DARNTON B3 ARCHITECTS On behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council TAFF VALE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, PONTYPRIDD ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL REPORT 16 MAY 2017 4 Stangate House Stanwell Road Penarth Vale of Glamorgan CF64 2AA Telephone: 029 20 408 476 e-mail: [email protected] Website: www.soltysbrewster.com DARNTON B3 ARCHITECTS On behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council TAFF VALE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT, PONTYPRIDD ECOLOGICAL APPRAISAL REPORT DOCUMENT REF: E174701/Doc 02 – 16 MAY 2017 Issue Revision Stage Date Prepared by Approved by Signed 1 - Draft for 16 May Matthew Watts PAC 2017 (Director) Submission Darnton B3 on behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC Taff Vale Redevelopment Project Ecological Appraisal E1774701/ Doc 02 CONTENTS Summary 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Methodology Review of Existing Survey Information Otter Survey 3.0 Results Review of Existing Survey Information Field Survey 4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations References Appendices Appendix I Site Location & Proposed Redevelopment Plan Appendix II Desk Study Information Appendix III Target Notes and Annotated Otter Survey Plan, April 2017 Appendix IV Site Notes For Check of River Wall, 09 May 2017 Appendix V Landscape Planting Plan Darnton B3 on behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC Taff Vale Redevelopment Project Ecological Appraisal E1774701/ Doc 02 SUMMARY As part of the multi-disciplinary design team appointed for the Taff Vale Redevelopment project in Pontypridd, Soltys Brewster Ecology were commissioned to undertake an updated ecological appraisal of the site and adjacent river corridor. Survey work, comprising of data searches, bat and Otter surveys were completed in 2015 by Soltys Brewster to inform separate applications for demolition of the basement car park and an Outline planning submission (Ref: 16/0848/08) for redevelopment of the site. Although both applications were approved by Rhondda Cynon Taff (RCT), a slight change to the extent of the red-line boundary during the design stage (post approval) has necessitated a new planning application to be made with associated technical reports. The current report presents the findings of an updated desk study exercise and targeted Otter survey along the river corridor to identify ecological constraints/opportunities associated with the mixed-use redevelopment of the site. Following demolition works over winter (Jan – March 2017) and discussion with the local authority ecologist, the focus of the updated ecological appraisal for the new application was identified (and agreed) as the corridor of the River Taff and associated bank-side habitats. The application site now comprises of compacted, levelled demolition rubble above the riverside flood defence/retaining wall with vertical retaining walls remaining from the former basement car park - these features were considered of no ecological importance as regards the planning application. An updated data search via the South East Wales Biodiversity Records Centre (SEWBReC) and review of previous survey reports completed by Soltys Brewster Ecology (2015) and others (2009, 2012) established that the River Taff is locally designated as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). The river corridor between Bridge Street and the existing footbridge from the town centre into the park is known to be used by Otter Lutra lutra as well as several species of foraging (and possibly roosting) bats such as Common and Soprano Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus & P. pygmaeus. These species would be of relevance to redevelopment of the site during both the construction and operational phases. The Otter survey, undertaken on 21 April 2017, incorporated the same survey extent as that reported in 2015 extending from the Ynysanghard Park footbridge to 50m upstream of Bridge Street. Evidence of continued use by Otter was confirmed by spraint at several locations along both the western (site) and eastern (park) banks. A small number of lying up spots (sheltered locations that an Otter could use on a temporary basis) were also identified over the course of the survey. The vegetation along the western bank within the surveyed area had been cleared (possibly by Welsh Water) in February 2017 although regrowth was evident during the current survey – this included several stands or localised areas supporting invasive Japanese Knotweed Fallopia japonica, Himalayan Balsam Impatiens glandulifera and Montbretia Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora. No trees are present along the western bank and no features suitable for roosting bats were associated with the flood defence wall alongside the site. However, several trees along Darnton B3 on behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC Taff Vale Redevelopment Project Ecological