• L- C;? ~ , .1 - 'IC:; [· ?' L :>RLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VOL. V, NO. 10 PASADENA, CALIF. MAY 9, 1977 Why the Work will skyrocket from nOlV By Herbert W. Armstrong real or: fancied offenses against the him. took to himself (with ease) the still on his throne as the "god of this a) Conquered Satan and qualified Just where are we in fulfilling self. This brought dadmess, physical knowledge (deciding of the way of) world" (U Corinthians 4:4), blinding to restore the GOVERNMENT OF GOD of PROPH.ECY right now? chaos, waste and decay to the earth GOOD and E VlL Adam cut himself the minds of man against God' s ways OD the earth. Why is this' great Work of God (Genesis 1:2). GOd sent forth His and his entire human family, which (Ephesians 2:2). b) Called and taught His disdples going to -sirriply skyrocket in JX>wer Spirit and RENEWED TflE FACE OF was to spring from him, off from God Four thousand yean; after Adam, to be His apostles, proclaiming me from nOw? THE EARTH (psalms 104:30) for the (I CorinUtians 15:22) and all contact Christ came and: iSooWHY._61 Let me give you a brief, qUick, habitation of man (Genesis 1:26) . wim God. condensed summary of prophesied Without experiencing either WAY God's master plan events, showing where we are right - God's way of LOVE or Lucifer's now and what is immediately ahead. (now SATAN'S) way of "GET " - the God mapped out ,fiis master plan A Personal Letter . As you know, the one book of fust man, Adam, listened fust to God - 6,000 years as the DA Y OF MAN­ prophecy that ties all the prophecies explain the GOVERNMENT OF GOD man deciding for himself what is together in point·of.time sequence is (God's way) and then to Satan's ar­ right and what is wrong - devising, the book of Rev~lation . guments for rebellion and the setting up and operating man's Revelation means RE VEALING - SELF-centered way. OWN GOVE RNM ENT, RELIGION . not concealing. Yet the oook is Adam rejected the KINGDOM OF EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, HIS ENTlRF. primarily in symbols, but it is NOT GOD and GcxJ's GOVERNMENT over SOCIETY - but always SATAN was the revelation of • ·St. John the Di­ vine," as so many Bibles print over TUCSON, Ariz. (Sunday, May 8) - Dear fellow minis­ the beginning of the hook, but the ters and brethren of God's Church: revelation of JESUS CHRIST. Christ is Area coordinators meet the One who REVEA.LS - opens its I will have this published in both the ministerial Bulletin meaning. And "He does most of that in and in The Worldwide News so as to reach virtually all Matthew 24 (also Mark 13 and Luke members and ministers in the Worldwide Church of God. 21). The main theme of the hook is to discuss ordinations the· 'DAY OF THE LORD," or, as trans­ Brethren, my beart is filled to overflowing with gratitude OSAGE BEACH, Mo. - Garner Dart said. lated in the King James Version in Ted Annstroog opened a two-day and love to you for the overwhelming response in congratu-· Revelation 1:10, "the Lord's day," He said the Lake of the Ozarks site meeting of aU area ooorrlinators for which does not mean Sunday but: [be was chosen for the meeting because lations for my marriage of three weeks ago today, here in the United States field ministry here of its centraJ location in the United rime prophesied in some 30 our new "away-from-home" home in Tucson, Ariz. at the Chmch-owned Lake of the States and because of the combined prophecies as the "Day of the The cards and letters are .not only congratulations, hut show rejoic­ Lord." Ozark.s Festival site May 8. church services and dance held by According to Ronald Dan, vice Mr. Armstrong on May 7 (see related ing in your hearts and .your deep love for me, and now express that Angels before man president for pastoral administration. article, this page). same respect and love for my lovely new bride, Ramona. I spent one •• I wanted aJI the area coordinators Get this brief background. Angels Mr. Armstrong spoke to the minis­ whole day until I was tired mentally and physically and " eye tired" ters for" about an hour and a haW' to have a chance to hear Mr. Ann­ occupied this e~ prior to man, rul­ strong preach and hear from him in wlliling !b.lOOIlh .whple ~< OOXfS Qf. ~ ~PQn hun4reds. of ing on a throne, administering the before leaving for Pasadena viu Tuc~ son. Ariz., for a meeting with ID S the opening meeting." Mr. Dart congratulatory cards and letters. It seemed. !ike_ev"D' member of the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. One of the