WEST VIRGHIIA Hr. Douglas L. Clnrk ·Hr. Charles o. ~:organ Hr. John 1I11en Gilmore Ns , Carol Ann Smith Hr. Clarence Allen, Jr. ~lr. William Adam Rice Department of Comm & Econ De! 6736 Lake Washington Blvd.m: J. Gilmore " nsscc• Kennell-Ellis Photography Inc Drown Transfer Virginia 1'leIding Supply Co. 101 General Adm. Bldg. r.:irkland, ~lA 98033 ,\:,-13 P.O•. ucx 18182 928 Northgatc Mall 1105 Ei:lnt Main St. P.O. Box 1268 Olympia, 1'1/\ 9850<1 Seattle, I'll'. 98111<1 SNlttle. t~A 98125 Ronceverte, IN 2-l970 Charleston, WV 25325 r Hr. John M. Goodfellow Hr. aeen Crissey ~IS. Geneva A. Noble -ar , Gary L. Smith Hr. DiU Bailey Goodfellow Lf::a5ing, Inc. Hr. Marvin J. Smith,. Sr. Crizsey Flowers & Gifts United Inner City nevca, Fund Independent Business lIssn. 1'10\~ COl'!,oration Smith" sridth Trucking 4213 Roosevelt Way N.B. 2100 5th Avenue 528 32nd IIvenue $outh 1644 116th N.E. Box 366 Box 743 . Se.~ttle, Seattle, I'll'. 98105 HA 98121 5",attle, WA 981<1'1 Bellevue, I~P, 9800<1 51:.. Albans, IN. 25177' Charleston, WV 25309 ,Hr. Bel:'tralll Da1l!Y .Mr. Ray ccceecrc Mr. Ernest Omrl HI:. Wesley D. Snowden Mr. llurhert A. Buckley Hr. Floyd Ray Stiles Da1l!y' s Dump Truck Svc. Lackwocd Trucking Co, l\lsid, Snowden & Assoc. .:ipencer Products Co. B. B. Rlec~ric Co. Mountain State Surveying Co. 305 34th Avenue East 5953 Rainier Avenue 1128 Poplar Place South 13240 Northup Way 1:21 Rt. 6&, 50)/ 111A1\. P.O. Box 63 Seattle, I'll'. 98112 Seattle, I'll'. 9Bl18 3eattle. ilA 98144 Rellevue, WI\ 98005 Daniels, ~N 25832 Kingwood, WV 26537 ·Hr. Roger Curl:'ie Derinis .MS. Mary L. Halberg Ms. Kristen R. Taylor Hr. Robert Burke Hr. G. l~. Paris, Sr. Mr. Charles Harry, Thorne Business counselur"" IIl1,;. I?,ro£e"aional AIj()ooi:>tion 5",... .Tndl?penrlpnt Tmport RPJlilir W'I;l:~/Ood Tool Inc. 11arshal1 Val:'ly Ill!>UtdUloe; Inc. '.\'hornc'!I Ill'l"d\ttn:c 10 North Tenth Avenue #101 1644 ll6th N.E. 351 Park Avenue North P. O. Box 6357 10041 Dothell Way N.E. 305-307 10th St. Yakima, WA 98902 Bellevue, I'll'. 98004 Renton, WI\ 98055 Whecliu&. WV 26003 llothcll, I'll'. 98011 Fairmount, WV 26554 Mr. Charles E. Eddington .Mr. Moises Hernande z Ms. Patricia A. Patton Hr. Bud Thorp l~r. McDonald Cary HI:. William Turnbull Quality zaeccrtc Universal Communications Handyman Bldg. Maintenance Co. Thorp's Quality Shade Shop Inter-llction Industries RF Steiner & Co -Turnbull Buick North 1614 Mamer P.O. Box 243<1 P. O. 30~ 22192 1316 South K SI:. P.O. Box 2641 2221 Fifth Avenue, Box 2175 Spokane, WA 99216 Olympiu, lolA 98507 Seattle, W/\ 98122 Tacoma, WI\ 98405 Charleston, WV 25330 Huntington, WV ·25722 3Ul1~ «e. David A. Ederer ar, r.arr-z Hr. Douglas A. Pearson Mr. F.tnile R. Vnn 1I0ut Mr. Philip E. Cline Dean Jack T. Turner Hillis xcnes • tnc • Certified Manufacturing GaT<€:T...l Construction Co. PTIllIR Ltd. J. H. Fletcher" Co. College of Business & Economi<"" 826 ;;outh Broach-lay Street 4101 Bank of California Bldg. P.O. Box 3845- 1'.0; Box 98764 P.O. Box 1633 West Virgiriia University