7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COPY VOLUME LXXIII, NO. 38. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1951 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Quackenbush Named Presbyterians Dedicate Westminster House Six Properties By National Fife Group Mayor Appoints FORT MONMOUTH—The Nat- Freeholders Reported Sold by ional Fire Group of Hartford, New Nine-Member Conn., has appointed Albert. R. Quackenbuih ipecial agent in New Walker & Tindall Jersey. He was formerly connected Planning Board with the Fir* Insurance Rating Back Stout Middletown Township, Organization of New Jersey as fire Replace! Seven-Man inspector in Monmou'th and Ocean Fair Haven, Red Bank counties. Body Established Places Change Hands By 1930 Ordinance Joseph C. Irwin, Director, Says Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hooper Mayor Katharine Elkus White. if New York and Panama have with the approval of the council County Needs Man of Action purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Monday night, appointed a nine- George P. Weppler tbeir early- member planning board. The ap- Particular emphasis on the Be* American type farmhouse on Ever- pointments came as the result of publican primary contest for state ett rd. In Middletown townahlp. an ordinance passed at the last The owners art now occupying municipal meeting which repealed senator was made by Freeholder their new home located on a two- an ordinance adopted in M30 es- Kiwanis Club Director Joseph C. Irwin of Red and-a-half acre plot along Shadow tablishing a seven-member board. Bank Tuesday night in addressing lake. The grounds are well land- a group of Republicans from Red The new ordinance provides four Bank and vicinity at the Rosevelt ecaped, and on the property is a classes of membership on the Makes Ready for small wooded isle attached to the tearoom. board, the mayor, who serves in Mr. Irwln's address follows: mainland by a foot bridge. an ex-offlcio capacity; a munieipal official, and a councilman, plus six '51 Bottoms Up On April 17, we will hold our Mr. Hooper, who is engaged in primary election. County candi- the steamship brokerage business other citizens. Those appointed to Third Annual Show dates representing our Republican with offices in New York city and the board in addition to Mayor party will be chosen at tne polls to Panama, is making extensive al- White were Ensley M. White, su- run for public office. This election,' terations to the property. perintendent of public works; To Be Presented is of vital Importance, not alone to Major and Mrs. Latimer Mac- Councilman John L. Montgomery, Apr. 12 and 13 just the Republican party, but to MiUan, Jr., have sold their bunga- Jr., and Edward F. Rullman, one the well bcir.c of our entire county low on Conover la., Middletown year; Harold S. Allen, two years; of Monmouth. township, to Mr. and Mrs. John James Wolcott, three years; Henry Hagerman, president of It is with these primary thought* Hayes, Jr., of Sea Girt. Mr. Hayes Charles B*. Gallagher, four years; the Red Bank Kiwania club, an- In mind, namely that of Honest arid Harold A. Hendricksen, five years, nounced today that the club's an- efficient eovernment with Integrity la connected with the rug firm of of office and service to the people A. and M. Karagheusian, Freehold. and Donald White, six years. All nual show, "Bottoms Up for 1951," with the exception of Mr. Rull- will bo presented at the Elver st. of our county, that I ask the Re- A five-room modern ranch house Albert B, Quackenbush publican party and our many man and Mr. White were mem- school auditorium Apr. 12 and 13. friends to do all in their power to in the River Oaks section of Fair Chief executives of Red Bant, Fair Haven and Little Silver thown at dedication Sunday on Raymond Mooro rins been appoint- Haven, owned by Allen Brothers, bers of the original board. nominate on primary day the fol« Mr. Quackenhuih served three Tower hill of the Wejtmliuter House, new educational and social building of the Red Bank Presby- ed general chairman. lowing candidates for public office, has been sold. T. B. Crawford of year* in the Coast Guard in World Councilman Harry Malchow re- Victor Grossinger and Earl Wool- the real estate and insurance firm ported that he had instructed Mr. terian church. Left to right, Mayor Edgar V. Denise of Fair Haven, Mayor Katharine Elkus White of Ho will bo assisted by the fol- War II, and is past commander of lowing, tickets, William Salladln; ley for members or the Board of . of Walker & Tindall was salesman American Legion Post 338 of Mid- White to obtain sufficient eight- freeholders; Elvln Simmill and in the' above transactions. inch1 pipe for water mains on Wa- Red Bank shaking hands with