v - R-FH Teachers Are THEDMLY SEE STORY PAGE5 The Weather Rod Bahk, Freehold FINAL Sunny and cooler today. Cloudy with chance of .show- I I >ong Branch 7 ers tomorrow. EDITION 40 PAGES Monmoutta County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL.95 NO;67 RED BANK, NJ. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,1972 TEN CENTS WBMBWi^iiiiiMinimmiiiiiiniiiiiniimiiiiwMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiM»mM««MBW^ Peace Pact Report Denied had been reached to create a - immediate refusal of the refuse to discuss any aspect WASHINGTON (AP) - Kissinger talked to Presi- ing reporters about his talks of the Kissinger-Tho meetings with Le Due Tho and Xuan three-segment neutral regime White House to comment plus Henry A. Kissinger is back in dent Nixon by telephone last speculation by other adminis- said the extension of the latest the United States after a night after his return to Wash- Thuy. in Saigon with a cease-fire go- ing into effect in October. tration officials also played a session was an interesting and unique two-day meeting with ington and will provide a com- "I can't say anything," Kis- possibly significant devel- singer shouted to newsmen Although Kissinger wouldn't part. top North Vietnamese ne- plete report at the White When asked about the opment. gotiators, a meeting the White House tonight after the chief who implored him to stay a 'discuss the meeting — his 18th while after his jet touched secret session and the only Evans story, Ziegler original- The last new ingredient in House denies produced a set- executive returns from a cam- ly said only that "I cannot the negotiations was a state- paign trip to California.. down on a rain-slicked run- one to last more than a day — tlement of the war. White House Press Secretary comment at all on the sub- ment issued earlier this What, if anything, came The President's chief fore- way at Andrews Air Force Base. Ronald L. Ziegler said in Cali- stance of the discussions" Kis- month by the Viet Cong and • from the Paris sessions re- ign-policy adviser-emerged fornia the report of an accord singer had with the North ' claimed as a different propos- mains a secret held by a from his Air Force plane smil- What the reporters wanted to ask about specifically was had "no substance." Vietnamese. "That is an al on setting up a postwar . handful of administration offi- ing and looking relaxed, but agreement that we have had government in South Viet- he refused to meet with wait- a report that an agreement Substantive or not, the story cials, originated by RKO broadcast with the other side." nam. White House correspondent Another building block in The proposal called for a Clifford Evans had a major ef- the speculation was the state- three-party regime; one seg- fect on the New York stock ment Ziegler made Tuesday ment picked by some officials market in late trading yes- when he disclosed Kissinger of the current government, terday. was staying in Paris an extra but excluding President Speculators operating on day. Nguyen Van Thieu; a second the basis of the Evans story He pointed out to reporters part selected by the Viet Cong and other subsequently-denied that Kissinger had said Sept. and the third comprised of •tighter SMt Pint* rumors sent the Dow Jones 16. one day following his last neutral elements. THE OLDEST — W. Alex McClendon, president of average climbing more than secret discussion with Tho. Kissinger on Sept. IB said the Red Bank Area Chamber of Commerce, 10 points. "the fact that these talks are this approach "leaves some- presents Mrs. Sarah Osborn of Red Bank the thing to be desired." Pre- award for being the oldest "old timer" at yes- Although the market rally going on would indicate a cer- terday's 22nd annual Old Timers Day at Marine moved primarily on the basis tain seriousness." viously, American spokesmen had been much sharper in re- Park. Mrs. Osborn will be 93 on Oct. 28. (Story/ of these officially denied re- In addition. State Depart- other photos on page 2.) ports, confusion caused by the ment sources who normally jecting similar approaches. Eatontown Rezoning Put on Ballot EATONTOWN — Council new center, to be known as the "fairest way to decide is Smock replied. "1 don't be- He asked the council to hold voted last night to present the Molly Pitcher Mall; would in- to give all Eatontowners a lieve in zoning by referen- action until after the annual rezoning of a Rt. 36 tract for a clude four major department share In the decision." dum." The other Republicans reorganization of Jan. 1 when second major shopping center stores, a motel and satellite" Publicly Bound declined comment. new councilmen are sworn in.' to the voters in a referendum stores or 220 acres now Councilman Frankel, in a In a rare show of unity on •'This has been a con- on Nov. 7. zoned partially for single-fam- direct challange to the Re- the zoning controversey, coun- troversial issue