May 11, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E797 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF BERNIE EPWORTH RECOGNIZING THE PASSING OF shortness of breath. Upon his return home, ANTHONY J. ‘‘TED’’ CIANO Grayson listened carefully as his father, Joe, described his symptoms—shortness of breath, HON. JOHN H. ADLER HON. JEFF MILLER sweating, pain, and being thirsty. With his Readyman training in first-aid, Grayson recog- OF NEW JERSEY OF FLORIDA nized that his father was having a heart attack IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and insisted that his mother call 911. The Tuesday, May 11, 2010 paramedics arrived and quickly rushed Mr. Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, it James to the hospital for surgery to repair the Mr. ADLER of New Jersey. Madam Speak- is with a heavy heart that I rise to recognize blockage in his heart. Grayson’s quick think- er, I would like to congratulate Mr. Bernie the passing of one of Pensacola, Florida’s ing, presence of mind, and the utilization of his scouting skills saved his father’s life. Epworth upon the highly successful comple- most respected residents, Mr. Anthony Ciano. His life will not soon be forgotten. Instead, his tion of his term as the Department Com- For this courageous act, the Boy Scouts of life will be remembered as one embodying the mander for the State of New Jersey Jewish America are awarding Grayson with the Medal purest virtues of loyalty, hard work and self- of Merit. This prestigious award is given to War Veterans. He was appointed to this posi- lessness. For that reason, Madam Speaker, I those who have performed a significant act of tion in June 2009 and throughout his term, am honored to recognize the life and deeds of service that is deserving of national recogni- has been extremely dedicated to New Jersey’s Anthony Ciano on this day. tion. He handled the situation with a great veterans community. Born in Akron, Ohio as the son of Italian im- sense of calm and confidence, reassuring his Mr. Epworth was born in Brooklyn, New migrants, Mr. Ciano moved to Florida to begin family in the midst of this urgent situation. I York. He is a graduate of New York University his career. Starting out as an automobile me- am tremendously proud of Grayson for apply- and served as a First Lieutenant in the Ar- chanic in a new environment, it could have be- ing the principles and skills he learned in mored Calvary and in the New York National come very easy for him to lose heart and be- Scouting and for being prepared. come discouraged. However, never losing Guard. While serving as Vice President with Madam Speaker, I ask my esteemed col- sight of the American Dream, Mr. Ciano leagues to join me in congratulating Grayson Temple Beth Sholom in Fair Lawn, NJ, Mr. worked hard and eventually became the man- Epworth earned several awards, including the for receiving the Medal of Merit and in recog- ager of several automobile dealerships. In nizing him for his courage. Centennial Award of Honor from the Jewish 1968, Anthony Ciano moved to Pensacola and Theological Seminary and the Jewish Commu- purchased his first automobile dealership. With f nity Relations Council’s ‘Community Relations much diligence and commitment, Mr. Ciano Award.’ built his Ford dealership into one of the most WE THE PEOPLE: THE CITIZEN Mr. Epworth has achieved many great successful in the region and in the entire AND THE CONSTITUTION NA- things throughout the past year in his position country. TIONAL FINALS In addition to understanding the importance of Department Commander for the State of of hard work, Mr. Ciano also knew the value New Jersey Jewish War Veterans. Some high- of community service and charity. With an al- HON. ROB BISHOP lights of his administration have been orga- ways grateful heart, Mr. Ciano eagerly looked OF UTAH nizing the sending of packages to overseas for ways to give to others and contribute to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES troops through the JWV–SOS Program, help- community. He was involved in numerous civic ing organize the NJ Coalition of Veterans Or- and charitable organizations throughout North- Tuesday, May 11, 2010 ganizations, working on the consolidation of west Florida. Whether it was his work to begin Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Madam Speaker, from inactive posts, and incorporating programs the Boys’ Club of Escambia and his participa- April 24–26, 2010 more than 1,200 students and outside speakers on topics of interest for tion in the Rotary Club, or his support of local from across the country visited Washington, DCA