THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THISTHIS CIRCULARCIRCULAR ISIS IMPORTANTIMPORTANT ANDAND REQUIRESREQUIRES YOURYOUR IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE ATTENTION.ATTENTION. IfTHIS you CIRCULARare in any doubt IS IMPORTANT as to the course AND REQUIRESof action to YOURbe taken IMMEDIATE, you should ATTENTION. consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountantIf you are in or any other doubt professional as to the adviser course immediately.of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, IfIf youyou areare inin anyany doubtdoubt asas toto thethe coursecourse ofof actionaction toto bebe takentaken,, youyou shouldshould consultconsult youryour stockbroker,stockbroker, bankbank manager,manager,solisolicitor,citor, accountantIf you are inor any other doubt professional as to the adviser course immediately. of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountantaccountant oror otherother professionalprofessional adviseradviser immediately.immediately. BursaaccountantMalaysia or otherSecurities professionalBerhad advisertakes immediately.no responsibility for the contents of this Circular, the Valuation Certificates and the ValuationBursaBursaMalaysiaMalaysia ReportSecuritiessSecurities, makes noBerhadBerhad representationtakestakestakes nonono as responsibilityresponsibilityresponsibility to its accuracy forforfor or thethethe completeness contentscontentscontents ofofof thisthisandthis CircularCircularexpresslyCircular,, , thethe thedisclaims ValuationValuationValuation any CertificatesCertificates Certificatesliability whatsoever andandand thethethe BursaBursa MalaysiaMalaysia SecuritiesSecurities BerhadBerhad takestakes nono responsibilityresponsibility forfor thethe contentscontents ofof thisthis CircularCircular,, thethe ValuationValuation CertificatesCertificates andand thethe forValuationValuation any loss Report Report howsoeversss,, , makes makesmakes arising no nono representation representationrepresentation from or in reliance as asas to toto uponits itsits accuracy accuracyaccuracy the whole or oror completeness completeness completenessor any part of and andtheand contentsexpressly expresslyexpressly of disclaims disclaimsdisclaims this Circular. any anyany liability liabilityliability whatsoever whatsoeverwhatsoever ValuationValuation ReportReportss,, makesmakes nono representationrepresentation asas toto itsits accuracyaccuracy oror completenesscompleteness andand expresslyexpressly disclaimsdisclaims anyany liabilityliability whatsoeverwhatsoever forforfor any anyany loss lossloss howsoever howsoeverhowsoever arising arisingarising from fromfrom or oror in inin reliance reliancereliance upon uponupon the thethe whole wholewhole or oror any anyany part partpart of ofof the thethe contents contentscontents of ofof this thisthis Circular. Circular.Circular. forfor anyany lossloss howsoeverhowsoever arisingarising fromfrom oror inin reliancereliance uponupon thethe wholewhole oror anyany partpart ofof thethe contentscontents ofof thisthis Circular.Circular. AME ELITE CONSORTIUM BERHAD AMEAME(Registration ELITEELITE No. CONSORTIUMCONSORTIUM 201801030789 (1292815- BERHADBERHADW)) AME(Registration ELITE No. CONSORTIUM 201801030789 (1292815- BERHADW)) (Registration(Registration(Registration (Incorporated No.No.No. 201801030789201801030789201801030789 in Malaysia) (1292815-(1292815-(1292815- W)W)))) (Incorporated(Incorporated(Incorporated in inin Malaysia) Malaysia)Malaysia) (Incorporated(Incorporated inin Malaysia)Malaysia) CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS IN RELATION TO CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS IN RELATION TO CIRCULARCIRCULAR TOTO SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERS ININ RELATIONRELATION TOTO I. PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF THIRTY EIGHT (38) PLOTS OF FREEHOLD INDUSTRIAL I. PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF THIRTY EIGHT (38) PLOTS OF FREEHOLD INDUSTRIAL I.I.I. LPROPOSEDPROPOSEDPROPOSEDAND IN MUKIM ACQUISITIONACQUISITIONACQUISITION OF PULAI, OFOFOF DISTRICT THIRTYTHIRTYTHIRTY EIGHTEIGHTEIGHT OF JOHOR (38)(38)(38) PLOTSPLOTSPLOTS BAHRU, OFOFOF FREEHOLDFREEHOLDSTATEFREEHOLD OF JOHORINDUSTRIALINDUSTRIALINDUSTRIAL ALL LAND IN MUKIM OF PULAI, DISTRICT OF JOHOR BAHRU, STATE OF JOHOR ALL LOCATEDLLANDAND ININ MUKIMMUKIMWITHIN OFOF PHASE PULAI,PULAI, 3 DISTRICTDISTRICT OF THE OFOFSOUTHERN JOHORJOHOR BAHRU,BAHRU, INDUSTRIAL STATESTATE AND OFOF JOHORJOHORLOGISTICS ALLALL LOCATED WITHIN PHASE 3 OF THE SOUTHERN INDUSTRIAL AND LOGISTICS CLUSTERSLOCATEDLOCATED WITHININWITHIN ISKANDAR PHASEPHASE PUTERI 33 OFOF OF THETHE ISKANDAR SOUTHERNSOUTHERN MALAYSIA, INDUSTRIALINDUSTRIAL JOHOR ANDAND DARUL LOGISTICSLOGISTICS TAKZIM CLUSTERS IN ISKANDAR PUTERI OF ISKANDAR MALAYSIA, JOHOR DARUL TAKZIM ("SiLC"),CLUSTERSCLUSTERS MEASURING ININ ISKANDARISKANDAR APPROXIMATELY PUTERIPUTERI OFOF ISKANDARISKANDAR 37.09 HECTARES MALAYSIA,MALAYSIA, OR JOHORAPPROXIMATELYJOHOR DARULDARUL TAKZIMTAKZIM 91.64 ("SiLC"), MEASURING APPROXIMATELY 37.09 HECTARES OR APPROXIMATELY 91.64 ACRES("SiLC"),("SiLC"),("SiLC"), IN MEASURINGMEASURINGMEASURING TOTAL LAND APPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELY AREA BY PENTAGON 37.0937.0937.09 HECTARESHECTARESHECTARES LAND SDN OROROR BHD, APPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELY A WHOLLY-OWNED 91.6491.6491.64 ACRES IN TOTAL LAND AREA BY PENTAGON LAND SDN BHD, A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARYACRESACRES ININ TOTALTOTAL OF AMELANDLAND ELITE AREAAREA CONSORTIUM BYBY PENTAGONPENTAGON BERHAD LANDLAND SDNSDN ("AME"), BHD,BHD, AAFROM WHOLLY-OWNEDWHOLLY-OWNED UEM LAND SUBSIDIARY OF AME ELITE CONSORTIUM BERHAD ("AME"), FROM UEM LAND BERHADSUBSIDIARYSUBSIDIARY ("UEML") OFOF AME AMEAND NUSAJAYAELITEELITE CONSORTIUMCONSORTIUM HEIGHTS SDN BERHADBERHAD BHD ("NHSB") ("AME"),("AME"), FOR FROMFROM AN INDICATIVEUEMUEM LANDLAND BERHAD ("UEML") AND NUSAJAYA HEIGHTS SDN BHD ("NHSB") FOR AN INDICATIVE TOTALBERHADBERHAD CASH ("UEML")("UEML") CONSIDERATION ANDAND NUSAJAYANUSAJAYA OF APPROXIMATELY HEIGHTSHEIGHTS SDNSDN BHDBHD RM233.53 ("NHSB")("NHSB") MILLION; FORFOR ANAN AND INDICATIVEINDICATIVE TOTAL CASH CONSIDERATION OF APPROXIMATELY RM233.53 MILLION; AND TOTALTOTAL CASHCASH CONSIDERATIONCONSIDERATION OFOF APPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELY RM233.53RM233.53 MILLION;MILLION; ANDAND II. PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF THIRTY FOUR (34) PLOTS OF FREEHOLD INDUSTRIAL II. PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF THIRTY FOUR (34) PLOTS OF FREEHOLD