Edited by TAMÁS FARKAS STAFFAN NYSTRÖM Debrecen–Helsinki 2018 Onomastica Uralica President of the editorial board István Hoffmann, Debrecen Co-president of the editorial board Terhi Ainiala, Helsinki Editorial board Tatyana Dmitrieva, Yekaterinburg Sándor Maticsák, Debrecen Kaisa Rautio Helander, Irma Mullonen, Petrozavodsk Guovdageaidnu Aleksej Musanov, Syktyvkar Marja Kallasmaa, Tallinn Peeter Päll, Tallinn Nina Kazaeva, Saransk Janne Saarikivi, Helsinki Lyudmila Kirillova, Izhevsk Valéria Tóth, Debrecen Technical editor Edit Marosi Cover design and typography József Varga The volume was published under the auspices of the Research Group on Hungarian Language History and Toponomastics (University of Debrecen–Hungarian Academy of Sciences). It was supported by the International Council of Onomastic Sciences as well as the University of Debrecen. The papers of the volume were peer-reviewed by Maria Giovanna Arcamone, Alina Bugheşiu, Barbara Czopek-Kopciuch, Tamás Farkas, Artur Gałkowski, Martyna Katarzyna Gibka, Marina Golomidova, Sergey Goryaev, Milan Harvalík, Helen Kerfoot, Adrian Koopman, Klára Korompay, Staffan Nyström, Alexandra Petrulevich, Evgeny Shokhenmayer, Paula Sjöblom, Grant W. Smith, László Szabados, Edit Vácziné Takács, Annette Torensjö, Ágnes Veszelszki, Mats Wahlberg, Justyna B. Walkowiak. The studies are to be found on the following website http://mnytud.arts.unideb.hu/onomural/ ISSN 1586-3719 (Print), ISSN 2061-0661 (Online) ISBN 978-963-318-660-2 Published by Debrecen University Press, a member of the Hungarian Publishers’ and Booksellers’ Association established in 1975. Managing Publisher: Gyöngyi Karácsony, Director General Printed by Kapitális Nyomdaipari és Kereskedelmi Bt. Contents TAMÁS FARKAS Onomastics Today: An International Overview ...................................... 5 EMILIA ALDRIN–INGE SÆRHEIM–VÄINÖ SYRJÄLÄ NORNA – The Nordic Cooperative Committee for Onomastic Research .................................................................................................. 15 Artur GAłkowski Objectives, challenges, history and present organization of the Commission of Slavic Onomastics within the International Committee of Slavists ............................................................................ 23 EvGEny shokhEnmAyEr Resources, media, networks and future of onomastic studies ................ 37 milAn hArvAlík–ivEtA vAlEntová The Current State and Perspectives of Onomastic Terminology ............ 53 STAFFAN NYSTRÖM Place-name policies in Scandinavia and elsewhere ................................ 65 PAvEl ŠtěPán Namegiving in the Czech Republic: Legal Regulation and the Role of Onomasticians .................................................................................... 83 PAtriciA cArvAlhinhos–mAriA céliA limA-hErnAndEs– ADRIANA LIMA The ideological function in names of public spaces in the city of São Paulo, Brazil .................................................................................... 93 Jiří mArtínEk Politicians on the maps of Central and Eastern Europe ......................... 111 hirofumi nAkAbA–toyomi nAkAbA Naming Method of Tunnels in Japanese Expressways: a 2016 study of tunnel names in Noetsu Expressway between Toyama and Ishikawa Prefectures of Japan’s main island .......................................... 121 PEtEr k w tAn The True Name: public and private housing in Singapore .................... 133 oxAnA issErs Identifying power of names in the service industry (based on the examples of hotel names in Siberia) ....................................................... 147 Contents 4 INGRID SPITZNER Nachhaltigkeit in Firmennamen – Ein Ranking in der Namensgestaltung ................................................................................... 161 Judit kozmA Names of Astronomical Objects from a Global and Local Perspective .............................................................................................. 177 richArd coAtEs Meaningfulness in literary naming within the framework of The Pragmatic Theory of Properhood (TPTP) ............................................... 191 mArtynA kAtArzynA GibkA The Functions of Characters’ Proper Names in Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett .................................................................................... 203 MARIE A. RIEGER »In Afrika haben die Kinder oft solch merkwürdige Namen.« Das Fortwirken kolonialer Denkmuster in aktuellen Afrikaromanen ........... 215 Ayokunmi oJEbodE African Onomastics and Gender Semiotization in Chimamanda Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus and Kunle Afolayan’s ‘The Figurine’ .......... 231 istván bodA–Judit Porkoláb–évA máté Le Mississippi, poème de Milán Füst : un exemple de dénomination artistique de la nature ............................................................................... 