Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial Facultad de Informatica´ PhD Thesis A Method for Reusing and Re-engineering Non-ontological Resources for Building Ontologies Author : Msc. Boris Marcelo Villazon´ Terrazas Advisor : Prof. Dr. Asuncion´ Gomez´ Perez´ 2011 ii Tribunal nombrado por el Sr. Rector Magfco. de la Universidad Politecnica´ de Madrid, el d´ıa...............de.............................de 20.... Presidente : Vocal : Vocal : Vocal : Secretario : Suplente : Suplente : Realizado el acto de defensa y lectura de la Tesis el d´ıa..........de......................de 20...... en la E.T.S.I. /Facultad...................................................... Calificacion´ .................................................................................. EL PRESIDENTE LOS VOCALES EL SECRETARIO iii iv Abstract Current well-known methodologies for building ontologies do not consider the reuse and possible subsequent re-engineering of existing knowledge resources. The ontologization of non-ontological resources has led to the design of several specific methods, techniques and tools. These are mainly specific to a particular resource type, or to a particular resource implementation. Thus, everytime ontol- ogy engineers are confronted with the task of re-engineering a new resource into an ontology, they develop ad-hoc solutions for transforming such resource into a single ontology. Within the context of the NeOn project, we propose a novel methodology for building ontology networks: the NeOn Methodology, a methodology based on sce- narios. One of these scenarios is Building Ontology Networks by Reusing and Re- engineering Non-Ontological Resources. As opposed to custom-building silos of single ontologies from scracth, this new scenario emphasizes the re-engineering of knowledge resources for building ontologies that are connected with other on- tologies in the ontology network. The scope of this thesis lies in this scenario of the NeOn Methodology and in the use of re-engineering patterns for transforming non-ontological resources components into ontology representational primitives. Specifically, this thesis presents the following main contributions: • A categorization of non-ontological resources, made by defining the term non-ontological resources and by proposing a three-level categorization of them according to the type, data model, and implementation of the resource. • A metadata vocabulary, NoRMV, for describing non-ontological resources. • Methodological guidelines for reusing available non-ontological resources, which have reached some degree of consensus by the community when building ontologies. • Methodological guidelines for transforming the non-ontological resources selected into ontologies by re-engineering patterns. • A set of re-engineering patterns for transforming classification schemes, the- sauri, and lexica into ontologies. • A software library, NOR2O, that implements the transformations suggested by the re-engineering patterns when building ontologies. The integrated framework proposed in this thesis allows speeding up the ontol- ogy development, thus saving time and effort. v vi Resumen Las metodolog´ıas disponibles para el desarrollo de ontolog´ıas no tienen en cuenta la reutilizacion´ y posible re-ingenier´ıa de recursos de conocimiento disponibles. La ontologizacion´ de recursos no-ontologicos´ ha dado lugar al diseno˜ de varios metodos,´ tecnicas´ y herramientas. Estas´ son espec´ıficas para un tipo o imple- mentacion´ particular del recurso que se va transformar. Por lo tanto, cada vez que los ingenieros ontologicos´ se enfrentan a la re-ingenier´ıa de un nuevo recurso en una ontolog´ıa, tienen que desarrollar soluciones ad-hoc para poder transformar dicho recurso en una ontolog´ıa. Dentro del contexto del proyecto NeOn, se ha propuesto la Metodolog´ıa NeOn, una metodolog´ıa novedosa basada en escenarios, para desarrollar ontolog´ıas en red. Uno de estos novedosos escenarios es el de la Construccion´ de Ontolog´ıas medi- ante la Reutilizacion´ y Re-ingenier´ıa de Recursos No-ontologicos.´ Al contrario que la construccion´ personalizada de silos de ontolog´ıas simples partiendo desde cero, este nuevo escenario destaca la re-ingenier´ıa de recursos de conocimiento para la construccion´ de ontolog´ıas que estan´ conectadas con otras dentro de la red de on- tolog´ıas. El ambito´ de esta tesis se circunscribe al escenario de la Metodolog´ıa NeOn as´ı como al uso de patrones de re-ingenier´ıa para transformar los compo- nentes de recursos no-ontologicos´ en elementos de una ontolog´ıa. Esta tesis pre- senta espec´ıficamente las siguientes contribuciones: • Una categorizacion´ de recursos de conocimiento, definiendo el termino´ de recurso no-ontologico´ y presentado una clasificacion´ de los mismos de acuer- do al tipo, modelo de datos e implementacion.