Pres, hopefuls detail plans roc jiuqRM Dooy lev the school. Theee oBorts would to alike IUPUI like In s M a rc h 2 * tu(ur» o k IUPUI I n dw r m Akard Mid writing, they told how they "we've had the attitude that we to do to. * elected. corns up with an idm, approach Voting m the elections continues the unhrenity with our proposal, through Tuesday April 1. ask them how much they wtfl glee as, they soy Nans end we give up on the proposal He would ap­ k». end Gary C Mamplay, also proach other sources befort going 19 sophomore in political to the university for funds - also detailed other clem Akard * proposals include a their platform* study for development of an IUPUI lie relative merits of freshman registry and puhhshad their cr«wijd^kf grade distributions and course re* Akard platform The recho station would provide y o b training 1 think this university Akard said that, if elected. he should be providing. Akard said will involve IUPUI alumni and Akard said a freshman registry. Social Awareness Week begins amid controversy By Dave Stafford that reads, in part: group similar to the PSU would be The dause in the contract came The fourth annual Social recommends that it Is in subject to the same conditions, as a result of the P$U » activities sial issue must be promoted Awareness Week, sponsored by everyone's best interest to present because fORUing is drawn from Uw-dunng the l i t ! Social Awareness the IUPUI Progressive Student both sides of any issue brought up Student Activity Fee. which all*’ Week Wagoner said tract for 19B4 funding under pro­ Union, will be held this week during Social Awareness Week students are required to pay. "One year ago. the PSU printed test said Victor I. Wallis despite conditions imposed on Funding will be contingent upon Student Activity Fee monies posters for me to approve, and the funding for the activities by the incorporating theee ideas into the were allocated to The Indianapolis posters included information Student Programs Advisory Com* future plans of Social Awareness Federalist Society, which describes about a march on Naval Avionics faculty co-sponsor of the PSU mittee Week '' itself as an organization of conser­ |an Indianapolis manufacturer of T t o e is no final agreement but. SPAC made funding for Soda! The wording of the contract has vative and libertarian law stu- weapon* -guidance systems and while the PSU mamtams Ms die Awareness Week contingent upon been strongly opposed by PSU dents for the society * program* other equipment). pleasure at the proposed wording, the incorporation of opposing members, who claim that the con* titled. An Ideological Alternative nade it clear that the poolers tiw Dean for Student Services viewpoints. A recent appeal to the dition placed on funding for their A Conservative View of Legal Phi­ had to include a note that the Stu­ IGolam Mannan) has indicated It Fee Fund Advisory Committee event is discriminatory in that it losophy Michael Cheerva. pres­ dent Activity Fee waan I paying for may be possibh to appeal the dnS- proved unsuccessful singles out the PSU. ident of the society, said that no this and they dad. W agoner said Mon W alla said SPAC, which allocates Student Mike Wagoner director of stu restrictions were placed upon the "Several students who were em­ Activity Fee monies for student dent activities, said the PSU is an program's content and that the ployees of Naval Avionics pro organizations and activities, wrote exclusive, unique organization on Spcicty was not required to present tested and we tfacided that if a contract for the PSU s funding the IUPUI campus, and any other an opposing view Social Awareness Week were to be NEWS BRIEFSWHtiHHMiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiimiiiimiiiiiiimmimmiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Galileo lecture Struther A m ott, dean of the grad­ their writing, if possible Young Scholars IUPUI faculty members will uate school of Purdue University A workshop on "Revision as a work with tiudents an creative The programs arc part of the IU- Means of Discovery will be held problem solving, puppetry, com Richard S. Westfall, professor of Bloomington graduate school's Monday, April 9 from 3 to 4 p.m The Young Scholars Program, puters, Mandarin Chinese, law. history and philosophy of science 73th Anniversary Symposium. at the writing center, CA 427. im gifted and talented students games and many other subjects at IU-Bloomington, will give a lec­ Students will learn to view revision entering grades 4 through 10 in the For more information contact ture on 'Integrity and Galileo on as a way to discover ideas, with faU. will again be offered at IUPUI the Honors Program office, CA Monday, April 9 at 3 