Herbert E. Werner, chairman of the executive committee of the church program, Ralph Belknap; publicity, Mayor Alfred Boadleston for As- dletown township.' He is a mem- George Hollywood, and fudge sales, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smalley of ber of the Middletown township verly pi. and Leonard st. He added building committee, and Mayor Joseph C. Davison of Little Silver, vice chairman of the general com- sembly, and Col. Richard R. Stout 100 Linden dr., Fair Haven, have that $10,000 had been included in Mrs. Alonzo MacVcagh. The show for the New Jersey State Senate. defense council, and is active in mittee of the church building program. will be under tho direction of John sold their home to Dr. L. M. Crop- Scouting in the Bayshore Boy Scout this year's budget for the project, In asking consideration for the Bey of Crystal Lake, 111. The plot which he stated, should be started Toland, a member ot the club, who above mentioned candidates I wish district. After graduating from turned out the two previous hits, to lay particular emphasis on the h 130x240 ft. and is enclosed with Middletown township high school, in the near, future. a post and rail fence. A large liv- Mr. Malchow told the mayor Enters Armed Service "Bottoms Up!" and "50 Bottoms contest for state senator now being he attended Drake's Business Up!" Mrs. Toland will direct the waged between the Republican or- ing room with fireplace opens out school, Perth Amboy. and . council, that the municipal Easter Service 175 Retailers ganization candidate Richard R. on an enclosed porch. A dining sewage disposal plant, which was dances us she has done for the two Stout and the present incumbent, room with adjoining den and an built about 21 years ago is badly previous Kiwanis shows. J. Stanley Herbert. In voicing my electrically equipped kitchen and in need of repair and needs en- Atop Tower Hill Hear About OPS Others assisting Mr. Toland in unqualified and wholehearted sup- powder room are on the first floor. larging, adding that it is working tho production are, stage manager, port for the candidacy of Richard There are three large bedrooms Historic Church "A World Without Easter!" will Office of Price Stabilisation regu- R. Stout for the position of stats at about double capacity now. The lations were explained to 175 re- Edward Oberiander; assistant stage on the second floor and tile bath- chairman of the water committee be the theme of the message to manager, Jack Lemon; assistant to senator, I do so with the full sup- room with a stall shower. A gas stated that he would like the water be delivered by Rev. Charles S. tailers Monday night in the junior port and approval of each individ- heating plant Is located in the Re-opens Sunday Webster of the Presbyterian high school auditorium by Herman tho director, Alonzo MaoVeagh; ual member of the Board of Free- and sewage committee to make a Thompson, deputy O. P, S. director lights, Raymond Moore, and sound, holders. Kach of us is vitally con- epaelous cellar. Dr. Cropsey Is a SHREWSBURY — The historic survey on what is needed to put church at the second annual Eas- George Schmidt. This year's show cerned with the advancement, veterinarian connected with the the plant in good shape. A motion ter sunrise service to be held at at Trenton. The meeting was spon- Presbyterian church re-opens Sun- sored by the Red Bank Community will J)e similar to last year's pro- growth and improvement of Mon- Shadow Isle farm. The doctor and day following an Intensive six-week was passed authorizing a survey. 8:30 o'clock on the new estate of mouth county, and under the rep- his wife are now occupying their the Presbyterian church atop Tow- Chamber of Commerce. duction in that members of the lo- resentation of the qualified young, new home. renovation, during which the in- Councilman George Gray an- er hill under auspices of the Red Principal Instruction offered by cal service club and their wives vigorous, World War II veteran, terior was completely transformed. nounced that he had spoken with Bank Council of Churches. Mr. Thompson, a former economic will take part. Guest performers Col. Richard R. Stout, we feel cer- White paint and walnut trim has will also bo used. There will he John Homan of 44 Lovett av«., state highway commissioner Bans- Rev. Roger J. Squire of the adviser to the O, P. A of World tain the county would be better Little Silver, has sold his ranch brought back the beauty of the co- ford J. Abbott about the traffic Methodist church will preside and War II, concerned the proper meth- two big production numbers as fea- served. type house to F. W. Li Gon of lonial edifice and a new colonial problem at Maple ave.
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