THE DIAPASON MAY, 2012 Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Atlanta, Georgia Cover feature on pages 30–31 THE DIAPASON Letters to the Editor A Scranton Gillette Publication One Hundred Third Year: No. 5, Whole No. 1230 MAY, 2012 2011 OHS convention report OHS Database for those curious about Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 I want to thank Frank Rippl for his this remarkable instrument. An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, comprehensive review of the 2011 OHS Ronald Stolk’s amazing artistry was the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music national convention in Washington, missed by those whose Saturday bus D.C. (The Diapason, March 2012, pp. transportation did not materialize until a 24–29). He condensed the vast and com- late hour, due to circumstances beyond plex detail from the Atlas as well as my the control of the OHS. Ron is direc- CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA [email protected] sometimes too extensive verbal remarks tor of music and organist of St. Patrick’s 847/391-1045 with uncanny accuracy. There are a few R.C. Church and lecturer in organ at the FEATURES details that need clarifi cation for the re- Catholic University of America. A native Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musi- cians: Conference XXIX, Columbus, Ohio Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON cord and here they are offered while the of the Netherlands, he studied at the by Donald Fellows 20 [email protected] information is fresh in my memory. Royal Conservatory in The Hague and 847/391-1044 The M. P. Möller organ (Opus 8540, with Jean Langlais and Gaston Litaize in An Update on the Organs of the Keweenaw by Janet Anuta Dalquist 21 Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER 1953) located in the George Washington Paris. He served three terms as dean of Masonic Memorial was entirely designed the District of Columbia AGO chapter, A Conversation with Wilma Jensen Harpsichord by Andrew Peters 22 by Ernest White. The original specifi ca- and was convention coordinator of the JAMES MCCRAY tion is in White’s hand and he approved 2010 AGO national convention. Stolk’s A Kimball Turns 100: Leigh Street Baptist Choral Music all details in the specifi cation and shop program featured an alternatim setting Church, Richmond, Virginia by Donald R. Traser 24 notes, the sources for the documenta- of the Latin hymn Adoro te, supplex, BRIAN SWAGER tion. The Atlas article and my personal sung at a slow tempo typical of the mid- A new four-manual pipe organ in seven weeks: Carillon Möller Opus 6373 at Chicago’s Carl Schurz remarks expressed the opinion that the 19th century, with versets by Lefébure- High School JOHN BISHOP sound resembles certain organs built late Wély. From Louis Vierne’s Pièces de by Dennis Northway 26 In the wind . in Richard Whitelegg’s lifetime but that Fantaisie, Stolk gave us graceful perfor- the Choir division clearly refl ects the mances of Andantino, op. 51, no. 2 and NEWS & DEPARTMENTS GAVIN BLACK tastes of Mr. White and stands in stark Impromptu, op. 54, no. 2. He continued Editor’s Notebook 3 On Teaching contrast to that aspect of Whitelegg’s in- with a sturdy and nuanced performance Letters to the Editor 3 Reviewers Jay Zoller struments. Whitelegg died in 1944. of Passacaglia by Hendrik Andriessen Here & There 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 John L. Speller In the matter of Eileen Guenther’s and then concluded with a sprightly im- Nunc Dimittis 10 John Collins performance on the 1969 Rieger organ provisation displaying the many colors David Wagner Harpsichord News by Larry Palmer 12 located in All Souls Church, Unitarian, of the church’s French-style instrument In the wind . by John Bishop 13 the reviewer was likely unaware of the by Lively-Fulcher (1994). This organ very challenging mechanical condition contains material surviving from earlier On Teaching by Gavin Black 14 of this instrument. The historic import of organs by Carl Barckhoff (1895), Lewis this large Orgelbewegung design was the & Hitchcock (1932), and M. P. Möller REVIEWS THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly Music for Voices and Organ 16 by Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc., 3030 W. Salt imperative for including it in the conven- (1943, a revision of the 1932 organ car- Creek Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025. Book Reviews 17 tion and we must express our thanks to ried out under the direction of Richard Phone 847/391-1045. Fax 847/390-0408. Telex: 206041 Dr. Guenther for her fi ne playing in spite Whitelegg). St. Patrick’s, the oldest Ro- New Recordings 18 MSG RLY. E-mail: <[email protected]>. New Organ Music 19 Subscriptions: 1 yr. $38; 2 yr. $60; 3 yr. $80 (Unit- of the present diffi culties of this interest- man Catholic parish in the City of Wash- ed States