August 2, 2014 Vol. 2014, Issue 7 LSO with Pointe of Departure Ballet Company Chaplain of the Week: The Lakeside Symphony carry on his The Rev. Dr. M. Thomas Thangaraj Orchestra (LSO) and Pointe musical dy- Lakeside Chautauqua of Departure Ballet company nasty. welcomes the Rev. Dr. M. will collaborate for their 14th Starting Thomas Thangara as Chap- performance in the Annual in the early lain of the Week from Aug. Iva M. Clark Memorial Con- 19th cen- 3-8. cert at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, tury, their The Rev. Dr. Thanga- Aug. 2 in Hoover Auditorium. waltzes ra will lead the 10:30 a.m. This year’s presentation, a took Vien- Hoover Community Wor- “Salute to Vienna,” includes na by storm ship Service on Sunday, music by the Strauss fami- and spread Aug. 3 in Hoover Auditori- ly. This new production will across Eu- um. His sermon, titled “So showcase world-class dancers rope. It is with Everyone Born of in an entertaining format. “Mor- the Spirit,” is based on John Thirteen popular selec- genbl tter (Morning Jour- and “Egyptian March.” 3:1-10. Interfaith Hospitality.” tions by the Strauss family nal)” will open the program, The second half of the For those who wish to A complimentary Chap- will be played, emulating the followed by the “Annen-Pol- LSO program will open attend worship, a compli- lain’s Hour Pass is available famous New Year’s Day pro- ka” and a Czardas from the with “Tales from the Vienna mentary Church Pass may from 8:30-9:15 a.m. Mon- gram by the Vienna Philhar- opera, Ritter Pasman. Woods.” be obtained Sundays be- day-Thursday, valid until monic. “Emperor Waltz,” one of J. tween 7:30-10:30 a.m., val- 1:30 p.m. The pass includes Johann Strauss became fa- Strauss’ most famous waltz- See SYMPHONY id until 3 p.m. The pass in- admittance for guests and mous for his waltzes and set es, will be followed by the on page 10 cludes admittance for guests auto. the foundation for his sons to “Leichts Blut Polka Schnell” and auto. At 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, The Rev Dr. Thangara the Rev. Dr. Thangara Rhein Center celebrates 15th Anniversary will also preach at 10 a.m. will lead Evening Prayer Monday-Friday for a com- & Praise, held at the Steele The C. Kirk Rhein, Jr., Cen- the resto- bined Chaplain’s Hour and Memorial Bandstand. His ter for the Living Arts will host ration of Ep- Chautauqua Lecture Series sermon, titled “A Second a party to celebrate 15 years of worth Lodge morning lecture in Orchestra Look and a Second Touch,” offering classes in the arts at and estab- Hall. Please note the change is based on Revelation 7:1- Epworth Lodge. lish a living in time for this week’s Chap- 12 and Mark 8:22-26. The party will take place memorial lain’s Hour. from 3:30-5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 8 where per- His overall Chaplain’s See CHAPLAIN at the Rhein Center. sons of all Hour theme for the week on page 7 Previous directors, staff, in- ages could will be “Spirituality of/for structors and students will be enrich their present to share memories and life ex- rekindle friendships that began periences at the Rhein Center. through the Community Forums address All are invited for a time of arts. This summer, as the Rhein art activity and celebration. With additional funding Center prepares to celebrate future Lakeside accommodations The C. Kirk Rhein, Jr., Cen- from Lakeside and others, Ep- 15 years of offering classes in ter for the Living Arts has had a worth Lodge came to life as a the arts, approximately 7,000 Nearly three years ago, the Lakeside Chautauqua Board successful impact on Lakeside center for arts education. seats will be occupied over the of Directors formed an Accommodations Task Force, now since its founding. The dedication of the C. course of the Chautauqua sea- a standing board committee, in an effort to develop short On July 17, 1996, 43-year- Kirk Rhein, Jr., Center for the son. and long-term strategies to improve the accommodations old Lakesider C. Kirk Rhein, Living Arts took place in the The Rhein Center is a func- offered to guests. Jr., was killed when Flight 800, yard of Epworth Lodge on Au- tion of the arts pillar and re- The primary goal, established by the board, was to en- enroute from Kennedy Airport gust 8, 1999. ceives oversight from Shirley sure that Lakeside accommodations meet the needs and to Paris, exploded over Long It was such a success, that Stary, vice president of Pro- expectations of the 21st century guest, while developing Island. within two years it became gramming. the financial resources for long-term