245 Authors of the Volume ................................................................................ 263 Tamás Farkas Onomastics Today: An International Overview 1. Introduction Due to its most characteristic topics, the research of proper names is pre- eminently an activity pursued within the framework of a given national and linguistic community. Onomastics, however, like other academic fields, naturally and necessarily transcends these boundaries and puts its subjects into a wider context as well. This paper is dedicated not to the academic problems of international onomastic studies but to the international dimension of pursuing this academic field. Thus, its focuses are the institutions and forums of international onomastics and the wide range of potential international cooperation. First, the international organisations and bodies working in the field will be enumerated, which will be followed by an examination of the various types and varieties of institutional backgrounds present in different countries. The short overview will then attempt to list the most specific international conferences, the characteristics of onomastic periodicals and some of the basic publications in the field. Finally, it wishes to call attention to the possibilities in and importance of cooperation and the widening of academic horizons on an international level. Comprehensive literature on these subjects is scarce. The bulky trilingual international handbook of onomastics published in the mid-1990s (EICHLER et al. eds. 1995–1996), for example, includes a short summarising chapter on international onomastic cooperation (vAn lAnGEndonck 1995), while information covering specific countries in different chapters of the handbook is often random and, by now, also outdated (EICHLER et al. eds. 1995–1996. 1: 23–276). While one can gain insight into specific issues from a variety of sources (publications and websites in different languages, interpersonal communication, etc.), a systematic and comprehensive overview can hardly be found at present. The major websites of the field do help with useful links and information (see below), as does the information, for example, contained in international periodical databases. However, these are not sufficient enough in themselves since, yet again, they cannot be complete, and their data tends to be more or less random and not rarely also outdated. The successful functioning of an academic field is very much dependent on how well developed and even how visible its institutional network and academic forums are. Thus, in my view, providing an overview of these fields in an international context may be a useful contribution. Although this paper can only Tamás Farkas 6 focus on the major tendencies and bring a few examples, I do hope that looking at these will serve as a suitable introduction to the upcoming papers, many of which were presented at the International onomastic cooperation and projects symposium of the XXVI International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. The papers of this volume will offer more detailed and specific insight into many important fields of enquiry and tasks ahead, while they will also provide feasible examples of fruitful international cooperation. 2. The institutional background of international onomastics 2.1. International organisations and bodies The first and most comprehensive international academic organization of scholars in the field of onomastics is the International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS). The Council continues the work of the International Committee of Onomastic Sciences (originally set up in 1949) as an academic society. It publishes a periodical (Onoma), organises the series of International Congresses of Onomastic Sciences, and (currently) runs two working groups: the Bibliography Group and the Terminology Group. ICOS is the most comprehensive international organisation of onomasticians. (For more information on ICOS and its history, see its website and DE STEFANI n. d.) There are several other bodies within the field of onomastics, organised along geographic and/or linguistic lines or by profile. The Commission of Slavic Onomastics within the International Committee of Slavists (SOK) was set up in 1958, while NORNA, the Nordic Cooperative Committee for Onomastic Research has been working since 1971. (For details see their websites, as well as GAłkowski 2018 and ALDRIN–SÆRHEIM–SYRJÄLÄ 2018 in this volume.) The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) should also be mentioned here, whose continuous functioning started in the late 60s. Its activity is manifold, but its main focus is the collection, standardisation and dissemination of geographical names. (For more detailed information
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