from the be- However, only the three ily .homes and partially for publican; councilmen, said the cil voted unanimously to ginning and its a controversial BREAKTHROUGH — Japan's Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, right, Democrats on the council light industry. three Democrats "have present the issue to residents issue now." he said. holds volumes of Ihe collected works of the Chinese philosopher Chu have agreed to abide by the The ballot question will pledged publicly to be bound in the Eatontown Newsletter Yuan, as he takes leave of Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse- results of the referendum. read: "Shall the Eatontown by the referendum". before the election. A second petition against tung, center. At left, is Chinese Foreign Minister Chou En-jai. Meeting be- The trio, Councilmen Law- Zoning Ordinance be changed "We hope our Republican William Schlosser. 5 Fernel- the shopping center, signed by .tween Mao and Tanaka led observers to belieVe dn announcement of es- rence Boff, J. Joseph Frankel to allow a second major shop- counterparts will do like- iff Drive, charged the council 57 students and teachers in tablishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and China is imminent. and Rudolph Borneo, tried un- ping center in the Borough of wise," Councilman Boff with plotting to adopt the ordi- borough schools, was present- successfully to have a resolu- Eatontown, N.J." added. nance "a month before the ed by Cynthia Dunn. 13-year- tion adopted over the sum- Councilman Frankel said. Council President Leon B. election." See Eatontown Page 2 mer, placing the issue before the voters. Mao Meets Tanaka, Last night, the decision was taken out of the councils hands when Douglas Horan, a 111 Effects of Ocean Dumping principal in the local school system. 7 Surrey Lane, Accord Seen Near presented a petition with 550 1 PEKING (AP) - Mao Tse- in apparent .robust health as "fighting" with Chou was signatures forcing the issue. tung has given the Chinese- he shook hands with Tanaka. over. And he observed that Under state law, a referen- Told to Federal Pollution Unit Japanese summit his official Dressed in a gray civilian once people have fought they dum must be held if 10 per public blessing by meeting tunic, Mao remarked humo- cent of the registered voters By SHERRY FI6D0RE of both coliform bacteria and Commission' of Washington, The board will conduct four become more friendly. heavy metals. with Japanese Prime Minister rously that he hoped the Meanwhile, reports from petition the governing body at warned the panel that trad- days of hearings on the sub- Kakuei Tanaka. least 90 days prior to an elec- NEW YORK — Adverse ef- Dr. Pearce.said coli counts itional use of the world's ject. Peking and Tokyo mentioned in the center of the dredge The Chinese Communist a Communist Chinese official tion. The petitioners needed fects of ocean dumping al- oceans as an "all-purpose Legislation is now before 381 signatures of registered ready are definite and mea- spoil dumping area were often dump" must end. Congress that would give party leader received Tanaka born in Tokyo and a Japanese "alarmingly high", reaching last night in the private resi- Morganville diplomat who once lived in voters. surable in Monmouth County, Sheer numbers of men and KPA Administrator William N.J..the President's Water nearly one million near the their industries are now caus- 1). Ruckelshaus power to' dence where he met President China as candidates to be the Drive Was Hasty center. Nixon in February. They Man Is Held first ambassadors to be ex- Mr. Horan said the petition Pollution Control Advisory ing "alterations in sea water regulate all ocean dumping talked for an hour and the ses- changed by China and Japan. drive was ''hastily" arranged Board was told here yes- Lindbergh Speaks and its confining beds that and ban sea disposal of harm- sion was described as "very and with more time he "could terday. Jon Lindbergh, noted ocean- will lead inevitably to changes ful materials. friendly" and cordial. In Slaying The reports said the two na- have had a thousand (signa- Dr. Jack B. Pearce, direc- ographer, author, and chair- in sea life and resultant biolo- Phasing out of all ocean man of the Oceanographic It was Mao's first encounter BATH, Maine (AP).- A tions probably will announce tures) very easily." tor of the Sandy Hook Marine gical processes," he said. See Dr. Pearce, Page 2 with a Japanese prime minis- New Jersey man has been ar- the normalization of diplomat- • The controversey began Laboratory, said offshore ter in more than half a cen- rested, and charged with mur- ic relations before Saturday when council opened dis- dumping of sewage sludge tury as a revolutionary lead- der in the shooting death of a and that China and Japan will cussions on a new zoning ordi- and dredge spoils is having er.
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