sustainability and ad- The resultant outpouring of necessary to hire a director and vancement. support and memorial gifts in- staff to accommodate the in- See RHEIN CENTER The committee has only focused on Lakeside’s two hotel spired the Rhein family to do- creasing demand for classes in on page 17 properties to date, but will be expanding its focus in the nate funds necessary to begin the arts. future. After a significant amount of research and planning, the Lakeside Symphony Showcase on August 4 task force is now prepared to share the board’s vision with the broader Lakeside community as it seeks further input. Layne Gerbig ny Showcase, The next planned Community Forum will take place at Advancement Events ticket holders 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 2 in Orchestra Hall. Intern will en oy a Seating is limited and will be offered on a first-come, tour through first-serve basis. All are invited to attend. The Lakeside Chautauqua several cottag- Topics to be discussed include: Foundation is pleased to pres- es, where small • Plans to faithfully restore and expand the historic Hotel ent the Lakeside Symphony LSO ensembles Lakeside Showcase, an event which will perform a helps raise funds for the variety of mu- • Fountain Inn renovation plan Lakeside Symphony Orches- sical selections. • Strategies to operate both hotels year-round tra (LSO). A dessert re- • Target markets for each property This year’s event cele- ception will be • Guest services to be offered brates the 51st anniversary of held at the final hary and Meredith Meyer’s • Plans addressing group housing and cottage rentals the LSO. location along the tour. cottage “Chaudmire” at 421 For a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the The showcase will begin This year, the following Oak Ave. at 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 4. locations will be featured: topics addressed, visit www.lakesideohio.com/news and The tour will end with a search for ‘Community Forum.’ Tickets are $51 per person. Bret and Becky Johnson’s dessert reception, held on the Limited tickets are available cottage “Century’s End Cot- lawn of Peter and Debbie Ste- now through Monday, Aug. 4 tage” at 648 Jasmine Ave.; phens cottage “Linga Longa” at the Legacy House, located Cliff and Nancy Gurney’s at 223 W. Sixth St. Chautauqua Lecture Series: at 217 Walnut Ave. The Leg- cottage at 122 W. Seventh St.; the C. Kirk Rhein, Jr., Center ‘Seeking Peace in a acy House hours are 8 a.m.- See SHOWCASE 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. for the Living Arts at 125 W. on page 12 Multi-Faith World’ At the Lakeside Sympho- Sixth St.; and Salam Chaud- This week’s Chautauqua Lecture Series morning lectures Submit favorite photos to Annual Photo Contest will have an Interfatih focus and be combined with a special Chaplain’s Hour at 10 a.m. in Orchestra Hall. The Rev. Dr. M. Lakeside Chautauqua photo sub- Thomas Thangara will examine the many facets of hospital- guests and residents are in- missions ity and its role in worldwide religions. vited to submit photos to be per individ- The afternoon lectures, held in Chautauqua Hall, will have featured in the 2015 Calendar ual photog- of Events brochure, as well as rapher. a Peace with Justice focus, exploring how global and local on social media, the website Send peace building and education are vital goals for attaining so- and blog. digital pho- cial ustice. Images submitted should tos as at- represent people en oying tachments Lakeside through photos of saved with Inside the Lakesider families, traditions, children, your last A n n o u n c e e t s .......... Pgs. 2-3 religion, education, cultural name as the arts (special events and pro- file name C o m m u n i y e s .......... Pgs. 4-6 gramming), recreation, land- to mar- From left to right: Charlotte Cooley, Ash- R e i i u s Li e .......... Pg. 7 scape or architecture. keting@ er Cooley, Leo Kunnen and Max Kunnen. E d c a i n .......... Pgs. 8-9 Both horizontal and ver- lakesideo- Photo submitted by Lindsay Cooley. A r s n t er ai m e t .......... Pgs.10-11 tical photo submissions are hio.com. encouraged. The For questions about the G e er si y .......... Pg. 12-13 Winners of the photo con- email sub ect line should read photo contest, contact (419) R e rea i n .......... Pg. 14 test will receive a (one-day) ‘Lakeside Photo Contest.’ 798-4461, ext. 277 or email C h i dre Y o u t h .......... Pg. 15 marketing@lakesideohio. Daily Chautauqua Pass for Include your name, address, C l asses i h e A r s .........
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