NILES D CTATOR SEPTEMBER 9, 2010 * A PIONEERSPE PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK Home Front by BlockShoppe HoúsecaUs Which local residence sold, and for how much? Turn to Home Front to find out PAGE 17 ONLINE I Tell Us What You Think.. WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK New Maine South Principal Shawn Messmer speaks to the freshman class Click online to take our OPENING of 2014 during a freshman assembly for the first day of school on Aug. 23. (Curtis Lehmkuh(/Staff Photographer) reader survey. STATEMENT PIONEERLOCAL.COMISURVEY Monarch Hospice & Palliative Care LO9 1SIIN .13 NOL>ø 0969 Isla Aè?11 OEflandS31IN .LsIa AOI1 1IN ais000006o--ID1 DQOoo 5 6T9E.q www.pioneerlecal.com AIL 'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,2010 A PIONEER FROST PUBLICATION 'NIL www.pioneerlocal.com - Go Mobfle!. CHLOE'S. CREW Baird & Warner's New Mobile Search application will forever change the way you search for homes. You can now download our MobileSearch Application to your phone for FREE° by visiting mobile.bairdwarner.com, WANTS YSU! or by texting BAIRD to 87778. 'This service is lypi070y free for n,o,1 rr,obile phones. Fv 0O7 dvvic000carrierr, nv/e/rovi Please join your friends, neighbors, and rrronlhly verrIer charge mey epply, billed direcnly no yovncalriarvlalerrrelmr. community for s,n afternoon and evening of live music, gsmes', food and fanHily fun in memory IIAIRDrrWARNtR of Chloe, a 9 year old girl from Winnetlia, who lost her battle with brain cancer last March. An proceeds will benefit Cl'iloe's Crew, whose mission is to impact the daily lives of people in need through random acts of love and kindness. Chicago $025,000 Lincelneeed $300,500Chicago $340,900Skekie 00a9,000 S000Ir,S2SO Foster $315,000 Here's your chance to do just that! .Admission 0,50/2,/O $0/0/0 beCsIOele[jeLl,,oIeSq rc,rines025,/,l,.. lr,alv,,IOrie,c,eiec Spa/leer,crol, eroe, pedecir,v'ec/e/,ecI,rrrcep,c,avoe,vr,leeolplv/e,n,.J,obecpd ,000y,oerflvr abHole/leser,, is complimeinary and donations are encouraged, so we can continue our mission of helping others in need. MeSter Creer. $e99,990 MOntee Creer. $250,000Skekir.,8932 Leeicveeed $299,000 Skekir. $298,000 Sicekie $295,000 EX Q U I S IT ELY - ECONOMICAL. Sehsrbbin'oshosAls, seosvtiondl retorno that's whot Sworn hes besO 1,/rl' '0215e honreowner's 10100e, 00 ytors With elite erchitecle, designers and craftsmen who can trenslorm Srod rooms into estreordinary SiGa $287,000Skekir. $205,000SkokG $275,500 Nile $209,008MOr5000,eae $250,800 nt/v living spent, tor fan loss lhcr you ever dr,cmed possible. Kitolrtr, b essoreR nrestel soils v/hole/er you h eve io eind, call ir, the best in The buSi0000 Tora Tree consultollon loUsy. 1' ANNUAL. FUNDRAISER. Call 888.349.1714 for a complimentary ¡n-home consultation SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th Skekie $249,000 Chisege $209,505 $215,000 Lireeir,secd Mester. Grove $151,7: 4:00 - 9:00 P,í, AIROOM mJBBAR;D WOODS FAIK, WINNETKA On Gn'eeTI hay Rd. i block norl.Oo aT Tower Rd. L,nvshneeod Horre ee,lgo 000,000e 60200. C/Ore/p five, LIr/orrovud I OpeP 7amreoeok N,p000rle Hoec 000/gr S000roor, I 2TT4 flu/are Ano, rloperello I Opefl T dey. cocoA of' 'iaJr