Dropkick murphys discography torrent Continue Dropkick Murphys - Discography (1997-2011) Dropkick Murphys - Discography (1997-2011) Dropkick Murphys POWER YOUR EXAMPLE IS FAR GREATER THAN WHAT YOU SAY! Dropkick Murphys was formed in 1996 in Boston, Massachusetts. The band was originally just a bunch of friends wanting to play music for fun. We started playing in a friend's basement barber shop, and our goal was to mix the musical influences we grew up with (Punk Rock, Irish folk, rock, and hardcore) into one loud, raucous, chaotic, and often out of a melody mix that we might call our own. To our surprise, people seemed to like it and we started recording music and touring constantly. To date, we have released many singles and EPs, live albums, DVDs and six full-length albums and have had the good fortune to be able to play in much of the world. We are sincerely grateful to the many friends and groups who have helped us and supported us along the way in the US, Canada, Europe, UK Ireland, Scandinavia and Australia, as well as the many countries that we look forward to to play in the next century. The main goal of the band is to play music that creates everything for one, one for all environments where everyone is encouraged to participate, to sing along and hopefully have a good time. In the true spirit of punk rock, we see a band and audience as one in one; in other words, our scene and our microphone are yours. In addition to hopefully bringing people together for a good time, we hope to share some of our experiences and beliefs in working-class solidarity, friendship, loyalty and self-improvement as a means to improve society (i.e. you can preach until you are blue in the face, but if you are lying in the gutter no one will listen to. Участники: AL BARR - вокал KEN CASEY - вокал, Bass MATT KELLY - барабаны, бодхран, вокал JAMES LYNCH - гитара, вокал TIM BRENNAN - гитара, аккордеон, вокал JEFF DAROSA - мандолина, банджо, бузуки, свисток, акустическая гитара, клавишная, вокал SCRUFFY WALLACE - волынка, свистки Дискография: 1997 - Do or Die 1999 - The Gang's All Here 2001 - The Gang's All Here 2003 - Blackout 2005 - Код воина 2007 - Самый средний раз 2011 - Выход в стиле все в mp3@cbr320kbps Панк ирландский панк / хардкор / народный панк 320 k 708.88 MB 1997 - Do or Die/16 - Скинхед на MBTA.mp3 8.75 MB 1997 - Do or Die/10 - Barroom Hero.mp3 6.79 MB 1997 - Do or Die/07 - Road of the Righteous.mp3 6.72 MB 1997 - Do or or Die/04 - Never Alone.mp3 6.65 MB 1997 - Do or Die/08 - Far Away Coast.mp3 6.16 MB 1997 - Do or Die/14 - Noble.mp3 5.90 MB 1997 - Do or Die//15 - Мальчики в доках (Murphys' Pub Version).mp3 5.86 MB 1997 - Do or Die/06 - Воспоминания Remain.mp3 MB 1997 - Do or Die/05 - Оказавшись в Jar.mp3 5.34 MB MB - Do or Die/13 - Finnegan's Wake.mp3 5.31 MB 1997 - Do or Die/11 - 3rd Man In.mp3 5.29 MB 1997 - Do or Die/09 - Fightstarter Karaoke.mp3 5.28 MB 1997 - Do or Die/12 - Tenant Enemy #1.mp3 5.08 MB 1997 - Do or Die/03 - Get Up.mp3 4.82 MB 1997 - Do or Die/02 - Do or Die.mp3 4.22 MB 1997 - Do or Die/01 - Cadence to Arms.mp3 4.17 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/16 - The Gang's All Here.mp3 18.28 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/13 - Wheel Of Misfortune.mp3 8.79 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/11 - The Fighting 69th.mp3 7.38 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/10 - Going Strong.mp3 7.11 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/08 - Curse Of A Fallen Soul.mp3 6.90 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/06 - Upstarts And Broken Hearts.mp3 6.74 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/05 - 10 Years Of Service.mp3 6.31 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/15 - Amazing Grace.mp3 6.05 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/14 - The Only Road.mp3 5.03 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/09 - Homeward Bound.mp3 4.62 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/04 - Perfect Stranger.mp3 4.52 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/03 - Pipebomb On Lansdowne.mp3 4.22 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/02 - Blood And Whiskey.mp3 4.11 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/12 - Boston Asphalt.mp3 3.80 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/07 - Devil's Brigade.mp3 3.34 MB 1999 - The Gang's All Here/01 - Roll Call.mp3 1.24 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/09 - The New American Way.mp3 8.10 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/05 - Heroes From Our Past.mp3 8.06 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/16 - The Spicy McHaggis Jig.mp3 7.90 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/15 - The Wild Rover.mp3 7.85 MB 2001 - Sing Loud , Петь Гордый!/10 - Torch.mp3 7.54 MB 2001 - петь громко, петь гордый!/06 - Forever.mp3 7.21 MB 2001 - петь громко, петь гордый!