f;:'.' '. TIle·SttuIeIIts' vGlee for OY. 58 Years *1987* \,.01. 54 .No. 14 Baruch College, CUNY May 12, 1987 .~ COMPUTER CHANCELLOR.,.' _. ,"_ .. _4 , . ~ SYSTEM SPEAKS OUT ~ HASTENS ON FINANCIAL ,~. NOTIFICA.TION g,J' AID CUTS ~ PROCESS By JOHN RICARD o >- By .LINDA ZUECH Joseph S. Murphy, chancellor of .! .Candidates for graduation will be the City University of New York, ::> able to find out iftbey have completed told student media representatives 8 all their requirements for receipt ofa recently that "ifthe proposed cut in degree sooner than was ever before funding for the Pell Grant should possible, because ofthe implementa- happen, it would be a disaster for tion Of a student information manage- millions of students .across the 'Johnson ment systemar Baruch, according to country." Thomas McCarthy, the registrar. Murphy, who is also the head of Chosen Students who file an intent to the National Pell Grant Coalition graduate form are put through a which represents 33 national preliminary cbeck by the registrar's of- organizations, will be going to As Dean fice, to insure that they have com- Washington to "fight for the pleted all requirementsnecessary for restoration of the Federal govern­ Of Students receiving a diploma. McCarthysaid,..ment funds." He said, "We don't "Everyone whose check has been have any contingency plans. I don't completed will be notified that ifthey know what we will do if we don't CODlJ)tete.everythJng1bey arecurrently .,get. the money." -,.. registered for, ~ey will have met all Murphy said that each 'year the the terms of the degree." Reagan administration has tried to Previously, the entire process of cut money from financial 'aid. "I Activity Fee Hike Defeated; checking the student's requtrements don't know what their intention is, for thedepee chOseo-8fld.eemputa- but.dIe c!fe<;t is ~,the rjch get. Low Voter Turnout in tioaof,theGPAwas ....A,ne--'-n.-n".... richer and tbC,~.•f~. We EieetiQBs>-~,. ~ilfi~t1J't-.~_":-:..e·IIi' , -, - -. ~. ~~~ .·IiiM:(DOw)·to·re.......Qus.~BdS . .. .~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~· ;~ · ;~~~ · ~- ~- ~~ I- · ~~ -I' ~- ~I ~ ~ -- - : ~: ; ~ ~ ~ t _ ' . •... _'"'l- .. , - __......... ,. __ ....;..;._ -.c-....:...r_":- ., 4 •• _. ••...:::....... -...- _ '. __ _ ••_ • __ .... _--"""'- ..... ~--_._. .;."- .- .. ~ .,. ..~~.... a~~~~~~~~ . , '. " ~--=-:.:.-- ..... ....'-Personnel and Guidance- .- fromCQI-. 'lIIC'I'e8K. e"mel' . to pte UDi'!el'Sity and a B.A. in .day session student activity fee by Iaclc of campaigning and a Biology from Ripon College. S8~6S was defeated by a margin of consequent low voter turnout ~ Johnson said that his best almost two-to-one in student elec­ "The candidates were uncontested qualifications are in communica­ .. iihns last week, accordi'ng ..to and they telt secure. Their se1f­ tion and counsehng; specifically in ~1ey Boisson, chairperson of the interest was' satisfied," said advisement, program devdopme:pt Student Elections and Governance Boisson, in an attempt to explain and.cValuatiOn. "lk stated that the Review Committee, the lack of'-"3mpaigning . tIIID -of studems should "try to "The vote was 203 in favor and Eveni. S..deDt EJecdom; design thitrgs that are 369 against," said Boisson. Accor­ Evening students had a chance to .psychologically and culturally ap­ ding to him, this is the unofficial vote on a referendum toredistribute propriate for Baruch." count and the official count will be the expenditure of their activity fee. Johnson said that a large part of Ideased once SEGRC has certified In essence, -lite refe-reR4um the position of dean of students is the election results. There were also allocated a portion of the student worldBg as a problem solver. He seven challenged votes - votes by center money to media, a move that said, "In many circumstances, a students without 10 s. "Challenged was supported by The Reporter. .dean ofstudents talks about what is votes are only counted in close elec­ That referendum won 80 of the notpossible," rather than fmding a tions," and were not counted for 122 unchallenged votes, according solution to the problem at hand. He the activity fee hike referendum, to Boisson. Even though evening believes that the role is one of will be adversely affected by the said Boisson. students voted aIm~ two-to-one in The 579 votes represent a lumout mediator between student and ad­ cuts, if they are passed. "(The ad­ favor of the redistribution, the ex­ of 6.S percent of the day-session ministration. ministration) says that education has isting distribution might not be students - nearly twice the turnout 'the highest priority, but the money changed. ne. 01 die SdaooI of LibInI Arts of the elections last year. Out of the goes elsewhere. Our students are Joel Segall, president of Baruch $36.3S that is currently collected The candidates for the position joined together by one factor, they College, had said