´ • Un vocabulario de metadatos para describir los recursos no-ontologicos,´ NoRMV. • Gu´ıas metodologicas´ para el proceso de reutilizacion´ de recursos no-ontologi-´ cos, que hayan alcanzado un grado de consenso dentro de una comunidad, para la construccion´ de ontolog´ıas. • Gu´ıas metodologicas´ para el proceso de re-ingenier´ıa de recursos no-ontologi-´ cos en ontolog´ıas, mediante el uso de patrones de re-ingenier´ıa. • Una librer´ıa de patrones de re-ingenier´ıa para transformar esquemas de clasi- ficacion,´ tesauros y lexicones en ontolog´ıas. • Una librer´ıa de software, NOR2O, que implementa las transformaciones su- geridas por los patrones de re-ingenier´ıa para la construccion´ de ontolog´ıas. Todo el marco propuesto en esta tesis permite acelerar el desarrollo de on- tolog´ıas reduciendo as´ı costes de tiempo y esfuerzo. vii viii Acknowledgements This thesis is the result of part of my work as a research assistant within the Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) at the Universidad Politecnica´ de Madrid, Spain. I want to mention that most of this work was performed in the context of two European Projects: the NeOn Project (FP6-027595), and the SEEMP Project (FP6-027347). There are many people I want to thank since they kindly supported me in so many different ways for the successful completion of this thesis. First of all, I would like to thank in a very special way Prof. Dr. Asuncion´ Gomez-P´ erez,´ my supervisor and guide during these years. In this period of my research, she gave me a fair amount of freedom to develop myself and, at the same time she encouraged and supported me, providing the necessary guidance to achieve the best results. Actually, she is the reason I decided to start my research in the semantic web field. During the elaboration of this thesis, I found out that, in many cases, infor- mal conversations with friends and colleagues were of great importance to clarify ideas. So, I want to thank all the members of the OEG group for the interesting discussions we had in all these years: Mari Carmen, Elena, Andres,´ Angel,´ Jose´ Angel,´ V´ıctor, Raul,´ Oscar,´ Lupe, Mariano, Jaime, Inma, among others. In addi- tion, I would like to thank Rosario Plaza for helping me with the writing of the document. I also want to extend my gratitude to all the friends with whom I shared many wonderful moments during my staying in Madrid. I will always remember them, specially Fernando, Jan, V´ıctor, Elena, Mauricio, Alex, Jean Paul, Angel,´ Oscar,´ Mari Carmen, Jose´ Angel,´ Raul,´ Mar´ıa, Freddy, Dani(s), Miguel Angel, Luis, Idafen, Carlos, Ghis, Cesar,´ Rafa, Miguel, Jorge, Esther(s), Jose,´ Adrian, Ana, Sole, and Jose´ Alberto. Also to the OEG outsiders, Ester, Nicholas, Moises,´ Mar, Miguel, David, Guillermo, Ana, Juan, Jezz, Olga, Miriam, Ivan, Miguelon, German, Marco, Edwin, Mar´ıa Cecilia, Yadira, Juani, Raziel, and Ernesto. I want to thank the people involved in the NeOn and SEEMP projects: Caterina, Margarita, Marta, Jane, Yves, Soho, Claudio, Peter, Mathieu, Yimin, Martin, Jose´ Manuel, Tomas,´ German, Emanuelle, Irene, Salvatore, Luka, Jerome, Sofia, Dario, and Mick. I must acknowledge Aldo Gangemi and the people I met during my research visit to the CNR in Italy: Valentina, Eva, Alessandro, Enrico, Mar´ıa, Alison, and Juani. My sincere thanks are due to Michael Hausenblas and Richard Cyganiak, who gave me the opportunity to visit DERI in Ireland. Thanks also to Souleiman, Szy- mon, Antoine, Jurgen,¨ Aidan, Axel, Nuno, Fadi, Lukas, Franco as well as the other foosball-mates. I also want to extend my thanks to my flat-mates Katie, Sarah, Myles, Khavin, Rajiv, Marc, and Martionus for standing by me through the good and the bad. My special gratitude to my family in Spain: Magin, Paula, Isabel, Don Alfredo, Dra. Edith, Dona˜ Betzy, Don Micky, Don Jose,´ Dona˜ Charo, and Fabricio. ix I want to thank my friends, Consuelo, Nestor, Omar, Juanjo, Beto, Nippur, Ronald, Mauricio, Gonzalo, Telma, Pomky, and the Asterix group because they gave me peace and confidence, especially in those moments of weakness for being so far from home and helped me to concentrate on the things that matter. I would like to express my deepest thank to my brother, Javier, who always believed in me. Without his support I would not have been able to make this thesis come true. Finally, I owe my family my sincerest gratitude because they always supported and believed in me: my grandmother Mar´ıa Trancito,´ my parents Demetrio and Chela, and my aunt Mardonia. To all of them, very many thanks. x Agradecimientos Esta tesis es el resultado de una parte de mi trabajo como investigador en el Ontology Engineering Group, OEG, de la Universidad Politecnica´ de Madrid. La mayor parte de este trabajo
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