/08 - Хороший Rats.mp3 7.02 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/07 - The Gauntlet.mp3 6.45 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/11 - The Fortunes Of War.mp3 6.25 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/14 - Caps And Bottles.mp3 6.16 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/14 - Caps And Bottles.mp3 6.16 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/14 - Caps And Bottles.mp3 6.16 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/14 - Caps And Bottles.mp3 6.16 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/14 - Caps And Bottles.mp3 6.16 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/14 - Caps And Bottles.mp3 6.16 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/14 - Caps And Bottles.mp3 6.16 MB 2001 - Sing Loud , Sing Proud!/14 Пойте гордый!/04 - Скалистые дороги в Dublin.mp3 5.99 MB 2001 - петь громко, петь гордый!/12 - Несколько хороших Men.mp3 5.97 MB 2001 - петь громко, петь гордый!/03 - Какая сторона вы on.mp3 5 .67 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/02 - Легенда о Finn MacCumhail.mp3 5.15 MB 2001 - Sing Loud, Sing Proud!/13 - Ramble And Roll.mp3 4.57 MB 2001 - Sing Loud , Пой Гордый!/01 - Для Boston.mp3 3.56 MB 2003 - Blackout/14 - Поцелуй меня я Shitfaced.mp3 12.75 MB 2003 - Blackout/09 - Поля Athenry.mp3 10.09 MB 2003 - Блэкаут/10 Ублюдки на Parade.mp3 8.80 MB 2003 - Blackout/12 - This Is Your Life.mp3 8.53 MB 2003 - Blackout/08 - Грязный Glass.mp3 8.35 MB 2003 - Блэкаут/02 - Рабочий Song.mp3 8.10 MB 2003 - Блэкаут/03 - Изгой.mp3 7.26 MB 2003 - Blackout/04 - Черный бархат Band.mp3 7.00 MB 2003 - Блэкаут/11 - Как One.mp3 6.92 MB 2003 - Блэкаут/13 - Время идти.mp3 6.61 MB 2003 - Блэкаут/01 - Прогулка Away.mp3 6.53 MB 2003 - Blackout/05 - - Be A Blackout Tonight.mp3 6.07 MB 2003 - Blackout/06 - World Full Of Hate.mp3 5.44 MB 2003 - Blackout/07 - Buried Alive.mp3 4.49 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/09 - The Green Fields of France.mp3 10.90 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/14 - Tessie.mp3 9.75 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/13 - The Last Letter Home.mp3 8.11 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/05 - Sunshine Highway.mp3 7.71 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/06 - Wicked Sensitive Crew.mp3 6.85 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/07 - The Burden.mp3 6.72 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/03 - Captain Kelly's Kitchen.mp3 6.44 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/10 - Take It and Run.mp3 6.27 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/12 - The Auld Triangle.mp3 6.15 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/11 - I'm Shipping Up To Boston.mp3 5.86 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/02 - The Warrior's Code.mp3 5.72 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/01 - Your Spirit's Alive.mp3 5.37 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/04 - Walking Dead.mp3 4.85 MB 2005 - The Warrior's Code/08 - Citizen C. I.A.mp3 3.37 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз/10 - Fairmount Hill.mp3 9.10 MB 2007 - Самый средний из времен/14 - Джонни, Я едва знал Ya.mp3 8.96 MB 2007 - Самый средний из времен/03 - Штат Массачусетс.mp3 8.86 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз /08 - (F) lannigan's Ball.mp3 8.37 MB 2007 - Самый средний из времен/13 - Rude Пробуждение mp3 7.78 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз/05 - Эхо на 'A' Street.mp3 7.55 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз/02 - Бог Willing.mp3 7.51 MB 2007 - Самые средние времена/07 - Surrender.mp3 7.4 4 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз/15 - Никогда не забывайте.mp3 6.47 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз /12 - Shattered.mp3 6.40 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз /01 - Известный Nothing.mp3 6.37 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз /09 - Я начну Again.mp3 6.05 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз/11 - Лояльный к No One.mp3 5.55 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз/04 - Завтра Industry.mp3 5.31 MB 2007 - Самый средний раз / 06 - Пороки и добродетели.mp3 5.02 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/07 - Сломанные Гимны.mp3 11.57 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/04 - Cruel.mp3 9.99 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/11 - 1953.mp3 9.70 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/02 - Выход в Style.mp3 9.49 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/01 - Hang 'Em High.mp3 9.14 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/08 - Deeds Not Words.mp3 8.45 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/13 - Ирландский Rover.mp3 8.8.37 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/03 - Самый трудный mile.mp3 7.88 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/06 - Восхождение на стул Bed.mp3 6.86 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/05 - День памяти.mp3 6.83 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/10 - воскресенье Hardcore Matinee.mp3 6.22 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/12 - Peg O' My Heart.mp3 5.37 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/09 - Возьмите 'Em down.mp3 5.01 MB 2011 - Выход в стиле/00 - Выход в стиле (фронт).jpg 2.411 MB DKM.jpg 38.98 KB 106 файлы 06/05/2011 Семя (ы) : 7, Личер (ы): 0 й 7 Peer (ы) 21/10/2020 07:21:33 Страница 1 из 1 No 1 пост | Dropkick Murphys' next theme is discography and word and Google.
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