British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts NAME and TYPE YEAR SHOOTING Shooting at Vehicles

British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts NAME and TYPE YEAR SHOOTING Shooting at Vehicles

British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts NAME and TYPE YEAR SHOOTING Shooting at vehicles Artillery 2" mortar 1937 2” template 1CD 3" mortar 1931 4” template 1CD 4.2" mortar 1942 6” template 1CD PIAT hand-held anti-tank launcher range 15” 1942 2 3CD 20mm Oerlikon / Polsten anti-aircraft 1937 2 1CD 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft 1934 2 1CD 3.7" anti-aircraft 1914 6 3CD 37mm Bofors anti-tank 1935 2 1CD 2 pdr anti-tank 1936 2 1CD 6 pdr anti-tank 1942 2 2CD 17 pdr anti-tank 1943 4 3CD 18 pdr field gun 1904 4” template 2CD 3.7" mountain howitzer 1917 6” template 2CD 25 pdr (or 18 /25 pdr) 1940 6” template 2CD 4.5” howitzer 1908 6” template 2CD 4.5" / 5.5" howitzer 1941 6” template 2CD 6" / 7.2" howitzer 1940 6” template 2CD British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts Artillery was usually manned by a crew of four or five, some even less or more. A crew fights hand to hand with one dice per miniature. Morale depends on the number of miniatures as well. A crew of five will become shaken at three casualties and will break with one miniature left. They move the same as the infantry pushing it When shooting at vehicles roll a single D6 to hit. On a roll of 4, 5, or 6 the target is hit. Now roll the BelloLudi Commander dice to see the amount of damage the vehicle has taken. With a roll of B being a bullseye, destroying the vehicle. A roll of 0 will do no damage and a roll of 1, 2, or 3 will give that much damage respectively. If a gun has a rating of 2CD or 3CD, roll that many Commander Dice and add the number together. The total is the amount of damage the vehicle has taken. Should the number of damage exceed the armour number, the vehicle is deemed destroyed. NAME AND TYPE Speed CC/ road year ARMAMENT SHOOTING Shooting at ARMOUR MORALE vehicles Armoured Cars, Recce Cars and Scout Cars Semi-armoured Jeep (MG) 12"/18" 1943 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Morris CS9 (AT rifle) 8"/12" 1938 AT rifle 1 1CD 3 2/1 Lanchester (MGs) 8"/12" 1915 2 x VMG 6 1CD 3 2/1 Rolls Royce (AT rifle) 8"/12" 1915 At rifle 1 1CD 3 2/1 Guy Mk I (MG) 12"/18" 1939 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Guy Mk IA (15mm MG) 12"/18" 1939 Autocannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Marmon-Herrington Mk I / III (AT rifle) 12"/18" 1940 AT rifle 1 1CD 3 2/1 Marmon-Herrington Mk I / III (ex Axis 12"/18" 1940 Autocannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 20mm) Marmon-Herrington Mk I / III (ex Axis 37 / 12"/18" 1940 Cannon 2 2CD 3 2/1 47mm) Marmon-Herrington Mk IV (2 pdr) 12"/18" 1940 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts NAME AND TYPE Speed CC/ road year ARMAMENT SHOOTING Shooting at ARMOUR MORALE vehicles Humber Mk I - III (15mm) 12"/18" 1941 Autocannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Humber Mk IV (37mm) 12"/18" 1943 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Daimler Mk I (2 pdr) 12"/18" 1941 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 