CENSUS 1911 CENSUS HANDBOOK MIZORAM Part A VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY 'art a VILLAGE II' URBAN BLOCKWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT GENERAL POPULATION. ECONOMIC AND 'SOCIAL & CULTURAL TABLES A. K. SAIKIA of the Indian Administrative Service DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS ASSAM PRINTED AT THE NELYS PRINTING (PVT.) LTD. CALCUTTA·700001 AND PUBLISHED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM. PREFACE !VI.lzoram was a district of Assam on April 1, 1971 with reference to which the 1971 ; Census was taken. With effect from January 21, 1972, however, it became a Union Territory , \ by virt~e of the North Eastern Area (Reorganisation) Act 1971 (Act No. 81 of 1971). For the ,purpose, of. presenting statistics, Mizoram, has been treated as a part of Assam in all census pubIiCa'tjons. As regards district cen~us handbooks, these are state government publications, although the compilations are done by the census organisation. Normally government of ~ssam should have published the handbook on Mizoram as it constituted a district of the state at the time of the census. In view of the'fact that Mizoram had meanwhile become a saparate Union Territory, the new government took. over the responsibility of publishing the handbook separately from the Assam series of District Census Handbooks. The District Census Handbook is presented in three parts for each district. Part A contains the Village and Town Directory. Part B deals with Primary Census Abstract which includes data down to the village level in the rural areas and to the block level in the urban areas. Part C incorporates the census tables, administrative statistics and an analytical report. With a view to making the data available to the public as soon as they are collected and compiled, Parts A and B are presented in one volume. Part C, the compila­ tion of which will take some more time will be printed as a separate volume. The present publication, however, unlike other District Census Handbooks of the districts of Assam contains some census tables meant for Part C. The title of this publication has also been slightly changed from District Census Handbook' of Mizo district to Census Handbook, Mizoram. All these changes have been effected at the instance of the Mizoram government. The District Census Handbooks were first introduced in the 1951 Census. Prior to 1951, village statistics for each district used to be printed after the census giving the population for each village and showing the distribution of communities and of literate persons. The 1951 Handbooks contained a general account of the district and its people, data on areas, houses, population, small-scale industries, distribution of population by livelihood classes for each village and town 'of the district and some census tables. In 1961 these volumes were improved by extending the coverage and incorporating administrative statistics for each district. The 1971 District Census Handbooks follow more or less the same pattern as in 1961. The handbook is published by the government of Mizoram. The compilation was, however, done by the census organisation. ( ii ) We received ready and full cooperation from the Assam government and the Mizoram Administration in the preparation of this volume. We also had the benefit of the guidance and advice of Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, I.A.S., Registrar General and Census Commissioner for India. Shri K. D. Ballal, Deputy Registrar General, Dr. B. K. Roy BUlman, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) and Shri K. K. Chakravorty, Central Tabulation Officer assisted us in all possible ways. We are deeply indebted to them all. This volume is the product of the joint effort of all my esteemed colleagues. I am grateful to them aH. Shri G. N. Bhattacharyya, Deputy Director, Shri J. C. Bhuyan, Assistant Director and Shri K. S. Dey, Assistant Director in particular deserve my thanks for their help in the preparation of this vOlume, December, 1972 A. K. SAIKI A MIZORAM ,r'\ /, i !. ;" ~/ ex: MANIPUR ST AT E a: ,4. REfERENCES INTtANAT10NAL 8OUNDARY._._._._. STATE •• _._. ____. THANA .~ •• _____ _ SUB-DlVlSlONAl. BOUNOAR"l •••••••••••••• ., Dl$TR1CT HEADOJJARTERS... (j» THANA @ STATE. HIGHWP:f/METALLED ROAD. _<_"_< _ UNMETALLED ROAD•.••. '" = =. = ::0 = = = =:: :~S~~AL. •.. ::' --(jJ-- POST &. TELEGRAPH' OFFICE. P & T REST HOUSE. R..H. TOWN. • NAMES OF AR£ A IN NO. OF URBAN THE P.!:.. SQ.. KM VILLAGE C£NTRE 4,17:;0 1.882'0 NOTf:_I.· ... RgA, FIGURES.Qf r .... SUPPllr:o 10'( THIE DtiI~eJo~ O~ L ... N" IIECOIUlIi."MSAM. ';? .... R~ ... FIGUFlU!;IF Ol&l:auP~LI~O 81" THE SUJlJ/EYOA GENE........ 1_. © 1iOVEIINM~T OF I~ COPYRIGHT. 197a. CONTENTS Pagel PRIEFACE' Ii i-ii FIGURES AT A GLANCE vi PART A; VILLAG£ ANn TOWN DIRECTORY VILL;AGE DIRECTORY 3-55 Explanatory Note to Village Directory (4) Key to the codes used for the entries in the Village Directory (5} Police Stationwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities (6-9) Aijal P.S.