Annual Report 年報 Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation 財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會 Annual Report 年報 Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation 財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會 目錄 CONTENTS 前言 FOREWORD 4 組織 傳播媒體業務 文化推廣業務 行政 ORGANIZATION 8 MASS MEDIA PRODOUCTIONS 28 CULTURAL PROMOTION PROJECTS 56 ADMINISTRATION 102 組織概況 Organizational Summary 10 電視新聞 TV News 30 補助作業 Sponsorship 58 行政制度建立 Administration Infrastructure 104 組織架構 Organizational Structure 10 每日新聞 TITV Daily News 文化藝術 Cultural Arts 組織優化 IPCF Optimization 110 業務職掌 Business Responsibilities 12 族語新聞 Indigenous Languages News 廣播節目製播 原住民族大功率全區廣播規劃 111 第二屆董監事成員 24 國內新聞專題 Domestic News Special Report Radio Program Production and Broadcasting Indigenous Peoples High-Power All Region Broadcasting Plan Members of the Board of Directors and Supervisors (the second term) 國外新聞專題 Foreign News Special Report 紀錄片 Documentary 成立新聞及節目自律委員會 112 員工結構分析 Employee Structure Statistics 26 電視節目 TV Programs 38 文化、藝術與傳播活動 64 News and Program Self-Disciplinary Committee 戲劇、紀錄片 Drama, Documentary Cultural, Artistic and Communicational Events 綜藝、表演、藝術 Entertainment, Performance, Art 第二屆Pulima藝術獎 The 2nd Pulima Art Award 生活、資訊、服務 Living, Information, Service 2014 Pulima藝術節 2014 Pulima Art Festival 學習 Education 愛丁堡藝穗節《Island Voices》 財務 節目製播比例分析 44 Edinburgh Fringe Festival《Island Voices》 FINANCIAL REPORTS 114 Program Production and Broadcasting Ratio Analysis 文化推廣及出版 Culture Promotion and Publication 82 預算執行率 The Operating Eciency of Budgeting 116 新製類型比 New Production Category Ratio 頻道包裝 Channel Image 新製、重製 / 購片比 原視界TITV雙月刊 New Production, Reworked / Acquisition Ratio Taiwan Indigenous Voice TITV Bimonthly Magazine 族語時數比 Indigenous Language Programs Airing Ratio 文化年曆 Cultural Year Planner Notebook 徵信錄 廣播節目製播及平台建置 46 吉祥物設計競賽 Mascot Design Competition DONOR LIST 118 Radio Broadcasting Production and Website Platform Infrastructure 國際交流 International Exchange 88 小額捐款 Small Donations 120 Aliyang網路廣播影音平台 2014年世界原住民廣電大會(KANATA 14 WITBC) Aliyang Internet Radio Media Platform 2014 World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Conference 廣播節目製播 紐西蘭毛利電視台及藝文交流 Radio Program Broadcast and Production Māori Television and Culture Exchange 附錄 得獎紀錄 Achievements and Awards 48 雲南少數民族媒體觀摩交流 APPENDIX 114 閱聽統計 Rating Statistics 52 Yunnan Minority Media Exchange 2014大事記 2014 Chronicle of Events 124 網路平台流量統計 Web Platforms Trac Statistics 實習計畫 Internship Program 92 103年度各項受補助、輔導之單位簡介 126 收視調查 TV Ratings 得獎紀錄 Awards and Achievements 94 2014 Introduction of the Subsidized and consulted Units 文化服務業務 Cultural Service Projects 96 圖表索引 Figures Index 140 「臺灣部落行旅」彩繪機 “Taiwan Tribal Journeys” Liveried Aircraft 台灣原住民藝術展 Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Art Exhibition 原住民族日紀念酒會活動 Indigenous Peoples Day Banquet Conference 策略合作與募款 Strategic Cooperation and Donation 98 顧客服務 Customer Service 100 節目推廣 Program Promotions 101 ina sabaw madal amaku muswane 媽媽 辛苦了 我愛您 Mommy, thank you for being so kind to me. CHAPTER I love you. 壹 I 前言 魯凱族 Foreword Rukai CHAPTER I. 