earlier that he from each student, SI9.SO goes to of dean for the School of Liberal have no place else to go. We are a wouid present the proposed evening the student center, 54 to the Day Arts and Sciences have been nar­ political force to be dealt with." session changes to the CUNY Board Session Student Government, $4 to rowed to three finaliSts, acconting He said 'that the City University of Trustees (whose rmal approval is student clubs, S6 to athletics, $2 to to LeClerc. of New York has shown its worth in required) only ifbe felt comfortable media and $.85 to the University The finalists are Howard Ball, the past. "People have tried rto with the voter turnout. He said that Student Senate. dean of the School of Behavioral forget that this university leads the the . 2.94 percent turnout was If the proposed increase had won and Social Sciences at the Universi­ country in the number of Nobel "awfully low," and he would have approval, the breakdown would ty of Utah, "Margaret Ctahan, lute Prize winners who hold to think over whether or not he wiD have been as follows: 520.65 for the professor at Occidental College in undergraduate degrees from one present the redistribution to the student center, S4 to the DSSG, 58 California and Norman Fainstein, university. They didn't invite these board. for the clubs, $7.50 for athletics, 54 professor of. urban studies and people at Princeton, it was our Evelll-a Govena...t FJec.... for the media.and $..85 for .the USS.. asSOciate dean for aeademie--affajrs .. town that managed to educate pe0­ EIevcD studcatSWClC-L' OIl &be According to Boisson, the eIec- p~ at tbeNew School for Social n (Continued on 10. .Col.l) ple who came to us with nothina_ . -.... .. ~ ~ Research in New York. Students should not have finan­ ~ Ste¥ess, the pl'CseDl cial· worries while sliD in school;·· . dean of the Sc:bobl of Liberal Arts because college years can be a and Sciences will be leaving the diffICult enough experience already, position to accept a distinguished said Murphy. "Half of the popula­ professor fellowship. Of the three tion doesaot graduate from ~ah' . dean positions that are vacant, this school. Anyone who iPaduatcs,· will be the last to be filled. LeClerc from·ooIJeae shOuld ad a deIree in said, uLiberal ~ and Sciences is persisteace and ~OUraae_"Our . .:~ . the slowest. We- "WOR'i ha¥e any­ studeDls- .·laaw bad-to wotk..lor .. '. -'#1>-.1....._.•_~ .... thing on that until the third week in everytbiDa.' Forty-five peI:'C:eftt' of· May." our ~are pert-timc workclS. i " /OHltiIIWtI 011 PrCe 1. CoL 3) (Co1rtinWd on Ptlge 6, c.0l. 4) . .. '.~'"....- .. '<'-.. .: .'._,.--. \ .& TIle Ticker. MayU,l987 ."3 The Ticker . .. "'2.. -EDITORIAL LETTERS OP-ED Anti-Activity Fee To The Editor: tivity fee increase. Why should the Bernhard. Goetz: Victim or Vigilante? As a past vice president of stu- minority rape the majority and then A ROW OF DISAPPOINTMENTS dent activities at Sallivan Caerty attempt to justify it as "perks"!?! By CAITLIN MOLLISON Community College, I am angered Another attempt: stipends for By CHRISTOPHER A. WARB dependent on the confession he made while the words, "You seem to be alright here's and appalled by the actions of this student government leaders. There . in police custody. In it, his words are angry, another one," as he fired again. This shot December 22, 1984 was in many respects The results from last week's student elections are in, and disappointing would be a good word to school's current student govern- _are those of us who must work and Let's put "Bernie" Goetz into a different mean, without remorse. "If I had more ricocheted off the subway car wall paralyz­ describe several aspects of. the elections. ment leaders. genuinely don't have time to run for scenario. A scenario which the state pro­ bullets, I would have reloaded. I wanted to a very ordinary day for most New Yorkers. ing Cabey. Christmas was three days- away, and many First the results: The referendum to raise the day session student activity fee by 24 percent to $45 was The article published in the April office and become involved. Too secutor seems determined to portray. Ber­ kill them all." Like a character out ofa Poe last-minute shoppers were making the These four young men were no boy defeated by a vote of 369 to 203. We find the outcome a disappointment because the biggest losers will be 28 issue of The Ticker is enough to bad-I'm sure there are worthier nie is in a middle-class suburbia, repleat horror, his words echo insanity: "Their rounds of the department stores hoping to scouts. They were hardened criminals with' the students. Students involved in anyone of the 70 clubs, students involved with WBMB (the Baruch Col­ make one think twice about paying people who just don't have the time with "pre-fab" houses and wide' green eyes shone;.they were enjoying themselves.
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