Hit Weather ForeeMt of U. S. Weather BursMi Evrnina RMafit Fslr, mnrh colder tonight; iG E TWELVE Thiirsdsy fair and colder. 127,000 Local Manchester— A City of VUlage (:harm Emergency Doctors Porter St. Residents HALE'S SELF SERVE PRICE THREE CENI'S Novel Staging (EIGHTEEN PAGES) About Town Voting Units] The OriKlnal In New’EnRland! MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1940 Physicians of the Manchc.stcr O f Style Show Medical Association who Ask Walks, Policeman respond to emergency calls AND HEALTH MARKET morrow afternoon are Df- Different Word Than I nin» » t 8 o'clock at »<eadq»iarter«, Howard Boyd and rir. Rdmun^l C. I., of C. to Elim inate clal conat&bl* on Caae Brothers Precinct to Be Used in | Appear Before Select­ Spruce' street. Zaglio. _____ The Regulation Parade property wa« voted. Wed. Morning Specials men to Request Protec­ On requeat of the developers, Few States. ^ Mr. and Mrs. George ^ ^ r of Tomorrow Evening. the Board \»ted to call shortly a HrK. Green Stamps Given WltjK^ash Sales. The Sewing Circle of the Arneri- tion for Children Dur­ hearing on the ' acceptance of Washington, Nov. 6—(IPl — The I 173 Wetherell street 1 Turnbull road aa a public way. A Florida, and will »pcnd the wln^r can Ix'glon auxlliarj’ will, meet'to­ familiar "another prednet report-1 Caropbell'a Roosevelt /W inner Mrs. Henry Madden, chairman, revised map of Woodland Park at New Smyrna Beach. morrow evening at ' ing School Hours. ____ i^avid Thomas, 16 Courlland and her committee in charge of the tract waa accepted. tng” will dfn Into the ears of elec- | 3 Cans 22c The Board adjourned at 9:46 p. tlon tabulators far Into the night Tomato Soup \ The Girl Scout Leaders’ meeting i street. C. L. of C. Fall Fashion show to­ Demanding the Installation of \ m., one of the shortest aessiona in -In jnost of the country, but In a will be postponed until next week ad- morrow evening at the Whlton sidewalks on Porter street and several months. The Girl Scout organization haa Mrs.'^AIarv CyLOwe. few statefl different word® will be visor, i s X Harriers Beauty salon audltoriunj on North Main street police protection for the more than used to convey the same Idea. ^ n mvlted by the Am tstice Day giving a skin analy­ will pre.sent theetstyle revue In an <1 . 1 . 97c committee to take part Jn the all this we< 150 school children who are said l > ^ g a O f f l P f * H o i l T S In all, there are more than 127, Mozola Oil sis and siig^esl^oDs on the care of unusual manner, making it more Armistice.Day parade '’"•'‘t to be on the street! every day the ^ 0 8 1 f - F I I l C C n W U I B 000 precincts or other local voting the skin/ As a -specipeci.T.! feature s!i effective than the regulation fash­ Democrats Captnre dav All captains arc requested to units In the nation. Olant Size Package this wiek. a skirt treatment ion parade. The performance will PorUr street school I. In session. | A r i l l i s l i c e D a y note of .this and to mform more than 30 parents and proper­ Forty-four states tabulate and the Girl Scouti-tn their respective i/up l.s being gi\'en for the hit in four scones and the mmlela report vote totals by precincts. The 57e troops. Inslnictions will appear will wear clothe.s in keeping with ty owners in that section last other.four states have comparable Rinso later as to the time, formation and each scene. For example, the first night attended a public hearing Monday, November 11. which la voting units, but the count Is re­ And One l,arge Cannon Towel FKKF,! other details of the parade. The Ladies Aid pocietyNof the held by the Board of Selectmen. Armistice Day, will be observed as ported by "hoxe.s” In Alabama, by I Concordia Lutheran church, will The Board, unable to act on the a legal holiday at the local Po.st- “ towns" In Connecticut and Ver­ Waldorf Voters E l e c t Roosevelt for Third Term Election Is Conceded re- olflce, and the following schedule 1 The regular session of 'ne postpone Its regular meeting from placement of a policeman at the mont. and by "counties'’ In Texas. ^ 6 P State Ticket B olls (ilay- 7 30 'ins evening until the .-ame school for traffic duty, voted that w1U be in force on that day and Vary Widely In Size 4 17c men's setback league « .