---AlphabeticaIList of Villages (11) Amenities and land use (12-19) Champhai P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (21) Amenities and land use (22-25) Demagiri P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (27) Amenities and land use (28-29) Kolasib P.S.-Alphabetical Listof Villages (31) Amenities and land use (32-35) Lungleh, P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (37) Amenities and land use (38-41) Saiha P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (42-43) Amenities and (and use (44-56) . TOWN DIRECTORY 57-65 Explanatory Note to Town Directory 58-60 Key to the codes used for the entries, in Town Directory 61 Statement I Status, Growth History and ,functional Category 62 Statement II Physical Aspects and Location, 1 969 62 Statement III Municipal Finance, 1968-1969 63 Statement IV Civic and Other Amenities, 1969 63 Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1969 64 Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 64 Statement VII Population by Religion, 197~ ... 65 ( iv ~ PART 8: PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Explanatory Note to Primary Census Abstract ......73 Primary Census Abstract ·7wn. l .' ~:, // , : '-, ~, ~, Village and Urban Blockwise Primary Census Abstract 18-:1'1.5 Kolasib P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (79) P.C.A. (SO-B1) Aijal P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (83) P.C.A. (84-93) Champhai P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (95) P.C.A. (96-97) Lungleh P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (99) P.C.A. (100-103) Demagiri P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (105) P.C.A. (106-107) Saiha P.S.-Alphabetical List of Villages (108-109) P.C.A. (110-115) BLOCK DIRECTORY SHOWING JURISDICTION OF ENUMERATOR'S BLOCK IN URBAN AREAS 116-121 Aijal Town (116-120) Lungleh Town (121) ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES FOR THE UNION TERRITORY 122-124 GENERAL POPULATION, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL II' CULTURAL TABLES The Tables 127 Explanatory Notes on Tables 128,.....130 Table A-I Area, Houses and Population 131 Appendix I to Table A-I 132 Appendix II to Table A-I 133 Appendix 111 to Table A-I 134 Table A-II Decadal Variation in Population since 1901 135 Table A-III Villages classified by Population 136-137 Table A-IV Towns classified by Population in 1971 with Variation since 1901 139 Table B·I Part A Workers and Non-workers according to Main Activity classified by Sex and Age- groups ... 140-163 ~ V ) Pag .. Table C-V Mother Tongue ••• 166-181 Table a-vii Religion ... 162-163 Appendix to iTable C-VII 164 Table C-VIII Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes (Part 166-169 A & Part B)~Classification by literacy and \ industrial category of workers and non'" workers according to main activity among Scheduled. Castes and Scheduled Tribes Appendix to Table C-VUI ... 170-17S MAPS Administrative Division of Mizoram Frontispiece Kolasib P.S. viii Aijal P.S. Ix Ghamphai P.S. x Lungleh P.S. xi Demagiri P.S. xlii Saiha P.S. xiv Aijal Town xv Lungleh Town xvi ( vi ) FIGURES AT A GLANCE '. Populatiof) Total Persons 332,390 Males 170,824 Femaies 161,566 Rural Persons 294,631 , ,Males 151,322 Females 143,309 Urban Persons 37,759 Males 19,502 Females 18,257 • Decennial Growth Rate 196:1·71 ,24.93 s • Area in Km 21,087.0 • Density of population per Km l 16 • Sex ratio (Number of females per 1000 males) 946 • Literacy rate Persons 53.79 Males 60.49 Females 46.71 • Percentage of ur.ban population to total popula~ion 11.36 • Percentage of workers to total population (main activity only) Persons 45.61 MaJes 51.43 Females 39.46 • Breakup of workers: Percentage to total workers (i) Cultivators Persons 83.53 Males 74.18 Females 96.42 (ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 0.37 Males 0.44 Females 0.27 (iii) Other workers Persons 16.10 Males 25.38 Females 3.31 • Percentage of Scheduled Castes to total population Persons 0.02 Males 0.05 Females Negligible • Percentage of Scheduled Tribes to total population Persons 94.26 Males 90.75 Females 97.97 • No. of occupied residential houses 50,927 • No. of Villages Total 230 Inhabited 229 Uninhabited 1 • No. of Towns 2 POLICE STATION AND TOWN MAPS. viii REFERENCES MIZORAM STAT. eoU_Ry .. ······_·_·_·_·_·_ THANA KOLASIB _·IOUNDMY .. · ...... -------- FOREIT " .............' ••••• 0 •••• 'UItLONGII 4 0 I Z , " S 6 1 Mil" THANA HEA,DQUARTERS @ 1.1.... ; ~';!!!l;!.!!!J!I;·;;;;!!I!!!!!!.IF.dlll .... T.'S HAMU Of LARGE VILLAGES • KII..O"I£"( I 0 I S ! t ~~O~~H~~HML~~~~~!':TE V.,RENGTE STATE HIG_ } METALL£Il AOIIO UNME1Al.LEO ROAO ..... = = = = = = = _ F001'PATH ................ _-- ----- -- STRE.M .................... ~ RIVE ....................... .. INS'ECllON aURGALOW I B • o \ s -- "II c .( a:: ;:) .. ..z Q.. ..z n ..% J: III:: t- T H A N A J A L IOVCUt«N' OIINIIIA CQIIYIICMT,I.71.
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