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Process increases reÿ ned oil yield by over 0.2% with signiÿ cant chemical savings: G 90% less acid G 30% less caustic G less silica, bleaching earth or wash water consumption More info A collaboration with Desmet Ballestra North America, Inc. Tel. : +1 770 693 0061 Desmet Ballestra Group N.V. Tel. : +32 2 716 11 11 www.nanoneutralization.com Registration is open! 2013 AOCS Technical Services Workshop: Laboratory Methods July 16–17, 2013 FFA Enrichment Center, Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny, IA Look to AOCS to help you achieve, maintain, and promote peak levels of accuracy and performance in your lab! This inaugural AOCS Technical Services workshop includes educational sessions designed for lab technicians. Technical program topics include: ● Regulatory updates ● Method troubleshooting for food, feed, and biofuel ● Emerging pollutants ● Quality control and accreditation needs/requirements ● Publishing methods with AOCS Interested in demonstrating? Contact Connie Hilson at [email protected]. For more details or to register visit www.aocs.org/upcomingmeetings. Organized by AOCS in cooperation with AACC International and the Midwest Chapter of AOAC. Organizing Committee: Edward F. Askew, Askew Scientifi c Consulting, USA; Gina Clapper, AOCS, USA; Garrett Zielinski, Covance Laboratories, USA; Carlos Navarro, Eurofi ns US, USA. Another quality meeting organized by FEBRUARY 2013 inform contents 70 the preservative wars Concerns about traditional preservatives have created a substantial market for “natural” preservatives derived from plant sources, but there are many definitions of “natural,” and whether natural preservatives are safer than their traditional counterparts is still under debate. 2013 Aocs Annual Meeting & expo: expand your knowledge, 78 network, and experience Montréal More than 1,600 industry professionals representing 60 countries are expected to gather in Montréal, Québec, Canada, April 28–May 1, for the 104th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity to broaden your knowledge, enhance your career, and connect with professionals from all over the world who are just as inter- ested in fats and oils as you are. singapore 2012: Why business as usual won’t work anymore 104 During October 29-31, 2012, approximately 600 business professionals from 36 coun- tries representing 197 companies assembled in Singapore for Singapore 2012: AOCS’ World Conference on Fabric and Home Care. Learn what industry leaders had to say about our rapidly changing world and what businesses must do to adapt. How to save water in oilseed processing 110 Reducing water use can improve the sustainability of any operation and save money as well. Learn how to identify practical water-saving opportunities at your plant, find out what other plants are doing, and get some handy tips for conducting a water use and consumption study. 78 110 113 continuous crystallization: the next big thing in palm oil fractionation 113 Continuous fractional crystallization is widely regarded as an appealing way to reduce energy consumption during dry fractionation. Now that the technology has become af- fordable and is in full-scale operation at some industrial plants, the technical and perfor- mance advantages are just starting to be realized. sophorolipid biosurfactants: state of the art, applications, and 121 outlook Sophorolipid biosurfactants have a lower carbon footprint than and lack the undesirable side products of many surfactants currently on the market. They are also completely bio- degradable and demonstrate potential in hard-surface cleaning, automatic dishwashing applications, and dynamic applications such as spray-on coating and cleaning. the globalization of oils and fats The opening of large global trade channels has helped meet the rising global demand for 127 oils and fats. Supply increases were partly made through increased acreage usage that displaced wild tropical forest and other domestic crops. However, agricultural improve- ments that increased yields were the main driver in the rising productivity of the major vegetable oils. Ensuring the long-term adequate supply of this essential food staple will require a new “green revolution” similar to the one that occurred during the 1960s for grains. DepArtMents 69 Index to Advertisers 93 surfactants, Detergents, & 98 classified Advertising personal care news 99 Aocs Meeting Watch MArketplAce 81 news & noteworthy puBlIcAtIons 85 Biofuels news 96 Book review 87 Health & nutrition news 97 patents 91 Biotechnology news 100 extracts & Distillates AOCS Short Courses advance your knowledge, improve your products, and expand your business. 