前言 Foreword 年1月1日,財團法人原住民族 在文化推廣業務上,以文化事業之經營管理 Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation (IPCF) has tion and cross-sector cooperation,” and so on. For 103 文化事業基金會(以下簡稱本基 為導向,策略整合「人才培育與獎助」、「 independently operated Taiwan Indigenous TV (TITV) instance, providing our aids and subsidies for arts, 金會)獨立營運原住民族電視台(以下簡稱 形象推廣與公關服務」、「節目行銷推廣」 since January 1st, 2014. It has taken up the great culture, radio production and broadcasting, and 原視),肩負文化教育與媒體傳播的重責, 、「國內外資源整合與異業合作」等工作。 responsibilities of cultural education and media com- documentary filmmaking in order to excavate talents, munication to become an internationally unique further introduce TITV and other medias, inherit and 成為國際上獨一無二的文化媒體事業單位, 舉例來說,本基金會藉由文化藝術、廣播節 culture media institution and opened a new page in innovate indigenous cultural values. Moreover, 開啟了族群頻道發展的新頁。 目製播、紀錄片等補助計畫挖掘人才,進一 the development of ethnic channels. leading to hold “ Pulima Art Award”, ” Pulima Art 步地引介原視及其他媒體傳播,傳承並創新 Festival”, indigenous tribal film festival, participate 營運初期,為順利達成組織整併,本基金會 原住民族文化價值,另引領舉辦「Pulima藝 To successfully achieve the organizational changes, performances in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe etc., 訂立新聞部、節目部、製作工程與資訊部、 術獎」、「Pulima藝術節」、部落電影院影 the foundation established business responsibilities to enhance the cultural competitiveness of indige- 文化行銷部、行政管理部五大部門之業務職 展、參與愛丁堡國際展演等,提昇原住民族 and stang structure for the five departments, nous people and explore the development of culture. including NEWS Department, Program Depart- 掌及員額編制。同時,為確保組織健全運作 文化競爭力及開創文化發展空間。 ment, Engineering Department, Cultural Marketing For cooperation on international ethnic channels and ,遵循公正、公開與民主之程序,建構組織 Department and Administration Department at the arts resources, we have achieved significant 體系、行政管理、節目製播、行銷贊助四大 在國際族群頻道及藝文資源合作上,也頗有 beginning of TITV’s operation. Meanwhile, to assure a outcomes. In the first year of TITV’s independent 類共42項規範,並且辦理組織優化,強化 斬獲。在獨立營運的第一年,即參與世界原 well-developed operation, following fair, open and operations, the foundation participated in 2014 組織分工,凝聚團隊共識,有效提高組織績 住民廣電大會,積極接觸各國原住民媒體代 democratic procedures, it has concluded 42 specifi- World Indigenous Television Broadcasting Confer- 效。 表,提升本基金會及原視之國際能見度。此 cations of operation under four categories: Organi- ence (KANATA 14 WITBC) to positively contact zational Structure, Administrative Management, indigenous media representatives worldwide and 外,藉由紐西蘭毛利電視台、雲南廣播電視 Program Production & Broadcasting and Marketing enhance IPCF and TITV’s international visibility. In 在傳播媒體業務上,積極落實原住民族廣播 台等觀摩訪問,以及創意紐西蘭、奧克蘭美 Sponsorship. Besides, optimizing organization, addition, the observation visit of Māori Television in 、電視專屬頻道之規劃、製播、經營及普及 術館等藝文交流,初步達成後續合作共識, strengthening organization division and consolidating New Zealand and Yunnan Television (YNTV) as well 服務。每日新聞及族語新聞的製播,力求即 有效整合文化傳播資源,將原住民族文化價 the consensus among groups to eectively elevate as cultural exchanges with Creative New Zealand 時、最新的報導,傳達在地部落觀點以及國 值躍進國際舞台。 the organizational performance. (Creative NZ) and Auckland Art Gallery, which have 際原住民族最新動態。除了持續探討原住民 led to reach a preliminary consensus for the For mass media business, actively implementing follow-up corporation, eectively integrate cultural 族公共議題,另開創藝術、文學、全球原住 為落實服務閱聽大眾之社會責任,本基金會 indigenous broadcasting, programing, producing and communication resources, and bring upon the inter- 民族議題等新形態的新聞專題。節目製作包 成立新聞及節目自律委員會,處理閱聽大眾 operating exclusive TV channel and providing univer- national arena the cultural value of indigenous 括綜藝、音樂、生活資訊等深受觀眾喜愛的 對新聞及節目製播內容之申訴。