VOLUME VI, No. 1 JULY, 1958 PHILATELIST ANNALS * * A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE ON AERO-PHILATELY • • • UNITED STATES RF OVERPRINTS ( Part 3 ) • BRAZIL ETA CO. AIRS • INDEX OF VOLUME V DIRECTORY OF DEALER 1'1IEi\IBERS BILLIG & RICH IRWIN HEIMAN 55 West 42nd St. 2 West 46th St. New York 18, N. Y. New York 36, N. Y. L. W. CHARLAT F. W. KESSLER 180 Broadway 500 Fifth Ave. New York 7 , N. Y. New York 36, N. Y. P. J. DROSSOS JOHN W . NICKLIN 1 St. Denys Place 110 West 42nd St. Athens, Greece New York 18, N. Y. FATOULLAH & LAZAR PENNY BLACK STAMP CO. 116 Nassau St. 116 Nassau Street New York 38, N. Y. New York 38, N. Y. GIMBEL'S STAMP DEPT. H. REICHENTHAL B'way & 33rd St. ("Mr. Aero-World") New York 1, N. Y. P. 0. Box 870 Miami 5, Florida ·' H. R. HARMER. INC. NICOLAS SANABRIA CO., 6 West 48 St. INC. New York 36, N. Y. 521 Fifth Ave. New York 17, N. Y. H. E. HARRIS & CO. S. SEREBRAKIAN, INC. 108 Mass. Ave. P. O. Box 448 Boston 17, Mass. MONROE, N. Y. Vol. VI No. 1 THE AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS BRAZIL (Zoran N initch l ········································································ 3 Tlir /:. T A Cr1111pn11J ./ir ,1/(li/ tnm/>s 1958 EXHIBITION and CONVENTION ·· ······· ······ ··································· 5 Plii/flll1 /phio, Pa. OcttJb1 r. ll):;8 VENEZUELA <Henry Kraemer ) ................. ............................................. 6 T /11 z lJs. "/ ll)J7 u ith Tnp/1 Ot•..rpr111t UNITED STATES (Henry M . Coodkind l ................................................ 7 RF (1'•1·rpri111s 19++-+5 <111 A 1r ,\/riil tamps anti totir1111 r\ (Crmd11siu11} EDITORIAL ............................................................. ................................. 30 Jlr111J R1•asr111s ffJr , atisfnctio11 INDEX of VOLUME V ............................................................................ 31 Copyright, 1958, by Aero Philatelists, Inc. A uo Philatrlirt A 1111als Henry M. Coodkind, Editor All communications regarding publication, editorial matters, all literature for review should be sent to the Editor. Organization matters and all communications relating to Aero Philatelists, Inc. should be mailed to: AERO PHILATELISTS, Inc. 22 EAST 35 STREET NEW YORK 16, N. Y. THE AERO PHILATELISTS ANNALS published quarterly each year by Aero Philatelists, Inc., 22 East 35 Street, a non-profit corporation, chartered in New York State. Printed by J. W . Stowell Printing Co .. Federalsburg, Md. Entered as Second-Class Matter at Federals­ burg, Md .. under Act of March 3 , 1879. Distributed free of charge to all members of Aero Philatelists, Inc .. in good standing. Back numbers, when available, fo r sale at $1 .00 each. ADVERTISING RATES Advertising is accepted only from members or firms of which one individual is a member of Aero Philatelists. Rates are as follows: Cover-- Second ........................ $22.50 Per insertion Third ............................ 22.50 Per insertion Fourth ........................ 25.00 Per Insertion Inside-- Page rate .................. 20 .00 Per insertion Half page .................. 12.50 Per insertion Subject to 20 °!0 discount for four consecutive insertions. This discount applies only if the space taken is the same size in each issue. For Advertising, please contact: BERNARD FINK, 1528 Pitkin Avenue, Brooklyn , N. Y. 1958 OFFICERS Pruit/mt - - - -·-· _ STANLEY R. RICE Exuutit•r T' icr Prn idr11 t --- ------------- - SA~I RODV I EX First T'icr Pru it/mt ·- --·-·- ---- LO ' IS ~ - STAU B rcrrtar> ___ _ _ _ __ ,____ PHILIP SIL ER Assista 11 t rcrrtary . FRAl'\K GLANZ T reasurrr ___ --· _ _ BER~ARD F'l N K 2 BRAZIL The ETA Company Air ~fail Stamps (San. ros. 301-305) By ZORA:\ ~l~ITCH • A law of 1920 established the air mail service m Brazil. But only by the statute of :\I arch 27. 1927 was chis first legislation put in to effect. The means used b} Brazil to inaugurate its air mail service is perhaps different than that used by other countries. The Government authorized the Aviation Companie., non-government enterprises operatinl? within Brazil. to is ue pecial air mail stamps to pay for the extra air mail ervice. The public usinl? the air mail service was obliged to pay both the national postaj?e rate for letters plu~ the air post rare. which was considered an extra tax. It ma)' be for these reasons that "the Scott Catalogue" does not list these Brazil air mails, considering them of a private nature.•• But other cataloj!s do. The stamps described are listed as anabria ~os. 301-5: Yvert 1-5 and .