DIRECTORY.] LEICESTERSHIRE. LEICE~TER. 519 &; teading room, skittles, billiards, ambulance,' ARUNDEL CRICKET CLUB, Aylestone road. french class, brass band, air-gun club, gymnastic -Hon. Sec. J. R. Cooper, 83 Evington road. class. cycle club also sick club, cards, chess, refreshmeut, &c. President, W. Betton; Sec. NATIONAL CYCLISTS' UNION.-In the William Henry Fookes, 7 Clipstone st.; Hon. Leicester Centre, about 25 clubs are affiliated (sub- 1,ibrarian, W. Gilbert; Steward, Ch as. Codling. scription 12s. 6d. per annum each; private mem- bers, Ss.); over 1,000 members. Head-quarters, AYLESTONE PARK WORKING MEN'S Horse & Groom hotel, 51 Humberstone gate. CLUB, 300 Saffmn lane, A.P.-Edwd. Hall, sec. Hon. Sec. Sidne, Charles Winks, Malvern, 3 Sweetbriar rd. Chairman, C. H. Peabody, 54 BELGRAVE &; DISTRICT WORKING MEN'S Bede st.; Treasurer, A. E. Kirk, 20 Stretton rd. CLUB & INSTITUTE, 21 Checketts rd. Belgrave. -So Anstey, sec.; Mrs. Ma.ry Ann HaTI-is, THE CYCLISTS' TOURING CLUB numbers stewardess about 20,000 members all over the world (300 in Leicestershire). Chief Consul for the county, GIPSY LANE WORKI~G ME~'S CLDB, Thomas John Webb. 101 Ashby road, Lough­ Oliver rd. Belgrave.-Percy Perry, sec.; Albert borough; Leicester Consul, A. J. Reeve, 20 Mill Edwa,rd Hew€\S, steward. Hill lane. In the Leicestershire District Association assistance is given to members in NEWFOUNDPOOL WORKING MEN'S CLUE running-down cases &c. & facilities given for &, IN"STITUTE, 55 Beatrice road, Newfoundpool. social intercourse & cycle tours. Hon. Sec. B. -Secretary, F. Shaw. L. l\IcQuillin, 49 Friar la. Official Hotels, Bell, Campbell, Cobden, Whit" Hart. Official Re­ NORTH EVINGTON WORKING ME~'S pairers, StnrgesB Waiter & Co. 62 Narborough CLUB & INSTITUTE, 117 Asfordby street, N.E. E. rd. &; G.\Villiams, Y.M.C.A. buildings, Londonrd. -WaIter Hari<lhorn, sec. ; Hy. Sargent, steward. LEICESTERSHIRE RUGBY UNION.-Presi· SPINNEY HILL WORKING MEN'S CI-rn & dent., Councillor J. Parsons; Hon. Treasurer, H. INSTITUTE, 80 Sherrard road.-Frank Adcock, W. Johnson; Hon. Sec. S. C. Packer, 153 Upper­ sec.; Thomas CutHin, steward. ton I'd. Leicest.er. Over 70 teams affiliated. WEST HUMBERSTONE CONSTITUTIONAL Competitions, RoIIeston Charity Cups, Leicester­ CLUB, 2 Lay ton road.-George M. Jolinson, shire Senior Cup, Leicestershire Junior Cup, secretary; James Bell, st,eward. Leic·estershire Rugby Combination 5 Divisions, Leicestershire Rugby Sunday School Combination NORTH EVINGTON RECREATION CLUB, 2 Divisions, & Leicestershire Rugby Thursday ·8a, Asfordby street, N.E.-W. Morris, sec. Combination. Representative English Rug'Py Union, S. C. Packer; Representatives Midland LEICESTERSHIRE FOOTBALL ASSOCIA· Counties Union, S. C. Packer & J. Barnes. 'fION.-Chairman, Mark Billson; Hon. Sec. F. L. Jinks, 27 Devonshire street; about 250 ROLLESTO~ CHARITY CUPS COMPETI­ affiliat.ed clubs. Subscription: Senior clubs, TION.-President, Sir John F. L. RolJeston 10s. 6d. per annum; Junior clubs, 5s. per )I.P.; two Vice-Presidents; non. Sec. S. C. annum; Minor clubs, 2s. 6d. per annum. Packer, 153 Uppe,rton rd. Leicester. Two Cups Holders of Senior Cup, Leicester Fosse; Junior competed for annually under Rugby & Associa­ Cup, North Coolville P.S.A. South Wigston tion rules; proceeds from gates presented to the United; Leicester Boro' Shield, St. Andrews; local eha rities. J.eicester Bord Medal Competition, Carey Hall ; LEICESTER CHESS CLUB.