Appraisal E1774701/ Doc 02 the eastern bank could support roosting bats and the continued use of the river corridor by foraging/commuting bats would be assumed. The redevelopment of the site would not result in any direct impacts or loss of habitat along the river corridor although the potential for indirect effects, including accidental spillages or surface water run-off and disturbance (from noise & light) would need to be addressed during the construction phase via a Contractors Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). The production and agreement of the CEMP could be controlled by a suitably worded condition. During operation of the completed scheme, indirect effects of lighting on the river corridor will be addressed via a lighting strategy whereby all interior lights would be on a timer and street lighting design such that increased illumination of the river corridor (over and above the existing levels) is minimised as far as practicable. The redevelopment will also incorporate localised enhancement measures for birds and bats including boxes for Swift Apus apus, House Sparrow Passer domesticus and roosting bats incorporated along the eastern elevation of Buildings A & B (along the river frontage) and nest tunnels for use by Sand Martin Riparia riparia or Kingfisher Alcedo athis incorporated into the void between the floor slab and basement car park with direct access (for birds) onto the river corridor. A management plan to control the spread of invasive weeds on the river bank alongside the site will be agreed and implemented (working alongside RCT). Monitoring of invasive weed management would also be implemented with supplementary planting of available bankside habitat if required to maintain cover for Otter, riverine birds and invertebrates. Darnton B3 on behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC Taff Vale Redevelopment Project Ecological Appraisal E1774701/ Doc 02 INTRODUCTION 1.1. In order to inform separate applications for demolition and redevelopment of the former Taff Vale Shopping Centre in Pontypridd (see location plan in Appendix I), Soltys Brewster Ecology (SBE) were commissioned by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council (RCT) to undertake bat and otter surveys in 2015 (SBE 2015). Consent for the demolition and Outline planning approval (Ref: 16/0848/08) was subsequently granted and demolition works completed between January and March 2017. However, due to a change in the extent of the red-line boundary for redevelopment of the site, a new planning application was required with associated technical reports and supporting documents. 1.2. The site formerly comprised of a shopping precinct with underground/basement car parking to the south of Bridge Street, immediately north of the town centre. The site, located at Grid Ref: ST 0735 9036, currently comprises of the remaining retaining walls of the basement car park alongside Bridge Street, Taff Street and Crossbrook Street with the flood defence wall along the eastern boundary of the site with the River Taff. The site at ‘ground level’ comprises of compacted, levelled rubble following completion of demolition operations between January and March 2017 (see front cover photo & Plate 1). Plate 1 Existing site conditions (April 2017). Viewed looking north from Crossbrook Street Darnton B3 on behalf of Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC Taff Vale Redevelopment Project Ecological Appraisal E1774701/ Doc 02 1.3. The scope of the ecological survey work to inform the current application was discussed and agreed with the local authority ecologist in March/April 2017. The main body of the site (i.e. levelled demolition rubble) was considered of little or no ecological value, with the focus of the survey work and any mitigation or enhancement measures as part of the redevelopment, directed at the river corridor. 1.4. The current report describes the findings of an updated data search (including a request for fisheries/invertebrate records held by Natural Resources Wales (NRW)) and otter survey undertaken in April 2017 to inform the proposed mixed use redevelopment at the site. The report describes constraints/opportunities associated with the proposed development works and identifies mitigation and enhancement measures appropriate to the survey findings and associated impacts relating to bats, otters and other biodiversity features within and adjacent to the site (e.g. stands of invasive weeds, River Taff corridor in general). 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1. In order to establish the relevant baseline ecological conditions within and adjacent to the red-line application boundary, a combination of desk-based review of information/previous reports and an otter survey were undertaken in March/April 2017 by a suitably experienced ecologist1. Review of Existing Survey Information 2.2. In order to inform demolition of the Taff Vale precinct (floor
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