Neely abduction of Greek children by Communist on th3 expiration of the recess. Brewster Humphrey O'Conor Bricker Ives O'Mahoney guerrilla forces and seek the return of these The Chap!ain, Rev. Frederick Brown Bridges Jenner Pepper children to their homes and parents; to the Harris, -D. D., offered the following Butler Johnson, Colo. Robertson Committee on Foreign Affairs. prayer: Byrd Johnston, S. C. Russell Cain Kefauver Saltonstall Our Father God, who in the toils and Capehart Kem Schoeppel PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Chapman Kerr Smith, Maine troubles of time hast· set vistas of eter­ Chavez Knowland Smith, N.J. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private nity in our hearts, we come in a high Connally Langer Sparkman bills and resolutions were introduced and hour of human destiny solemnized by Cordon Leahy Stennis Darby Lehman Taft severally referred as follows: the tangled tragedy in which all our Donnell Lodge Taylor By Mr. CHUDOFF: human life is caught. Help us in these Douglas Lucas Thomas, Okla. H. R. 7110. A bill conferring jurisdiction trying days, rising above all that is base Downey McCarran Thomas, Ut ah upon the United States District Court for and small, to work together in glad and Dworshak McCarthy Th ye 0 Ecton McClellan Tobey the East rn District of Pennsylvania to hear, eager harmony for the honor, safety, and Ferguson McF;arland Tydings determine, and render judgment upon cer­ welfare of our Nation and of all the peo­ Flanders McKellar Vandenberg tain claims of the estate of Archangelo Stra­ ples of this stricken earth who will unite Frear McMahon Watkins neri; to the Committee on the Judiciary. George Magnuson Wherry By Mr. CRAWFORD: in mutual good will, determined to open Gillette Malone Wiley H. R. 7111. A bill for the relief of Nicholas the gates of a new life for all mankind. Graham Martin Williams D. Nicolaie; to the Committee on the Judi­ Grant unto Thy erring and willful Green Maybank Withers Gurney Millikin Young ciary. children moral control and a ruling pas­ Hayden Morse By Mr. HERTER: sion for world brotherhood, lest the aw­ Hendrickson Mundt H. R. 7112. A bill for the ·relief of Dr. I-Kua ful instruments of death and destruction Chou; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. MYERS. I announce that the Sen­ By Mr. KILDAY: now held in frail human hands scourge ator from Mississippi [Mr. EASTLAND] and H . R. 7113. A bill for the relief of Augusta the planet and melt into brittle glass the Senator from Texas [Mr. JOHNSON] Burkett; to the 9ommittee on the Judiciary. the fruitful earth. Make our lives as are absent on official business. By Mr. McCORMACK: lighted windows of faith and hope amid The Senator from Louisiana [Mr. H. R. 7114. A bill for the relief of John the encircling gloom. In the dear Re­ ELLENDER] is absent because of illness. Joseph Griffin; to the Committee on the Ju­ deemer's name. Amen. diciary. The Senator from Arkansas [Mr. FuL­ By Mr. MILLER of California: THE JOURNAL BRIGHT] is necessarily absent. H. R. 7115. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Yae On request of Mr. McMAHON, and by The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. Bennett; to the Committee on tile Judiciary, HUNT], the Senator from West Virginia By Mr. MURPHY: unanimous consent, the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ [Mr. KILGORE], and the Senator from H. R. 7116. A bill for the relief of Otto Louisiana [Mr. LONG] are absent on pub­ Berliner; to the Committee on the Judi­ day, February 1, 1950, was dispensed ciary. with. lic business. Mr. SALTONSTALL. I announce that By Mr. POULSON: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT H. R. 7117. A bill for the relief of Frederick the Senator from Iowa [Mr. HICKEN­ Edmond Tomkins, Mary Ann Tomkins, and Messages in writing from the President LOOPERJ is absent by leave of the Senate. Edward Marshall Tomkins; to the Commit­ of the United States submitting nomina­ The VICE' PRESIDENT. A quorum is tee on the Judiciary. tions were communicated to the Senate present. By Mr. RODINO: by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. H . R. 7118. A bill for the relief of Ruby LEAVES OF ABSENCE Thaw and Hla Sein; to the committee on MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE On his own request, and by unanimous the Judiciary. A message from the House of Repre­ consent, Mr. THYE was excused from at­ By Mr. STEED: sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its tendance on the sessions of the Senate H. R. 7119. A bill for the relief of Harry E. from February 3 through February 17. Wilson; to the Committee on the Judiciary. reading clerks, announced that the House By Mr. YATES: had passed a bill <H. R. '6743) to amend On his own request, and by unanimous H. R. 7120. A bill for the relief of Poldi the Federal Home Loan · Bank Act, as consent, Mr. FLANDERS was excused from Rossler Long, also known as Mrs. Long Tack amended, and title IV of the National attendance on the session of the Senate Sam, a:nd Sam Tack Long, also known as Housing Act, as amended, and for other on Friday, February 3. Long Tack Sam; to the Committee on the purposes, in which it requested the con­ Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, I ask Judiciary. currence of the Senate. unanimous consent to be absent from the sessions of the Senate commencing to­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED PETITIONS, ETC_. morrow and until the eighteenth day of Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions . The message also announced that the February. I may say very frankly I am and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk Speaker had affixed his signature to the going to speak at certain Lincoln Day following enrolled bills, and they were dinners. In addition to that, as a mem­ and r~ferred as follows: signed by·the Vice President: ber of the Subcommittee on Federal 1774. By Mr. WOLCOTT: Petition signed Prisons, I plan to investigate certain by 43 residents of North Branch, Mich., urg­ H. R. 322. An act to transfer funds to the ing the impeachment or removal of Dean town of Craig, Alaska; prisons. Acheson, Secretary of State, because of his H. R. 746. An act for the relief of the legal The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ statement in suppqrt of Alger Hiss, and re­ guardian of August Michela, a minor; jection, leave is granted. placement by a man not only capable but H. R. 2585. An act to amend the Tariff Act MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES DURING loyal to the.United States; to the Committee of 1930 to provide for exemption from duty_ SENATE SESSION on Foreign Affairs. of certain metallic impurities in tin ores and 1775. By Mr. HOLMES: Petition of resi­ concentrates when such impurities are not On request of Mr. McMAHON, and by dents of the Walla Walla, Wash., area urging recovered; unanimous consent, a subcommittee o1 1332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 2 the Committee on Foreign Relations was port); to the Committee on the District of The joint resolution was referred to authorized to meet during the session of Columbia. the Committee on Finance, as follows: the Senate today. PETITIONS Joint resolution memorializing Congress to On request·of Mr. O'MAHONEY, and by Petitions, etc., were laid before tha repeal the excise tax on cameras and pho­ unanimous consent, the Committee on Senate, and referred as indicated: tographic materials Interior and Insular Affairs was au­ By the VICE PRESIDENT: Whereas several industries in various parts of the country find that public consumption thorized to sit this afternoon during the A resolution of the House of Representa­ session of the Senate. of certain articles and commodities has been tives of the State of Mississippi, condemn­ reduced by reason of heavy Federal war-im­ TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS ing an alleged statement by Secretary of State Acheson on the Alger Hiss conviction, ·posed excise taxes thereon; and Mr. McMAHON obtained the fioor. which was referred to the Committee on For­ Whereas by reason thereof several indus­ Mr.
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