2013 AOCS Early Registration Short Courses Rate Ends February 28! Applied Fundamentals in Interfacial Phenomena Saturday, April 27 Fundamentals of Edible Oil Processing and Refi ning Saturday, April 27 Lecithin Functions in Technology and Nutrition Join us in Montréal! Saturday and Sunday, April 27–28 104th AOCS Analytical Techniques: Annual Meeting Quality Control, Process Control, and & Expo Refi nery Optimization April 28–May 1, 2013 Saturday and Sunday, April 27–28 Palais des congrès de Montréal Montréal, Québec, Canada All short courses are held prior to the AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. For full descriptions, visit: annualmeeting.aocs.org/shortcourses 2710 South Boulder Drive P.O. Box 17190 Urbana, IL 61803-7190 USA Phone: +1 217-359-2344 inform Fax: +1 217-351-8091 www.aocs.org Email: [email protected] ADvertIsIng InstructIons AnD DeADlInes inform Closing dates are published on the AOCS website Aocs MIssIon stAteMent (www.aocs.org). Insertion orders received after clos- AOCS advances the science and technol- International News on Fats, Oils, ing will be subject to acceptance at advertisers’ risk. ogy of oils, fats, surfactants, and related and Related Materials No cancellations accepted after closing date. Ad mate- materials, enriching the lives of people ISSN: 0897-8026 IFRMEC 24 (1) 1–64 rials must be prepared per published print ad specifi- everywhere. Copyright © 2013 AOCS Press cations (posted on www.aocs.org) and received by the published material closing dates. Materials received after deadline or materials requiring changes will be eDItor-In-cHIef eMerItus published at advertisers’ risk. Send insertion orders James B.M. Rattray and materials to the email address below. note: AOCS reserves the right to reject advertis- contrIButIng eDItors ing copy which in its opinion is unethical, misleading, unfair, or otherwise inappropriate or incompatible W.E. Artz with the character of Inform. Advertisers and advertis- Scott Bloomer ing agencies assume liability for all content (including Robert Moreau text, representation, and illustrations) of advertise- ments printed and also assume responsibility for any eDItorIAl ADvIsory coMMIttee claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. Theresa Almonte John Schierlmann Aocs ADvertIsIng: Liz Barrett Bingcan Chen Warren Schmidt Phone: +1 301-215-6710 x 114 Eduardo Dubinsky Paul Smith Fax: +1 301-215-7704 Gerard Dumancas Crystal Snyder Email: [email protected] Jerry King Usha Thiyam Formerly published as Chemists’ Section, Cotton Oil Gary List Bryan Yeh Press, 1917–1924; Journal of the Oil and Fat Industries, Robert Moreau Bart Zwijnenburg 1924–1931; Oil & Soap, 1932–1947; news portion of JAOCS, 1948–1989. The American Oil Chemists’ Society Aocs offIcers assumes no responsibility for statements or opinions presIDent: Deland J. Myers of contributors to its columns. School of Food Systems, Great Plains Institute of Food Safety at Inform (ISSN: 0897-8026) is published 10 times North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, USA per year in January, February, March, April, May, June, July/August, September, October, November/Decem- vIce presIDent: Timothy J. Kemper ber by AOCS Press, 2710 South Boulder Drive, Urbana, Desmet Ballestra North America, Inc., Marietta, Georgia, USA IL 61802-6996 USA . Phone: +1 217-359-2344. Periodi- cals Postage paid at Urbana, IL, and additional mail- secretAry: Neil Widlak ing offices. postMAster: Send address changes to ADM Cocoa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Inform, P.O. Box 17190, Urbana, IL 61803-7190 USA. Subscriptions to Inform for members of the treAsurer: Blake Hendrix American Oil Chemists’ Society are included in the Agribusiness & Water Tech Inc., Omaha, Nebraska, USA annual dues. An individual subscription to Inform is $190. Outside the U.S., add $35 for surface mail, cHIef executIve offIcer: Patrick Donnelly or add $120 for air mail. Institutional subscriptions to the Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Soci- Aocs stAff ety and Inform combined are
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