P 0 .-N T E . 7"; -j '\PARAORAPtfS '}1;" • MAJlTIIA SAGER '~R ~w,;..: ... pleaNDt & si.ht as any to be Supervisors , 01l ap cit)' streets was enacted Home Rule Plan Satarda,. afternoon at the cor- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. 01 Balfour and Chalfonte • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • two "oWlI misses, aged sey- '"... ciabt, bad set up a I~alld to . ~e at two cents a IlalS to pallcnhy. Thrilled at serv- a attual, paying customer the ladies, with hands over J'OIIIIlr --'" _ling Iips con fided their ~ Saae and Judy lInd the fact VOL. l7-No. 39 .tbe7 are sisters. Questioninl' CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY GRPSSB:POI~TE PARK, WCHlGAX, THURSDAY, "lAY 7, 19~2 PHONE LE. ... t'" Mil crRCULATIO~'PAIDI -----------MONTHLY _ , . ~ht out the fact that papa 1;- ),_ ( ... -. most of the hus-ding for /~s, "We made 38 cents yes- :,..:~." they bragged. "Daddy " ~t sOllIe c:ompany home for 4"-. 6iAu and he bought each of them ,f: . 'J- .. class of !cool-ace:' ::f:~-!l" "1 lfarry Kerr, • air• raid• warden lor ~~-...-z.e B, knows now wbat the ter. "-.:.;;:' : 'l!W'" of dark ~ppeniDP durins :,_~""koats is Like. Standin8' 011 the ~'-:~4\"__"~~ of his home, at 55 Touraine h') :t'lDId. a few minutes after 10 o'clock See Little Chance of St Paul's First Communion Class F.L.Streed • - ~:~.~,. night he was suddenly terri. :' te4 to see the two masculine lorms Local Representation ToSuc~ .: -.ldenly bound up beside him ill tbe -.,k. Espec:ting a stick-up at tbe On County Board Rockwood Ielut. Kerr swa\I<>wed hard several -. before realizillg that tbe visi- " Raising the cry of "taxation without representation," a Appoint_t of F. 1.. Stfeed '.. ; ~.. too were the two Bo,- Scouts u- number of officials of the Grosse Pointe area joined with sup.- slleceed ByrOll Rockwood • ~: ~ to work as me$Seniers for wa.ecs ervisors from the county outside of Detroit at a meeting in mallager of Grosse PoiIlte Park ... ' ._. ... duriD8' the blackout. opposition to the adoption of the Home Rule amendment for been informaDy apprond by tile" " • • •• lage commission ac:cordiDc to"., ;;' )(lI(:b of the success of Sunday Wayne county. AgreeinJi:' that the county government Il~eded revamping, the out-county supervisors felt that the method statement releas~d this ~ 1Jy .. ~' 1Iitht', blackOllt in Grosse Pointe proposed in the amendment was wholly in favor of Detroit and P. Parshall, commissioner"" . , .•': 117' 0 0 d s, ac:cording to LlIwren:e Lie alJain. ,:"~)Ian-, %On e warden th ere, is due to for all practical purposes left the portion of the county. aside from Detroit without adequate representation. The appointment will probaWy . ,:\,,:'the series of four public mass rallies otricia.!Iy confirmed at thd--. -- ~- _dU<:ted during the two weeks While agreeioJi:' that the county government ~stem needed to be streamlined, the group went on record as'being meeting of the village :~ Ilrior to the blackout wMD speakers on May 11, Commissioner i'..~~'-" _d {en.e instructors presented opposed to the method proposed in the amendment. AD. fOUf supervisors from the City of I said. -.;it;.'. !wief t&IIts emphasizinz the ba.io:: Grosse Pointe agreed with the Registration for Ie is expected tbat Streed 1IiiIt ~~1~ rules of the blackout. Awtin Grant sume his duties OQ or aboat' •r!, : ftWS eommentator for radio station vote of dissatisfaction. These n'ar Ration' Books are Chester F. Carpenter, " , 18. ;iy¥ WWJ, appeared as guest spelker Charles A. Poupard, Theodore E ds T "ht Stread was viIbge man. ',::;. , af aU fOllr of the rallies, whicb be- G. Osius and Ralph Netting. Kenilworth, In~ a suburb 0(:" ":~, 'twftn 800 and 900 residents of the n Orug _ Julius Berns, supervisor of cago similar to Grosse Poinle' ,\ '~i/ Woods attended. ~ . Grosse Pointe township and a Today is the deadline for rf:&'is. for ,~6 years, resigninl in 1 . tering for rationing in the the past two "ears he has' ~ . member of the out county boob Maybe it's lIip, and _e're pretty group, was not present at the public elementary schools ill the soc:iated with Griffenbagen a . tve it is, but we couldJI't ryPress meeting, but in an interview Gross e Pointe seboo[ dis trict. socia tes. Ch icago, as a " . foar quick claps of the hands at t~ Registratioll during the first two con.sultan t. In this pOsition Dnn of Luftwaft Lieutaot Krug's DON'T 51CJ1f UNTIL YOU KNOW days moved briskly, with & tml of been instrumntat in the ins capture, "deep in tbe heart of Tex- A. te ...... n.. 17,261 out of the estimated 35,000 of a plan for reorpaizatioa u... Jut IIiPt. -.l .