inf552,2' Ir ) IsIr $ lirOf'Atf5sll-lst'Too' (egiaíOICflUIf HOME YDOITIOTYS I KITCHENS! OATHS I BASEMENTS I CUSTOM HOMES www.pionoerlocal.com NIL THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9,2010 s. .reinosso.oerroneoenoe I u Mnmogingsslitor: MagSchnaitz Phone: (70M) 524-44133 mschmito®ptonrrrlocot.c0000 Loca'\ews THIS WEEK: WHERETO GO TO Oft plltaaiS lEARNING: NEVER TOO OLD OS LEERE COMPUTERS GOLF MILLf Slffftttttlnf OfFERS SIMPLL DECORATING I I SCHOOLS: CROSSING GOARDOTCIIECII Man charged with choking wife after she threw out cigarettes By JENNIFER JOHNSON ib tes orsO p inn s e rIna Otto n A n ooi0000porntod Malos Tasootsbip wonwasarreotadAng. t? fee oltegedly choking his wifo and grobbing his two omali chil- 'liuiiiIII dren by their thronte. Conk C0000y fiherift's Polios chat'ed Osmen Hnwcd Abdel- rahiw, 40. of the 5000 bloch of Washington Drino, with three On your mark, qet set Padicpsnls get oil their nerE il 15e eeeosd arnuk HebrA t'trito Rar/HaIE in PerE raunte of domnstic brttery in fiiçe aa9. toiler Cfgetrtesk'iffer STMI connection with the obleged is. cidesO which ocyarred on the night of Aog. Of. Ancording to Sheritf's Potion, Semen fbdolnehie Abdolrahiw's mOfe ecrased her Residents must travel to reach hasband cf choking her during AdcarateLathrmo Ornerai Hos- e honted argument that result- pital where nhn woo later tntnr- ad after shy Obrew away his cig- viewed by Cook Ceaoty Sheriff's eed 'a fáÉIìf?' arettes. The womau tald polioe flooding disaster centers Pouce. u thotAbdeirohim Ohen turoed her The foltotning de0 potion npche OyJEIINIFER J01ft1500 ors, ranters, basinessnu nod pri- coins to July 04. Flooding raoged eeoasd, pbored hin bond u ortend obb Abdelrahim tobo atbogediy lins nsen Apio ree lleca tote cote nnnprnflt arge000eoi000 to flow no inch or two in basements hor throat cod began strenguiog admitlnd to pattbog bio wife ny Give your home a complete exterior makeover...for less than it would cost you to sell itl Wouldn'tyou [Ike to repoie or reploan bauldings oud to sonnent feet, yodos least 88 bar until ube become light-head- rhohe hold. Ho olsa admitted tt dramatucelly increase your homes value Tor a fractIon of the cost of rnovurg' Elevations is ready Yodo Na tecol dbon000r aentero hosa por000ni properly domagrd by humes were offeyted. ed and dinny, policy oaid. grabbing his children, ages lend lust that, with the best materials been nobablished to help Pork the floodiog, POMA sold. Whos ashod how Oho township on the market, and Yhe unmatched quality and energy standards of our proprietary WeatherEzationlo process, We'll do it all without After Abdolenhim loto the cou- 3, by Oho throals "tu ralm them Ridge and uointarpaentedMnire Before visitinghne of the reo- plans On address Oho problom of ple's apaNmest, bio wife loft Oho dossw whec thoy got escited," po- touching the interior, and finish within a few weeks uT the day we start, And the result isa Timeless asset of truly elevated beauty, Tawoship residetrto at00000d by toro, loyal rnsidonso alfocted by obronic flooding io this aroa, Sa- homn seekisghelp and 000ppod llen said. performance and value. We call it CurbEppealbu You'll call it perfect. Cellor visit Elevations today. July24 flooding apply