INDUSTRIAL II.II.II. LPROPOSEDPROPOSEDPROPOSEDAND IN MUKIM ACQUISITIONACQUISITIONACQUISITION OF PULAI, OFOFOF DISTRICT THIRTYTHIRTYTHIRTY FOURFOUR FOUROF JOHOR (34)(34)(34) PLOTSPLOTSPLOTS BAHRU, OFOFOF FREEHOLDFREEHOLDSTATEFREEHOLD OF JOHORINDUSTRIALINDUSTRIALINDUSTRIAL ALL LAND IN MUKIM OF PULAI, DISTRICT OF JOHOR BAHRU, STATE OF JOHOR ALL LOCATEDLLANDAND ININ MUKIMMUKIMWITHIN OFOFPHASE PULAI,PULAI, 3 OF DISTRICTDISTRICT SiLC, MEASURING OFOF JOHORJOHOR APPROXIMATELY BAHRU,BAHRU, STATESTATE 31.61 OFOF JOHORJOHOR HECTARES ALLALL LOCATED WITHIN PHASE 3 OF SiLC, MEASURING APPROXIMATELY 31.61 HECTARES ORLOCATEDLOCATED APPROXIMATELY WITHINWITHIN PHASEPHASE 78.11 33 OFOFACRES SiLC,SiLC, IN MEASURINGMEASURING TOTAL LAND APPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELY AREA BY GREENHILL 31.6131.61 HECTARESHECTARES SILC SDN OR APPROXIMATELY 78.11 ACRES IN TOTAL LAND AREA BY GREENHILL SILC SDN BHD,OROR APPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELY A WHOLLY-OWNED 78.1178.11 SUBSIDIARY ACRESACRES ININ TOTALTOTAL OF AME, LANDLAND FROM AREAAREA UEML BYBY GREENHILLGREENHILL AND NHSB SILC SILCFOR SDN SDNAN BHD, A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF AME, FROM UEML AND NHSB FOR AN INDICATIVEBHD,BHD, AA WHOLLY-OWNEDWHOLLY-OWNED TOTAL CASH CONSIDERATION SUBSIDIARYSUBSIDIARY OFOF OF AME,AME, APPROXIMATELY FROMFROM UEMLUEML ANDANDRM200.76 NHSBNHSB MILLION FORFOR ANAN INDICATIVE TOTAL CASH CONSIDERATION OF APPROXIMATELY RM200.76 MILLION INDICATIVEINDICATIVEINDICATIVE TOTALTOTALTOTAL CASHCASHCASH CONSIDERATIONCONSIDERATIONCONSIDERATION OFOFOF APPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELY RM200.76RM200.76RM200.76 MILLIONMILLIONMILLION AND AND ANDAND NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICENOTICE OFOF EXTRAORDINARYEXTRAORDINARY GENERALGENERAL MEETINGMEETING Principal Adviser Principal Adviser PrincipalPrincipal AdviserAdviser RHB(Registration Investment No. 197401002639 Bank (19663-P)) Berhad (A Participating(Registration(Registration(Registration Organisation No. No.No. 197401002639 197401002639of197401002639 Bursa Malaysia (19663-P)) (19663-P))(19663-P)) Securities Berhad) (Registration(Registration No.No. 197401002639197401002639 (19663-P))(19663-P)) (A(A(A Participating ParticipatingParticipating Organisation OrganisationOrganisation of ofof Bursa BursaBursa Malaysia MalaysiaMalaysia Securities SecuritiesSecurities Berhad) Berhad)Berhad) (A(A ParticipatingParticipating OrganisationOrganisation ofof BursaBursa MalaysiaMalaysia SecuritiesSecurities Berhad)Berhad) The notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of AME ("Company") which will be held at i-Park@Senai Airport City SalesThe n oticeGallery, of the No. Extraordinary 1, Jalan I-Park General SAC 1,Meeting Taman ( "PerindustrianEGM") of AME I-Park("Company SAC, 81400") which Senai, will beJohor held Darul at i-Park@Senai Takzim on Thursday Airport City, 8 TheThe nnoticeotice ofof thethe ExtraordinaryExtraordinary GeneralGeneral MeetingMeeting ((""EGMEGM""))ofof AMEAME((""CompanyCompany"")) whichwhich willwill bebe heldheld atat i-i-Park@SenaiPark@Senai AirportAirport CityCity AprilSalesThe n2021 oticeGallery,at of 10.00 theNo. Extraordinary 1,a.m. JalantogetherI-Park General with SACthe 1,
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