AEC Mk I (2 pdr) 12"/18" 1942 Cannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 AEC Mk II (6 pdr) 12"/18" 1943 Cannon 2 2CD 4 3/1 AEC Mk III (75mm) 12"/18" 1943 Cannon 4 2CD 4 3/1 Staghound Mk I (37mm) 12"/18" 1944 Cannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 Beaverette Mk I (MG) 8"/12" 1940 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Beaverette Mk II (MGs) 8"/12" 1941 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Humber light reconnaissance car (MG) 12"/18" 1940 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Morris Mk I light recce car (MG) 12"/18" 1940 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Daimler Dingo scout car (MG) 12"/18" 1940 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Humber scout car (MGs) 12"/18" 1942 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 M3 scout car (MG) 12"/18" 1939 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Light Tanks Vickers Mk IIB (MG) 12"/18" 1929 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Vickers Mk VIB (MGs) 12"/18" 1936 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Vickers Mk VIC (15mm) 12"/18" 1936 Autocannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Tetrarch (2 pdr) 12"/18" 1938 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Tetrarch CS (3" howitzer) 12"/18" 1938 Cannon 4 1CD 3 2/1 M3 / M3A3 / M5 Stuart 12"/18" 1942 Cannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 Locust (37mm) 12"/18" 1942 Cannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts NAME AND TYPE Speed CC/ road year ARMAMENT SHOOTING Shooting at ARMOUR MORALE vehicles Anti-Aircraft Tanks Light Tank AA Mk II (4 x MG) 12"/18" 1936 VMG 12 1CD 3 2/1 Crusader AA Mk I (40mm Bofors) 12"/18" 1941 Autocannon 2 2CD 3 2/1 Crusader AA Mk II (2 x 20mm) 12"/18" 1941 Autocannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 Infantry Tanks Matilda I (MG) 6"/9" 1938 VMG 3 1CD 5 3/1 Matilda II (2 pdr) 6"/9" 1939 Cannon 2 1CD 6 4/1 Matilda II CS (3” howitzer) 6"/9" 1939 Cannon 4 1CD 6 4/1 Matilda Frog (flamethrower) 6"/9" 1940 Flamethrower 6 2CD 6 4/1 Matilda Hedgehog (2 pdr / petard) 6"/9" 1945 Petard 2/ 4” template 1CD 6 4/1 Valentine 1 - III (2 pdr) 6"/9" 1940 Cannon 2 1CD 5 3/1 Valentine VI - IX (6 pdr) 6"/9" 1942 Cannon 2 2CD 5 3/1 Valentine VI - IX (75mm) 6"/9" 1944 Cannon 4 2CD 5 3/1 Valentine III CS (3” howitzer) 6"/9" 1942 Cannon 4” template 1CD 5 3/1 Churchill I (2 pdr / 3" howitzer) 6"/9" 1941 Cannon 4” template 1CD 5 3/1 Churchill III / IX (6 pdr) 6"/9" 1942 Cannon 2 2CD 6 4/1 Churchill IV NA (75mm) 6"/9" 1943 Cannon 4 2CD 6 4/1 Churchill V (95mm howitzer) 6"/9" 1943 Cannon 6” template 3CD 6 4/1 Churchill VII (75mm) 6"/9" 1944 Cannon 4 2CD 6 4/1 Engineer, (ARV) and (OP) Tanks 6"/9" Armoured Dozer 6"/9" 1940 3 2/1 Churchill AVRE (Petard) 6"/9" 1943 Petard 6 2CD 6 4/1 British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts NAME AND TYPE Speed CC/ road year ARMAMENT SHOOTING Shooting at ARMOUR MORALE vehicles Churchill Crocodile (75mm / flamethrower) 6"/9" 1943 Cannon/Flamethrower 4/6 2CD/2CD 6 4/1 Churchill Bridgelayer Petard mortar 6"/9" 1943 Petard 6” template 2CD 6 4/1 Churchill ARK 6"/9" 1944 VMG 3 1CD 6 4/1 Valentine Bridgelayer 6"/9" 1943 5 3/1 Sherman