Accused Persons Arrested in Ernakulam Rural District from 25.03.2018 to 31.03.2018

Accused Persons Arrested in Ernakulam Rural District from 25.03.2018 to 31.03.2018

Accused Persons arrested in Ernakulam Rural district from 25.03.2018 to 31.03.2018 Name of Name of the Name of the Place at Date & Arresting Court at Sl. Name of the Age & Cr. No & Sec Police father of Address of Accused which Time of Officer, which No. Accused Sex of Law Station Accused Arrested Arrest Rank & accused Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Velikkakale House, 1094/2018 M S Rajan S JFCMC I 1 Bijukumar Saji 20/M Station 25.03.2018 U/s 457,380 Aluva East I of Police Aluva IPC Koyikkal House, 1190/2018 Damodaran Aramanakunnu, U/s 279 IPC Yacob M V S JFCMC I 2 Asok 42/M Market Jn 25.03.2018 Aluva East Pillai Chungamveli, & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Keezhmadu, Aluva Act Palakkaparambil 1192/2018 House, Elluvaram Shamsudhee Muhammed Edayappuram U/s 279 IPC Rejiraj V D S JFCMC I 3 29/M Colony Bhagam, 25.03.2018 Aluva East n Kutty Jn & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Kunnathukara, Act Marambilly Puthuppadi House, 1193/2018 Kulappilly U/s 279 IPC Rejiraj V D S JFCMC I 4 Rintu Yacob Yacob 24/M Mangamoola Market Jn 25.03.2018 Aluva East & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Bhagam, Act cherankode, Nilgiris Kalabari Bhagam, 867/2018 Thanju Najipoor Village, U/s Sebastin S I JFCMC I 5 Fagil Sarkar, 28/M W Bengal 26.03.2018 Aluva East Sarkar Dhongal P.O, 457,461,380 of Police Aluva Murshidabahad IPC Aruliparambil 1206/2018 House, Nr Poyathil U/s 279 IPC Rejiraj V D S JFCMC I 6 Ali Sulaiman 28/M Juma Masjidh, Bye Pass 26.03.2018 Aluva East & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Vilayoor Kara, Act Vilayoor Kunnakkala House, 1207/2018 Rajasree School Radhakrishn Paravoorkaval U/s 15 ( c ) Rejiraj V D S JFCMC I 7 Rajeev K R 40/M Road, Kadungaloor, 26.03.2018 Aluva East an a of Abkari I of Police Aluva Aluva Act Pushparagam 1209/2018 House, U/s 279 IPC Rejiraj V D S JFCMC I 8 Renjith Sathyanathn 41/M Parambayam, DPO Jn 26.03.2018 Aluva East & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Desom, Act Chengamanad Vadassery House, 1221/2018 Jerteena Thottakattukara U/s 279 IPC JFCMC I 9 Paul Mathew Poulose 62/M Bye Pass 27.03.2018 Aluva East Francis Kara, Nr SP Camp & 185 of MV Aluva S I of Police Office, Aluva Act Pandathukudi House, Parambayam 1222/2018 Jerteena Kara, Parambayam U/s 279 IPC JFCMC I 10 Anoop Husain 38/M Bye Pass 27.03.2018 Aluva East Francis Juma Masjid, & 185 of MV Aluva S I of Police Chengamanad Act Pariyarathu House, 1224/2018 Jerteena Kunjumothee Companypadi, U/s 269 IPC JFCMC I 11 Moosa P K 50/M Companypadi 27.03.2018 Aluva East Francis n Thaikkattukara P.O, & 120(e) of Aluva S I of Police Aluva KP Act Thottapilly