Everett, WJ\ 93201 Seattle, WA 98164 Seattle, 1'1" 98124 Seatt1e, 1'11\ 98l8a Huntington, WV 25717 Horgantovn, .WV· 26506 -Mr. Eloy M. EstudUlo Mr. James W. Johnston "tIr. George Reitemeier Hr. Reynaldo Z. Venegas Hr. Edwin L. D. oils Mr. James P. Vaughan Country Corner Market Micoa, Inc. Spokane Area Chamber of Cnmnt. Sun-Rcy Construction Inc. Oils Brothers & Co. Vaughan Furniture llart Route 3, Box 30 1,0 5021 Eighty-eighth Avenue SE Post Office aox 211,7 P.O. Box 6247 180<1 Harket St. 1829 7th SI:.. Mercer Island, \,'A 98040 sunnyside, WA 98944 Spokane, WA 99210 Bellevue, 1'11\ 98007 Parkersburg, WV 26101 Parkersburg,WV 26101 -Mr. Hichael lI. Fagin Ms. J.largaret Mitsue Kihara Ilr. Earl G. Reubel Mr. Thomas R. Waters Mr. Elmer A. Fike Mr. William E. Witschey 1ndependent nuoinecs AsSO. M....hr pi"h- £:pmpany, Inc; High Life Helicopters, Inc. spectra-Lux Corporation Fike Chemicals, Inc. witschey's Market, ,1nc. 1644 116th N.E. 1602 So. BayV'iew St. 1202 Eleanor COurt 13253 Northup Way Box 546 North" Main St. Bellevue, 1'11\ 9800<1 Seattle, l'll\ 981411 Steilacoom, WA 98388 Bellevue, I'll\. 98005 Nitro, WV 25143 New Martinoville, WV 26155 "Is. Fawn'S. Watkins Jolr. 3, P. Francis Ms. Elizabeth Xonarski Mrs. Oa1e Rodgers LA Mediterranean Deli Mrs. Reba Fitzgerald J. P. Francis & Assoc. Gilman Village Unicorn Cast.1e Hobby Shop 528 Broadway Fitzgerald Whito Trucks 8223 South 222nd St. 935 Mount Park 5.1'/. 5808 swnmitview Avenue mva: Seattle, ~lA '98122 5650 Rt 60 East Kent, WA 98031 Issaquah, I'll'. 90027 Yakima, ~II\ 98908 Hunt-Ington, WV 25702 ·Mr. Iloward M. Ruddell Mr. IIrthur L. Wilkerson Hr. Regina,ld S. Frye I1r. ~'Iayne MacRae Mrs. Dianne Jones Mr. Don A. Wagenheim Ruddell Laaso-Sales, rnc , 530 Wil1iilrn>'; AVlmUp. North 3l1, Industries, Inc. Sta.ck $I:eel " Supply Co. <Jones Steel Erections H. E. Netmann Qxrpany 333 East First Apartment <I 3101 EmpiJ:e Way South P.O. Box 23123 235 High St. 11502 P. O. BOx 6208 Port l\ngeles,·W!\ 9lJ362 R,ml:.ull, WI\. 98055 Seattlei lolA'98146 Seattle, 1'11\ 98125 Morgantown, Wv 26505 Wheeling, WV 26003 Hr. Gerald Wong Mr. Charlie Funk Hr. Arthur H. Mazzola Hr. Leslie Savitch Hr. J. Kenneth McDonald Nagnolia Plumbing Co. Beck Dry Wall Inc. Federal capital Corp. Target Group Marketing J. E. HcDonald & Sons 1614 west Dravu~ North 2819 Martin P.O, Box 3969 800 Stewart Street Route 1,Box 218E f>e<:lttl,e, WI 98119 Spokane', IlA99207 Se"-ttle, . WJ'o 90124 seau.ie, WA 9BJ01 ~llll:"in!Jburg, WV .35101 ·Hr. T.J"Heenach, Jr. !!r,· olIvid Shaw ·l~r. Gary Oonald Wright .Hr. John C. Gayton Mr. Jam~s E. MCDOwcl1 '1'. J. lieenach Co. David Shaw, Management SIIC. Gary \'Iright Realty, Inc. John Gayton Assoc. 309 Sherwood Bldg. McDowell's Photos 5213 Empire Way South 1344 State St. 210 Central Bldg. Spokane, WA 99201 1693 10th Avenue Seattle, WA 98118 Marysville, Wl\ 98270 seattle, WA 98104 Huntington, WV 25701 -xe, Russell sydney Gideon Hr, Hichael J. ~litc11ell, Jr. Hr. Art Simmons Hr. Dale II. 7.oi')lol: f.lr. Robert. Myers Elizubeth James House nearness " Finuncial MD.n'). Environmerit Construction Co. Capitc l Desi')ns I,td. '118 '.third Avenue 3300 113rd Avenue N.E. 231 summit swenoe East 5201 Seward Park l\ve. So. P.O. Box 3500 lIuntin'lton, WV 25176 Seattle, I'll'. 