p.m. in the special attention to revising for an this summer in sessions beginning 331, 264 2660 cafeteria area of the Union Build­ Writing workshop audience. june 22 and July 9 up, IUPUI All students and facul­ The center also offers free Each siseiian is 10 full days of in­ ty are invited Admission is free. The University Writing Center tutorial stations for all IUPUI struction. recreation and special Inside: The talk concerns Galileo as a workshop on ' American Idioms'' students Appointments are not events The coat is Si 50. Notices ............................... Pegs 3 plagiarist. is rescheduled for Thursday. April necessary but will eliminate Students currently enrolled in Editorial ............................................. 3 A discussion of Integrity in re­ 5 from 7to I p.m. in KB BBS waiting. To make an appointment their school s gifted program will Professor honored .........................4 search will be held at 4:30 p.m. Participant* in the free work­ caD 264 2049 automatically be eligible A letter Offices m oved ....................................• Participants are Joe C. Christian, shop, intended for international Hours are Monday through of recommendation from the prin­ Fnteriitem t ...................... b j professor of medical genetics, students, will discuss proper utegr Thursday 9 a m to S p.m., Friday cipal. counselor or teacher will be S p o ils.......................................M IUPUI; lamas Souirl, professor of 9:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m. and Satur­ required far attending religious studies, IUPUI; and day 11 a j r . to 1 p.m . Page 2 The Sagamore April x MN N O TIC ES Crusade for Christ, a •vary Thunday evening at 7 J0 p m m NU 2M For more I 233-372) f ilHjmtnil Will Knld intjni iruji The DopOrtaHMIt of M othom atieol S c ta n c o s will advwe undent* for summer ihM lemester For further Information or to maU a rounarlmg appointment call 264-2334 and lall dam selection though April 3 ewiuding Saturday* and Sunday* Sign-up duet* IUPUI Military S c ta n c * Ctapgrtm wtl otim *choiardi». to HJPUi AB atudant* muat Mg* up fur a 10 wmaat appoint and sophomem Schofarstop. pay I advtaor A tat of advmor* ami nudents * wipe ad to them will be allowance for book* uipplirs and equipment a* well a* a nitawtencv allowance of Si 000 ported outside the Mathematic* office. KB 063 and 06# par year For further inhumation call Manx Cary W r*ht at 264 2091 or come to CA 215 IntOT'Vsrsity C h risttan Fellow ship meet each Wadneaday tram 4 to 3.13 p m in Th# International S tu d en ts Bible study Croup corduify » vh CA 2000 Ail IUPUI Undent* are invited to attend regardkw of rebgtou* convict urn* For mcatmpi every Friday at 7 p m . in CA 201 There are a variety at more information cal Mari or Dove at 2*64645 ^enai dinner weekend*. lihn ifcowt and BtMe study Your new idea* or ■ ap iin w are Tho National Endowment for tho HumanHta* » •ohcumg appheant* unde* ako wekome For more information call 7*2 36«0 age 21 who are interested in sustained academic work in the humanities Activities that The National Society of Stack Engineers hold election* for the sees qualify include interpretation of cultural work* atudy of idea*, figure* and event* ui school year on Saturday April 21 at MkJOa m in ET 1104 AS FT. EFT. ME MET. CKT htatoncai perspective and ttudka that apply human**!* atudy to other area* Datatk are and CPT miiem art mrmnamd to run for office For more information cal 2*2-21*5 avadabk m the Political Science office. CA 303* The Financial Aids Office ha* Wormation on the Scope Scholarship Sweep*lake* Tho G erm an Club will n p t April 4 at • 38pm at tV Athenaeum Turner*Club 401 * “ ■ May 16 E Michigan St . for Carman conversation and beer Plana for a p n g aununer menu, will ake be dkcuamd For more information cal the Carman department at 264-2112 Tho IUPUI WorkOfl'S T ooota Club mvhesafl women wrih a loua for tanru* to meat each Friday from • to 10 a.m. at the Indvanapoha Sport* Canter pat weal of the Law School For more information call Cathy Jam«in at 162-3672 Progressive Doha S igm a Thota sorority » accepting mambarehip have a 2 5 C P A and eacond *eme*ter hvdunan l anding with a C.P.A. af 2.4. For information cal Manann Scott at 233-3*40 by Aprd 4 Student Union Tho Phflooophy Club Will meat Tuaeday. April 3 at *1 3 p m In CA JOB Richard Momeyer. of Miami University of Ohio, will apeak on the top* of immortality Dknm IUPUI won* and lefreehmant* will follow. and aB are invtlad For more information caB Kathy Tho Indtanopotta Fod oroltat S o clo ty , an organisation at canmrvativa and Mber FOURTH ANNUAL tanan law kudent* will praaani the third pari of it* mrk*.
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