Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 10-10-2002 Spectator 2002-10-10 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 2002-10-10" (2002). The Spectator. 2178. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/2178 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. TheSpectator Prhsokted Standarii U.S. Postage Paid Seattle, WA — Permit No. 2783 S E A T T L E ♥— U MIVERSITY Index ASSU 121 News 2-5 Classifieds 131 S^^^^^^^^^^^l^^^^^ Sports 6-7 Personals 11W IMI l^flHi Features S-c) Opinion 14-15 I ■! II A&E 10-11 Campus Voice 16l mm** 2 News Security Report Austin L.Burton Finally,someone walks to the andE.JeffersonSt.early thatmorn- Co-ManagingEditor hospital. ing,a campus communitymember returned at 1:30p.m. tofindbooks, Monday,9-30-02 clothes, and other items missing A campus community member from the trunk. Was it reallythattrau- saidtheywerewalkingwithagroup matic? offriendsnear 14thandE.Jefferson St. whenone ofthe friendsbecame "Ihaven't smelted anything, cans.Nothing was reported on the taken intopolice custody. Monday,9-30-02 verbally abusive and punched the dude.I'mdrunk as hell." originalburningsmell. At 2a.m.,a student wasdriving victim several times. The victim Didn'tanyoneteach you through the Murphy Apartments walkeda nearby hospitaland was Thursday,10-3-02 "What's yo' name,fool?" aboutthat? parking garage when a transient- treated for scrapes andbruises.No ABellarmineHallresidentcalled looking individualaskedthe stu- wordon what set off the violent CPS toreportaburningsmellcom- Saturday, 10-5-02 Saturday,10-5-02 dent for money. friend. ingfrom someone's room. Twopeople wereseen withdrug At 12:40 p.m., a fire alarm Thestudentdroveoffandcalled During theirinvestigationof the— paraphernalia outside the Lynn went off on the secondfloor of Campus Public Safety from their Need a refundcheck smell,CPScameacrossoneroom Building. CampionTower.Itturns outthat apartment. occupied— by two underage stu- One of the suspects wasgivena a resident was cooking on the When theyarrived the panhan- Thursday, 10-3-02 dents that had half a dozen full trespass warning, while the other lounge's stoveand left the food dler was gone. Afterparkingtheirvehicleon14th cansofbeerandseveralmoreempty decided to give a fake name and unattended. Study examines reproductive health care Ryann Cooper The study placedSUin the 'yes' vided for family planningoncam- absence of a policy in the health reality ofa sexuallyactive popula- StaffReporter category for providingthe follow- pus, claimingit would violate stu- centerbrochureexplicitlyoutlining tion." SeattleUniversity has indicated ing services: pap smears, annual dentsprimary careprovider-patient approved reasons for prescribing Semhar Fesehazion, junior ul- in a nationalstudy thatit provides exams,breastcancerscreens, HIV relationship. contraception. trasound major, is unclear on the contraception inthe studenthealth screens, STDscreens, STDeduca- While thehealthcenterisopento Many feel partof the problem healthcenter'scontraceptionpolicy center, but representitives of the tion,contraception,sexualityedu- questionspertaining tosexandpro- with Catholic student health cen- and believes students should have health center don't want to com- cation and pregnancycounseling. vides educational information tersistheconflictbetweenthehealth access to contraception. Still, she ment on thestudy. When asked about the study, through center-sponsored talks, and well being of students and understands the complications the Catholics for a Free Choice Maura O'Connor, director of the health servicesare expectedtoad- Catholic teachings. issue presents to a Catholic cam- (CFC)looked at 133 Catholic uni- Student Health Center, stated, here to the Ethical and Religious AccordingtotheCFCstudy,"Fe- pus. why versitiesandrevealedreproductive "Contraception was used for nu- DirectivesforCatholicHealthCare male studentsatCatholic universi-- "Ican see they (SU) don't health care is missing from most merousmedical reasons,including Servicesguidelines. tiesclearlyfeel theyhavebeenaban want to have contraceptives dis- universities, but notSU. acne,irregularcycles,painfulmen- The guidelines prohibit contra- doned by theirschool on the issue tributedbecauseitisaJesuitschool TheUniversity is oneof only 16 strualcycles andhormones," ception,contraception counseling, ofreproductive healthcare." and they don't want to encourage Catholicuniversitiesthatallowtheir But does SU offer contraception abortion, femaleandmale steriliza- Accordingto the report,"the big- it," shesaid. studenthealthcenters todistribute for birthcontrolpurposes? tion, euthanasia and someassisted gest shortcomings ofreproductive "But they should assume that contraceptionfor medical or fam- O'Connor declined to comment reproductiontechniques. health servicesoncampuswerethe studentsarehavingsex tobeonthe ily planning purposes. on whether contraceptionis pro- Adding to the confusfo'n' is the Jack ofopennessin dealingwiththe safe side." GET 50% OFF PLANE TICKETS. TheWellsFargo H MAKE A FRIEND PAY HALF. StudentCombo"Package: " FreeStudent Checking " 8 By the way,your friend gets to go too.Get a free airline Free Wells Fargo atm& check Card"l companionticket* withthepurchaseofafullfareticketWhen "FreeOnline Account Access yousign up for theWells Fargo Student Combo Package. "Free StudentVisa® card** Sjt jLaI E . mm [w ~ ...... I t| ft£ The Spectator" October 10, 2002 News 3 Marksmanship club loses gun, ammo storage Charles A. Wesley each shooting eventand hasovera Idid not learn of the ammunition and points to their record of zero liquidatinglesser-used guns toease Staffßeporter hundred students subscribed to its reloadinguntil this spring." incidents regarding either the ar- transportationandstorageconcerns, SeattleUniversityhasbeenhome e-mail list. Thepresenceof ammunition for mory or the reloading room. "The a move Burke seems hesitant to to the Marksmanship Club for 20 FormerlylocatedintheConnelly firearms,including the gunpowder Armory is absolutely secure from make. years.Howeveras of this summer, Center,the armory stored firearms used in its production, unsettled theft and frominadvertent misuse," "The club fireshundreds of dol- theUniversity isnolongerhome to for club members and other non- Sundborg. "Itdoesn't make sense Tadieemphasized. lars worthofroundsperyear,"Tadie their guns. affiliatedstudents. The reloading to have it on campus," Sundborg Theclub'scache— 2Brifles,shot- explained. "The cost of shooting Inanexecutivedecision byPresi- room,in the basement of the Stu- believes. guns and— handguns (including re- new ammunition will probably dent Stephen Sundborg, S.J., the dentUnion Building, was a space In light of recent shootings in volvers) iscurrentlybeinghoused double. We will be able to figure club'sarmoryandreloadingrooms for the producing of ammunition educational institutions across the off campus. It is unknown what out ways to continue the club's havebeenclosed.Thedecisiondoes suchas shotgun shellsand bullets. country,Sundborgbelieveshaving arrangements non-members have shooting activities, but it is a bur- not affect the active status of the The processis acost-effective way functional weaponson campus is made for their displaced guns. den,noquestion." club. tomanufacture ammunitionanduti- "outdatedandanachronistic."Inad- "I think that [the decision] was Sundborg insists that while he "Idon'tbelievegunsorammuni- lizesspecializedequipment. dition,heexpressedconcernabout unfortunate,and thatit willhurtthe approvesoftheMarksmanshipClub tionbelongoncampus," Sundborg It was this fact that spurred the transportation of thegunscam- club," Burkesaid. hebelievestheymust find alternate stated. Sundborg's decision, who learned pus to and from the range. The TheMarksmanship Clubhas re- storageand maintenance space. "I Anintramuralsportsactivitychar- oftheammunitionreloadingroom's Marksmanship Club disputes this centlyjoineda governmentorgani- hope thatthereis a way for themto teredas a collegiate shootingclub function in thespring. position. zation,theCivilianMarksmanPro- go forward." Sundborg said. by the National Rifle Association "IwasawarethattheMarksman- Andrew Tadie, associate gram, which helps subsidize such The first outing for the Marks- andASSU,theMarksmanshipClub, shipClub hadaroomin theground proffesor of English and the club's clubs. This is one effort to defray manship Club is October 11, de- led byPresidentDena Burke, gen- floor of the Student Union Build- faculty advisor,maintains theclub's the cost of shooting new ammuni- partingfromBellarmineResidence erally has 20 to30 studentsattend ing,"PresidentSundborgsaid, "but activities pose nosafety concerns, tion. Theclub has alsoconsidered Hall. Law school opens clinic in Central District Grace Gunawan CJC is a topic-basedlegal educa- advice regarding that topic. Ap- StaffReporter tion and advice center targeted at pointmentswithvolunteerattorneys (Left toright)Sudha In1999,Seattlehada population Seattle'slow-income population.It areavailable the following week. Shetty, thediretorof ofapproximately1.5millionpeople wascreatedbythe Access toJustice ThefirstCommunityJusticeCen- the program; with8.4 percent ofthatpopulation Institute at Seattle University's ter opened Tuesday, October 1", Kymberly Evanson, livingin poverty.
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