同時,以顧 sal service, producing TITV Daily News and Indige- peoples. 內容外,另製作行腳、文教節目,展現豐富 客服務導向,經營各項品牌觸點,包括電視 nous Languages News to deliver the timely and latest 的人文風景,以鞏固既有並拓展新的收視群 節目、網路廣播、出版品銷貨通路、補助諮 news regarding the world’s indigenous peoples, To implement its social responsibilities to serve 。值得一提的是,原視在2014年,即獲得國 詢服務、培育及獎助諮詢服務、文化推廣活 express the local tribal perspectives from their points audiences, the foundation has set up News and of view. In addition to continuing explore the public Program Self-discipline Committee to conduct 內外評選肯定,例如新聞專題獲「2014年尼 動、團體參觀服務、募款作業以及顧客服務 issues of indigenous people, TITV has further aimed complaints from audiences about the contents of 泊爾國際原住民族影展」、「2014年巴西里 系統等,並且定期彙整客服週報表、收視質 to create new states of news features about artistic, news and programs. In the meanwhile, to be custom- 約鈾影展」入圍,以及,眾多節目獲得適齡 調查、網路平台流量統計、媒體監看、活動 linguistic and global indigenous issues. As for the er service-oriented, operating dierent brand 兒童電視節目標章評選、國人自製兒童暨青 意見調查、團體參觀意見調查等數據,瞭解 content of program producing, apart from that of contacts, which included television program, online 少年優質電視節目的肯定之外,更獲得第49 顧客需求以及相關調查分析,以滿足顧客需 entertainment, music and life information loved by broadcasting, publication distribution channel, aid 屆金鐘獎入圍的殊榮。 求、增加顧客價值。 audiences, also producing itinerant and educational consulting service, talent cultivation and assistant programs to show the abundant cultural landscapes consulting service, cultural promotion activity, group to consolidate the existing and explore new audienc- visit service, fundraising operation and customer 本基金會在獨立營運原視第一年之際,也同 es. In this year,it is worth pointing out that, TITV has service system. Besides, regularly collecting data of 時邁向原視十周年的里程碑。展望未來,將 received domestic and foreign selection armations, customer service week report, quality rating surveys 持續積極塑造頻道品牌,發揚優質文化內涵 such as news features were eligible for “2014 Nepal of TV viewing, network platform trac analysis, ,彰顯服務公眾利益之功能角色。 International Indigenous Film Festival (2014 NIIFF)” media monitoring report, customer satisfaction and “2014 Uranium Film Festival” finalist. Moreover, survey for activities and group visits in order to numerous television programs were granted selec- understand customer needs and other related analy- tions of school-age children’s program mark and in ses, and therefore, to meet customer demands and recognitions of domestic-made children and youth’s increase customer values. television program of quality. Furthermore, got the 49th Golden Bell Awards nomination. While IPCF was in the first year of independently operating TITV, TITV was reaching its 10th milestone. For Cultural promotion business, to focus on cultural Looking forward to the future, the foundation will business management orientation, strategically continue to actively establish channel branding, integrate “talent cultivation and award”, “image promote and develop a culture of quality, and promotion and public relations”, “program marketing highlight the function and role of serving public promotion”, “domestic and foreign resource integra- interest. 06 財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會2014年報 Indigenous
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