meetings. law enforcement and the Miracle League D.C. to take part in the We the People: The Baseball Park for handicapped children, Mr. Additionally, he helped to organize this Citizen and the Constitution National Finals. Anthony Ciano was a leader who was ready to I am proud to announce that a class from year’s ‘March on the Hill,’ Co-chaired the Vet- give selflessly of himself for the betterment of Sky View High School represented the State eran’s Concert, a fundraiser, and set up a those around him and in his community. of Utah at this prestigious national event. Thanksgiving Dinner for the troops. He lobbied Madam Speaker, though Mr. Ciano may These outstanding students, through their for and accomplished free package shipping to have passed, the impact of his life, actions knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, won their troops via military transport, and assisted in and deeds will forever remain. My wife Vicki statewide competition and earned the chance and I express the deepest sympathies to his the inauguration of Operation Slam Dunk, to come to our nation’s capital and compete at loving wife Natalie and his children. which is a project that provides veterans and the national level. At the National Finals, Sky troops to participate together at Philadelphia f View High School won the Unit One Award by 76ers games. IN HONOR OF GRAYSON JAMES earning the most points in that unit of the text- His Commander’s Project this year was the book, which discusses the philosophical and furnishing of a Day Room at the Wounded historical foundations of the American political HON. PETE SESSIONS system. Warrior Building at Fort Dix. This is currently OF TEXAS I also wish to commend the teacher of the a work in progress and is to be dedicated as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the ‘‘NJ-Jewish War Veterans Day Room’’ in class, Mike Rigby, who is responsible for pre- Tuesday, May 11, 2010 June 2010. paring these young constitutional experts for Mr. SESSIONS. Madam Speaker, I rise the National Finals. Also worthy of special rec- Mr. Epworth has given so much of his time today to recognize a young man that I have ognition are Kathy Dryer, the State coordinator and effort for the Jewish War Veterans of New known his entire life, Grayson James. He is a and Shanna Futral, the district coordinator Jersey and I am very proud to have him as a Cub Scout with Pack 437 and saved his fa- who are responsible for implementing the We constituent. Madam Speaker, I hope you will ther’s life on the evening of Thursday, Feb- the People program in my district. join me in congratulating this honorable man ruary 11, 2010. I congratulate these young ‘‘constitutional for his contributions to his community and to After an afternoon of sledding with his experts’’ on their outstanding achievement at our Nation. daughter, Mr. Joe James began experiencing the We the People National Finals. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 Sep 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E11MY0.REC E11MY0 mmaher on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2010 HONORING JAMES E. MCERLANE needs and makes requests to the Disabled We also must do everything we can to con- FOR HIS SERVICE TO SCOUTING American Veterans to purchase items not rou- tinue to encourage the development of an en- tinely supplied by the VA. Once a month, ergy efficiency industry in this country. Foreign HON. JIM GERLACH Diane creates a fun activity for the residents, countries are threatening to take our market OF PENNSYLVANIA including parties with watermelon, cupcakes, share in manufacturing energy efficient tech- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fried chicken, strawberry shortcake and hot nologies and we cannot let this huge market dogs. Through her chapter, a juke box was go offshore. This bill will help create a larger Tuesday, May 11, 2010 donated to the center. market for these products and solidify our po- Mr. GERLACH. Madam Speaker, I rise Ms. Collins does things simply because she sition as a market leader. today to honor James E. McErlane, who has believes they are ‘‘the right thing to do.’’ She This bill is a win-win-win, and I urge all of earned the 2010 Distinguished Citizen Award exceeds expectations in all respects. To the my colleagues to support it. from the Chester County Council of Boy veterans’ delight, she brings young people with her to visit with them and regularly baby- Scouts of America. f Scouting has been a part of Mr. McErlane’s sits for a severely disabled neighbor.
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