Threatened plant species in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area as at 11 Sept. 2019 Plants are listed as Critically Endangered CE, Endangered E or Vulnerable V NSW = NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 Comm = Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Family Scientific Name Common Name NSW Comm Anthericaceae Caesia parviflora var. minor Small Pale Grass-lily E Apiaceae Trachymene scapigera Mountain Trachymene E E Apiaceae Xanthosia scopulicola V Apocynaceae Cynanchum elegans White-flowered Wax Plant E E Araucariaceae Wollemia nobilis Wollemi Pine CE CE Asteraceae Olearia cordata V V Asteraceae Ozothamnus tessalatus V V Asteraceae Senecio linearifolius var. dangarensis E Asteraceae Xerochrysum palustre Swamp Everlasting V Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina glareicola E E Cunoniaceae Acrophyllum australe Shy Ladies V V Cyperaceae Carex klaphakei Klaphake's Sedge E Cyperaceae Lepidosperma evansianum Evans Sedge V Dillenaceae Hibbertia procumbens Spreading Guinea Flower E Dilleniaceae Hibbertia puberula E Dryopteridaceae Lastreopsis hispida Bristly Shield Fern E Elaeocarpaceae Tetratheca glandulosa V Ericaceae Epacris hamiltonii E E Ericaceae Epacris purpurascens V Ericaceae Epacris sparsa Sparse Heath V V Ericaceae Leucopogon exolasius Woronora Beard-heath V V Ericaceae Leucopogon fletcheri ssp. fletcheri E Euphorbiaceae Monotaxis macrophylla Large-leafed Monotaxis E Fabaceae Acacia baueri ssp. aspera Tiny Wattle V Fabaceae Acacia bynoeana Bynoe's Wattle E V Fabaceae Acacia clunies-rossiae Kanangra Wattle V Fabaceae Acacia flocktoniae Flockton Wattle V V Fabaceae Acacia gordonii E E Fabaceae Acacia pubescens Downy Wattle V V Fabaceae Kennedia retrorsa V V Threatened plant species in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area page 1 of 3 Family Scientific Name Common Name NSW Comm Fabaceae Pultenaea sp. Olinda E Fabaceae Bossiaea oligosperma Few-seeded Bossiaea V V Fabaceae Dillwynia tenuifolia V Fabaceae Phyllota humifusa Dwarf Phyllota V V Fabaceae Pultenaea glabra Smooth Bush-Pea V V Fabaceae Swainsona recta Small Purple-pea E E Goodeniaceae Velleia perfoliata V V Grammitidaceae Grammitis stenophylla Narrow-leaf Finger Fern E Gyrostemonaceae Gyrostemon thesioides E Haloragaceae Haloragodendron lucasii E E Lamiaceae Prostanthera cineolifera Singleton Mint Bush V V Lamiaceae Prostanthera cryptandroides ssp. Wollemi Mint-bush V V cryptandroides Lamiaceae Prostanthera discolor V V Lamiaceae Prostanthera stricta Mount Vincent Mint-bush V V Malvaceae Commersonia prostrata Dwarf Kerrawang E E Malvaceae Commersonia rosea E E Malvaceae Lasiopetalum joyceae Joyce's Rusty Petals V V Myrtaceae Baeckea kandos Kandos Beackea E E Myrtaceae Callistemon linearifolius Netted Bottle Brush V Myrtaceae Callistemon megalongensis Megalong Valley Bottlebrush CE CE Myrtaceae Darwinia biflora V V Myrtaceae Darwinia peduncularis V Myrtaceae Eucalyptus aggregata Black Gum V V Myrtaceae Eucalyptus benthamii Camden White Gum V V Myrtaceae Eucalyptus cannonii Capertee Stringybark V Myrtaceae Eucalyptus corticosa Creswick Apple Box V Myrtaceae Eucalyptus fracta Broken Back Ironbark V Myrtaceae Eucalyptus macarthurii Paddys River Box, Camden Woollybutt E E Myrtaceae Eucalyptus sp.' Howes Swamp Creek' Howes Swamp Creek Eucalypt E E Myrtaceae Homoranthus darwinioides V V Myrtaceae Kunzea cambagei Cambage Kunzea V V Myrtaceae Melaleuca biconvexa Biconvex Paperbark V V Myrtaceae Melaleuca deanei Deane's Paperbark V V Myrtaceae Melaleuca groveana Grove's Paperbark V Myrtaceae Syzigium paniculatum Magenta Lilly Pilly E V Orchidaceae Diuris aequalis Buttercup Doubletail E V Threatened plant species in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area page 2 of 3 Family Scientific Name Common Name NSW Comm Orchidaceae Prasophyllum fuscum Slaty Leek Orchid CE V Orchidaceae Prasophyllum pallens Musty Leek Orchid V Orchidaceae Pterostylis chaetophora V Orchidaceae Pterostylis nigricans Dark Greenhood V Orchidaceae Pterostylis saxicola Sydney Plains Greenhood E E Orobanchaceae Euphrasia bowdeniae Bowden's Eyebright V V Orobanchaceae Euphrasia scabra Rough Eyebright E Poaceae Ancistrachne maidenii V Podocarpaceae Pherosphaera fitzgeraldii Dwarf Mountain Pine E E Polygonaceae Persicaria elatior Tall Knotweed V V Protaceae Grevillea evansiana Evans Grevillea V V Proteaceae Grevillea juniperina ssp. juniperina Juniper-leaved Grevillea V Protaceae Grevillea obtusiflora ssp. obtusiflora E E Protaceae Grevillea parviflora ssp. parviflora Small-flowered Grevillea V V Proteaceae Hakea dohertyi Kowmung Hakea E E Proteaceae Isopogon fletcheri Fletcher's Drumsticks V V Proteaceae Persoonia acerosa Needle Geebung V V Proteaceae Persoonia bargoensis Bargo Geebung V V Protaceae Persoonia glaucescens Mittagong Geebung E V Protaceae Persoonia hirsuta var. evoluta Hairy Geebung E E Proteaceae Persoonia marginata Clandulla Geebung V V Restionaceae Baloskion longipes Dense Cord-rush V V Rhamnaceae Pomaderris bodalla Bodalla Pomaderris V Rhamnaceae Pomaderris brunnea Brown Pomaderris E V Rhamnaceae Pomaderris cotoneaster Cotoneaster Pomaderris E E Rhamnaceae Pomaderris queenslandica Scant Pomaderris E Rhamnaceae Pomaderris sericea Silky Pomaderris E V Rutaceae Asterolasia elagans E E Rutaceae Boronia deanei ssp. deanei Deane's Boronia V V Rutaceae Leionema lachnaeoides E E Rutaceae Leionema sympetalum Rylstone Bell V V Rutaceae Zieria covenyi Coveny's Zieria E E Rutaceae Zieria involucrata E V Rutaceae Zieria murphyi Velvet Zieria V V Solanaceae Solanum amourense E Thymelaeaceae Pimelea curviflora var. curviflora Curved Rice-flower V V Threatened plant species in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area page 3 of 3.
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