father. said. lSao PERSONAL. _ 61 superarchangels was LUCrFER. but he and his angels SINNED (ll Peter 2:4, "Mr. Armstrong opened the ses­ Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28), rejected sion with general comments abo.ut the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. God's the Work," Mr. Dart said. "He government was based on His law of talked about the importance o f a Day of fasting and prayer LOVE - kindness, concern, outgoing minister's example to the brethren concern for the welfare of others - and espeeially stressed the impor­ giving, helping, serving, sharing. tance of prayer, fasting and Slaying Lucifer turned to THE WA Y of "GET" close to God:' - that is, vanity, lust and greed, The principal purpose of the coor­ set for Church worldwide env y and jeaJousy and hate, competi­ dinators' meeting was to review or­ tion, strife, violence, rebellion dination requests, "some of which PASADENA-GamerTed Arm· " very pleased" by the response of facilities to potential buyers during against authority , resentment over have been pending for months." Mr. strong has designaled May 2 1 as a the brethren and expressed his thanks the summer when the camp is in op­ day of fasting and prayer for the en~ to the entirety of the Church for eration and local climate is at an op­ tirety of the Cburch of God. members' support. timum . Mr. Armstrong. writing in an He also said plans he o utlined in Battle ooly half won GTA speaks to 3,000 April 27 letter to the membership, his member letter to sell the Falcon said , because of the "seriousness of jet, 'cut hi s salary by 15 percent and "Even though the excelleDt re­ this current (financial] situation, I am that of other executives by I 0 per~ slxmse to the speciaJ offering has goin g to c'al! upon all of you, cent, and sell the property in Orr. eased our casb-flow problems, we at Lake of the Ozarks worldwide, to join with my father Minn .. used for the Youth Opportu­ still have to balance our 1977-78 and me and all of Christ's ministry in nities United swnmer camp, are stm budget," Mr. Armstrong said . .. As 1 OSAGE BEACH, Mo. - Some brethren, Mr. Northrip said. as the a day ' of worldwide fasting and being implemented. said in my member letter, the Work 3,000 people, from churc h areas in at singers and players performed "a lot prayer for IPe sake of God 's Work. Dan Spencer. who is in charge of of God cannot and will not have an least 10 states. came to the Festival of old songs, western songs. every for the sake of His Church , for the selling the Falcon. said he currently unbalanced budget. The task at hand building here (the site of the Lake of kind of song" for the " 2,000 to sake of aU of our individual families. has "four solid leads" and tenta­ now is to decide which are the most the Ozarks Feast) to hear Gamer Ted 2,500" people preseDt. and for our own sakes." tively plans to show the jet to the ftrs t important programs for the Work." Armstrong speak in Sabbath services The sermon and dance were the He also caUed on members for a prospecti ve buyer May 10 or II. Mr. Armstrong said he has in­ May 7. latest in a series of visits Mr. Ann­ " large special offering," which was • 'Falcons are in demand right now, structed a number of areas to take a James Redus, pastor here. said . strong has made to church areas taken up in most churches the Sab­ and I believe it wi ll sell quickly," "bard look " at their budget requests. brethren from Missouri. Arkansas, across the country for which mem­ bath of April 30. Mr. Spencer said. " There has been "I've asked Mr. Ronald Kelly, vice Oklahoma. Kan sas, Iowa, Nebraska. bers and their families come from Hernen. W . Armstrong sent a letter lots of interest in it ." president for our Big Sandy campus, lIIino is. Ind iana, Tennessee and wide areas to hear him speak and to aU ministers Apri l 28 that was to be Mr . Armstro ng has already to prepare a five· year accreditation­ Texas came to hear Mr. Armstrong, anend an infonnal dance that eve­ read in all churches prio r to the col­ stopped using the Falcon and has impact study, ,. Mr. Annstrong ~aid . who spoke on the " life of Christ. .. ning. lection of the offeri ng. The letter, reassigned the Work's Cessna Cita­ "It is essentiaJ that we appraise the Mr. Amlstrong. who directed the Mr. Redus ~ aid hi s congregaLion ",hich was sent as a Mailgram (simi · tion jet from Big Sandy, where it was long-range impact of our efforts for orening session of a meeting of U.S.
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