Crab (75mm) 8"/12" 1943 Cannon 4 2CD 5 3/1 Cromwell ARV 12"/18" 1944 VMG 3 1CD 5 3/1 Sherman ARV 8"/12" 1942 VMG 3 1CD 5 3/1 Sherman OP (dummy gun) 8"/12" 1942 VMG 3 1CD 5 3/1 Churchill ARV 6"/9" 1942 VMG 3 1CD 6 4/1 Churchill OP (dummy gun) 6"/9" 1942 VMG 3 1CD 6 4/1 Ram OP (dummy gun) 8"/12" 1943 VMG 3 1CD 5 3/1 Bren Carrier OP 8"/12" 1934 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Cruiser Tanks Mk I A9 (2pdr) 8"/12" 1936 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Mk I A9 CS (3" howitzer) 8"/12" 1937 Cannon 4” template 1CD 3 2/1 Mk II A10 (2 pdr) 6"/9" 1938 Cannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 Mk II A10 CS (3.7" howitzer) 6"/9" 1938 Cannon 4” template 1CD 4 3/1 Mk III A13 (2 pdr) 12"/18" 1938 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 Mk IV A13 (2 pdr) 12"/18" 1938 Cannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 Mk IV A13 (3.7" howitzer) 12"/18" 1938 Cannon 6” template 1CD 4 3/1 Crusader Mk I (2 pdr) 12"/18" 1940 Cannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 Crusader Mk II (2 pdr) 12"/18" 1940 Cannon 2 1CD 4 3/1 Crusader II (3" howitzer) 12"/18" 1942 Cannon 4” template 1CD 4 3/1 British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts NAME AND TYPE Speed CC/ road year ARMAMENT SHOOTING Shooting at ARMOUR MORALE vehicles Crusader III (6 pdr) 12"/18" 1942 Cannon 2 2CD 4 3/1 Centaur CS (95mm howitzer) 12"/18" 1943 Cannon 6” template 2CD 5 3/1 Cromwell (75mm) 12"/18" 1944 Cannon 4 2CD 5 3/1 Cromwell CS (95mm howitzer) 12"/18" 1944 Cannon 6” template 2CD 5 3/1 Challenger (17 pdr) 12"/18" 1943 Cannon 4 3CD 5 3/1 Comet (77mm) 12"/18" 1944 Cannon 4 3CD 5 3/1 M3 Grant (37mm / 75mm) 8"/12" 1941 Cannon 2/4 1CD/2CD 5 3/1 Sherman (75mm) 8"/12" 1942 Cannon 4 2CD 5 3/1 Sherman Firefly (17 pdr) 8"/12" 1944 Cannon 4 3CD 5 3/1 Sherman (76mm) 8"/12" 1944 Cannon 4 3CD 5 3/1 Ram Mk2 (6 pdr) 8"/12" 1941 Cannon 2 2CD 5 3/1 Sentinel (2 pdr) 8"/12" 1942 Cannon 2 1CD 5 3/1 Self-Propelled Guns Deacon (6 pdr) 8"/12" 1941 Cannon 2 2CD 3 2/1 Archer (17 pdr) 6"/9" 1944 Cannon 4 3CD 4 3/1 M10 (3" / 76mm) 8"/12" 1942 Cannon 4 3CD 4 3/1 M10 Achilles (17 pdr) 8"/12" 1944 Cannon 4 3CD 4 3/1 Bishop (25 pdr) 6"/9" 1942 Cannon 6” template 2CD 3 2/1 Sexton (25 pdr) 8"/12" 1943 Cannon 6” template 2CD 3 2/1 Priest (105mm) 8"/12" 1942 Cannon 6” template 2CD 3 2/1 Carrier 2pdr 8"/12" 1936 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 British Vehicles, Airplanes and Guns Charts NAME AND TYPE Speed CC/ road year ARMAMENT SHOOTING Shooting at ARMOUR MORALE vehicles Armoured Personnel Carriers and Command Vehicles Bren / Scout / Universal / Windsor Carrier 12"/18" 1936 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 Bren / Scout / Universal Carrier (AT rifle) 12"/18" 1936 AT rifle 1 1CD 3 2/1 Indian Carrier (AT rifle) 12"/18" 1940 Cannon 2 1CD 3 2/1 M5 half-track (MG) 12"/18" 1943 VMG 3 1CD 3 2/1 GM 15 cwt armoured truck 12"/18" 1940 3 2/1 Ram Kangaroo (MG) 8"/12" 1944 VMG 3 1CD 4 3/1 Dorchester armoured command vehicle 8"/12" 1941 3 2/1 AEC 6 x 6 armoured command vehicle 8"/12" 1941 3 2/1 Machinegun fire is only effective against vehicles with an armour of 4 or less, or open topped vehicles.

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