Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate and Legal Services Director: Nigel Stewart Dalriada House, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8ST Tel: 01546 602177 Fax: 01546 604530 29 August 2003 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the MID ARGYLL KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the COLUMBA CENTRE, ISLAY on WEDNESDAY, 3 SEPTEMBER 2003 at 11:00 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate and Legal Services BUSINESS 1. CHAIRMANS REMARKS 2. APOLOGIES 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 6 AUGUST 2003 (PAGES 1 - 8) 5. HOMESTART PRESENTATION 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (PAGES 9 - 44) 8. DELEGATED DECISIONS (PAGES 45 - 52) 9. PUBLIC CHARITABLE TRUST FUNDS (PAGES 53 - 62) 10. BETTER NEIGHBOURHOOD SERVICES FUND - DEVELOPMENT PLANS (PAGES 63 - 76) 11. MINUTES OF KINTYRE INITIATIVE WORKING GROUP DATED 22 JULY 2003 (PAGES 77 - 82) 12. KILCHOMAN WATER SUPPLY (PAGES 83 - 86) 13. EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT GRANTS 2003/2004 (PAGES 87 - 90) 14. GRANTS (PAGES 91 - 100) 15. CHILDRENS PLAY AREA (PAGES 101 - 104) 16. CHRISTMAS FESTIVE LIGHTS (PAGES 105 - 108) 17. PROPOSAL FOR KINTYRE BEACH INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (PAGES 109 - 112) 18. AREA PLAN (PAGES 113 - 154) 19. CAPITAL BUDGET (PAGES 155 - 164) EXEMPT SECTION The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for item of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraph is:- Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes – (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. E1 20. KILCHOMAN CHURCH MID ARGYLL, KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE Councillor Rory Colville Councillor Robin Currie Councillor John Findlay (Vice-Chairman) Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Donald Kelly Councillor Donald MacMillan Councillor John McAlpineCouncillor Alastair McKinlay (Chairman) Councillor Bruce Robertson Contact: DEIRDRE FORSYTH This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 4 MINUTES of MEETING of MID ARGYLL KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE held in the TOWN HALL, CAMPBELTOWN on WEDNESDAY, 6 AUGUST 2003 Present: Councillor Alastair McKinlay(Chair) Councillor Rory Colville Councillor Robin Currie Councillor John Findlay Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Donald Kelly Councillor Donnie MacMillan Councillor John McAlpine Councillor Bruce Robertson Attending: Deirdre Forsyth, Area Corporate Services Manager Donnie McLeod, Area Manager Transportation & Property Services Felicity Kelly, Community Education Roy Alexander, Estates Surveyor, Corporate & Legal Services Ian Fawcett, Area Amenity Services Manager Jolan Gergely Area Housing Manager Richard Kerr, Senior Development Control Officer Angus Smith, Area Manager Social Work Services Paul Convery, Tourism & Development Officer 1. URGENT ITEM The Chairman decided in terms of Section 50B (4) (b) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, and the Committee agreed in terms of Standing Orders that items 12 and 13 which were not specified in the agenda should be considered as a matter of urgency because of the need to take action on them before the next meeting. 2. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 2 JULY 2003 The minutes of meeting of 2 July were approved. As arising from page 4, Grants, it was reported that Councillor Macaskill was of the view that the Area Committee could make decisions relating to special grant meetings, advertising and how to allocate grants without this requiring to be agreed by the Strategic Policy Committee. Decision 1. It was agreed that information should be obtained from Alasdair Bovaird for circulation to members prior to the next meeting on his enquiries from voluntary organisations about the grants system. 2. The Area Committee will then consider at their next meeting how they wish applications to be dealt with for 2004/2005. Page 2 As arising form page 5, Total Capital Budget available for Roads and Piers, there was discussion about various items. 1. Bruichladdich Pier It was reported that the funding apart from ESF was in place, and an application for this European funding would be lodged in September. The Committee were advised that planning permission would also be applied for in September. Decision The Committee asked that a detailed check be made on whether the EU application would be accepted before planning permission was approved. 2. Campbeltown Town Centre Improvements It was reported that work on Longrow would start in the next few weeks. 3. Scottish Water It was reported that Scottish Water have agreed with Argyll and Bute Council that they will visit each Area Committee when strategic agreement has been reached on issues of mutual concern. 