House, 1219/2018 Nr Yoodha Sleha U/sII(ii) Jerteena JFCMC I 12 Rijo Thomas Thomas 36/M Churach, Josepuram Station 28.03.2018 POCSO ACT Aluva East Francis Aluva Bhagam, Angamaly & 119( a ) of S I of Police KP Act Mooppukandathil House, Nr Juma Masjid, Uliyanoor, Kadungaloor Now Residing at 957/2018 U/s A1- Abdul Abdul Rejiraj V D S JFCMC I 13 48/M Muppukandathil Station 28.03.2018 324,326,34 Aluva East Azeez Rahman I of Police Aluva House, IPC Chavarpadam Bhagam, Thaikkattukara, Choornikara, Aluva Narimattathil House, Nr Juma Masjidh, 957/2018 U/s Abdul Rejiraj V D S JFCMC I 14 A2-Shemeer 35/M Uliyabnoor, Station 28.03.2018 324,326,34 Aluva East Khader I of Police Aluva Kadungallor IPC Muppukandathil House, 1226/2018 Jerteena Abdul Chavarpadam Pulinchode, U/s 279 IPC JFCMC I 15 Abdul Azeez 48/M 28.03.2018 Aluva East Francis S I of Rahman Bhagam, Aluva & 185 of MV Aluva Police Thaikkattukara, Act Choornikara, Aluva Pariyarath House, 1228/2018 Vishal Kunjumoidh Thaikkattukara P.O, JFCMC I 16 Yusuf 54/M Choornikara 28.03.2018 U/s 406,420 Aluva East Johnson ee Choornikara, Aluva Aluva IPC C I of Police Neerelipadam 1237/2018 House, U/s 279 IPC Rajan M S S JFCMC I 17 Sreenivasan Rajan 39/M Madhavapuram Market Jn 29.03.2018 Aluva East & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Colony, Aluva West Act Village Marayil House, 1238/2018 West Kadungaloor Paravoorkaval U/s 279 IPC Abdul Khader JFCMC I 18 Prasanth Sugathan 41/M 29.03.2018 Aluva East Alangadu a & 185 of MV S I of Police Aluva Act Palliparambil 1244/2018 Seminarypadi Abdul Khader JFCMC I 19 Joy Varghese 57/M House, 29.03.2018 U/s 118 ( a ) Aluva East Jn, Aluva S I of Police Aluva Patteripuram, Aluva of KP Act Kanjiliparambil House, Nr Siva 1253/2018 Temple Chowara Power House U/s 279 IPC Rajan M S S JFCMC I 20 Rajan K K Kavalan 49/M 31.03.2018 Aluva East Kara, JN & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Sreemoolanagaram, Act Chowara, Kalady Chulliparambil 1254/2018 House, Asha Lane, Power House U/s 279 IPC Rajan M S S JFCMC I 21 Anwar Ummer 52/M 31.03.2018 Aluva East Aluva Kara, Aluva JN & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Act M M Manzil Companypadi, 1261/2018 Mansoor M KSRTC Bus Rajan M S S JFCMC I 22 Nasseer 28/M Manthrackal, 31.03.2018 U/s 118 ( a ) Aluva East N Stand I of Police Aluva thaikkattukara P.O, of KP Act Aluva Eazhathara House, 1262/2018 Left Side of Canal U/s 279 IPC Rajan M S S JFCMC I 23 Vinodh Velayudhan 48/M Road, Grant Jn 31.03.2018 Aluva East & 185 of MV I of Police Aluva Andicompany, Act Asokapuram, Aluva Samudhayaparambu Male 25.03.18 at Cr 329/18 24 Ajithkumar Gopalan House,West Kottapuram Aluva West Anilkumar L Station Bail 40/18 10.30 Hrs U/S 279 IPC Veliyathunadu Kallupurakkal Cr 330/18 u/s Male House,Panayikulam, 25.03.18 at V.M. Nasar, 25 George Kuriyan