and U.S. Possessions). Foreign subscrip- ing organ. ington (1794), was likely home to the NEW ORGANS 32 tions: 1 yr. $48; 2 yr. $70; 3 yr. $95. Single copies $6 I was touched by the inclusion of my fi rst church pipe organ in the city, an in- (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). CALENDAR 33 Back issues over one year old are available only from description of the 1894 Hook & Hast- strument long known as the “Port Royal ORGAN RECITALS 36 The Organ Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 26811, Rich- ings organ at Epiphany Catholic Church, Organ.” The second organ of the church mond, VA 23261, which can supply information on avail- Georgetown. I must honestly report that was by Henry Erben (1857). The church CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 38 abilities and prices. while the sound of the organ is exquisite, also contained a chancel choir organ by Periodical postage paid at Rochelle, IL and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes the facts were laid bare after the Atlas Hook & Hastings (Opus 2254, 1910). Cover: A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company, to THE DIAPASON, 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, Ar- publication deadline: like a fi ne vintage The present Gothic revival-style church Lithonia, Georgia; Immaculate Heart of Mary lington Heights, IL 60005-5025. wine that has been topped off in the cel- building was designed by architect Law- Catholic Church, Atlanta, Georgia 30 Routine items for publication must be received six weeks in advance of the month of issue. For advertising lars with the new, there is some modern rence J. O’Connor and built 1872–84. copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contributors fl ue pipework installed in this instru- In the review of Kevin Birch’s pro- www.TheDiapason.com of articles should request a style sheet. Unsolicited re- ment. This dates from the restoration by gram, Grand Choeur in G is by Theo- views cannot be accepted. the Welte-Whalon fi rm in the 1960s. dore Salomé (not Solomon). This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, an- notated in Music Article Guide, and abstracted in RILM The Roosevelt organ (Opus 290, 1885) Please join the OHS in Chicago Abstracts. at St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, Wash- (2012), Northern Vermont (2013), and Copyright © 2012. Printed in the U.S.A. ington, D.C., is described as playing on the many thrilling future conventions electro-pneumatic action. The history of being planned at this time! THE DIAPASON accepts no responsibility or liability for the validity of information supplied by contributors, this organ is quite convoluted and suffi - Carl Schwartz vendors, advertisers or advertising agencies. cient to reduce the most avid fan of such 2011 OHS national convention chair information to a state of hopeless con- and contributing editor for the No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the specifi c written permission fusion. Imagine the task of sorting this convention Atlas of the Editor, except that libraries are authorized to make photocopies of the material contained herein for the purpose of course reserve reading at the rate of one copy for every fi fteen students. Such copies may be reused for out! I don’t have to imagine. As reported other courses or for the same course offered subsequently. in the convention Atlas, almost all the The author replies manual voices stand on the original toe- I thank Dr. Schwartz for fl eshing out boards played by means of direct-electric several gaps in my reporting of the D.C. actions, this dating from the most recent convention with his detailed and poetic renovation by R. A. Daffer, Inc. The commentary. Furthermore, I do apolo- Editor’s Notebook offset pipes are on electro-pneumatic gize to Eileen Guenther. I truly did not chests and actions installed by Lewis & realize the diffi culties she faced with the Hitchcock in 1929–30. The original Ped- action of the 1969 Rieger organ, and I In this issue vanced practice techniques in his col- al, diffi cult to study due to the cramped am very glad she played it for us so he- The organ and church music world umn on pedagogy. Arthur E. Schlueter conditions, appears to be on Roosevelt roically. It was fascinating to hear this has suffered the loss of more luminaries. III describes the new Schlueter organ action. The organ sounds splendid in important transitional organ from the David Craighead died March 26. Known at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic the room and very much a Roosevelt. mid-twentieth century. worldwide as a stellar performer and Church in Atlanta. This is in addition to The documentation is now posted to the Frank Rippl gifted and compassionate teacher, he is our regular columns of news, reviews, greatly missed.
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