4. BEAR – Trunk Road – A83 It was reported that BEAR meet officers and police every 2 months and Transportation spokesperson twice per annum. Decision It was agreed that issues of concern to Members whose ward contains parts of A83 will forward these to Deirdre Forsyth who in turn will pass these to Graham Brown for discussion at the first of these meetings. If items cannot be dealt with there the transportation spokesperson will be asked to raise them at the biannual meetings with BEAR. As arising from page 7 Kilchoman Church, it was agreed that this item would be on the agenda for the next and every following meeting. 3. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 23 JULY 2003 The minutes of meeting of 23 July 2003 were approved. 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Jackie Fulton, on behalf of Homestart Management Committee, asked a question about the delays in dealing with grant application made to the Social Welfare fund in both 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. In both years their applications had been submitted prior to the end of the previous financial year. This year the grant was being dealt with in August, and last year it did not go to the Area Committee at all. She was pleased that the Area Committee were going to consider new ways of dealing with applications. She suggested service level agreements with voluntary organisations who were helping the Council with some of their strategic functions. She also asked why the internal process took so long in some departments and not in others. The Area Committee had already agreed to discuss grants at the next meeting and also Page 3 agreed to consider Homestarts suggestions at that time 5. PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered and dealt with the applications for planning as detailed below. 1. 03/02323/LIB John McNulty. Listed Building Consent. Single storey rear extension to shop, 1 Main Street West, Inveraray. Decision i) That listed building consent be granted subject to the standard time limit condition and reason and the additional condition and reason set out in the report by the Director of Development and Environment Services dated 17 July 2003; ii) That the Head of Development and Building Control be authorised to forward the application to Historic Scotland for clearance following the expiry of the publicity period on 8th August 2003. In the event of any material representation being received in the interim which could have a bearing on the decision of Committee, the matter should be remitted to Members for further consideration. 2. John McNulty. Detailed. Single storey rear extension to shop, 1 Main Street West, Inveraray Decision i) That planning permission be refused for the reason given in the report by the Director of Development and Environment Services dated 16 July 2003; ii) That the Head of Development and Building Control be authorised to issue the decision notice following the expiry of the publicity period on 8th August 20203. In the event of any material representation being received in the interim which could have a bearing on the decision of Committee, the matter should be remitted to Members for further consideration. 6. DELEGATED DECISIONS The Committee noted the decisions issued by the Director of Development and Environment Services dated 17 July 2003. 7. MINUTES OF DALINTOBER/MILLKNOWE AREA DEVELOPMENT GROUP DATED 20 JUNE 2003 There was submitted and noted minutes of Dalintober/Millknowe Area Development Group dated 20 June 2003. Page 4 8. DALRIADA PROJECT, MID ARGYLL There are natural treasures in the heart of Dalriada. The Landscapes in Time Partnership is working to do more for Dalriada by making more of it; conserving and restoring a stunning 100 square mile landscape of woodland, mire, water and coast; protecting a rich concentration of archaeology that tells a unique 6000 year story; and working with local people to unlock its economic potential through flagship features that honour the landscape, festivals and events that bring Dalriada to life, and a joined-up access network that does not depend on the car. Decision It was agreed that a letter be sent to Brent Meakin, Forest Enterprise asking that Clock Lodge options be included in the Dalriada Project consultation process. 9. SOCIAL WELFARE GRANTS The following grants were agreed on normal terms and conditions. ORGANISATION PROJECT COST GRANT Mid Argyll Council on £17,878 £2,000 Alcohol Dochas Fund £6,935 £2,000 Home Start £4,850 £2,000 Islay & Jura Advice £24,174 £2,000 Centre 3rd Age Group £3,330 £867.25 TOTAL £57,167 £8,867.25 (Reference – Report by Director of Housing and Social Work Services dated 6 August 2003) 10. EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT GRANTS The following grants were agreed on normal terms and conditions. ORGANISATION PROJECT COST GRANT Campbeltown Brass £16,244 £600 Castlehill After School £11,000 £600 Club Lochgilphead After School £497.86 £248 Club Southend Youth Club £9,075 £400 Dalintober Millknowe £25,366 £844 Community Flat Ardrishaig Brownies £3,317 Refusal TOTAL £65,499.86 £2,692 (Reference – Report by Director of Education dated 6 August 2003) Page 5 GRANTS As arising from the foregoing two items, 1.
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