-:Members m~t Winners of County District IIIedal Competitions, at Windsor Cafe, corner of East st. & London rd. Ashby Hastys, St. Slery, Loughborough C. & Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays, 7.30 to 10 p.IIl. W., Hinckley Church, Rotherby, Thurmaston. Subscription 7s. 6'1. a. year. About 70 members. Representa,tive on the English Football Council, Hon. Treasurer & Secretary. Thomas Sharland. Mark Billson. 29 Mecklenburg street. LEICESTER FOOTBALl, CLUB.-Head- THE GRANBY CHESS CLUB.-)Iemhers ot quarters, Club house, The Ground, Aylestone rd. this club meet on Mon. Wed. & Sat. for pla.y There are about 1,300 members. Subscription is at the Granby Coffee Tavern. Subscription, lOs. 6d. a. year. President, J. Collier; Hon. Sec. lB. a quarter; the members play chess & T. H. Crumbie, Halford st. {T.N. 480).-Fosse draughts during the day at any of tbe C-om­ Football Co. Ltd. play on Filbert Street grounds. pany's houses. Secreta,ry, John William Bart1ett; offices, Stan­ ley chambers, 30 Gallowtree gate. ABBEY, SPI~NEY HILL, VICTORIA, WESTERN & WESTCOTES PARKS.-Opeo LEICESTER CLUB &, COUNTY RACE­ free March to October inclusive, 6 a.Ill. to dusk, COURSE CO. LIMITED.-R,wecourse. London November to February inclusive, 7 a..m. to dusl;:. rd. about two and a half miles fro.m the town. On the Tues. & Wed. following August Bank There are seven meetings ir. the year. Clerk of Holiday a fee is charged for admission t() the tbe Course, F. 'V. Wihnot; Secretary, John Flower Show in Abbey Park. Recreation Ford, Killi!'S walk. Nottingham & John Harrison, grounds.-St. Margaret's Pasture, Belgrave Mad, manager, The Cottage. Uppiogham road, Welford road, Filbert street, Aylestone & Fosse road. LEICESTER..'lHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB.-President, T. Burdett, esq.; eight Vice­ STAMFORD CLUB CO. LIMITED{conviviaI), Presidents; Committee of 15. Hon. Treasurer, 43 Humberstone gate.-About 90 members; 208. J. Parsons; Hon. Sec. G. E. Rudd; Captain, J. a year. Secretary, WilIiam Cressey; Man­ Shields; Seoreta:ry, S. C. Packer, 2 Newarke st. ager, John Thomas Markham. There are 1,550 m"mbers. The annual meeting ill in March. Subscription, £1 Is. per annum THE ABBEY PARK BOWLING CLeB has (Ss. extra for a ladies' transferable ticket), which over 50 members. Subscription, 12s. 6d. per gives admission to the county matches. & entitles annum. President, R. G. Raid; T?easurer, H. members to practise on the ground. The cricket Rimmin~ton; Hon. Sec. G. Morris, Car depot, ground is on the Aylestone road. Abbey Park road. THE LEICESTER & COUNTY CRICKET MIDLAND COUNTIES BOWLING ASSOCIA- ASSOCIATION numbers 40 clubs of the town'l TION.-This Association comprises twenty-six 'Elon. Sec.. J. Edward Costello, 74 High street; clubs, seven in Leicester, Kettering two, Ashby PreSident, Edward Holmes; Chairman, _-\. two, Loughborough three, Northampton two, LovelI. Wellingborough one, Melton Mowbray one, Coal-.
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