>'J ’*'- time tomorrow mght. The cliiireh Toilet Tissue ed in the tirchniisc ,t Ms ;«nd its chairman. David Chambers. date; Precincts vary widely In size, but board will also im W 'onmrrow City carrier service, none. ITllllard street lomght usual 4ittend the next Police Commission ordinarily bound an area laid out Hale's Quality Arrangements arcrtrr I'euw n*‘*^'*'made to night, at eight oclo. k at tlie par­ session to urge that the petition Rural carrier sendee, none. for the convenience of population during the sonage. of the Porter street group be meV Parcel post delivery, none. i,b. Winner pere; FDR By Wire from Willkie; groupings. A precinct In a large 14c ret five elrrtlon rctiir Registration of allena none. Red Bag Coffee that the Several spoke, deploring the city may cover only a few blocks, ol.TVlnsT- It IS oxp©<ftfil present lack of police protection Money order window and regis­ loeal returns wilP"^ known '’efoce (Ihaiuinade (lliib for the children, and citing the try window, both closed all day. whereas In a rural area It might plav start,* nn/ihe bulietins hat fact that. Porter street is continu­ Stamp window, general delivery embrace a much larger space hold-, w U be receiyfai .iiiritig llie time Doz. 285 Up on Willkie ally handling more and more traf- window, parcel post dispatch win­ ing fewer voters. Florida Oranges 2 29c that pUy i/ic.i,g hew will not he fiives Proiiram i dow, all open from 7:.30 a m *" Alabama will report on the basis Hurley New Governor fic. A sufflcient/dt is thmight to ' Want Pollconian .Assigned 10:30 a.m. of '2.30n lioxes. A box there may from the, playing. After the plav The question of sidewalk Ipstal- Mails to be received: 7;00 a.m., be equal to or less than the size of Tire of Counting Ballots; over Uie members "-ill rema.n f ri Lh. Nearly 90 Per Cent of The. Chaminade Musical Club, tn,| lation, before the hearing was ad­ 7:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. a preolnct, C a b b a g e 2c Ward Workers (Jo Home late/returns journed, appeared to have drop- Mails to be dispatched; 8:00 Connecticut has 189 and Ver­ Registered Voters Are Roosevelt Still A.sleep Pri-siilen^ SMashes One* with, it.s November ped to second place in the order j mont 246 voting units called State Gives Ei{zht Elee- a.ni.. 9:00 a m., 11:06 a.m. Worcester, Mas.s., Nov. 6.— When Telegram Is Sent O f AiiuX*'*^'* 01ile»l The C'eciUnn club will meet to- it Center cliun h house of importance, while, police assign- | The lobby of the poat office will "towns." This method dates, back ,\t Polls; Baldwin toral _VOtes to Roose­ ' night ut. 7:.30 at the South .Metho-^ ■■ffteruo.in i.p'sriiti.(l the ntent wa-s the most sought-after , 145 Klecllon officials here were bd closed for the remainder of the to Hie nation's birth and is an out- , Nov. 6. TraililionH Jn Battle dist church, Iho Mr.rpuh group consideration , ' growth of the old “ town eoimcH’’ HEALTH MARKET Cels .'>,978; Shea Is contcorijcrt with a unique sit­ Hyde Park. N. Y mg litersry sod musical day at 12:00 noon. uation today when the precinct velt ill DeMoeratie Riiosevelt^ was T-00, and the C.Uaner.s group w However, the Selectmen, in pn- ' These hours for Monday were form of government in New Eng­ Ours Is the land of steaks and chjips, (4’' -President For Thirii I'prin; De- I'rn^ram Seeond, Beals Carrily officers in Ward 10, Precinct 1, still sAlcep this morning when have a .-hort t.usincsa m-ctmg vatrt session, took up the sidewalk , announced today by Thomius J. land. A "town" voting unit usually o t iMirk, hectiiflBiiib and veal. Vietory in Whieh Par- Piano Duct, "Co>intry Dance”, I grew weary of counting ballots Wendell L. Willkie dispatched a 7;4.V 1 matter and voted to seek a W PA Qui.sh, Postmaster. embraces a city or town, but in .And thrifty costs when woman shops In Senatorial Dislriel. fraliTl Repiililiciin Can- Nevm Dorothy Kccncy, Bernice and quit in a bmly to go home. iv Wins Seven ('on- telegram congratulating him on ' i project whereby walks, curbs ami many in.stancca ihcludes outlying Put meat In any meal. Thrall , ... .. gutters W'lll be set on Porter So It at us should any scoff Patrolman .John J. Chartlcr • a third term victory. \ iliilale SeMis Congrat­ Voi'iil Tno, ".M Twilight . Ne: suburban areas. With nearly 90 per cent nf Man- jiressional Seats; Big White House officials said vlo, Mc7Zo-.Sop. obligato, Ap-e street, south side, from Gnandview .Iilst show this patriot label— on duty at the polling place at ulations on Re-Elec­ I*ick IiiiprovtMiieiil Texas will report Its vote by chjrster'a 12.900 registered voters that naturally the president Shaw.
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