Kottapuram 279 IPC & Aluva West Station Bail 30/18 Alangadu 12.00 hrs SI 185 MV Act Mangattuparambil Male 25.03.18 at Cr 331/18 u/s 26 Rajish Ravi House,Panayikulam, Kottapuram Aluva West Anilkumar L Station Bail 27/18 12.30 hrs 279 IPC Alangadu Koduveliparambu Cr 332/18 u/s Male House,Kochal,Kottu 25.03.18 at V.M. Nasar, 27 Ibin Antony Antony Kottappuram 279 IPC & Aluva West Station Bail 29/18 vally 12.40 hrs SI 185 MV Act Thareparambil Cr 333/18 u/s Male House,Ezhikara 25.03.18 at 28 Shinoj Shibu Kottapuram 279 IPC & Aluva West Anilkumar L Station Bail 20/18 16.45 hrs 185 MV Act Vadayath Kochukurum Male 25.03.18 at Cr 334/18 u/s 29 Wilson House,Edayar,Kadu Kottapuram Aluva West Anilkumar L Station Bail ban 49/18 17.30 hrs 279 IPC ngallur HM Veedu Cr 335/18 Male House,Nallamadanc 25.03.18 at U/S 279 IPC 30 Surajith Rajan Kottapuram Aluva West SI Rajesh Station Bail 31/18 hallavilayadi,Vandit 19.45 & 185 MV havalam,Chittor Act Gram,Bhavanigani, Cr 336/18 Male 25.03.18 at 31 Ramthivari Mahangi Baylol,Sidarth Kottapuram U/S 15© of Aluva West SI Rajesh Station Bail 28/18 20.0 hrs Nagar Abkari Act Ashariparambu Cr 337/18 Male Malikampeedi 25.03.18 at 32 Sarath Selvan House,Neericode,Al U/S 6(b) r/w Aluva West SI Rajesh Station Bail 20/18 ka 8.15 hrs angadu 24 of Cotpa Eravipurath Cr 338/18 u/s Male House,Near 26.03.18 at V.M. Nasar, 33 Jithin Jayan Kottapuram 118€ OF KP Aluva West Station Bail 22/18 Eravipuram 11.00 hrs SI Act Temple,Alangad Ashariparambu Cr 340/18 u/s Male House,Karakulam,M 26.03.18 at 34 Sanish Dhanapalan Kottapuram 279 IPC & Aluva West R.Rajesh,SI Station Bail 30/18 anakkapady 17.30 hrs 185 MvV Act Thoppil Cr 341/18 u/s House,Manjali Male 26.03.18 at 279 IPC& 35 Samroodh Moidheen Kottapuram Aluva West R.Rajesh,SI Station Bail 19/18 19.15 hrs 132 r/W 179 of MV Act Jith Cr 342/18 Male,3 Bhavan,Kadappakad 27.03.18 U/S 279 IPC SI Sleeba P 36 Sreejith Sasidharan Kottapuram Aluva West Station Bail 9/18 a,Asramam,Kollam at 8.20 hrs & 185 MV Varghese Act Peedikaparambil Male Veedu,League 27.03.18 at Cr 343/18 u/s 37 Abdul Salam Muhammed Kottapuram Aluva West SI Rajesh Station Bail 29/18 Junction,Veliyathun 14.45 hrs 279 IPC adu,Karumalloor Vengola Cr 345/18 u/s Purushotham Male House,Manakkapad 27.03.18 38 Sajeev Kottappuram 279 IPC & Aluva West SI RAjesh Station Bail an 43/18 y,Karumalloor at20.35 hrs 185 MV Act Panad Cr 346/18 u/s Male House,Marottychode 28.03.18 at 39 Saji Kumaran Manakkapady 279 IPC & Aluva West SI Rajesh Station Bail 37/18 ,Karumalloor 12.30 hrs 185 MV Act Vazhelil House, Cr 347/18 u/s Parameswara Male Mambra 28.03.18 at SI Sleeba P 40 Anilkumar Kottapuram,Alangad 118(a) of KP Aluva West Station Bail n 46/18 Junction 18.20 hrs Varghese Act Kanapilly Cr 348/18 u/s Male House,Panayikulam, 29.03.18 at V.M.

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