\lichel E-1-5. \Vhen air mail ''as e tablished in Brazil, there were three Aviation Companies f)perating and authorized to issue special stamps fo r air post. Tht:}' were 1) Syndicato Kondor, 2) Varig ••• and 3) the ET.A Co. ETA is the abbreviated name for "Empresa de Transporres Aereos''. The first issue of the ETA tamps appeared on June 19, 1929. They were i sued in .;mall sheets of 16 ({ x {) with the following denominations-200. 1000. 2000 and 5000 reis. The first issue was printed on thick paper with yellowish gum and with dean 11 0 perforations ( See Fig. 1 ). Ar the rime of this issue. the air rate for a letter was 200 reis. On ~ovember 28, 1929 a new denomination was added to the set with the same design and also printed in sheets of fou r stamps. Bur this new 300 rci• appeared in small •heets that were not perforated on all sides. (Sec FiJ!. 2). Thus sin,:de copies of the 300 reis are found with two straiJ?ht edge~. The owner of the ETA Company in order to improve the appearance of the stamps ordered a nC\\ issue. Ho" ever, the printer did not follow the orders but printed all five denominations on one sheet. ( cc FiJ?'. 3). The paper now used was a thin, transparent one and the !?Um was white. The ETA Company refused to accept rhc new stamps as printed and requested that the job be done over a{!ain. The printer, in order not to lose money on the order. now furnished miniature sheets of 16 omewhar like the first except that he cut our the last row with the four 300 reis stamp$ (see Fig. {) and then made a new block of four sheet with only the 300 rci . (Fig. 2). The heets comprisin{! the First t ~sue has on the lower part a perforated lar1?e white margin. Fij?'. 1 shows where the four ed~cs of the ~heer are not perforated. The sheets • \ Ir. Ninitch is the editor of "lira.ii Filuelico", official rublicntion of "The Clube Filatelico do Rru il", one of the lnr~ut philatdic clubs in South Amoricn. The folio" ini: article wa. publishod in Portu~ue•e in the "Hrn1il f'ilnttlico" No. 8 t. December, t9-'8. The author ha. tromlntcd it iuto En!!li1h for c<clu'" e publicotion in Tll E ,\REO l'H I LATELIST •\NNALS. ••( EJ11or' 1 S otr) It can be point rd out thnt 1rnrtine "ith the ICJSi edition. " The con Standard Poi!R.lle Stamp Cataloi:ue" liated Colombia's French and cndu Company air mail 11nmp1 and in 19;8 added those from Ecuador. ••• ~e AERO PHILATELIST ANNALS \ 'ol. Ill, No. 3. Aero Pltilottlist 1111110/s 3 BRAZIL , ' ' I • I I I ' 200 I 20() I 20() I I I f I 4 -- - ~--s __... ... ---:- ...,..._ - -..., -- --..-.. ----'.. --L---- I 1 I I , f I I I I 1000 I 1CJOo 1 l.000 I 1000 1000 . 1000 1000 I lc:a> ... ~-.............. ---·--~ --~,. - .. ~.- ~ -- _, - -. --· - .... ~ ._ - .. ..._ I J I l f' 200() 'I 2000 'I 2()00 ,I 2000 jQ)() I iOOQ I 2000 I £000 . """" --- T -- • .....,...._ -- -r ... ___... .. -- -..&. -- - ..t ._. __ --' ---- I I I I I I I I I I 6000 I 6000 : 1000 : 6000 ==·=-~ 'aooo '0000 • aaoo .-.-. ... .., ___ ... -.---- - -- --..&- ,. - ... _,_ ........ l... ----- ___ 1I ' t I I I t I • •I ~·t aoo 'I .• Fif. 1 Fig 3 . .l '. .' 200 I 2()0 20() I 200 300 .. 800 - ........ -- - ..J. - __ .J. - .- - .~ I . ' • • • .. • ' • • • , iooo ~1000 :1oco , loco ... I I I aoo . IOO ), -- .._ - '-. -- ~ -- -... j .-.. ..... --- ,. I I ' I I ' I I I I I Fig'. 2 2000 2000 2000 eoco ... .. - -- _J .. ~--'· .,...,,,_ .....,._ ... - -- ' I I I I I I 6000 !&Q()Q : 6oa) : &00() r ig. 4 --)- ------L - ..... _._ ... --• ....... ..:Atl""" July, 1958 BRAZIL- 1958 EXHIJJITIO ' o f the econd Issue lacks the perforated ma rgin on the lower pare ( Fig . .i. ). Thus we fin d chat the stamps come in the folio\\ ing way. T he 200 and 300 reis cannot exist perforated on all four sides. The 1000, 2 000 and 5000 come cwo ways. Two ram p~ from each sheet of 16 come pe rforated all around, but che other two are perforated on three sides only. T he 300 rcis can he found in different forms. Those from the Second Issue, that were cue away by the printer, differ from chose he printed separately in a block of four. The forme r are perforated on thret! sides. but the latter on only two. The ' econd l s uc was also printed diffe rently. They were fi rst done in complete sh ee r ~ of ~o (8 x 5). These complete sheets do not exist, because they were cut into trips of live for s ale. Even this econd Issue in strips of five is scarce, and very few now e'i•c in coll ections, even in Brazil. ~l u lcipl e pieces o f the ETA Company stamps are seldom seen, and some of the most fa mous Brazili an air mail collection , when old at auction, disclche how little of the ETA Company stamps in blocks or strips existed. T he total quantity issued of hoth i"sues were 26oo miniature sheet of 16 with the fou r denominations and 2000 blocks of fou r with the 300 reis.
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