98118 seattle, I'll'. 98105 Seattle, I'll\, 98102 Bellevue, 1'111. 98009 d UTAH Mr. TOllY G. llcym: M",. OL;\Ilne L. l:nydor Mr. chilrlr.s \~. AAerlow M~. Tats Minaka Mr. Hayden l'ioodard Hr. Tommy J. Mills I\-N Cm:'lo Incr. Inc. Attorney at La.; 1\kcrlow-Thomas-Dyer, inc. Misaka Financial '" ~lanage. llayden l'ioodard, C.P,A. Modern T.V. '" App. 14107 Lantern Lane 3503 Fairmount 66 South Main st.. #300 4260 I'ark Terrace Drive P.O. Box 81 P.O. Bolt 263 nouston, TK 77015 Dalla",.' TX 75219 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Salt Lake city, UT BUl7 Killeen, ax 76541 Junction, TX 76649 Mr. Paul J. Ricca Mr. Colvin w. Stephens Mr. E. Thomas voceen Nr. r.evccnee E. Alder Mr. !:drian H. Pembroke Mr. Ruben R. Montemayor Ricca Chemical Co. Oallo" Min. Bus. Cnt, Inc. Carrollton Computer Services Utah Retail Grocers Assoc. 1\.. H. Pe,nbroke Co. LaW Offices P.O. nox 13090 3737 Noble 110150 2225 Ileltline Road. 11201 1266 \1,,!.:t 500 North 363 South 5th East 301 W. Market Street Arlington, TX76013 Oall...s , TX 75204 Carrollton, TX 75006 Salt I,ake city, UT 64116 salt Lake city, UT 84102 San Anto,:\io, TK 78205 Mr. Charles 0; Stine t.1r. Robert G. Arnold Mr. Ray S. Robinson Mr. James W. Rice Hr. prentis M. Moore &:s.t ~)<. M.iJ:l.~ Bus. De"•• Arnold ~lachinery Co. Rio Grande Bldg. Products A&J Enterprises, Inc. Sun Belt urban Consultants 2129 'd. Gentry Park\~oy '"" 540 ~l. 2nd South 8800 Paul B. Koonce Street P. 0, Box 30020 3115 Blodgett Ave. Tyler, '1'X75702 Salt Lake City, UT 84125 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Houston, TK 77021 Houston, TX 77061 Mr. David L. Tomlinson Mr. Albert R. Rodrigucz ue, T. G. Swarb Mrs. Oonna McFarland f~r. Gordon S. Bird, Jr. Mr. Robert G. ~luzyka 10409 O'Donnell Drive Rick·s· Restaurant Canyonlands 21st Century Amwe.st OMBE, Texas Indus. comm. 131 North 200 West Attorney nouaeoo , 'l'X 77076 H'ighway 271 North s,o, Box 2100 Capitol StaLlua 12728 r:.alt.Lakl! CiLy, liT 04103 2405 Lakeview Circle Austin, TX 78711 xe, Pleasant, TX 75455 Blanding, UT 84511 Arlington, TX 76013 Mr. William R. Thomas xr• Nelvyn Klein Mr. Howatd E. Bird Hr. Eldon Weber Mr. Frank A. Rollins Mr. Harold seeear Capital S.W. Corp. Al bamjL Corporation State of Utah i!200 B245 South State Rollins Jewelers Meineke Disc. 14uffler Shops 12900 preston Rd. ;1700 1940 Bank & Trust, acx 201 No. 2 Arrow Press Square Midvale, UT 64047 5258 Palms Center 6330 W. Loop South Oallas,TX 75240 Corpu8 Christi, TX 78*77 Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Bellaire, TK 77401 Houston, TX 77021 Mr. Ernest I. Wilson Dr. Char-les Neil Mr. Jerry D. Rucker Nr. PaulO. Gaddis Ms. Ann Marie Boyden Mr. lIerbert 1\. Train utah Foam Products, Inc.
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