tor POMA Ooodicg shoold apply tnr assis- yoroisor Caret Tesrhlq' snid she at CVS Pharmacy, 0848 Pomp- Abdolrahim teas released on nosi5100ro. Federnt/otntn Disas- tnoce by ralliog 18001 aDt.00a2. bnlinvos fedet'olly landed pta3- ator St., Irhory oltereportedty 800,000 bond and is netto op- ter 00000em Centone apaned lost A000MArepresentotiveruill thee 0000 irrbadiug Ehe 00050roction lost cotserbeanness. Pork Bidge peno in Cools County Cirruit Call 888.616.4686 for a free consultation. week, bat noon aro lncoted in 000tart thuse who hose rogis- ut Onoro 3700 Ube Don Plni000 parnmedics tranoported her to Coort ou OnpI. la. Moloc Townohip. Tho orations Oorod lu order to compitte the River snot' Mount ProsperO and uro the Cicere Publie Ortety process, oocnrding to Mabon n proposul la deopost S g azud iO.O»OF Building, S410 W. 040k 81. io Ci- Towoship. Rogistralicolonnail- Ldto orar Des Plomes could pro- >4 EVERY WINDOW\ cero, and St. JosephtfighOthoot, abb seseo Haya o weeb trom 2 vide sume relict 2 men sentenced for tax fraud / .,,.,__ -n 0840 Mayfoir Ave. in Westch- cm. tot p.m. "Thin solt000 nroa wilt deOnile- ByJENNIFER JOHNsON the won foiled ta report mora estor The cartero tre operaind Busidonto mop seod photo me, lybn0001 from il," Tesclikyooid. lbnhesnr$pinreebbocel.00e Iban $203,008 io income for too jointly by the tllioais Emorgoncy SoriobOororitynumhnrs, i rear. "Oto in the bando of Oho Army penco 0000 tlrrosgh 0000. TJ" Mcnogemeot Agency nod the noce iofnrmotian, proof of ad- Corpo cf Engi onore ood the fed' A Rilen man and his bosin050 Pedei'al court dorsmnsOs aonio ¿1'. t4 PederatowergeoryM000ges000t dress nod routant phoce flaw- eral guvernmeot. We lineo iujnst portoer haro be en neotauandtu that Oho meo, who webe co-own- VATIONS' !i i' Agency yod rritl be open from 9 bers in ardor to aspedito the ro- stand by and wait tubo 000s'ybody Ovo 0000ko lu prison fl000wed ers al the basbnnes, look cus- Eernosos enruonarrorgs FEO YoUR HOME h- n.m. to Ppm. sonco dope awnolt, obstanan yr000er. Pienotint ro- tise." Maine Township Ower- hy Boo mooths ofihome r000re- tomer payments and kept the PLUS no interest or payments forifull year!o*u according fo POMA. sietourn sacias by applinart, nr- gencyM000gomeetAgenoyDi- mont after plondirg gallop ta SI- paymeots foc themontoes roOher The D'ieaotor Re0000r'y Coo- cordiog St She t000tbip, taylor Sob Colt eit sa bd creobo ing false fedoral l000we tas re- than report them On Otte florero- All ereray-ettoierit roplaocmovt windows allaible Torthe1[,5Q5Tao Credit lers otfar services to hntp reai' APOMA packet outliciog how thoU were filled in and bollo over www.mrjelevatjons.com d0000 opply tue disnstrrossis- N opply for disastro oosint000e with hoaoirg -'in nddiOioo ta a Osad SaIjir, 01, ofNilen, and Oc adisec ta their pnmn000 non- Linnoinwood Home Design showroom I 6e25 N. Lincoln Ave, Linceinweod I Opes 7 deys e weob tonne oud Bud out about sober is atoo locntod on Mnirr Town- Inch ufsnattr detontiou maybe Moblad-Dio doman, GD, of Chica- 000000, Solio wan oedered to pep Napersille Homo Design Showroom I 2764 Auroro Ave,, ldapervillo I 00es 7 dayse woek d'tsustorpt'ograsosnvoitoble.Res.
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