-cW ..me. GrOSlie Poillters haYing registered LOaisiana clepartmeat of . • • • I tMt...uaa.... '- .... for rationing books tbroua'h Tues- and in makiDg a ItIrvey of the ,11 )'OIl wallt to b"", jnat what Peia tM day night, .ccording to L. M. Bart. trical lIJId plumbing service of this civiliaa defense work is reaU" H_ R.Ie' petitiooo. ........ [ett, dir~etor of accounting and ad- to_, .Tex. He was also il1 c all about, just ask Tommy O'Don- tile ........... i IuitJ' of tIM justment of the Grosse Pointe P1Ib- tbe reorganization of the W Dell For Tommy emera-I'd from his • b_ .. it. ..-t '-. t Lic schools, who is in charge of the ton state h;pway dep&r1mcllt. lint test blackout practically a Yet- tJ...e try. -..Ie .. ......., ration.n. for this area. StTeed, who is 45 years ow. erm-The lirst to haadle an aeta.al sa L ~ ~ .... Fn.,. tlse _ 17,llOO ,.tItraati, born in Milwaukee, WIS. He ..... aaHty.. - GN.- ...... ~. 'ratioa 1000IQ lUll ~duate 01 the Uninnity " , , it. ~ IIf the ~ • ~_:I!I!- ' ~ .- - ..~jic;1b ~1t'~ 1<...... -'..: ear ,. GreOe"P<Oint.n bad Ud. sanitary qpetriq. ; ~ Woods. TOIII11IJ' beeu... ....... ~ .. -.., ~ • stock of aapr 011 hand wan the .... the job of dti-riDc the stati.. e.- P toi iiiioai.«- 1-Wram i.epn. During Wadel War I, StJ'eet,-" --= of the Lochaioor club as &II oritWlolW ..... Very little waiting marked tbe tered the Great 1.altQ Na..-aJ T • -' aac:s.... , ambulaD«. Up to Su. -ail tile, '- WI,- •• 6rst two days of the registration, ing ltation. He later took .. had all beeA"pretty rau. , ....... ., .,.11ipt it tne --.. ., ... Bartlett wd, the line moving amination eel 1I'&S admitted to - stuB, fint aid c1a.ases, I«tura, .........' t ... _ ....... steachly all through the rqistrauon Ullited States naval. acadesoy de.. .. ...... u.-. boun. Registration took a minimum Annapolis. After compIetiac GettiDs hit ~U to report for the eourse he was commissioned an of seven minutes for each person 1lIackout from Police O1ief Walter later, expresud himself as be- registered, he said. May Draft Quota sign. Goulette SlIIIday niPt, O'DomteD iug in whoaebearted qrtemCllt with ~;"'tat n~ M t Streed is married the action takaa. Bec:aase of tbe volume of work..x 7'1; en 0 ~ illto the station wagOD aD4 of thr~e children. involved, public elemCXItary schools Lea M 29th .m.ed at police aeadquarlers in o.a~ ~ will also be closed Friday afternoon, ve ay .'\..0:. ... ricIorci time, wbere he began stor- u.- away two emergency stretchers Those who drafted tbe amend- he uid. Two "eteran members of th~ Voters in th~ school e[eetion mu~t Hollywood Blvd. To-,f (CoatiDued 011 Page Two,) ment _ere sharply criticized for Ninety-four men ...ilI leave for Gros~e Pointe board of education be either property owners in the The honorary degree of doctor of DOt having snbmilJted tbe languag(! Firemen's Hours Army service May 19 in the n~xt come up for re-election this year at school district or must have children laws wHl be conferred upon Charles Be Paved; Withholll.{lt of the amendment to out-<:ount)' draft call wom local board 57, ac- the school board d~ction Monday. of school age, Registrations ior A, Parcclls, presid~nt of the Grosse -_'~',;~'RElK EM 8 E R? cities, vil1al'es aud townships be- Act Is Declared cording to the quota assigned this June 8. The t....o members ....hose the election will be taken at all pub- Pointe board of education, at cere- Action on Sidewalb:", fore rusbing into print in the De- U ti"toO" nal month by selective servio::e officials. t~rms expire this year are Charles lio::~Iementary schools on May 23 monies at Transylvania college, 15 y:- Aa-- '"""-'- --.... trait newspapers and before secur- ncons 0 Si ,"o::al men .'ere reclassi6ed d 29' Lexington, K.l'., Tue~da_v, Ma" 26. The moUon to create a special ... _ -. .- n_ " Poupard and J. Lee Barrett, both an , J ing signatares to the petitions for 't 1 A b th I at I b d Th d • b' f d' sessm~nt roll to provide for dIIr Geor8'C Defer, former president of IU 0 - Y I' oc appea oar hal'e signified their intention of e egree 15 elng con erre IU the passaie of the amendment. It la t k d 20 I d 1,-------------..,1 .. f h Ie h paving of Hollywood boulevard • the village of Grosse Pointe Park III a decision of far-reaching con- s wee an more were p ac~ runlling for r~-election, ~ recogmtlOn 0 t e wor e has Goethe to Marter road ""as ~::i: aad one of the Pointe'S most prom- waslate pointedto make outnecessarythat it ischangesnow tooin sequenc~ an d support 0f home rtI1e, in I.A thi~ Tuesday • Poupard, now treasurer of the Wl"th The Gone for secondary education gen- ed unanimously by the villap ca..~~ inene and most beloved residents, the amendm~nt and that the Obt- the Jackson county circuit COllrt has Those reclassified la~t week are: board, has serv~d as trustee for the ~rally in the United States.
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